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Robert Doman

A member registered Dec 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!!

You can also find the game on Nintendo Switch, it has a free demo there too!

The game was in development for years and had a discussion board style community section to discuss changes and features, but when I changed it to this classic comment section that was all lost unfortunately.

Thank you for the feedback, I'm hoping to do this in Take It Racing 3!

Thank you for the interest! I've stepped away from this project for now, so it isn't at the top of my list. So please don't hold your breath! My plan is to take this theme, feeling and genre and revive it in a different full game.

I'm really glad you like it! I am working on a new version as we speak! :D

Really challenging, I couldn't make it to the end. It took me so long to realise both J and K were buttons I could use, I only used K for most of the game. Why aren't those keys listed in the game page? Overall though, I really enjoyed it! But I would have liked more checkpoints so I wouldn't have to repeat so much each time. I loved the music and the art, beautiful game, great work! 

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it
My original thinking was to make the triangle also work by pressing in a certain corner of the tile, but it was really fiddly. The rectangle was much less fiddly, so I left it. I also chose not to make the rectangle rotate to all 4 positions because I thought it would be confusing and hard to show the player, but it is confusing both ways, so I am rethinking the rectangle for future versions. Thank you for the feedback!

Sorry about that! Use the Z key to skip text! The controls are displayed under the game, it's made for Gameboy so it's a bit awkward.

The use of paper as the theme in a 1-bit jam was very smart! I think the art needed to be a bit clearer though, understanding the backgrounds wasn't very easy so I'm glad the level design wasn't too complicated. However, great job on making some unique characters in a unique world, I think it would be great to see more from them without the limitations of the jam!

Great job for your first GB Studio project!

Yeah, I would have to figure out a system that would work for the halves as well, but if it would be heaven, it's worth a try!

Thank you for the feedback! It sounds like maybe if the brush wasn't so free and instead clicked between tiles, it might be a bit easier? 

Thank you for playing though, I'm glad you had fun!

I understand that, yeah. I think I will make a second version of this game that has a variety or difficulties, timer length and canvas sizes so that anyone can enjoy it! Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing!

Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! 4570 is a great score, it seems like most people only get past the first sketch. My highscore in the page screenshots is 6380.

But if you want a really highscore to beat when you come back to it, I managed to get 15160 (with a lot of luck) once! Let me know if you do!

Yeah, I realise it is very hard for new players. I can do it super fast cause I played it for hours while testing it. 

I'm glad you liked it, we had similar fundamental ideas about making an art game, but we took it in different directions! To place half tiles, I have to check the exact pixel location of the brush, rather than just the general tile.

You're right! I forgot about mobile players! In the GameBoy files it says A and B, I should probably make it say "A(z)" and "B(x)".

This was so extremely smart, well done on the programming! Such a cool concept, very good execution once I figured it out!

Absolutely fantastic game, blown away by the artwork, the rotating levels and the overall level of polish. Beautiful game! Congratulations!

Loved the cat character! Took me a second to understand and navigate the world, but once I did the game was great!

Every time the ship touches the ground the game crashes! I can't seem to stop it from happening, I keep having to reload the page.

I love the large selection of final choices, well done!

I got to wave 18 and got the highscore 5650! I realised near the end if I keep one alive I could farm bolts, but I didn't have the patience to collect 250 for the next ship. Good work nonetheless!

Great use of the theme! Love the inclusion of the harder levels and inclusion of more complex switching!

Beautiful game, I loved the animations!

Lovely little game! Would have loved to play longer and been even more animals!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you got the hang of it in the end! What initially made it confusing? I would love to be able to fix that :)

Yeah I'm thinking of making another version that starts with a smaller and easier canvas size. As the developer I have played and tested it so much, I find it really easy, but it's clear that isn't how most people experience it. Thank you for playing!

Thank you! I improved it with a couple of minor changes a few times, so I hope you got the best version!

Thank you! Yeah, Game Boy is perfect for 1-bit jams!

How kind! I want to try and expand this one a bit after the jam cause I really like it too!

Thank you!! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! Yes, it's random which face you get next, so the same face could repeat. However, each face has randomised aspects that mean the face should rarely be identical!

I like the music too, GB Studio 3's music editor is great, I had fun making it!

Thank you!

Thank you! I'm glad you like it! I might make an expanded version for just drawing in after the jam

Glad you enjoyed it!