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A member registered Jun 19, 2023

Recent community posts

I'm an idiot, I forgot to update and install the drivers. I updated some of the problems and now some problems have disappeared, I hope after installing the remaining ones everything will work

Windows 11 through a virtual machine, ran other similar games, everything was fine

Hi, I have a problem when starting the game (the start screen is half black, when starting the game it just hangs and I have to restart the computer). Is there a way to solve this problem? Do I need to download any libraries to improve the graphics?

Help please. The game starts, but a black screen constantly appears, there is sound

I opened it, unfortunately it didn't help. Perhaps the chmod command can help, but I do not know how to use it correctly. Thanks for the answer!

You need to unpack the Rare file on the mac, however, if you try to open the game, there will be such an error (The file could not be opened)

Hi! Are you planning to adapt the game to mac?

Hi, can you tell me how to run the game on mac?

Hi, is there any plan to release the game on Mac?

Thank you very much for your answer! Unfortunately, emulators do not work on the m1 chip, at least for now.

Hello. When starting the game, it gives an error. I play on poppy version 12.0.1 monterey. Help me please.

Error (failed to open program)

Thanks for the answer, but unfortunately this is not an antivirus, I had the same problem with other games but usually the developers wrote instructions on how to fix it.(

How to run the game on mac? It gives me this error and I don't know how to fix it. error (Failed to open program)

thanks for the answer

Can anyone tell me step by step how to run this game on mac? I think I'm doing something wrong but I can't figure out what. I will be very grateful

Tales of Androgyny community · Created a new topic Help pls

Can you please tell me how to install the game on a mac? And I've tried a lot of ways and it doesn't work.


На данный момент игра находиться на стадии разработки. Некоторые мисси завершить нельзя,  незавершённые локации помечены табличками на которых об этом сказано либо как в локации у Енота вас перекидывает в самую начальную локацию. Битва с боссом грибом на больших ногах будет повторяться каждый раз как вы входите на его локацию, после победы над ним с него выпадут трусы. На скриншотах показаны все миссии которые на данный момент завершить нельзя, способности, питомцы, карта на которой показано где находиться Енот, Белль и страж грибной деревни и прочее.

The game is currently under development. Some missions cannot be completed, unfinished locations are marked with signs that say this, or as in the location of the Raccoon, you are transferred to the very initial location. The big leg mushroom boss fight will repeat every time you enter his location, after defeating him, his underpants will fall out. The screenshots show all the missions that cannot be completed at the moment, abilities, pets, a map that shows where the Raccoon, Belle and the guardian of the mushroom village are located, and so on.

Енот не завершен, с гриба должны упасть трусы( если их нету возможно баг), на данный момент можно собрать сперму только с кролика. Игра находиться на стадии разработки и в будущем появится больше сцен, квестов и возможно новые механики.