Ugrás a tartalomhoz


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Új téma nyitása
A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból
  • 1300 sunshine
    • ⻖ * pinnacle
    • * piggy bank
      • 12 day (sun, tongue wagging in the mouth)
      • ? * piglets
        • ⾗ * sow
        • ⊖ * something taken away


  • 4D5B U967d B170 G3 S12 XJ16649 XJ1664C F1071 N5012 V6470 H626 DK453 L1300 K990 O1567 DO753 MN41725 MP11.0926 E406 IN630 DS527 DH429 DT413 DJ834 DG747 P1-3-9 I2d9.5 Q7622.7 DR3651 Yyang2 Wyang ヨウ ひ T1 あき あきら あけ はる ひろ やん よ {sunshine} {yang principle} {positive} {male} {heaven} {daytime}

EDICT Entries

  • [いんよう] / (n) cosmic dual forces / yin and yang / sun and moon, etc. / (P) /
  • [さんよう] / (n) south side of a mountain / Sanyo district / (P) /
  • [しゃよう] / (adj-no,n) setting sun / declining / (P) /
  • [たいよう] / (n) sun / solar / (P) /
  • [たいようけい] / (n) solar system / (P) /
  • [たいようでんち] / (n) solar battery / (P) /
  • [よう] / (adj-na,n-adv,n) way / manner / kind / sort / appearance / like / such as / so as to / in order to / so that / yang / (P) /
  • [ようき] / (adj-na,n) season / weather / cheerfulness / (P) /
  • [ようこう] / (n) sunshine / sunlight / (P) /
  • [ようし] / (n) proton / (P) /
  • [ようせい] / (n) positivity / (P) /

  1. Frequency: 4561 out of 9933.


  • => (town) , (sun/day) , (one) , (wrap) , No glyph available (N/A)

Pinyin & Meaning

  1. yang2 - positive (electric.)/sun/male principle (Taoism)/Yang, opposite: |[yin1] ☯

Pronunciation Clues

  1. Pronunciation clue for (yang2): The component is pronounced as 'yang2'.
  2. Pronunciation clue for (yang2): The component is pronounced as 'yi1'.

Example Words

High Frequency
Medium Frequency