Quick Start

What is respond.io?

Get a brief introduction to the respond.io platform.

Susan Swier
Updated 10 months ago by Susan Swier

Setting Up an Account

Follow this quick guide to register and set up a respond.io account on the platform and mobile app.

Updated 4 days ago by Sana

Connecting Channels

Learn how to connect a messaging Channel to start chatting with your Contacts through the platform.

Susan Swier
Updated 10 months ago by Susan Swier

Inviting Your Teammates

Invite teammates as Users to the platform to collaborate with them.

Susan Swier
Updated 2 years ago by Susan Swier

Getting Contacts to Message You

Encourage Contacts to message your business via QR codes and chat links.

Susan Swier
Updated 2 years ago by Susan Swier

Automated Welcome and Away Messages

Set up automated welcome and away messages to respond to Contacts immediately using Workflow Templates.

Joshua Lim
Updated 2 years ago by Joshua Lim

Responding to Messages

Here are some quick tips on how to respond to Contacts in a more efficient and productive manner.

Susan Swier
Updated 3 months ago by Susan Swier

Glossary of Terms

To help users better understand the platform, here are the definitions of commonly used terms.

Susan Swier
Updated 2 months ago by Susan Swier

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