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A member registered May 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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ok sent, my username is alan93dev_fromheaven_

this link doesn't work either, says "The invite link is invalid or has expired. Try using a different link to join this server"

The discord link seems to be expired, any chance for an updated one?

(5 edits)


ART ASSET CREDIT (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution) (from sketchfab)

"The Finger Maiden (Rigged)" ( by Dreaming In Alternation 27.

"Cry Wolf Game Character" ( by SkinRender.

"Sugar Teddy Bear" ( by Suvalien.

"Stylized Yellow Bush" ( by Natural_Disbuster.

"Stylized Tropical Grass" ( by Natural_Disbuster.

"Low poly mushroom" ( by Lucas.

"Player character Abe" from (free for commercial use)

ART ASSET CREDIT (licensed under Royalty Free No AI)

"Ancient Wall Free low-poly 3D model" by dpotatoes

Ancient Pillar Free low-poly 3D model by dpotatoes

Ancient Altar Free low-poly 3D model by dpotatoes

TEXTURE CREDIT (licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License)

SFX (licensed under Creative Commons 0)

"pain_3.wav" by deltacode

"shatter.wav" by letssfx

"creatures-scuttle-long-many.wav" by minigunFiend

"Magic Death.wav" by spookymodem

"Disturbing Monster Sounds" by kodack

"Monster screams.wav" by gpag1

"Slash" by qubodup

"happy cheerful flute song" by kbrecordzz

"Peaceful Bells.wav" by CrushedLoops

SFX (licensed under Attribution 1.0)

"Cave Monster Die Sound.wav" by FiveBrosStopMosYT

SFX (licensed under Attribution NonCommercial 4.0)

"Random Static.wav" by 18hiltc (

the discord link doesnt seem to be working

Is there a chance for a windows build? I currently can't run the browser version unfortunately

Wanna check this out but sadly I can't cause I'm on windows 7 which UE5 doesn't support, game seems interesting though.

Very interesting. You know, this reminded me a lot of that episode of Jujutsu Kaisen where a cursed spirit traps people in a looped building.

Really cool concept and awesome visuals as well!

I sadly couldn't run this as I'm currently on windows 7 which can't run UE5 games. but the game looks really cool, perfect for a mobile platform.

I was able to figure out the game after a bit of messing around, seems to me the most critical thing to upgrade is health since its game over when that goes to 0. I'm assuming you ran out of time as the purpose of the other upgrades isn't that fleshed out (kinda happened to me as well), but ya it looks to me like you're trying to combine rhythm genre with top down survival. Pretty interesting concept!

Nice! My time was 3:01. I really liked the overall idea. I liked that you could switch dimensions instantly (being able to rapidly change dimensions to see whats ahead and still make it back to the original dimension without falling down through the platform was really helpful). The actual execution was really good too with solid difficulty progression (wall running and jumping was nice). I would have preferred if I could turn a bit faster but it was still fine. Awesome game!

(1 edit)

Wanna play this but can't cause I'm on a windows 7 PC. Literally every game I'm trying this jam lol. Looks interesting though

Looks like I won't be able to play most of the games since I'm currently on a windows 7 PC which UE5 games doesn't support. Really unfortunate given how interesting the games look

Unfortunately I'm currently on windows 7 so I can't run UE5 games. It's really cool to see people combining 2d with 3d genres. I tried to come up with ideas for that but couldn't get things to really stick.

I'm currently on windows 7 so unfortunately can't run the game, I believe UE5 games are only playable on win 10 and up. The idea looks really interesting from the description though. I actually considered making a game that combines third person + 2d sidescroller but had trouble coming up with a concept that was coherent.  Really cool that you were able to do something similar.


Thanks! They track to the area where the skull was broken and they will start patrolling it when they get there. They will keep patrolling that area  until you break another skull and etc. One of my concerns was the game was too easy since I kept the monster's sight distance kinda short compared to the size of the map meaning they won't see you from far away. And ya I considered letting the other dimension stay on for a bit longer but I didn't want to deter too much from the actual game loop and I also  wanted it to kinda be just a "flash" effect with lots of visual impact. I had several additional ideas for the game but didn't do them due to time constraints. One of them was bullet hell mechanics while having to be stealthy. Thanks for the suggestion and feedback!

Hey I made the game harder just before the submission deadline, so if you already downloaded it earlier but wanted a more challenging experience, redownload the game. Thanks.

Thanks! I made the game harder just before the submission deadline (just now) so if you want a more challenging experience I recommend redownloading

Thanks! Glad you were able to play it. It definitely seems like the time for me to use windows 10 and up for game making

Thanks for playing! And ya apparently some people with newer hardware are having issues with the game closing, I believe that has to do with the fact that the game was compiled on windows 7.

Really nice art design. It's pretty satisfying when you hit that arc just right, especially when you're trying to squeeze between the dark spots. UI was really slick as well, good job!

Interesting. I kinda see this working as a minigame in some sci-fi game. Cool idea!

Super excellent visuals and atmosphere! Menu/optimization was great. Controls were nice all around, dashing felt good in particular.  Good job!

I really liked buffing the fireballs. The random direction of the projectiles became satisfying when you level them up significantly.  I also like how stronger enemies start spawning the higher level you become. It would have been handy to have some kind of an ability for situations where you get completely swarmed, but I guess that's why you gotta pay attention where you are moving. Overall pretty good!

Really cool idea! I really liked the part where your reflection needs to pick up the block and put it on the button. Very strong concept, great work!

Very cool! The seamless way in which the animation on the character is blending from normal walking to "wounded-cold" is done very well and adds a lot to the general atmosphere of the game. Just the way everything went from relaxing to unsettling, how you slowly realize that the only thing you can see are dead trees and your own trail.  And then at the end how you're just watching snow fall on the poor guy while everything turns completely dark.... really awesome work there!


Thanks I really appreciate that! Ya Anti-Stealth is definitely a good name for that. Or maybe you can even call it Monster Bating... nah you know what Anti-Stealth is better.

Dang I'm very sorry you're having this issue! I compiled the game on windows 7 using Unreal Engine version 4.15.3, so it may be a problem related to newer hardware.... only thing I can suggest right now is to maybe run the game in compatibility mode for windows 7 and see if that works. Otherwise I would really have to do some research cause it doesn't seem like a common issue.

Really awesome atmosphere. I liked that you used flowers, something thats synonymous with joy, in an aberration themed game. The tonal shift there is very effective in building the tension of the game. Awesome work!

Dialogue was super good! The characters  all had different personalities which made them fun to talk to.  I liked that I was able to take the broken phone to the engineer and also take the meat I bought to the occultist, being able to influence the interaction of one character with another like that just felt pretty satisfying. And I actually did get both aberrations correct so I definitely felt a pay off for everything I did. The art and the characters all built the atmosphere of the game very very well, awesome work!

Any chance for a windows build? Would like to try this out

Really cool atmosphere! I particularly liked the moment where a light went out and corpses came out behind the boxes, that part was cool. I like the enemy variety. The way the light hit the boxes and barrels was pretty nice, I found it satisfying to push them around. I wouldn't mind if there were lots more moments where where you get swarmed with enemies. I also liked the humor in the dialogue segments, definitely broke some of the tension. Really great work!

Is there a chance to link a windows build in the game page or comments? I wanna try playing this

Very nice atmosphere, particularly the way localized sound is used to create tension. The jumpscares were not overwhelming which I liked. I also really liked that you had a tv static effect, I used one in my game as well and haven't seen anyone else do that this jam. Good job!

Very cool, managed to beat the game pretty fast. The atmosphere was really well done, I particularly like the shaking camera followed up by leaches. I'm not sure why people are having a problem finding the weirdest room, when I saw the room with three staircases that lead to a closed ceiling, I just assumed that was the weirdest room cause of how little the room made sense. All the others rooms looked normal compared to that so ya I don't get why people had trouble there. The last puzzle was pretty intuitive as well since the game explains to remember where the black symbols are. Overall this game was a pretty unique way to combine exploration and puzzle solving, good work!

Very nice controls. I definitely did not expect there to be a second game at the end of the first. I really enjoyed stacking damage and fire rate buffs. The monsters looked pretty cool, well done!

mine was #60 alan93. Difficult to master but definitely addicting. The highscore element for sure contributes to that. The most intuitive control scheme I got was Q for left and P for right. Very nice idea, good work!

Pretty solid visual novel! As others have pointed out, some background music would have definitely helped set the mood. Characters had interesting designs as well. Overall you got an engaging mystery there, good work!