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A member registered May 06, 2020

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oh thank you so much for your reply! yes, it helped a lot! hehe

Hello! i'm sorry but i couldn't find more info about it - how do i get an option to kiss Ivar during his fight with Seth? i finished the game twice and i never got this option, only to use ice, to throw stone at Seth or to try and talk to them (and if i try to talk, i'm getting killed). i just want to kiss Ivar T_T lol
Also, with Keppler's hair, where do i read about Dark Faeries? he doesn't give me his hair for the quest.

Thank you! 

omg you wrote exactly what i wanted to say! i agree with every word, i'm so shocked at how good this game is, i can't stop playing it!

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Hello! i rarely write comments, but after finishing Royal Order i just CAN'T hold it in - thank you so much for this game! I can tell it's made with love and care! To me, it's even better than Royal Alchemist! The plot and storytelling blew me away, they are so engaging i couldn't stop reading until i was done, i didn't even sleep! lmao
I really, really love how deep and interesting the story is, it has so many details, all that lore.. It's very rare i feel this way about vn's nowadays, when i feel so engrossed in the story, that i don't even care about romance that much! It felt like reading a book, nothing was rushed. Some ppl say they feel like there was too much text in the middle that was just about everyday life, but i'm sure it was all necessary, it enriches the plot and helps us dive into it. I love the way MC is written too, i only just realized that never felt like mc has specific gender, i mean it feels neutral and you have no trouble at all envisioning female or male MC. It's really hard to make me cry when i'm reading or watching smth, i'm not too sentimental, but i swear i cried quite hard towards the end of the game! Also, i saved Emrys route for the last and dang was it worth it! ohoho it feels like True route, Emrys is just PERFECT i can't get enough of him! I just want to continue reading about their romance endlessly! i will never get enough of him i swear T_T 
Oh right! i also LOVED music very much! it was so fitting, i'll be honest, most of the time i dont pay attention to music in games, but in this one i spent a lot of time just listening to the background music, it's so beautiful..
Thank you so much for all these emotions you gave me! I play a lot of bl vn's and i think this is one of the best ever!

Oh wow, and i thought bomb was a must to survive! Whew, thank you so much for your reply, now i am relaxed XD And again, thank you very much for taking your time to help me, and for the opportunity to play your beautiful game, it's really perfect in every aspect! Wish you all the best! (^.^)

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Hello! I'm really happy that this game is released, because it's really awesome and one of a kind! But i'm confused about one thing... How do i know if i'm on someone's route? Do we get an indication like a scene where one of the princes comes to our help on 11 week, like it was in demo? Because if it is so, then i can't seem to get on any prince's route =( I play on easy mode. I successfully pass every stat\item check there is up to 12 week, and have magic stats around 40 for every prince's affined magic elements by 11 week (i mean like 40 wood 40 light for Serin for example), and whenever there is an option, i spend time with the prince i pursue only. But on week 11 Alexis just goes to Garion alone without encountering any of the princes, successfully captures assassin, creates truth serum etc.. I'm just not sure if that is how it's supposed to be and i'll get romance scenes later, or i miss something.. I tried Serin and Aurelius routes so far, but every time i end up alone on 11 week. Their love bars in grimoire when i went for their routes were filled enough i think... I don't know where to look. Maybe i need to get stats like charisma and beauty for Serin to a certain level by week 11?