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Observation of Pairwise Level Degeneracies and the Quantum Regime of the Arrhenius Law in a Double-Well Parametric Oscillator
Nicholas E. Frattini, Rodrigo G. Cortiñas, Jayameenakshi Venkatraman, Xu Xiao, Qile Su, Chan U. Lei, Benjamin J. Chapman, Vidul R. Joshi, S. M. Girvin, Robert J. Schoelkopf, Shruti Puri, and Michel H. Devoret
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031040 (2024) – Published 3 September 2024
Physics logo Focus: New Quantum Effect in Textbook Chemistry Law

The observation of quantum modifications to a well-known chemical law could lead to performance improvements for quantum information storage.

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Enumeration of Spin-Space Groups: Toward a Complete Description of Symmetries of Magnetic Orders
Yi Jiang, Ziyin Song, Tiannian Zhu, Zhong Fang, Hongming Weng, Zheng-Xin Liu, Jian Yang, and Chen Fang
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031039 (2024) – Published 28 August 2024

An extensive database of over 157 000 spin space groups provides researchers with a searchable tool for exploring the symmetries of a wide variety of magnetic materials.

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Enumeration and Representation Theory of Spin Space Groups
Xiaobing Chen, Jun Ren, Yanzhou Zhu, Yutong Yu, Ao Zhang, Pengfei Liu, Jiayu Li, Yuntian Liu, Caiheng Li, and Qihang Liu
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031038 (2024) – Published 28 August 2024

A systematic study of over 100 000 spin space groups provides a foundational theory for symmetry in magnetic ordered materials that opens new paths for the fundamental comprehension and the exploration of emergent phenomena in such systems.

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Spin Space Groups: Full Classification and Applications
Zhenyu Xiao, Jianzhou Zhao, Yanqi Li, Ryuichi Shindou, and Zhi-Da Song
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031037 (2024) – Published 28 August 2024

A comprehensive classification of spin space groups, a hidden symmetry of magnetic materials, paves the way for a more complete understanding of magnetic phases and the design of novel materials.

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Microwave Control of the Tin-Vacancy Spin Qubit in Diamond with a Superconducting Waveguide
Ioannis Karapatzakis, Jeremias Resch, Marcel Schrodin, Philipp Fuchs, Michael Kieschnick, Julia Heupel, Luis Kussi, Christoph Sürgers, Cyril Popov, Jan Meijer, Christoph Becher, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, and David Hunger
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031036 (2024) – Published 27 August 2024

Magnetic manipulation of electron spin in a diamond tin-vacancy center is more straightforward in strained diamonds, an insight that could be used to advance the field of quantum computing and communication.

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Many-Body Entropies and Entanglement from Polynomially Many Local Measurements
Benoît Vermersch, Marko Ljubotina, J. Ignacio Cirac, Peter Zoller, Maksym Serbyn, and Lorenzo Piroli
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031035 (2024) – Published 26 August 2024

A new strategy for measuring bipartite entanglement in a quantum many-body system does so with very few measurements, extending previous studies to systems much larger than what is currently feasible.

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Decomposing Imaginary-Time Feynman Diagrams Using Separable Basis Functions: Anderson Impurity Model Strong-Coupling Expansion
Jason Kaye, Zhen Huang, Hugo U. R. Strand, and Denis Golež
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031034 (2024) – Published 26 August 2024

A method for computing Feynman diagrams describing quantum many-body interactions offers a promising new solver for quantum impurity models.

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Neutrino Masses from Generalized Symmetry Breaking
Clay Córdova, Sungwoo Hong, Seth Koren, and Kantaro Ohmori
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031033 (2024) – Published 21 August 2024

A study of generalized global symmetries provides novel, realistic theories of particle physics beyond the standard model, including a natural description of why neutrino masses are so much smaller than those of charged leptons.

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Higher-Order Null Models as a Lens for Social Systems
Giulia Preti, Adriano Fazzone, Giovanni Petri, and Gianmarco De Francisci Morales
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031032 (2024) – Published 20 August 2024

New models of social systems as directed hypergraphs reveal how group dynamics play a crucial role in shaping social systems across various domains like politics, epidemiology, and economics.

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Supramolecular Assemblies in Active Motor-Filament Systems: Micelles, Bilayers, and Foams
Filippo De Luca, Ivan Maryshev, and Erwin Frey
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031031 (2024) – Published 19 August 2024

A field theory for filaments interacting through the action of motor proteins, leading to alignment and sliding, shows the emergence of structures that are nonequilibrium counterparts to those formed by lipids.

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Bilayer Crystals of Trapped Ions for Quantum Information Processing
Samarth Hawaldar, Prakriti Shahi, Allison L. Carter, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger, and Athreya Shankar
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031030 (2024) – Published 16 August 2024

Penning traps enable the preparation of clean bilayer crystals of hundreds of ions, thus going beyond 1D and 2D crystals and opening new avenues in trapped-ion quantum information processing.

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Eigenstate Correlations, the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis, and Quantum Information Dynamics in Chaotic Many-Body Quantum Systems
Dominik Hahn, David J. Luitz, and J. T. Chalker
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031029 (2024) – Published 16 August 2024

Joint correlations between small numbers of eigenstates in a many-body quantum system can capture many aspects of quantum dynamics not captured by the current standard framework of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis.

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Featured in Physics
Soft X-Ray Phase Nanomicroscopy of Micrometer-Thick Magnets
Jeffrey Neethirajan, Benedikt J. Daurer, Marisel Di Pietro Martínez, Aleš Hrabec, Luke Turnbull, Rikako Yamamoto, Marina Raboni Ferreira, Aleš Štefančič, Daniel Alexander Mayoh, Geetha Balakrishnan, Zhaowen Pei, Pengfei Xue, Liao Chang, Emilie Ringe, Richard Harrison, Sergio Valencia, Majid Kazemian, Burkhard Kaulich, and Claire Donnelly
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031028 (2024) – Published 15 August 2024
Physics logo Synopsis: Mapping the Textures of Thicker Magnets

An extension of a magnetic imaging technique with soft X-rays provides access to samples much thicker than previously possible, with potential impacts across a wide variety of fundamental and applied research efforts.

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Noisy Circumnutations Facilitate Self-Organized Shade Avoidance in Sunflowers
Chantal Nguyen, Imri Dromi, Ahron Kempinski, Gabriella E. C. Gall, Orit Peleg, and Yasmine Meroz
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031027 (2024) – Published 15 August 2024

Broadly distributed plant movements serve as “functional noise.” This new insight provides a framework for studying plant navigation based on task oriented processes, optimization, and active sensing.

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Nonequilibrium Antigen Recognition during Infections and Vaccinations
Roberto Morán-Tovar and Michael Lässig
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031026 (2024) – Published 14 August 2024

A new analysis identifies a specific molecular recognition process that allows B cells in the human immune system to produce a potent, specific, and fast response during acute infections.

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Exciton-Exciton Interactions in Van der Waals Heterobilayers
Alexander Steinhoff, Edith Wietek, Matthias Florian, Tommy Schulz, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Shen Zhao, Alexander Högele, Frank Jahnke, and Alexey Chernikov
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031025 (2024) – Published 14 August 2024

A combined theory and experimental study of excitons in Van der Waals materials challenges the long-standing dipolar paradigm used to describe exciton interactions and shows the key role of quantum-mechanical contributions.

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Spin-Degeneracy Breaking and Parity Transitions in Three-Terminal Josephson Junctions
M. Coraiola, D. Z. Haxell, D. Sabonis, M. Hinderling, S. C. ten Kate, E. Cheah, F. Krizek, R. Schott, W. Wegscheider, and F. Nichele
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031024 (2024) – Published 13 August 2024

Adding a third terminal to a hybrid Josephson junction leads to a large energy difference between spin-up and spin-down levels and zero-energy level crossings, suggesting a basis for encoding and processing quantum information.

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Extensive Search for Axion Dark Matter over 1 GHz with CAPP’S Main Axion Experiment
Saebyeok Ahn et al.
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031023 (2024) – Published 12 August 2024

Innovations that provide new limits on the axion-photon coupling strength open the way to a much more extensive search for the elusive dark matter candidate over the next five years.

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Electrically Controlled Photonic Circuits of Field-Induced Dipolaritons with Huge Nonlinearities
Dror Liran, Ronen Rapaport, Jiaqi Hu, Nathanial Lydick, Hui Deng, and Loren Pfeiffer
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031022 (2024) – Published 8 August 2024

A demonstration of the first electrically controlled polariton-based circuit elements offers a way forward on the development of integrated photonics.

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Tracking the Distance to Criticality in Systems with Unknown Noise
Brendan Harris, Leonardo L. Gollo, and Ben D. Fulcher
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031021 (2024) – Published 8 August 2024

A new method of detecting criticality from time-series data outperforms conventional metrics in the presence of variable noise levels for both simulated systems and real neural recordings.

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Corrections to Diffusion in Interacting Quantum Systems
Alexios A. Michailidis, Dmitry A. Abanin, and Luca V. Delacrétaz
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031020 (2024) – Published 6 August 2024

A determination of the structure of corrections to diffusive transport provides a deeper theoretical understanding of diffusion that could assist future experiments, theory, and simulations.

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Proteinaceous Nanoshells with Quasicrystalline Local Order
Sergei B. Rochal, Aleksey S. Roshal, Olga V. Konevtsova, and Rudolf Podgornik
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031019 (2024) – Published 5 August 2024

In recent years, many anomalous spherical protein shells have been made or discovered. An analysis of structures in the Protein Data Bank uncovers common principles governing their assembly.

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Anomalous Landau Level Gaps Near Magnetic Transitions in Monolayer WSe2
Benjamin A. Foutty, Vladimir Calvera, Zhaoyu Han, Carlos R. Kometter, Song Liu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, James C. Hone, Steven A. Kivelson, and Benjamin E. Feldman
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031018 (2024) – Published 1 August 2024

Measurements of Landau level gaps as a function of magnetic field and carrier density provide a new framework for understanding exchange interactions and their density dependence.

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Robust Hamiltonian Engineering for Interacting Qudit Systems
Hengyun Zhou, Haoyang Gao, Nathaniel T. Leitao, Oksana Makarova, Iris Cong, Alexander M. Douglas, Leigh S. Martin, and Mikhail D. Lukin
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031017 (2024) – Published 31 July 2024

A control framework for systems of interacting “qudits”—the multilevel equivalent of a qubit—demonstrates an order-of-magnitude improvement in qudit coherence times over the state of the art.

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