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(1 edit)

So here's how far I got now (in rot13):

V unir sbhaq 5 raqvatf: gur abezny naq shyy inevnagf bs fgnlvat naq yrnivat, cyhf gur sevraqyrff raqvat. Zbfg vzcbegnagyl, V sbhaq gur freire ebbz va gur onfrzrag (!!!), ohg V unir ab vqrn jung gb fnl gb gur tvey ningne. V unir gevrq: hfvat zl vatnzr anzr (ENG), gur ohvyqre/vairagbe/qernzre, "natyresvfu" naq "ab natyresvfu".

I have no idea where to look, so I need a hint!

I'd prefer to avoid using discord, as I'm not sure when it will require phone verification, which I'm not giving. I'm basically saving my account for when there's no other choice.

Also, I have tried without the flowers. LOL.

(1 edit)

I checked in with my son about that area, as it's something I never came close to finding or accomplishing - he says that he's amazed that people have even found it, and that there isn't anything as special there as one would hope.  I can't say much more as I've never seen it.  He does seem sincere that there isn't anything there other than the fact that you found it.  Sorry to disappoint!  Hopefully you've gotten some pleasure from the rest of the game.

Oh, he just appended his conversation, and says there is a reason for that area in the whole lore of No Anglerfish, but that's a whole 'nother story.

Is there a way to get the shoes without stealing them ? I tried to wait until the seller returned (after activating the god maskine) to get the shoes, but he didn't, and I'm not sure he will ever "return" now. Is this a bug ?


Gur fubr fgber jvyy abg or bssvpvnyyl bcra hagvy lbh unir gur fabj vfynaq cbjre pryy.

Vs lbh unir gur xrl nf jryy, gura lbh arrq gb haybpx gur qbbe, qb ABG fgrny gur fubrf, naq yrnir sberfgba sbe njuvyr, naq gura erghea.  Gur fnyrfzna fubhyq or gurer jura lbh erghea nf abezny.

Ng yrnfg, guvf vf jung jnf erynlrq gb zr ol zl fba.