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Hi! I really wanted to play the game since it looks too cool ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧ But when I run the game, the point where the game is giving instructions on how to use the bag (inventory) at the beginning, it crashes and this appears: 

"Win32 function failed: HRESULT: 0x8007000e
Call: GR_D3D_Device->CreateTexture2D at line 453 in file \TexturesM.cpp"

Do you guys know how can I fix this? And thank you ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Thank you for playing, ben! We're so sorry that happened... :/

Would you happen to have another computer that you could try the game on? From what we can gather online, this error can occur as a result of either the coding (probably not as it works on other computers) or the computer itself. There might be some sort of issue with an integrated graphics card, out of date drivers, etc... 

We saw some other possible ways to try to fix this issue, but their success doesn't seem to be high at all. If you want, we can post those here as well. 

Thanks for taking the time to mention this, it'll be helpful to consider when fine tuning/optimizing the final release! ^^