Nice game ! It's pretty hard in the beginning but when you understand how it works it becomes fun.
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No I didn't use any asset. I made this simple script.
using UnityEngine; public class CameraFollow : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject player; GameObject startTarget; public float timeOffset, gameViewSize, zoomSpeed = 1, timeBeforeMoving = 1.5f; public Vector3 posOffset = new Vector3(0, 0, -10f); Camera cam; private Vector3 velocity; private void Start() { cam = GetComponent<Camera>(); if (!startTarget) startTarget = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Finish"); transform.position = startTarget.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, posOffset.z); } void Update() { if (cam.orthographicSize != gameViewSize) cam.orthographicSize = Mathf.Lerp(cam.orthographicSize, gameViewSize, Time.deltaTime * zoomSpeed); if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > timeBeforeMoving) transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, player.transform.position + posOffset, ref velocity, timeOffset); } }
Nice game but it's a quite repetitive and it shouldn't be so random. It could be nice to have the possibility to see which platforms are real but maybe you can change the lightning during the game so that you can't see it all the time. So with the time counter the player will somtimes need to choose randomly.
Thanks for taking the time playing it and writing this comment. I hadn't a lot of time to work on my game the week of the jam and that's why there is no real goal and the cameras aren't that useful. I know it isn't really finished but I will try to continue it later.
I also wanted to upload windows and mac builds but I wasn't at home that weekend so I had a bad internet connection and laptop and it already took a lot of time to build and upload the web version.