Re: Vladimir Burmakin


I met him at the Bratto tournament two years ago and he told me that he lives in Saint Petersburg, though this does not mean that he was born there. For precision I will edit the page and replace the place of birth with "Russia". I will try to find out his city of birth. Ciao, Giuseppe (msg) 17:40, 13 gen 2010 (CET)Rispondi

I already did some research, but it's not easy, e.g. the Saint Petersburg chess club read my email request but did not answer, it's possible that also they don't know. Anyway I'm a mastiff in these matters, I will let you know as soon as possible. Bye-bye, (msg) 21:57, 13 gen 2010 (CET)Rispondi

Nyschnyk and FIDE zones


That photo was taken by Anastasiya Karlovich and uploaded on my request. I don't know Illya personally so I couldn't see how he looks now, of course he is growing up ...and fast! But the previous one was not good at all, his face was scarcely visible. The one in Wijk aan Zee is really good.

I have seen that the table on was made by Caissa66, perhaps he himself would be interested in updating it. I really don't know if there is a page on listing the new chess articles, I will check it out, if there is one I will let you know. Bye bye, (msg) 20:39, 13 feb 2011 (CET)Rispondi

Brookton, Brooktondale & spa


I can't remember how I figured out to link Brooktondale. That article belongs to my younger life in Wikipedia when I had not yet the attitude to add notes with sources. Anyway, I have just done some additional research. IAU is indeed stating Brookton (NY): this makes any other Brookton in Australia or elsewhere in US be out of the game. According to, only one Brookton exists in NY state. So, as minimum I'll fix the article changing Brooktondale into Brookton. I also found that Brooktondale, Brookton and Ithaca are next each other, roughly in a line from SE to NW. In southern Ithaca, near Buttermilk Falks, there is a spa (La Tourelle Resort & Spa). It is about 4 miles apart from Brookton ([1]). Possibly other spas can be in the surrounding area, including Brookton. I don't know if you live closer than me to these locations to make some on-site survey, but I hope the above helps you. --Ysogo (msg) 22:43, 20 mag 2013 (CEST)Rispondi



Yes, I was just in time for the flight from Toronto, at the end they waited for us. Thank you for the movie Gereon, we also have some videos to explain the basic of Wikipedia, but can allways help to see the work done by other wikim(p)edians  . As we talked about, these are the 2 beginner's guides I've created on itwiki: the first for the registration step and the second about how to use the translations tool. --Camelia (msg) 17:13, 16 ago 2017 (CEST)Rispondi

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Lorenzo Losa (msg) 11:26, 24 feb 2020 (CET)Rispondi

Grazie mille, Lorenzo! --Gereon K. (msg) 14:37, 24 feb 2020 (CET)Rispondi

Re: Carlo Piana: Open Source


The reason is simple: because you contributed to the Wikimedia projects, making your part in giving access to knowledge to everyone :-) Thank you and enjoy the book! - Laurentius(rispondimi) 08:55, 3 ott 2020 (CEST)Rispondi