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A member registered Jan 29, 2023

Recent community posts

I didn't expect the ending and I was Kinda surprised 10/10

This game is a 10/10 but I NEED guard Her to come out!

The woods are always scary at night bro, Keep the games coming I love all your games 10/10 

This is gonna get game of the year I just know it bro 10/10!

Strangely enough after playing this game, I really want to go get Chicken rn, I will be getting chicken within the next few days or so 10/10

This game made not want to go into drycleaners at night thanks 10/10

This game was nice it made me more paranoid of my window at night 10/10

This game is weird but like weird in a good kinda way, I loved the atmosphere of it 10/10 

I liked the game a lot looking forward to playing other games you make in the future 10/10 

This game is exactly what id imagine the real world to be like after an apocalypse 10/10

This is the first horror game that almost made my heart stop completely 20/10 i couldn't even muster the courage to find the last two endings 

This game had me scared of the dominos mascot thanks! 10/10


I hope to see more games from you, I enjoyed this game a lot, 10 of 10 

So I played Thoughtform Invasion before this and i wasn't expecting this game to be even more scarier, this is definitely in my top 5 right now

I couldn't find all the endings :( but its a pretty good game 

The game is good, I didn't really expect the ending at all 9/10

For your first game this is pretty good, I hope to see more games by you in the future maybe even making this one longer. 10/10

I really liked this game, I'm going to be on that full release asap i'm already losing my patience 10/10

I liked the game a lot, its one of those games where i feel like some small details matter other than just sounds and its a simple game, 10/10

I liked it a lot 

I found this game weirdly relatable 10/10

This game gave me reverse insomnia, I'll never pull allnighter again 10/10

I already didn't like forests before now I really don't 10/10

The game had me pretty paranoid, I give it a 9/10 you'll never catch me in the sewers after this

I think the feeling of having to stay in the booth area made it more scary 10/10

This game got me very paranoid, 10/10

I thought maybe it wouldn't be that scary, I was very wrong, 10/10 

This game made me hate car tunnels, loved it tho

Fun game, didn't trust any customer

I played and it Scared me a lot