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Margaret Busby

Daga Wikipedia, Insakulofidiya ta kyauta.
Margaret Busby
Booker Prize judge (en) Fassara

Haihuwa Accra, 11 Oktoba 1944 (79 shekaru)
ƙasa Ghana
Mazauni Birtaniya
Ƴan uwa
Abokiyar zama Lionel Grigson (en) Fassara
Ƴan uwa
Makaranta Bedford College (en) Fassara
Matakin karatu Digiri
Harsuna Turanci
Sana'a author (en) Fassara, marubuci da ɗan jarida
Mamba Alpha Kappa Alpha (en) Fassara
hoton Margaret busby
margetar busby

Margaret Yvonne Busby, CBE, Hon. FRSL (an haife ta 1944) kuma mai taken Nana Akua Ackon, ita yar asalin kasar Ghana ce, edita, marubuciya kuma mai watsa shirye-shirye, mazauniyar Birtaniya. Ita ce ƙarama kuma bakar mace ta farko mai buga littafi[1][2] a cikin shekarun 1960 ta yi aiki tare da Clive Allison (1944-2011)[3] gidan wallafe-wallafen London da ke Allison da Busby (A & B).[4] Ta yi rubutun tarihin Daughters of Africa (1992), da kuma New Daughters of Africa na shekarar 2019.[5] Ita ce ta karɓi kyautar Benson daga Royal Society of Literature.[6] A shekarar 2020 an zabe ta daya daga cikin "100 Great Black Britons".[7]

Ilimi da farkon shekarun

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Margaret Yvonne Busby an kuma haife ta a shekarar 1944,[8][9][10] a Accra, Gold Coast (Ghana ta yanzu), ga Dr George Busby da Mrs Sarah Busby (née Christian), waɗanda dukkansu suna da alaƙa da dangi zuwa Caribbean, musamman zuwa Trinidad, Barbados da Dominica. Dr Busby (1899-1980)[11][12] aboki ne na tsawon rai na mai ba da shawara Kwame Nkrumah George Padmore[13] kuma ya halarci makaranta tare da C. L. R. James a Kwalejin Queen's Royal, inda ya lashe Sikolashif na Island, wanda ya ba shi damar zuwa Burtaniya a 1919 don yin karatun likita.[14] Bayan kammala karatun farko a Jami'ar Edinburgh, ya koma Kwalejin Jami'a, Dublin, don kammala karatun digirinsa na likita, sannan ya yi aiki a matsayin likita a Walthamstow, Gabashin London,[15] kafin ya koma ya zauna a Gold Coast a 1929.[16][17] Ta hanyar mahaifiyarta, ita 'yar uwan wakilin BBC ce Moira Stuart,[18][19][20] kuma kakanta shi ne George James Christian (1869-1940),[21] wakili a Taron Farko na Afirka a London a 1900,[22][23] wanda ya yi ƙaura zuwa Gold Coast a 1902.[24][25]

Margaret Busby a gefe

Iyayenta sun tura yaransu uku don suyi karatu a Ingila lokacin da Busby take shekara biyar. Ita da 'yar uwarta sun fara zuwa wata makaranta a gundumar Lake tare da Makarantar Charters Towers, makarantar kwana ta 'yan mata ta duniya a Bexhill-on-Sea.[26][27] Bayan wucewa ta matakan O a can tana da shekaru 14, Busby ta bar makaranta a 15,[28] ta koma Ghana ta ɗauki matakan A a 16,[29] sannan ta yi shekara ɗaya a wata kwaleji a Cambridge don kar ta fara jami'a ma ƙarami.[27] Tun tana dan shekara 17 ta karanci Turanci a Kwalejin Bedford (daga baya aka hade ta da Royal Holloway College), Jami'ar London,[27][30] inda ta shirya mujallar adabin kwaleji tare da buga wakoki na kanta, sannan ta kammala tare da digiri na BA a cikin shekaru 20.[31] Ta yi aure da mawakin jazz na Burtaniya kuma malami Lionel Grigson (1942-1994).[3]

Yayin da kuma take jami'a ta sadu da takwararta ta kasuwanci nan gaba Clive Allison a wani biki a Bayswater Road,[32] kuma sun yanke shawarar fara kamfanin buga littattafai.[3] Bayan kammala karatun, Busby ta yi aiki a takaice a Cresset Press - wani ɓangare na Kungiyar Barrie - yayin kafa Allison da Busby (A & B) wanda aka buga littattafansa na farko a shekarar 1967,[33] ta zama mafi karancin mawallafin sannan kuma mace ta farko da ta wallafa littafin Afirka a Burtaniya - nasarar da ta tantance ta ce: "Yana da sauƙin zama na farko, kowannenmu zai iya gwada wani abu kuma ya kasance mace ta farko ko mace ta farko ta Afirka da ta yi X, Y ko Z. Amma, idan abu ne mai mahimmanci ba kwa son zama shi kaɗai. ...Ina kuma fatan zan iya, ta kowace hanya, in sa wani ya yi abin da na yi amma koya daga kurakurai na kuma yi kyau fiye da yadda na yi."[34]

Ta kuma kasance Daraktan Edita na Allison & Busby na shekaru 20,[35] wallafa marubuta da yawa sanannu ciki har da Sam Greenlee (marubucin The Spook Who Sat by the Door, labari na farko da A & B ya buga, a shekarar 1969),[36][37] C. L. R. James,[38] Buchi Emecheta, Chester Himes, George Lamming, Roy Heath, Isma'ilu Reed, John Edgar Wideman, Nuruddin Farah, Rosa Guy, Val Wilmer, Colin MacInnes, H. Rap Brown, Julius Lester, Geoffrey Grigson, Edward Blishen, Dermot Healy, Adrian Mitchell, Matta Sweeney, Jill Murphy, Christine Qunta, Michael Horovitz, Alexandra Kollontai, Gordon Williams, Carlos Moore, Michèle Roberts, Molefe Pheto, Arthur Maimane, Maurice Nyagumbo, Giles Gordon, Claire Rayner, Clive Sinclair, Mineke Schipper, Chris Searle, Richard Stark, James Ellroy, Mafarauci S. Thompson, Margaret Thomson Davis, B. Traven, Alexis Lykiard, Tom Mallin, Labarin Jack Trevor, Michael Moorcock, Mervyn Peake, John Clute, Julian Savarin, Ralph de Boissière, Andrew Salkey, Harriet E. Wilson, da Miyamoto Musashi.[32][26]

Margaret Busby

Daga baya Busby ta kasance editan edita na Earthscan (watsa lakabi da Han Suyin, Frantz Fanon, Albert Memmi, René Dumont, Carolina Maria de Jesus, da sauransu),[35] kafin su fara aiki mai zaman kansa a matsayin edita, marubuci, kuma mai sukar lamiri.

Rubutu, gyarawa da watsa shirye-shirye

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

A matsayin dan jarida, ta yi rubutu don The Guardian (akasarin littafin bita[39][40][41][42] ko labarin masu fasaha da masu fafutuka ciki har da Jessica Huntley, Buzz Johnson, Jayne Cortez, Jan Carew, Rosa Guy, Gwendolyn Brooks, Yuni Jordan, Toni Cade Bambara, Florynce Kennedy, Barry Reckord, Frank Crichlow, Connie Mark, Glenn Thompson, Agusta Wilson, Pearl Connor-Mogotsi, Geraldine Connor, Binyavanga Wainaina da Bell hooks),[43] The Observer,[44] The Independent,[45] The Sunday Times,[46] The New Statesman,[47] da sauran wurare, duka manyan jaridu da mujallu na musamman.[26][48]

Daughters of Africa (1992) da New Daughters of Africa (2019)

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Busby ta tattara 'Ya'yan Daughters of Africa: An International Anthology of Words and Writings by Women of African Descent from the Ancient Egyptian to the Present (London: Cape, 1992),[49][50] wanda Black Enterprise ya bayyana a matsayin "alamar ƙasa", wanda ya haɗa da gudummawa a cikin kewayon nau'ikan mata sama da 200.[51] An sake yin nazari sosai akan wallafawa,[52][53] yanzu ana nuna shi da ɗaukar aiki ta "matriarchs of the African literature. Sun fara yin rubutun 'Afirka', wanda ba kawai suna rubuta labarai game da danginsu ba, al'ummominsu da ƙasashe, har ma suna rubuta kansu cikin tarihin adabin Afirka da tarihin Afirka. Sun nemi sarari ga mata masu bayar da labarai a rubuce, kuma a wata ma'ana sun sake daukar matsayin mace a matsayin mahalicci kuma mai daukar labarun al'ummomin Afirka da yawa, idan aka yi la’akari da cewa zaman bayar da labarun gargajiya na yanki ne na mata."[54]

Busby ta shirya wani sabon shiri na 2019 mai taken New Daughters of Africa: An International Anthology of Writing by Women of African Descent (wanda aka buga a Myriad Editions a Burtaniya), wanda ya nuna wasu marubutan 200-da daga ƙasashen waje na Afirka.[6][55][56][57][58] Wani mai sharhi a cikin The Irish Times yayi sharhi: "Wani lokaci kuna buƙatar anthology don tunatar da ku game da iri-iri, ƙarfi da ƙima na rubuce-rubuce tsakanin wani yanki ko gungun mutane. New Daughters of Africa na da mahimmanci saboda muryoyin Afirka sun katse ko raguwa cikin tarihi, kuma muryoyin mata sun fi haka."[59]

Margaret Busby

An haɗa shi da anthology na 2019, mai gabatar da sanarwar "Margaret Busby New Daughters of Africa Award", tare da haɗin gwiwar SOAS, Jami'ar London, waɗanda za su amfana da ɗalibin mace mace ta Afirka,[60][61][62][63] ta rufe kuɗin koyarwa da masauki a Studentsan Daliban Internationalasa na Duniya, London.[64][65] Wanda ya fara karbar kyautar, dalibar Kenya Idza Luhumyo, ta fara karatun ta ne a kaka 2020.[66][67]

Sauran aikin littafin

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
Margaret Busby

Busby ta ba da gudummawa ga littattafai ciki har da Colours of a New Day: Writing for South Africa (eds Sarah LeFanu da Stephen Hayward, 1990), Mothers: Reflections by Daughters (ed. Joanna Goldsworthy, 1995),[68] IC3: The Penguin Book of New Black Writing in Britain (eds Kadija Sesay da Courttia Newland, 2000),[69] Why 2K? Anthology for a New Era (2000), The Legacy of Efua Sutherland (2007), Essays in Honour of Ama Ata Aidoo at 70 (2012),[70] 99 words (ed. Liz Gray, 2011),[71] Black British Perspectives: A Series of Conversations on Black Art Forms (ed. Kadija Sesay, 2011), If I Could Tell You Just One Thing...: Encounters with Remarkable People and Their Most Valuable Advice (ta Richard Reed, 2016),[72][73] Slay in Your Lane: The Black Girl Bible (ta Elizabeth Uviebinené da Yomi Adegoke, 2018),[74] da The Artist in Time na Chris Fite-Wassilak (Yuli 2020).[75][76]

A cikin 2014, Busby ta yi rubutu tare da Ishmahil Carnival: A Photographic and Testimonial History of the Notting Hill Carnival.[77] Daga cikin wasu littattafan da ta rubuta gabatarwar ko kalmomin gaba sune Penguin Modern Classics bugu na A Question of Power ta Bessie Head, Emerging Perspectives on Buchi Emecheta (ed. Marie Umeh, 1996), Beyond Words: South African Poetics (tare da Keorapetse Kgositsile, Don Mattera, Lebo Mashile da Phillippa Yaa de Villiers, 2009),[78] da To Sweeten Bitter (2017) ta Raymond Antrobus.[79] Tare da Darcus Howe, Busby ta sake shirya C.L.R. James's 80th Birthday Lectures (Race Yau Publications, 1984),[80] kuma ita ce edita tare da Beverley Mason FRSA na No Colour Bar: Black British Art in Action 1960–1990, wani littafin 2018 wanda ya fito daga nunin 2015-16 No Colour Bar da aka gudanar a Guildhall Art Gallery.[81]

Busby ta kasance fitacciyar ɗan takara a babban nunin Get Up, Stand Up Now: Generations of Black Creative Pioneers na 2019 a Somerset House,[82][83] kuma ta ba da gudummawar gabatarwar muƙalar ga kasida,[84][85] da kuma shiga cikin abubuwan da suka faru a can.[86]

Watsa shirye-shirye da wasan kwaikwayo

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Busby ta yi aiki a kai a kai don rediyo da talabijin tun daga ƙarshen shekarun 1960, lokacin da ta gabatar da shirin mujallar London Line don Babban Ofishin Bayanai,[87] kazalika da Break For Women akan BBC African Service,[33] daga baya kuma Talking Africa akan Rediyon Spectrum, ban da bayyana a kan shirye-shirye da dama ciki har da Kaleidoscope, Front Row, Open Book, Woman's Hour, da Democracy Now! (Amurka).[14]

Abubuwan da ta kunsa da kuma wasan kwaikwayo na Rediyon BBC sun hada da littattafan C. L. R. James,[88] Jean Rhys,[89] Wole Soyinka,[90] Timothy Mo,[91] Sam Selvon,[92] Walter Mosley,[93] Henry Louis Gates,[94] Lawrence Scott[95] da Simi Bedford.[96] Wasan Busby wanda ya danganta da littafi Minty Alley na C. L. R. James, wanda Pam Fraser Solomon ya kirkira, an fara watsa shi ne a Rediyon BBC 4 a 1998,[97][98] inda ya lashe Hukumar Racaukaka Racabi'a "Race a cikin Media Award" (RIMA) a 1999.[99][100] Hakanan ta kasance wani ɓangare na Penumbra Productions, kamfani mai zaman kanta, tare da sauran membobin da suka haɗa da Horace Ové, H. O. Nazarat, Farrukh Dhondy, Mustapha Matura, Michael Abbensetts da Lindsay Barrett, daga cikin ayyukan su jerin fina-finai ne da suka danganci laccoci da C. L. R. James a cikin 1980s.[101][102][103]

Rubutun da ta yi don matakin ya hada da Sankofa (1999),[104] Yaa Asantewaa – Warrior Queen (UK/Ghana, 2001-02),[105][106][107][108] Geraldine Connor,[109][110][111] da kuma An African Cargo (Greenwich Theater, 2007) wanda Felix Cross ya jagoranta.[112][113][114][115][116] Ta kuma kasance mai son kida.[117][118][119]

A cikin 2014, bayan mutuwar Maya Angelou, Busby ta rubuta wata babbar kyauta mai taken Maya Angelou: A Celebration,[120] wanda ya faru a ranar 5 ga Oktoba a zauren Royal Festival yayin bikin Lissafin Lissafi na London; Paulette Randall ta jagorance shi, kuma Jon Snow da Moira Stuart suka shugabanta, bikin ya nuna gudummawa daga masu zane ciki har da Adjoa Andoh, Mala'ika Coulby, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicola Hughes, Ella Odedina, NITROvox, Roderick Williams da Ayanna Witter-Johnson.[121][122][123][124]

A cikin Yunin shekarar 2021, Busby ta fito a kan Desert Island Discs na BBC Radio 4.[125][126]

Girmamawa da kyaututtuka

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
  • 1970: Kyautar Society of Young Publishers.[127]
  • 1977: An nuna a nunin Mayotte Magnus Mata, Hotunan manyan matan Biritaniya, a Gidan Hoto na Kasa na Landan, wanda aka sake bugawa a cikin 2018 a matsayin Illuminating Women.[128][129][130]
  • 1993: Kyautar Pandora [131] daga Women in Publishing.
  • 1998: Mai Girma Memba na Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Yankin Duniya.[132]
  • 1999: Race a cikin Kyautar Mai jarida don wasan rediyo Minty Alley.[14]
  • 1999: Girman gargajiya na Ghana kamar Nana Akua Ackon, Cape Coast.[133]
  • 2004: Daraja digiri na Jami'a Open[134] don Sabis ga Fasaha da Kimiyya.
  • 2004: An nuna shi a cikin hoton "Babban Rana a Landan" a ɗakin karatu na Burtaniya tsakanin marubuta 50 baƙi da Asiya waɗanda suka ba da babbar gudummawa ga adabin Burtaniya.[135][136]
  • 2006 : Jami'in Tsarin Mulkin Biritaniya, don hidima ga adabi da bugawa.[137]
  • 2011: Fellowship Honorary, Sarauniya Mary, Jami'ar London.[138]
  • 2015: Kyautar Henry Swanzy don Sabis na Musamman ga Harafin Caribbean, NGC Bocas Lit Fest, Trinidad.[139][140]
  • 2015: Kyautar karramawar Gadon Afirka ta Burtaniya[141] daga Gidan Amau.[142][143]
  • 2015: Memba na Daraja na PAWA (Ƙungiyar Marubuta ta Pan African) Kyauta, Ghana.[144]
  • 2017: Zaɓaɓɓen Abokin Daraja na Royal Society of Literature.[145][146]
  • 2017: An ba da lambar yabo ta Benson ta Royal Society of Literature don nasarar rayuwa.[147]
  • 2017: Taron Jami'ar Goldsmiths na London "Daughter of Africa: Celebrating Margaret Busby's 50 Years in Publishing and Beyond".[148]
  • 2018: An zaɓa a matsayin ɗaya daga cikin 150 na Jami'ar London "Jagorancin Mata" don bikin shekaru 150 na manyan makarantun mata a Birtaniya.[149]
  • 2019: Naugural Africa ya rubuta lambar yabo ta Rayuwa ta Royal Society of the Royal African Society.[150]
  • 2019: Digiri na girmamawa daga SOAS, Jami'ar London.[151]
  • 2020: Digiri na girmamawa daga Royal Holloway, Jami'ar London.[152][153]
  • 2020: An zabe daya daga cikin "Bakar Birtaniyya 100".[154]
  • 2021: Kyautar Nasarar Rayuwa ta Littafin London.[155][156]
  • 2021 :Kwamandan Tsarin Mulkin Burtaniya.[157]
  1. "Margaret Busby", African Writing Online, October/November 2007.
  2. Jazzmine Breary, "Let's not forget", in Writing the Future: Black and Asian Writers and Publishers in the UK Market Place, Spread the Word, April 2013, p. 30.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Margaret Busby, "Clive Allison obituary", The Guardian, 3 August 2011.
  4. "Black History Month in Britain: Great women you should know about", Newsround, BBC, 1 October 2018.
  5. Margaret Busby, "From Ayòbámi Adébáyò to Zadie Smith: meet the New Daughters of Africa", The Guardian, 9 March 2019.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Natasha Onwuemezi, "Busby to compile anthology of African women writers", The Bookseller, 15 December 2017.
  7. "100 Great Black Britons" Archived 2022-02-12 at the Wayback Machine, 2020.
  8. "Order of the British Empire | Dr. Margaret Yvonne Busby", The London Gazette, 31 December 2005, SUPPLEMENT No. 1, p. N9.
  9. "Margaret Busby-Edited Anthology to Feature 200 Female Writers Including Adichie, Aminatta Forna, Bernadine Evaristo, Imbolo Mbue, Warsan Shire, Zadie Smith". brittlepaper.com. 10 January 2018. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  10. Books and Bookmen. Hansom Books. 1966. p. 123. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  11. Vincent 'Boo' Nurse, "Barbadian Doctor/Philanthropist honoured in London", Barbados Today, 12 March 2020.
  12. Vic Motune (11 March 2020). "Honour for pre-Windrush doctor who served poor communities". The Voice.
  13. Cameron Duodu, "Edward Wilmot Blyden, grandfather of African liberation" Archived 19 Nuwamba, 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Pambazuka News, Issue 538, 6 July 2011.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Shereen Ali, "Sharing our Voices", Trinidad and Tobago Guardian, 29 April 2015.
  15. "Dr George Busby Plaque Unveiling" (video), 14 April 2020.
  16. Tony Martin, The Progress of the African Race Since Emancipation and Prospects for the Future, Port-of-Spain: Emancipation Support Committee/Dover, MA: The Majority Press, 1998, pp. 8–9.
  17. "Blue Plaque Honouring Dr George Alfred Busby father of Margaret Busby to be Unveiled Mar 9", Alt A Review, March 2020.
  18. The Literator, "Cover Stories: Sue Freestone; Margaret Busby; Zadie Smith", The Independent, 16 June 2006.
  19. Thomson Fontaine, "George James Christian: Pioneer in Africa", TheDominican.net, Volume No. 1, Issue No. 32, 27 November 2002.
  20. Gary Crosby, "RIP Ken Gordon (1927–2013)", 9 November 2013.
  21. Stephen Owoahene Acheampong, "Book Review: Returned Exile: A Biography of George James Christian of Dominica and the Gold Coast, 1869-1940", Contemporary Journal of African Studies 4(2):179, June 2017.
  22. Lester Lewis, "Pan Africans On The Rise Again", RaceandHistory.com, 23 January 2001.
  23. Marika Sherwood, Origins of Pan-Africanism: Henry Sylvester Williams, Africa, and the African Diaspora, Routledge, 2011, p. 336, note 13.
  24. Margaret Rouse-Jones; Estelle Appiah (2016). Returned Exile: A Biography of George James Christian of Dominica and the Gold Coast, 1869–1940. Mona, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press. ISBN 978-9766405885.
  25. Dr Glenville Ashby, "A Defining Moment In Black History", The Gleaner, 30 April 2017.
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 Margaret Busby, "We are the world: Trumpeting our words", Griffith Review, 59: Commonwealth Now, January 2018.
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Ladipo Manyika, Sarah (7 March 2019). "On Meeting Margaret Busby". Granta.
  28. Jill Lupupa (25 October 2020). "Black British women pioneers: Margaret Busby OBE". My Goddess Complex.
  29. Satch Hoyt, "Margaret Busby: What it takes to be the first Black Woman Publisher in the UK – Part 1", Afro-Sonic Mapping, 25 June 1919.
  30. Alison Donnell, "Busby, Margaret", Companion to Contemporary Black British Culture, Routledge, 2002.
  31. "London's most remarkable Publishing Firm", Ebony, March 1971, pp. 43–50.
  32. 32.0 32.1 "Margaret Busby remembers Clive Allison". Poetry Book Society. 5 August 2011. Archived from the original on 2 June 2016.
  33. 33.0 33.1 Busby, "'Is it still a case of plus ça change?'", The Bookseller, 4 November 2016.
  34. Ellen Mitchell and Sophie Kulik, "Q&A: Margaret Busby on 'New Daughters of Africa'", Africa In Words, 29 June 2019.
  35. 35.0 35.1 "Margaret Busby – Prize Ambassador", SI Leeds Literary Prize.
  36. Margaret Busby, "Sam Greenlee obituary", The Guardian, 2 June 2014.
  37. Allison & Busby page Archived 2020-11-17 at the Wayback Machine at George Padmore Institute website.
  38. Emma Bartholomew, "CLR James' publisher Margaret Busby: 'My 50 years working with books'" Archived 2020-12-01 at the Wayback Machine, Hackney Gazette, 25 January 2017.
  39. "Do the Harlem shuffle – Margaret Busby explores the tangled life and work of Chester Himes in James Sallis' biography", The Guardian, 21 October 2000.
  40. "'I am headed for higher ground' – Reading the final instalment of Maya Angelou's memoir is painful but moving, says Margaret Busby", The Guardian, 15 June 2002.
  41. "Marvels of the holy hour: Margaret Busby is fascinated by Wole Soyinka's witty, dramatic account of his life, You Must Set Forth at Dawn", The Guardian, 26 May 2007.
  42. Margaret Busby, "Little Liberia: An African Odyssey in New York City by Jonny Steinberg – review", The Guardian, 12 March 2011.
  43. Margaret Busby profile at The Guardian.
  44. Margaret Busby, "The Last Holiday: A Memoir by Gil Scott-Heron – review", The Observer, 5 February 2012.
  45. Margaret Busby, The Independent.
  46. Margaret Busby, "Books: Another Day in the Death of America by Gary Younge" (review), The Sunday Times, 25 September 2016.
  47. Margaret Busby, "Homing instinct" Archived 2020-10-21 at the Wayback Machine (review of Black Gold of the Sun: searching for home in England and Africa by Ekow Eshun), New Statesman, 30 May 2005.
  48. Margaret Busby at Journalisted.
  49. Philip Tew, Emily Horton, Leigh Wilson (eds), The 1980s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction, A&C Black, 2014, p. 108.
  50. "Daughters of Africa edited by Margaret Busby", Kinna Reads, 24 September 2010.
  51. Tonya Bolden, "Book Review: Two Types of Revelation – Daughters of Africa", Black Enterprise, March 1993, p. 12.
  52. Patricia Lee, "BOOK REVIEW / Canon to the right of them, canon to the left...", The Independent, 12 December 1992.
  53. Nicci Gerrard, "Anthologies", The Observer, 29 November 1992.
  54. Tom Odhiambo, "'New Daughters of Africa' is a must read for aspiring young women writers", Daily Nation (Kenya), 18 January 2020.
  55. John Gulliver, "Africa's 'new daughters' celebrated in a new anthology", Camden New Journal, 15 March 2019.
  56. Imani Perry, "New Daughters of Africa — a new anthology of a groundbreaking book", Financial Times, 29 March 2019.
  57. Alannah Francis, "New Daughters Of Africa: Amplifying Black Women's Voices" Archived 2019-04-06 at the Wayback Machine, The Voice, 31 March 2019.
  58. Ladee Hubbard (10 May 2019). "Power to define yourself: The diaspora of female black voices". Times Literary Supplement.
  59. Sally Hayden, "New Daughters of Africa review: vast and nuanced collection", The Irish Times, 16 March 2019.
  60. "Publisher Myriad and SOAS to launch The Margaret Busby New Daughters of Africa Award" Archived 2022-03-12 at the Wayback Machine, SOAS, 15 February 2019.
  61. Natasha Onwuemezi, "SOAS partners with Myriad to launch bursary scheme for African women writers", The Bookseller, 15 February 2019.
  62. "Myriad And SOAS Launch £20,000 Bursary For Black Women", The Voice, 21 February 2019 (archived).
  63. Olatoun Gabi-Williams, "Call Them Feminist Press: Celebrating African Women in Literature", Borders, 2019.
  64. "The Margaret Busby New Daughters of Africa Award – Support the next generation of African female writers & create a lasting legacy". SOAS University of London. Archived from the original on 2022-05-28. Retrieved 2022-03-12.
  65. "The Margaret Busby New Daughters of Africa Award". Registry. SOAS University of London. Retrieved 26 March 2021.[permanent dead link]
  66. "Idza Luhumyo Wins Inaugural Margaret Busby New Daughters of Africa Award", Brittle Paper, 3 August 2020.
  67. James Murua, "Idza Luhumyo is inaugural Margaret Busby New Daughters of Africa Award recipient" Archived 2022-01-19 at the Wayback Machine, James Murua's Literary Blog, 21 July 2020.
  68. Jessica Mann, "Dishing the Dirt", Literary Review, March 1995, p. 31.
  69. Maya Jaggi, "The forgotten past", The Guardian, 24 June 2000.
  70. "Notes on the Contributors and Editors", in Discourses of Empire and Commonwealth, Cross/Cultures, Vol. 192, Brill/Rodopi, 2016, 08033994793.ABA.
  71. "99 words".[permanent dead link]
  72. Richard Reed, If I Could Tell You Just One Thing Archived 2022-01-29 at the Wayback Machine, Canongate, 2016.
  73. Jim O'Brien, "Remain faithful to your first aspiration, and 63 other sage nuggets of advice", Independent.ie, 18 October 2020.
  74. Arifa Akbar, "How to be a black woman and succeed: two friends who have written the manual", The Guardian, 24 June 2018.
  75. "Have a go", The Baring Foundation Blog, 28 July 2020.
  76. "The Artist in Time: A Generation of Great British Creatives", Bloomsbury.
  77. "Fantastic new photobook celebrates the history of Notting Hill Carnival", It's Nice That, 22 August 2014.
  78. Irene Gaitirira, "Will Leading Poet and Activist's Death Inspire Young Authors and Poets?" Archived 2021-02-28 at the Wayback Machine, Lola Kenya Screen, 7 January 2018.
  79. "To Sweeten Bitter, Chapbook from Outspoken Press". Raymond Antrobus. 20 March 2017.
  80. "C.L.R. James's 80th Birthday Lectures" at Google Books.
  81. "No Colour Bar: Black British Art in Action 1960–1990 catalogue" Archived 2022-06-03 at the Wayback Machine, Diaspora Artists.
  82. Maya Jaggi, "Jewels from the Windrush: Get Up, Stand Up Now at Somerset House", Financial Times, 14 June 2019.
  84. "Get Up, Stand Up Now: Generations of Black Creative Pioneers", Museum Geographies, 4 August 2019.
  85. Margaret Busby, "HORACE OVÉ AND NOTTING HILL CARNIVAL", 22 August 2019.
  86. "Margaret Busby Presents: New Daughters of Africa: Part of Get Up, Stand Up Now". Somerset House. 9 September 2019.
  87. "Margaret Busby", British Universities Film & Video Council.
  88. "Beyond a Boundary", BBC, Radio Times, Issue 3787, 22 August 1996: Abridged in five parts (25–30 August 1996) by Margaret Busby, produced by Pam Fraser Solomon.
  89. "Jean Rhys – Wide Sargasso Sea" Archived 2021-12-12 at the Wayback Machine, Radio Listings.
  90. "Book at Bedtime: Ake", BBC Radio 4, BBC Programme Index, 4 September 1995.
  91. "The Monkey King" Archived 2021-12-12 at the Wayback Machine (Radio 4, Book At Bedtime), Radio Listings.
  92. "Book at Bedtime: The Lonely Londoners", BBC Radio 4, Programme Index, 10 March 1997,.
  93. "The Late Book: Devil in a Blue Dress". Radio Times. 28 March 1996. p. 109.
  94. "Coloured People". Radio Times. 14 September 1995. p. 121.
  95. "A Book at Bedtime: Witchbroom", Radio Times, Issue 3624, 17 June 1993, p. 125.
  96. "Programme Index | A Book at Bedtime". BBC Radio 4. 23 October 1991.
  97. "Minty Alley" (Afternoon Play) Archived 2019-03-02 at the Wayback Machine, BBC Radio 4.
  98. Nigel Deacon, "BBC Radio Plays, radio 4, 1998". Diversity Website.
  99. "Non Traditional Channels – A Publishing and Lit Conversation" Archived 2019-09-26 at the Wayback Machine, Sable, 27 November 2012.
  100. Barry Hodge, "Radio Drama & Readings, radio 4, 1999"The Afternoon Play. June 2012.
  101. Suman Bhuchar, "Nazareth, H. O.", in Alison Donnell (ed.), Companion to Contemporary Black British Culture, Routledge, 2002, p. 214.
  102. Margaret Busby, "2015: The Year of Being Connected, Exhibition-wise", Wasafiri, Volume 31, Issue 4, November 2016.
  103. "Penumbra Productions". BFI.
  104. Mary Brennan, "Rhythms of everyday life", The Herald (Glasgow), 10 February 2000.
  105. "Adzido Pan African Dance Ensemble – Yaa Asantewaa-Warrior Queen", UK Theatre Web, Archive Listings.
  106. Osei Boateng, "Yaa Asantewaa on stage: The Exploits of Yaa Asantewaa, the Warrior Queen of the Asantes...", New African, 1 April 2001. The Free Library.
  107. Pajohn Dadson, "Ghana: Yaa Asantewaa Has Landed", AfricaNews, 18 May 2001.
  108. Cameron Duodu, "Yaa Asantewaa – warrior queen. (The Arts)", New African, 1 June 2001. The Free Library.
  109. Margaret Busby, "Geraldine Connor obituary", The Guardian, 31 October 2011.
  110. "Yaa Asantewaa: Warrior Queen", Black Plays Archive, National Theatre.
  111. T. C. McCaskie (22 March 2007). "The life and afterlife of Yaa Asantewaa". Abibitumi.com. Archived from the original on 3 December 2021. Retrieved 12 March 2022.
  112. "An African Cargo | 2007" Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine at NitroBeat.
  113. Felix Cross, "Belle: An Unexpected Journey" Archived 17 ga Afirilu, 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Nitro, 13 June 2014.
  114. "African Cargo, An"[permanent dead link], Black Plays Archive, Royal National Theatre.
  115. "AFRICAN CARGO Greenwich Theatre, London. 2007", Felix Cross MBE.
  116. Colette Lebrasse, "Say It Loud" Archived 14 ga Yuli, 2014 at the Wayback Machine (An African Cargo @ Greenwich Theatre), reviewed 1 September 2007.
  117. If 2 review by Easy Livin, Progarchives.com, 9 June 2011: "'Shadows and Echoes' was co-written by Lionel Grigson with his then partner Margaret Busby. The late Grigson was well known during the early jazz/fusion scene, and was a member of If prior to the recording of their first album. The songs focuses on the band's softer, lighter side, featuring flute and a fine vocal."
  118. John Stevenson, "Margaret Busby: Doyenne of Black British Publishing", Black History Month 365, 28 September 2016.
  119. Paola Vera (15 July 2020). "Norma Winstone, a true British legend". Jazz in Europe. Retrieved 8 December 2020.
  120. Natalie Williams. "Trini Abroad – Escape from Egypt". Caribbean Intelligence.
  121. Rachel Holmes, "Black History Month: A – Z", The Metropolist, 3 October 2014.
  122. Lloyd Lewis Hayter, "Maya Angelou – A Celebration, Southbank Centre – review", Afridiziak Theatre News, 7 October 2014.
  123. Margaret Busby, "A healing pen, a letterbox smile: Auntie Maya, angel of the South", The Sunday Times, 28 September 2014.
  124. "London Literature Festival 2014 Southbank Centre". 12 August 2014. p. 22.
  125. "Desert Island Discs - Margaret Busby". BBC. 27 June 2021. Retrieved 28 June 2021.
  126. "Pioneering publisher Margaret Busby says industry still needs more diversity", The Irish Times, 26 June 2021.
  127. Black Power: Photographs by Donald MacLellan, National Portrait Gallery.
  128. "Mayotte Magnus: Photographs of Women", National Portrait Gallery 21 October to 11 December 1977.
  129. "Judi! Edna! Glenda! Women who lit up the 70s – in pictures", The Guardian, 16 October 2018.
  130. Tim Keane, "Photographing the Women of British Art", Hyperallergic, 19 January 2019.
  131. Black Power: Photographs by Donald MacLellan, National Portrait Gallery.
  132. AKA International Region at Sigma Theta Omega Chapter.
  133. "Diversity – Margaret Busby" Archived 4 ga Maris, 2016 at the Wayback Machine, EMMA (Ethnic Multicultural Media Academy).
  134. "Doctor of the University 1973–2011" Archived 13 Disamba 2013 at the Wayback Machine, Honorary Degree Awards 1973–2011.
  135. Andrea Levy, "Made in Britain. To celebrate the impact of their different perspectives, 50 writers of Caribbean, Asian and African descent gathered to be photographed. Andrea Levy reports on a great day for literature", The Guardian, 18 September 2004.
  136. Kevin Le Gendre, "Books: A great day for a family get together; Who are the movers and shakers in black British writing? And can they all fit on one staircase?", The Independent on Sunday, 17 October 2004.
  137. "31st December, 2005, New Year Honours" Archived 22 Disamba 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Government News.
  138. Honorary Fellows Archived 27 Satumba 2016 at the Wayback Machine, Queen Mary, University of London.
  139. "Margaret Busby, OBE" (Biography) Archived 19 Nuwamba, 2015 at the Wayback Machine, NGC Bocas Lit Fest.
  140. "Bocas Henry Swanzy Award for Distinguished Service to Caribbean Letters" Archived 2 ga Yuli, 2015 at the Wayback Machine, NGC Bocas Lit Fest.
  141. "UK African Heritage High Achievers Recognition Award Presentation Ceremony" Archived 2018-08-09 at the Wayback Machine, House of Amau, 30 September 2015.
  142. "UK Afrikan Heritage High Achievers Award" Archived 2018-08-09 at the Wayback Machine, House of AMAU, London, 23 August 2015.
  143. "Another Honour for Margaret Busby OBE" Archived 2018-08-09 at the Wayback Machine, George Padmore Institute, 20 October 2015.
  144. Evelyn Osagie, "Echoes of Achebe's works at writers' show", The Nation (Nigeria), 25 November 2015.
  145. Natasha Onwuemezi, "Rankin, McDermid and Levy named new RSL fellows", The Bookseller, 7 June 2017.
  146. "Current RSL Fellows". Royal Society of Literature. Archived from the original on 2019-02-07. Retrieved 2022-03-12.
  147. "The Benson Medal", Royal Society of Literature.
  148. "Daughter of Africa: Celebrating Margaret Busby's 50 Years in Publishing and Beyond", Goldsmiths, 1 December 2017.
  149. "Leading Women gather in St James's Palace to celebrate 150 years of women's higher education in the UK" Archived 2021-02-27 at the Wayback Machine, University of London, 30 January 2019.
  150. Olatoun Gabi-Williams, "Margaret Busby Wins Inaugural Royal African Society Africa Writes Lifetime Achievement Award in African Literature"[permanent dead link], Academia.edu, 2019.
  151. "SOAS celebrates leading figures from the world of literature, law, journalism and finance honoured at this year's graduation" Archived 2021-12-08 at the Wayback Machine, SOAS, 15 July 2019.
  152. "Honorary Awardees 2020" Archived 2021-12-04 at the Wayback Machine, Staff Intranet, Royal Holloway, University of London, 1 October 2019.
  153. Emilio Costales, "Pioneering publisher Margaret Busby comes to Royal Holloway" Archived 2022-03-31 at the Wayback Machine, Royal Holloway Enterprise Hub, 15 November 2019.
  154. Rhian Lubin, "Black heroes who helped shape Britain - from Queen of the Ivories to a Tudor trumpeter", Mirror, 11 September 2020.
  155. Ruth Comerford, "Margaret Busby wins LBF Lifetime Achievement Award", The Bookseller, 20 May 2021.
  156. "Margaret Busby to receive The London Book Fair Lifetime Achievement Award 2021", Black History Month Magazine, 22 May 2021.
  157. Sian Bayley, "Busby and Page recognised in Queen's birthday honours list", The Bookseller, 11 June 2021.