The generous support of individual and corporate donors is critical to our success.

Collaborations and partnerships are central to our vision of innovation and first-rate education.

From the generous Charles M. Geschke Endowed Directorship of the HCII, to other named endowed professorships, fellowships, and named places, such as the Kiesler-Kraut Commons, we are thankful for the many generous donations from alumni, faculty, staff, and students.

We hope that you, too, will share our vision and help us to make it happen by giving generously to the HCII. Gifts of any size are welcome! Current HCII funds for your consideration include:

In addition to these funds, there are many opportunities available to show your support for HCII, from endowing a professorship, to funding scholarships or graduate fellowships, to naming first-rate facilities. You can also support HCII in ways that go beyond traditional cash donations; many of our donors can make a larger contribution by giving stock, particularly stock that has appreciated in value. If you'd like to discuss these or any other giving options, please contact us at [email protected]