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Hi Chuntao. All investors are parasite scum who profit from other people's work without doing any work themselves. You get the wall.


Sounds like tmltd never got backed. XD


That would be an incorrect assumption. Investors are parasite scum, just the same as employers, landlords, moneylenders, insurers, speculators, and everyone else who takes money from others without doing any useful labour themselves.

While some are, not all of them are.  There's a lot of good investors out there that you don't hear about because there's nothing exciting about them (AKA, they're not dirtbags).  People need capitol to start businesses and they provide it.  I have had family who has had investors work with them to start their businesses.  If done right and you're savvy enough to read the contracts you can easily determine which ones are good and which ones are dirt.  

Nope, they're all scum. They don't do any *labour* in exchange for the profit they take from their investee. Money only has exchange value because it represents goods and services with real, tangible utility. All of that utility is created with human labour. There is no labour being done when investors "provide" capital; they allow access temporarily and ultimately *gain* capital by taking labour value from the investee. Workers could instead simply ignore the assertions of ownership by investors, and just freely use those previously-hoarded means of production to create goods and services, *without* paying any parasites. The only reason workers don't do this is because of the violent enforcement of property owners' will by the state. Investors are thus autocrats, oppressors, and parasites - every last one of them should be buried.

Yeah, you obviously have had some bad luck.  You need to develop a relationship first before taking money.  Get to know them and figure out the kind of person(s) they are first.  Careful reading and review of the contract with a trusted party is also very important.  It's a two way street so if they want to invest in you they also need to prove their own worthiness.

I assume you don't have a 401k,  IRA, or invest in stocks?


lol I've never come anywhere close to needing a loan of any kind, let alone capital for a business. I'm a socialist. All investors are fucking parasites that should be encased in concrete. That's the inherent moral and economic nature of investment, or any other way in which capital owners can profit from others' labour without doing any work themselves. 401ks are US-specific, moron. They're also just a roundabout way for the capitalist government to let poor retirees starve while rich ones can live large on stolen wealth.

And there you have it.

Oop! Someone's scared of the s-word! Someone's afraid of a little worker's democracy! We gon' getcha!

(2 edits)

Yeah, not even close.  If I was afraid of it I'd be working day and night to end the many different social programs we have.  A hybrid of the two is best.  You have the security of making sure everyone is cared for and a reason to try working hard for a living.  Best of both worlds.  Yeah, things aren't perfect, but I haven't found a working model that works better in the non-theoretical world.

Again, you've had bad luck or hanging out in the wrong crowd if every investor you've dealt with was the hellspawn you indicate.  I genuinely hope you have better luck in the future.  It sucks for everyone when bad experiences make anyone want to "throw away the baby with the bathwater".  Peace and good fortune to you.

EDIT:  Major typo, should have said "things aren't perfect".