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A member registered Apr 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Sorry for the slow response!

I really appreciate the detailed checking of my math on all the monster stats. I'll go through and update them whenever the 7DRL judging finishes.

Also I saw the "undefined" bug once, couldn't reproduce it, and thought I hallucinated it. I'll go fix that too after the compo.

Thanks for letting me know! The server is just an raspberry pi in my house and I forgot to restart it after a power outage. It should be back now.

Glad you liked it!

Griefing the spawn area with long range monsters is something I've thought of too. It's really hard to actually pull off though; the final step is dying to something near spawn, which you can't even pull off with bad play when you have a ranged monster. You'd need to bootstrap it with several successive layers of leaving more and more dangerous monsters close to spawn, so it's a ton of work. It's also easy for me to undo with admin cheats, if it ever does come up.

It does look like wizards and druids ended up worse than morcs! That's an accident. Compared to a basic ranged attack, wizards have +1 range and druids have +1 damage. But morcs also have +1 damage so, uh, whoops.

I improved the druid/wizard stats for whenever I update this, but the nature of the persistent dungeon makes it so I don't want to do updates before 7DRL is over.

You use SD for these right? Would you mind sharing what models/setup you use?

I'm starting to need some super specific stuff that's to belong in a pack, and would like to be able to match your style. (Still going to request packs for anything I think more than one person will want, of course.)

Yeah, decal textures. A texture with an alpha component, designed to be blended on top of another texture.

It's possible to do by blending with a programmer-provided mask like Deep Sea Ichor Punk suggested, but an artist-provided mask (ie alpha channel) means the edges of the blend end up crisp/blurry in an artist-defined manner, which looks better.

Hi! I have more requests if you'd like to expand the wishlist.

1. Wildflowers as sprites (to mix in to grass sprites)

2. Crop plants as sprites (carrots, potatoes, pumpkins, etc)

3. Ore/metal/gems as splat textures (like to overlay over a rock texture)

Thanks for adding bark!

Yeah, you can see why I requested tree bark.

I don't know if there will be a public demo, but I'll make sure to send you a copy when it's ready for other people to play it.

I'm using Godot. Here's an example of something (voxel engine) that's already using your textures.

(Also I should say that your grass sprites look great normally, they just look bad here because I'm part way through changing how they're meshed.)

Hi! Beautiful textures, thank you for all your work.

I'd like to request some tree bark textures. You have a great variety of already processed planks and stuff, but I couldn't find any for a still-standing tree.


Most of the vehicles drift to some extent (e.g. boats drift more than cars). Do you mean like a separate drift button like Mario Kart's slide?

Thanks! I made the music using, and the sound effects using

This is a really funny concept! Finding the cutoff on GPT-2 vs its prompt is also an interesting mechanic. It might be usable for a full game, with more wiggle room or hints on how far off your guess is. Also it would've been nice if the text, especially the part of the text used for gameplay, was more proofread.

Forgiving. It says on the top of the score page. I found the harder difficulties interesting to get through but not as fun for score runs.

Lovely game! I hope the full version turns out just as charming. Also thought I should share this score:

Get two points by projecting each of a wall line's end points outwards an arbitrary large distance (anything bigger than the screen) from the player's position. Get another two points by projecting a small distance (however much of the wall you want to actually see). Draw a polygon with the four points you found. Repeat for every wall. Use a solid fill color (not transparent or something) so they all look like one cohesive mass of shadow.

Are you the same red_kangaroo who was the huge fan of Hero Trap? Welcome back!

Yeah, with such different focuses, I don't think we're going to be stealing each other's audiences so much as we're kickstarting a genre.

I think a spinning barbarian is pretty obvious, go for it.

Do you have any plans to add terrain or dungeon generation to yours?

Congrats! I'm glad you found a prototype worth developing.

I'm not sure whether Pinball Dungeon will get all the way to release, but I am still developing it and that's my current intent.  We should coordinate a bit to make sure we don't step on each other's toes. My focus for this game is on memorable experiences (and chaos) as opposed to tactical depth. I plan to do more to capitalize on the fact that it's not quite actually turn-based, play more with unique physics objects, and do more with dungeon generation and the exploration side. I'll probably be going for a cute to cute-dark art style. Target player demographic probably skewing younger.

Do you know what parts of your design you're focusing on?

8495 as the Barbarian >:-) 


I'm glad you enjoyed Hero Trap too. You're right that it's not on Itch. I was thinking of cross-posting it here in a couple months, once 7DRL hype has worn down.


Drawing shadows that way is actually really easy. You take a wall line and project it away from the player by a small amount (half a tile here), then project it very far away (like 100 tiles or something silly, way off screen). Take the four points you get from that and draw that trapezoid shape. Repeat for every wall.

I can't do anything, the 7DRL submission deadline is closed :-).

The score is 10000 * gold / (turns spent + damage taken). Because time is in there, fancy moves that accomplish a lot are rewarded, a little. Rewarding fancy shots more on top of that would be cool, but I think more immediate recognition would be better, maybe some sort of piety system where this sort of showboating pleases the gods.

Thanks! My previous roguelike was tough as nails, but this prevented a lot of people from seeing most of the content, so I deliberately made this one fairly easy. Give that a try if you want more of a challenge.

And yeah... it's really like shuffleboard more than anything. But the antagonist is definitely pinball based, so it gets its name there.

High score thread! I just got 5605 as the Rogue.

The rogue traded their abilities away for two more inventory slots.

Snuck in a final update with a rather large amount of stuff.

The boss is more dangerous and has a new special attack.

I added some more flair to the ends of floors and the leadup to the boss.

I added an entirely new enemy type ('a').

I fixed the stealth bug. It was embarrassingly stupid in retrospect and I should've looked at it earlier.

I renamed the wizard class to "Regular Wizard." I don't know why I didn't do that in the first place.

I've added a few wands and a final score screen.

I might try to cram a bit more content in before the deadline, but I think this is roughly where I'll leave it to submit.

Also, naming it "Pinball Dungeon"

Added a final boss!

And some new enemy types, environmental hazards, and foreshadowing.

Split the dungeon up into floors.

Added character classes.

Added a bunch of monsters with interesting physics.

Added potions, gold, and wands.

The generator now handles connectivity much better and should be much cleaner in general. Additionally it's capable of placing monsters specific spaces in a way that forms a rudimentary narrative.

I think I'm just about ready to start filling it up with content.

The dungeon generator has been upgraded.

Dungeons are still way too big. I'll fix this after adding floors, which may be tomorrow.

Monsters are now asleep until you've spent a turn near them. Sleeping monsters don't move, and take double damage. I've done several minor tweaks to turn order to make monster turns slightly faster. And I've added some polish features - hitstun and screen shake.

Working with these dungeons has turned out to be a total bear, so I'm glad someone is enjoying them.

Tried a bunch of things that didn't work, but eventually upgraded the dungeon generator. Currently it's just a little more interesting, but I think I see how to turn this version into  something with enough knobs for a whole game.

I enjoy this concept, and it looks good already!

Kind of a weird question, but is that the solarized palette?

I thought the day was over but I added some more stuff. I have the UI up. Buttons for two abilities work already, and let you use bombs or a bow instead of hitting things with your face.

Didn't get nearly as much done today as I wanted, but I did manage to clean up a lot.

It now looks better (found my dual contouring error + added some #s and .s), runs faster (various optimizations + made tiles bigger), and has a cleaner dungeon (need glitches to escape, should be connected).