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A member registered Nov 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thats great. If i finish it or get to the point that i have a demo, i will post a link here. Thx and cheers! ^^

Hi, whats the license of that Sprite? I´m working on a small Game and use it as a Placeholder at the moment.

But i´m not sure if i can modify it or can use it at all in a final Game.

So, i want to try this new Version but get a Virus warning about "Wacatac.B!ml", after googling it, most People say its Malware.

holy shit, i´m so dumb. It´s a long time i used the engine. Thx man.

So, after a long time i wanted to start my last Project over. It didnt work anymore because of the broken Trigger Scripts. I thought they where fixed but now they are broken in a different way.

After stepping on a trigger the Game freezes. The Menu works fine, even after the game freezes.

Just google "free md3 files", there are millions of old quake3 models online.

Have you tried them in another software? Do they open? And are they the same size as before?

I have not played around with FPS Editor for a while but i think i had an error like this once. I opened a sprite or texture i had imported, edited it and (i think) saved it in a different size.

Its an Engine, you have to make your textures and sprites by yourselfe.

The last Version has the best options to make your game look good (more options for custom modifiers, lights and entities on different floors). But Triggers don´t work right.

The Version before works the best, most things work as intended but you don´t have the better custom modifiers and all entities work on just one 2D plane (floor 1).

Armored Core?

I don´t thing you can make grenades.

No problem.

I know its possible to take or give a weapon from/to the Player (via script).

But is it possible to take or give a Key to the Player?

You have to make a "decoration" with the same name as the 3D model and place it. The Models just replace the decorations. You have to be a bit careful with the "outline" of your model. The collision for models is just a box with the outer size of it.

Looks really cool, the Boss is a great idea.

I bought it, but i would say, use the Lite version, make your game and as soon as the Dev can get his money buy the Pro version.

Ok, that explains it. Thanks man.

So again, has anyone else problems with the Teleport command?

I tried different maps, scripts, even started a new project but everytime i get the same results.

Player steps on Trigger, game freezes.

The Script again:

player teleport 22 14 1

map return

The map is empty beside of the floor, the trigger and the Spawnpoint.

I never exported animations with blender but there is a M3D Plugin, i use it for static meshes. For the animation part, i bet there are some Tutorials for Quake 3 on Youtube. In the "Workarounds" Thread is a link to the Plugin i used and some instructions for static meshes.

For the animations part in engine, you have to look at the russian Manual and google translate it.  Look at the Stuff about "states" Its a bit confusing at first but not to hard. At least the stuff i looked up.

As i said, i never made animated 3D models for this engine, but as i remember its all in the russian Manual and the Wiki.

You can find most of it in the EFPS wiki

I tried a new map with a barebones Script.

It does not crash but it freezes and i have to alt+F4 out of it.

player teleport 16 30 0

map return

I have no clue what to try now.

I never used 3D models for Weapons but using them for decorations is straight forward. Do you use the light or the pro version?

(1 edit)

Ok, i got it. Since the last Update there is a Z coordinate i have to put in.


Okay....looks like its something else too.

In an other map i use a Teleport and it crashes even with the Z coordinate.

player teleport 16 30 0

player rotation 0 90

map return

Got something in the scripting changed?

I used a simple script in my Hub Level, to teleport the Player to different points on the map.

It allways worked, but after converting the maps it just crashes the game.


if $global.value == 1 {

player teleport 4 22


if $global.value == 2 {

player teleport 19 4

player rotation 0 180


map return

Do you change files (textures or whatever) in the project folders while the editor is running?

Because that can crash the editor, some time ago i even killed one project in that way.

I´m not really sure you can make animations for the 3d models in this engine.

I think the better option is a using the teleport command in scripting.

Make a small room for your elevator cabin, a terminal on the backside that plays a "ping" sound and teleports you one floor up , into a "elevator" that looks exactly the same.

Maybe someone else has a better idea?

They are a bitch sometimes. ^^

You did great work man. And i have much respect for you putting out this Update with all that´s going on. Take a rest and let´s hope all this shit stops soon. Thank You man, cheers!

Yes, as a little Easteregg. I try to put something like that in every mission.

Thx man, i got lucky. There was a Music Bundle on HumbleBundle at the time. One of the Soundtracks was just Perfect.

Not in the stable version. You can try the experimental Build. But it has a bunch of issues.

Nice! ^^

Little question: Are Game assets i made before allowed?

I made many 3D models Years ago and they are just sitting on my Harddisk.

Can i use some of them or must every asset/texture/sprite be made for this?

(2 edits)

So, i never used them before. But i need them in the new Level i´m making.

The only Problem is, they don´t show up in the Level. The premade columns and the one i made (a simple triangle) are not there. No geometry, no collision. Am i missing something?

Edit: Nevermind, i got it. Only the Texture is streched on one side, but i will se if i can fix that.

To me it looks like the Flashlight is based on illuminating the vertexes of the Level geometry. I don´t think that can be changed with a shader.

I think it supports only .MD3, the format Quake 3 uses.

Great looking Game. Did you use the experimental Build?

Never had problems that serious. Your only option is, making a backup every time you finished working on the game. And post the log next time it happens.

The reflection on the stones is really clever! Looks great. How do you get the lights on the same place as the decorations (lanterns, candles)?