This workshop intends to bring together various aspects of forward physics at the LHC. On one side, there is now a proven potential for measurements of soft and hard diffraction, which are enriching, and will continue to enrich, the understanding of basic mechanisms underlying the dynamics of hadron collisions. Hard diffraction, as well as forward jet production, have the additional potential to offer new probes on exotic physics processes, ranging from exclusive Higgs production to high-mass vector boson fusion. The large rapidity acceptance required for these studies challenges the experiments and the accelerator at different levels, but the interplay of multiple detector components, and the possible synergy of different experiments, provide opportunities for new and better measurements, as this workshop aims to show. On the other side, LHC data on forward particle production provide essential input to the modeling of the interaction of the highest-energy cosmic rays with the atmosphere. This workshop will review the status of the understanding of cosmic-ray showers, both from data and from MC simulations, and attempts to define the LHC measurements that are needed to improve the reliability and precision of existing air shower models. The part relevant for cosmic-ray physics is jointly organized by particle and astroparticle physicists, and is meant as a step towards establishing regular information exchange between the two communities. A summary document will be produced after the workshop containing recommendations for future measurements at CERN and the organization of future joint activities. The workshop will open with a common session dedicated to the review of existing data. It will then branch into two parallel sessions, one focused on the cosmic-ray issues, the other one focused on the discussion of the physics prospects after the long LHC shutdown, touching on the potential of possible LHC experimental upgrades and the ensuing accelerator issues. Finally, the format of future common activities of the LHC and the astroparticle physics community in general shall be discussed in plenary session. All sessions of the meeting will be broadcast via VIDYO. On Tuesday, please make sure you connect to the appropriate session (LHC or Cosmic Rays)
4/3-006 - TH Conference Room
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The Workshop will be broacast via VIDYO. Details of the VIDYO link will appear shortly after the start of the sessions. For information relative to housing access to CERN for those not holding a CERN card laptop registration please check