local p = {}
--Database entry format: { 'parameter name', 'label to display', propertyId in Wikidata or 'URL' }
--| If propertyId is... | then... |
--| a Wikidata property ID | it must be a number without quotes |
--| an external URL | it must be in quotes and begin with http://, https://, or // |
--| | The ID should be represented by $1 |
--| | (e.g. 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1') |
--| an interwiki URL | put the interwiki name, a colon, and $1 in quotes (e.g. 'en:$1') |
--| set to 0 | that database won't show unless forced; taxon link suppressed |
--| set to its negative | that database won't show unless forced; taxon link allowed |
p.databases = {
{ 'Wikidata', '[[ウィキデータ]]', 'Wikidata:$1' }, --for ordering purposes: 1st
{ 'Wikispecies', '[[ウィキスピーシーズ]]', 'Wikispecies:$1' }, --for ordering purposes: 2nd (if available)
--Wikidata properties for identifing taxa
{ 'SSJRD', '[[日本のレッドデータ検索システム|日本のレッドデータ]]', 12183 },
{ 'CoL-Taiwan', '[[:zh:臺灣物種名錄|臺灣物種名錄]]', 3088 },
{ 'ABA', '[[:w:American Birding Association|ABA]]', 4526 },
{ 'ADW', '[[:w:Animal Diversity Web|ADW]]', 4024 },
{ 'AFD', '[[:w:Australian Faunal Directory|AFD]]', 6039 },
{ 'AfroMoths', 'AfroMoths', 6093 }, ---[[AfroMoths]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'AlgaeBase', '[[:w:AlgaeBase|AlgaeBase]]', 1348 },
{ 'AmphibiaWeb', '[[:w:AmphibiaWeb|AmphibiaWeb]]', 5036 },
{ 'AntWeb', '[[:w:AntWeb|AntWeb]]', 5299 },
{ 'AoI', 'AoI', 5003 }, ---[[Amphibians of India]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'AoFP', 'AoFP', 6159 }, ---[[Atlas of Florida Plants]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'APA', 'APA', 6137 }, ---[[Alabama Plant Atlas]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'APDB', 'APDB', 2036 }, ---[[African Plant Database]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'APNI', '[[:w:Australian Plant Name Index|APNI]]', 5984 },
{ 'APSA', 'APSA', 2809 }, ---[[Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'Araneae', 'Araneae', 3594 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'ARKive', '[[:w:ARKive|ARKive]]', 2833 },
{ 'ASW', '[[:w:Amphibian Species of the World|ASW]]', 5354 },
{ 'ATRF', '[[:w:Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants|ATRF]]', 6904 },
{ 'AusFungi', '[[:w:Australian online fauna & flora databases|AusFungi]]', 9076 },
{ 'AusLichen', '[[:w:Australian online fauna & flora databases|AusLichen]]', 9093 },
{ 'Avibase', '[[:w:Avibase|Avibase]]', 2026 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021 as of 4/2021
{ 'BacDive', '[[:w:BacDive|BacDive]]', 2946 },
{ 'Bamona', 'BAMONA', 3398 }, ---[[Butterflies and Moths of North America]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'BHL', '[[Biodiversity Heritage Library|BHL]]', 687 },
{ 'BioLib', 'BioLib', 838 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'BirdLife', '[[バードライフ・インターナショナル|バードライフ]]', 5257 },
{ 'BirdLife-Australia', '[[:w:BirdLife Australia|BirdLife-Australia]]', 6040 },
{ 'BOLD', '[[:w:Barcode of Life Data System|BOLD]]', 3606 },
{ 'BTO', '[[:w:British Trust for Ornithology|BTO]]', 4798 }, -- BTO Birds of Britain ID (links to page that includes the code)
-- { 'BTO', '[[:w:British Trust for Ornithology|BTO]]', 4567 }, -- BTO five-letter code (no link)
{ 'BugGuide', '[[:w:BugGuide|BugGuide]]', 2464 },
{ 'ButMoth', 'ButMoth', 3060 },
{ 'Calflora', 'Calflora', 3420 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'Cal-IPC', 'Cal-IPC', 6176 }, ---[[California Invasive Plant Council]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'Center', '[[生物多様性センター (アメリカ)|Center]]', 6003 },
{ 'CMS', '[[移動性野生動物種の保全に関する条約|CMS]]', 6033 },
{ 'CNPS', '[[:w:California Native Plant Society|CNPS]]', 4194 },
{ 'CoL', '[[:w:Catalogue of Life|CoL]]', 10585 },
{ 'Cockroach Species File', 'Cockroach Species File', 6052 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'Conifers', 'Conifers.org', 1940 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'Coreoidea Species File', 'Coreoidea Species File', 6053 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'bow', 'BOW', 3444 }, -- Birds of the World uses eBird identifier (a common identifier for all Cornell Ornithology Labs databases)
{ 'eBird', '[[:w:eBird|eBird]]', 3444 },
{ 'Ecocrop', '[[:w:Ecocrop|Ecocrop]]', 4753 },
{ 'ECOS', 'ECOS', 6030 }, ---[[Environmental Conservation Online System]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'eFloraSA', '[[:w:State Herbarium of South Australia|eFloraSA]]', 6933 },
{ 'EoL', '[[Encyclopedia of Life|EoL]]', 830 },
{ 'EPPO', '[[:w:EPPO Code|EPPO]]', 3031 },
{ 'EUNIS', '[[:w:European Nature Information System|EUNIS]]', 6177 },
{ 'Euring', 'Euring', 3459 }, ---[[Euring number]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'FaunaEuropaea', '[[:w:Fauna Europaea|Fauna Europaea]]', 1895 },
{ 'FaunaEuropaeaNew', '[[:w:Fauna Europaea|Fauna Europaea (new)]]', 4807 },
{ 'FEIS', 'FEIS', 6044 }, ---[[Fire Effects Information System]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'FishBase', '[[FishBase]]', 938 },
{ 'FloraBase', '[[:w:FloraBase|FloraBase]]', 3101 },
{ 'FLOW', 'FLOW', 6096 }, ---[[Fulgoromorpha Lists On the Web]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'FNA', '[[:w:Flora of North America|FNA]]', 1727 },
{ 'FoAO', '[[:w:Flora of Australia|FoAO]]', 3100 }, --old
{ 'FoAO2', '[[:w:Flora of Australia|FoAO2]]', 6756 }, --new
{ 'FoC', '[[:w:Flora of China|FoC]]', 1747 },
{ 'FoIO', 'FoIO', 3795 }, ---[[Flora of Israel Online]] DNE as of 4/2021, he.wiki link interferes with display
-- { 'Fossilworks', '[[Fossilworks|Fossilworks]]', 842 },
{ 'Fungorum', '[[:w:Index Fungorum|Fungorum]]', 1391 },
{ 'GBIF', '[[地球規模生物多様性情報機構|GBIF]]', 846 },
{ 'GISD', '[[:w:Global Invasive Species Database|GISD]]', 5626 },
{ 'GNAB', 'GNAB', 4715 }, ---[[Guide to North American Birds]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'GONIAT', 'GONIAT', 5216 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'GrassBase', '[[:w:GrassBase|GrassBase]]', 1832 },
{ 'GRIN', '[[GRIN (データベース)|GRIN]]', 1421 },
{ 'IBC', '[[:w:Handbook of the Birds of the World|IBC]]', 3099 },
-- { 'ICTV', '[[International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses|ICTV]]', 1076 }, ---currently unavailable and a new wididata identifier will be needed for the new taxon id
{ 'iNaturalist', '[[iNaturalist]]', 3151 },
{ 'IPA', 'IPA', 6161 }, ---[[Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'IPNI', '[[International Plant Names Index|IPNI]]', 961 },
{ 'IRMNG', '[[:w:Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera|IRMNG]]', 5055 },
{ 'ISC', '[[:w:Invasive Species Compendium|ISC]]', 5698 },
{ 'ITIS', '[[Integrated Taxonomic Information System|ITIS]]', 815 },
{ 'IUCN', '[[IUCN Red List|IUCN]]', 627 },
{ 'LepIndex', '[[:w:The Global Lepidoptera Names Index|LepIndex]]', 3064 },
{ 'LoB', 'LoB', 5862 }, ---[[Catalogue of Lepidoptera of Belgium]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'LPSN', '[[List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature|LPSN]]', 1991 },
{ 'Mantodea Species File', 'Mantodea Species File', 6055 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'MDD', '[[:en:Mammal Diversity Database|MDD]]', 12560 },
{ 'MichiganFlora', 'MichiganFlora', 6103 }, ---[[Michigan Flora]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'MoBotPF', '[[Missouri Botanical Garden|MoBotPF]]', 6034 },
{ 'MoL', 'MoL', 6092 }, ---[[Map of Life]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'MNHN', '[[国立自然史博物館 (フランス)|MNHN]]', 6046 },
{ 'MONA', '[[:w:MONA number|MONA]]', 4758 },
{ 'MSW', '[[Mammal Species of the World|MSW]]', 959 },
{ 'MycoBank', '[[:w:MycoBank|MycoBank]]', 962 },
{ 'NAS', 'NAS', 6163 }, ---[[Nonindigenous Aquatic Species]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'NBN', '[[:w:National Biodiversity Network|NBN]]', 3240 },
{ 'NCBI', '[[アメリカ国立生物工学情報センター|NCBI]]', 685 },
{ 'Neotropical', '[[:w:Neotropical Birds Online|Neotropical]]', 6047 },
{ 'NOAA', '[[:w:National Marine Fisheries Service|NOAA]]', 6049 },
{ 'NSWFlora', '[[:w:NSWFlora|NSWFlora]]', 3130 }, ---[[New South Wales Flora]]
{ 'NTFlora', '[[:w:FloraNT|NTFlora]]', 5953 }, ---inconsistent property name/link
{ 'NZBO', 'NZBO', 6048 }, ---[[New Zealand Birds Online]] DNE
{ 'NZOR', 'NZOR', 2752 }, ---[[New Zealand Organisms Register]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'NZPCN', '[[:w:New Zealand Plant Conservation Network|NZPCN]]', 7496 },
{ 'ODNR', '[[:w:Ohio Department of Natural Resources|ODNR]]', 6289 },
{ 'Orthoptera Species File', 'Orthoptera Species File', 6050 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'Paldat', 'PalDat', 4122 }, ---[[Palynological Database]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'PaleoDB', '[[:w:Paleobiology Database|PaleoDB]]', 10907 },
{ 'Panartic', 'Panartic Flora', 2434 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'PfaF', '[[:w:Plants for a Future|PfaF]]', 4301 },
{ 'PFI', 'PFI', 6114 }, ---[[Portal to the Flora of Italy]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'Phasmida Species File', 'Phasmida Species File', 4855 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'PPE', 'PPE', 6061 }, ---[[Plant Parasites of Europe]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'PlantList', '[[:w:The Plant List|Plant List]]', 1070 },
{ 'PLANTS', '[[:w:Natural Resources Conservation Service#Plants|PLANTS]]', 1772 },
{ 'Plazi', '[[:w:Plazi|Plazi]]', 1992 },
{ 'POWO', '[[:w:Plants of the World Online|POWO]]', 5037 },
{ 'Psocodea Species File', 'Psocodea Species File', 8145 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 11/2021
{ 'RD', '[[:w:Reptile Database|RD]]', 5473 },
{ 'RHS', '[[王立園芸協会|RHS]]', 8765 },
{ 'SANBI', '[[:w:South African National Biodiversity Institute|SANBI]]', 6056 },
{ 'SCC', 'SCC', 6057 }, ---[[Systematic Catalog of Culicidae]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'SeaLifeBase', '[[:w:SeaLifeBase|SeaLifeBase]]', 6018 },
{ 'SEINet', 'SEINet', 6209 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'Species+', '[[CITES|Species+]]', 2040 },
{ 'SPRAT', '[[:w:Species Profile and Threats Database|SPRAT]]', 2455 },
{ 'Steere', '[[ニューヨーク植物園|Steere]]', 6035 },
{ 'Tree of Life', '[[Tree of Life Web Project|Tree of Life]]', 5221 },
{ 'Tropicos', '[[:w:Tropicos|Tropicos]]', 960 },
{ 'TSA', '[[:de:Tierstimmenarchiv|TSA]]', 5397 }, ---closest match as of 4/2021
{ 'uBio', 'uBio', 4728 }, ---[[Universal Biological Indexer and Organizer]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'VASCAN', 'VASCAN', 1745 }, ---[[Vascular Plants of Canada]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'VicFlora', '[[:w:National Herbarium of Victoria|VicFlora]]', 5945 }, ---closest match as of 4/2021
{ 'Watson', 'Watson & Dallwitz', 1761 }, ---[[]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'WCSP', '[[:w:World Checklist of Selected Plant Families|WCSP]]', 3591 },
{ 'WiO', 'WiO', 6285 }, ---[[Weeds in Ontario]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'WisFlora', 'WisFlora', 6227 }, ---[[Flora of Wisconsin]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'WoI', 'WoI', 3746 }, ---[[Wildflowers of Israel]] DNE as of 4/2021
{ 'WFO', '[[:w:World Flora Online|WFO]]', 7715 },
{ 'WoRMS', '[[World Register of Marine Species|WoRMS]]', 850 },
{ 'WSC', '[[:w:World Spider Catalog|WSC]]', 3288 },
{ 'Xeno-canto', '[[:w:Xeno-canto|Xeno-canto]]', 2426 },
{ 'ZooBank', '[[:w:ZooBank|ZooBank]]', 1746 },
--URLs (parameter must be manually specified on each Wikipedia article)
{ 'eMonocot', '[[:w:eMonocot|eMonocot]]', 'http://e-monocot.org/taxon/urn:kew.org:wcs:taxon:$1' },
{ 'emonocotfamily', '[[:w:eMonocot|eMonocot]]', 'http://e-monocot.org/taxon/urn:kew.org:wcs:family:$1' },
{ 'WSC species', '[[:w:World Spider Catalog|World Spider Catalog]]', 'http://www.wsc.nmbe.ch/search?sFamily=&fMt=begin&sGenus=&gMt=begin&sSpecies=&sMt=begin&mMt=exact&multiPurpose=slsid&sMulti=$1' },
{ 'WSC genus', '[[:w:World Spider Catalog|World Spider Catalog]]', 'http://www.wsc.nmbe.ch/search?sFamily=&fMt=begin&sGenus=&gMt=begin&sSpecies=&sMt=begin&mMt=exact&multiPurpose=glsid&sMulti=$1' },
{ 'WSC family', '[[:w:World Spider Catalog|World Spider Catalog]]', 'http://www.wsc.nmbe.ch/search?sFamily=&fMt=begin&sGenus=&gMt=begin&sSpecies=&sMt=begin&mMt=exact&multiPurpose=flsid&sMulti=$1' },
--hidden by default (usually b/c !English, see Taxonbar/doc#Excluded databases)
{ 'CONABIO', '[[:w:CONABIO|CONABIO]]', -4902 },
{ 'CzechNDOP', '[[:cs:Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR|CzechNDOP]]', -5263 }, ---closest match
{ 'DFCA', 'DFCA', -6115 }, ---[[Digital Flora of Central Africa]] DNE
{ 'DORIS', "[[:fr:DORIS (FFESSM)|DORIS]]", -4630 }, ---closest match
{ 'Dyntaxa', 'Dyntaxa', -1939 }, ---[[]] DNE
{ 'EEO', 'EEO', -6043 }, ---[[Espèces Envahissantes Outre-mer]] DNE
{ 'FloraCatalana', 'FloraCatalana', -5179 }, ---[[]] DNE
{ 'FloraWeb', 'FloraWeb', -6094 }, ---[[]] DNE
{ 'FOIH', '[[Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage|FOIH]]', -4311 },
{ 'GTIBMA', 'GTIBMA', -6054 }, ---[[Groupe de travail Invasions biologiques en milieux aquatiques]] DNE
{ 'Hepaticarum', 'Index Hepaticarum', -2794 }, ---[[]] DNE
{ 'Oiseaux', '[[:fr:Oiseaux.net|Oiseaux]]', -6025 }, ---closest match
{ 'Plantarium', 'Plantarium', -3102 }, ---[[]] DNE
{ 'Soortenregister', '[[:nl:Nederlands Soortenregister|Soortenregister]]', -3405 }, ---closest match
{ 'TAXREF', 'TAXREF', -3186 }, ---[[]] DNE
{ 'TelaBotanica', '[[TelaBotanica]]', -3105 },
{ 'Titan', 'Titan', -4125 }, ---[[]] DNE
{ 'Verspreidingsatlas', 'Verspreidingsatlas', -6142 }, ---[[]] DNE
{ 'Vlinderstichting', 'Vlinderstichting', -3322 }, ---[[]] DNE
{ 'WikiAves', 'WikiAves', -4664 }, ---[[]] DNE
--Alias entry format: { 'alias', 'parameter name in p.databases' }
p.aliases = {
{ 'AlgeaBase', 'AlgaeBase' },
{ 'FE', 'FaunaEuropaea' },
{ 'FW', 'Fossilworks' },
{ 'grinurl', 'GRIN' },
{ 'indexfungorum', 'Fungorum' },
{ 'NameBank', 'uBio' },
{ 'PaleoDB', 'Fossilworks' },
{ 'species', 'Species+' },
{ 'TOL', 'Tree of Life'},
{ 'WCSPF', 'WCSP' },
{ 'wsc-gen', 'WSC genus' },
{ 'wsc-fam', 'WSC family' },
{ 'wsc-sp', 'WSC species'},
{ 'Xenocanto', 'Xeno-canto' },
return p