Telnyx API
API version: 2.0.0
Generator version: 7.11.0
SIP trunking, SMS, MMS, Call Control and Telephony Data Services.
Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator
Building the API client library requires:
- Java 1.8+
- Maven (3.8.3+)/Gradle (7.2+)
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn clean install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn clean deploy
Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
repositories {
mavenCentral() // Needed if the 'telnyx' jar has been published to maven central.
mavenLocal() // Needed if the 'telnyx' jar has been published to the local maven repo.
dependencies {
implementation "com.telnyx.sdk:telnyx:4.0.4"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn clean package
Then manually install the following JARs:
To add a HTTP proxy for the API client, use ClientConfig
import org.glassfish.jersey.apache.connector.ApacheConnectorProvider;
import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientConfig;
import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientProperties;
import com.telnyx.sdk.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.AccessTokensApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
ClientConfig clientConfig = defaultClient.getClientConfig();
clientConfig.connectorProvider(new ApacheConnectorProvider());, "");, "proxy_username");, "proxy_password");
AccessTokensApi apiInstance = new AccessTokensApi(defaultClient);
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import com.telnyx.sdk.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.auth.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.model.*;
import com.telnyx.sdk.api.AccessTokensApi;
public class AccessTokensApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: bearerAuth
HttpBearerAuth bearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("bearerAuth");
bearerAuth.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
AccessTokensApi apiInstance = new AccessTokensApi(defaultClient);
String id = "id_example"; // String | Identifies the resource.
try {
String result = apiInstance.createTelephonyCredentialToken(id);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling AccessTokensApi#createTelephonyCredentialToken");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccessTokensApi | createTelephonyCredentialToken | POST /telephony_credentials/{id}/token | Create an Access Token. |
AddressesApi | acceptAddressSuggestions | POST /addresses/{id}/actions/accept_suggestions | Accepts this address suggestion as a new emergency address for Operator Connect and finishes the uploads of the numbers associated with it to Microsoft. |
AddressesApi | createAddress | POST /addresses | Creates an address |
AddressesApi | deleteAddress | DELETE /addresses/{id} | Deletes an address |
AddressesApi | findAddresses | GET /addresses | List all addresses |
AddressesApi | getAddress | GET /addresses/{id} | Retrieve an address |
AddressesApi | validateAddress | POST /addresses/actions/validate | Validate an address |
AdvancedNumberOrdersApi | createAdvancedOrderV2 | POST /advanced_orders | Create Advanced Order |
AdvancedNumberOrdersApi | getAdvancedOrderV2 | GET /advanced_orders/{order_id} | Get Advanced Order |
AdvancedNumberOrdersApi | listAdvancedOrdersV2 | GET /advanced_orders | List Advanced Orders |
AdvancedOptInOptOutApi | createAutorespConfig | POST /messaging_profiles/{profile_id}/autoresp_configs | Create Auto-Reponse Setting |
AdvancedOptInOptOutApi | deleteAutorespConfig | DELETE /messaging_profiles/{profile_id}/autoresp_configs/{autoresp_cfg_id} | Delete Auto-Response Setting |
AdvancedOptInOptOutApi | getAutorespConfig | GET /messaging_profiles/{profile_id}/autoresp_configs/{autoresp_cfg_id} | Get Auto-Response Setting |
AdvancedOptInOptOutApi | getAutorespConfigs | GET /messaging_profiles/{profile_id}/autoresp_configs | List Auto-Response Settings |
AdvancedOptInOptOutApi | updateAutoRespConfig | PUT /messaging_profiles/{profile_id}/autoresp_configs/{autoresp_cfg_id} | Update Auto-Response Setting |
AssistantsApi | createNewAssistantPublicAssistantsPost | POST /ai/assistants | Create an assistant |
AssistantsApi | deleteAssistantPublicAssistantsAssistantIdDelete | DELETE /ai/assistants/{assistant_id} | Delete an assistant |
AssistantsApi | getAssistantPublicAssistantsAssistantIdGet | GET /ai/assistants/{assistant_id} | Get an assistant |
AssistantsApi | getAssistantsPublicAssistantsGet | GET /ai/assistants | List assistants |
AssistantsApi | updateAssistantPublicAssistantsAssistantIdPost | POST /ai/assistants/{assistant_id} | Update an assistant |
AudioApi | audioPublicAudioTranscriptionsPost | POST /ai/audio/transcriptions | Transcribe speech to text |
AuditLogsApi | listAuditLogs | GET /audit_events | List Audit Logs |
AuthenticationProvidersApi | createAuthenticationProvider | POST /authentication_providers | Creates an authentication provider |
AuthenticationProvidersApi | deleteAuthenticationProvider | DELETE /authentication_providers/{id} | Deletes an authentication provider |
AuthenticationProvidersApi | findAuthenticationProviders | GET /authentication_providers | List all SSO authentication providers |
AuthenticationProvidersApi | getAuthenticationProvider | GET /authentication_providers/{id} | Retrieve an authentication provider |
AuthenticationProvidersApi | updateAuthenticationProvider | PATCH /authentication_providers/{id} | Update an authentication provider |
AutoRechargePreferencesApi | getAutoRechargePrefs | GET /payment/auto_recharge_prefs | List auto recharge preferences |
AutoRechargePreferencesApi | updateAutoRechargePrefs | PATCH /payment/auto_recharge_prefs | Update auto recharge preferences |
BillingApi | getUserBalance | GET /balance | Get user balance details |
BillingGroupsApi | createBillingGroup | POST /billing_groups | Create a billing group |
BillingGroupsApi | deleteBillingGroup | DELETE /billing_groups/{id} | Delete a billing group |
BillingGroupsApi | getBillingGroup | GET /billing_groups/{id} | Get a billing group |
BillingGroupsApi | listBillingGroups | GET /billing_groups | List all billing groups |
BillingGroupsApi | updateBillingGroup | PATCH /billing_groups/{id} | Update a billing group |
BrandsApi | createBrandPost | POST /brand | Create Brand |
BrandsApi | deleteBrand | DELETE /brand/{brandId} | Delete Brand |
BrandsApi | getBrand | GET /brand/{brandId} | Get Brand |
BrandsApi | getBrandFeedbackById | GET /brand/feedback/{brandId} | Get Brand Feedback By Id |
BrandsApi | getBrands | GET /brand | List Brands |
BrandsApi | listExternalVettings | GET /brand/{brandId}/externalVetting | List External Vettings |
BrandsApi | postOrderExternalVetting | POST /brand/{brandId}/externalVetting | Order Brand External Vetting |
BrandsApi | putExternalVettingRecord | PUT /brand/{brandId}/externalVetting | Import External Vetting Record |
BrandsApi | resendBrand2faEmail | POST /brand/{brandId}/2faEmail | Resend brand 2FA email |
BrandsApi | revetBrand | PUT /brand/{brandId}/revet | Revet Brand |
BrandsApi | updateBrand | PUT /brand/{brandId} | Update Brand |
BucketApi | createBucket | PUT /{bucketName} | CreateBucket |
BucketApi | deleteBucket | DELETE /{bucketName} | DeleteBucket |
BucketApi | headBucket | HEAD /{bucketName} | HeadBucket |
BucketApi | listBuckets | GET / | ListBuckets |
BucketSslCertificateApi | addStorageSSLCertificate | PUT /storage/buckets/{bucketName}/ssl_certificate | Add SSL Certificate |
BucketSslCertificateApi | getStorageSSLCertificates | GET /storage/buckets/{bucketName}/ssl_certificate | Get Bucket SSL Certificate |
BucketSslCertificateApi | removeStorageSSLCertificate | DELETE /storage/buckets/{bucketName}/ssl_certificate | Remove SSL Certificate |
BucketUsageApi | getBucketUsage | GET /storage/buckets/{bucketName}/usage/storage | Get Bucket Usage |
BucketUsageApi | getStorageAPIUsage | GET /storage/buckets/{bucketName}/usage/api | Get API Usage |
BulkPhoneNumberCampaignsApi | getAssignmentTaskStatus | GET /phoneNumberAssignmentByProfile/{taskId} | Get Assignment Task Status |
BulkPhoneNumberCampaignsApi | getPhoneNumberStatus | GET /phoneNumberAssignmentByProfile/{taskId}/phoneNumbers | Get Phone Number Status |
BulkPhoneNumberCampaignsApi | postAssignMessagingProfileToCampaign | POST /phoneNumberAssignmentByProfile | Assign Messaging Profile To Campaign |
BulkPhoneNumberOperationsApi | createDeletePhoneNumbersJob | POST /phone_numbers/jobs/delete_phone_numbers | Delete a batch of numbers |
BulkPhoneNumberOperationsApi | createPhoneNumbersJobUpdateEmergencySettings | POST /phone_numbers/jobs/update_emergency_settings | Update the emergency settings from a batch of numbers |
BulkPhoneNumberOperationsApi | createUpdatePhoneNumbersJob | POST /phone_numbers/jobs/update_phone_numbers | Update a batch of numbers |
BulkPhoneNumberOperationsApi | listPhoneNumbersJobs | GET /phone_numbers/jobs | Lists the phone numbers jobs |
BulkPhoneNumberOperationsApi | retrievePhoneNumbersJob | GET /phone_numbers/jobs/{id} | Retrieve a phone numbers job |
CallCommandsApi | answerCall | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/answer | Answer call |
CallCommandsApi | bridgeCall | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/bridge | Bridge calls |
CallCommandsApi | callGatherUsingAI | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/gather_using_ai | Gather using AI |
CallCommandsApi | callStartAIAssistant | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/ai_assistant_start | Start AI Assistant (BETA) |
CallCommandsApi | callStopAIAssistant | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/ai_assistant_stop | Stop AI Assistant (BETA) |
CallCommandsApi | dialCall | POST /calls | Dial |
CallCommandsApi | enqueueCall | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/enqueue | Enqueue call |
CallCommandsApi | gatherCall | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/gather | Gather |
CallCommandsApi | gatherUsingAudio | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/gather_using_audio | Gather using audio |
CallCommandsApi | gatherUsingSpeak | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/gather_using_speak | Gather using speak |
CallCommandsApi | hangupCall | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/hangup | Hangup call |
CallCommandsApi | leaveQueue | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/leave_queue | Remove call from a queue |
CallCommandsApi | noiseSuppressionStart | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/suppression_start | Noise Suppression Start (BETA) |
CallCommandsApi | noiseSuppressionStop | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/suppression_stop | Noise Suppression Stop (BETA) |
CallCommandsApi | pauseCallRecording | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/record_pause | Record pause |
CallCommandsApi | referCall | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/refer | SIP Refer a call |
CallCommandsApi | rejectCall | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/reject | Reject a call |
CallCommandsApi | resumeCallRecording | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/record_resume | Record resume |
CallCommandsApi | sendDTMF | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/send_dtmf | Send DTMF |
CallCommandsApi | sendSIPInfo | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/send_sip_info | Send SIP info |
CallCommandsApi | speakCall | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/speak | Speak text |
CallCommandsApi | startCallFork | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/fork_start | Forking start |
CallCommandsApi | startCallPlayback | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/playback_start | Play audio URL |
CallCommandsApi | startCallRecord | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/record_start | Recording start |
CallCommandsApi | startCallStreaming | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/streaming_start | Streaming start |
CallCommandsApi | startCallTranscription | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/transcription_start | Transcription start |
CallCommandsApi | startSiprecSession | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/siprec_start | SIPREC start |
CallCommandsApi | stopCallFork | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/fork_stop | Forking stop |
CallCommandsApi | stopCallGather | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/gather_stop | Gather stop |
CallCommandsApi | stopCallPlayback | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/playback_stop | Stop audio playback |
CallCommandsApi | stopCallRecording | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/record_stop | Recording stop |
CallCommandsApi | stopCallStreaming | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/streaming_stop | Streaming stop |
CallCommandsApi | stopCallTranscription | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/transcription_stop | Transcription stop |
CallCommandsApi | stopSiprecSession | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/siprec_stop | SIPREC stop |
CallCommandsApi | transferCall | POST /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/transfer | Transfer call |
CallCommandsApi | updateClientState | PUT /calls/{call_control_id}/actions/client_state_update | Update client state |
CallControlApplicationsApi | createCallControlApplication | POST /call_control_applications | Create a call control application |
CallControlApplicationsApi | deleteCallControlApplication | DELETE /call_control_applications/{id} | Delete a call control application |
CallControlApplicationsApi | listCallControlApplications | GET /call_control_applications | List call control applications |
CallControlApplicationsApi | retrieveCallControlApplication | GET /call_control_applications/{id} | Retrieve a call control application |
CallControlApplicationsApi | updateCallControlApplication | PATCH /call_control_applications/{id} | Update a call control application |
CallInformationApi | listConnectionActiveCalls | GET /connections/{connection_id}/active_calls | List all active calls for given connection |
CallInformationApi | retrieveCallStatus | GET /calls/{call_control_id} | Retrieve a call status |
CallRecordingsApi | createCustomStorageCredentials | POST /custom_storage_credentials/{connection_id} | Create a custom storage credential |
CallRecordingsApi | deleteCustomStorageCredentials | DELETE /custom_storage_credentials/{connection_id} | Delete a stored credential |
CallRecordingsApi | deleteRecording | DELETE /recordings/{recording_id} | Delete a call recording |
CallRecordingsApi | deleteRecordingTranscription | DELETE /recording_transcriptions/{recording_transcription_id} | Delete a recording transcription |
CallRecordingsApi | deleteRecordings | DELETE /recordings/actions/delete | Delete a list of call recordings |
CallRecordingsApi | getCustomStorageCredentials | GET /custom_storage_credentials/{connection_id} | Retrieve a stored credential |
CallRecordingsApi | getRecording | GET /recordings/{recording_id} | Retrieve a call recording |
CallRecordingsApi | getRecordingTranscription | GET /recording_transcriptions/{recording_transcription_id} | Retrieve a recording transcription |
CallRecordingsApi | getRecordingTranscriptions | GET /recording_transcriptions | List all recording transcriptions |
CallRecordingsApi | getRecordings | GET /recordings | List all call recordings |
CallRecordingsApi | updateCustomStorageCredentials | PUT /custom_storage_credentials/{connection_id} | Update a stored credential |
CampaignApi | acceptCampaign | POST /campaign/acceptSharing/{campaignId} | Accept Shared Campaign |
CampaignApi | deactivateCampaign | DELETE /campaign/{campaignId} | Deactivate My Campaign |
CampaignApi | getCampaign | GET /campaign/{campaignId} | Get My Campaign |
CampaignApi | getCampaignCost | GET /campaign/usecase/cost | Get Campaign Cost |
CampaignApi | getCampaignMnoMetadata | GET /campaign/{campaignId}/mnoMetadata | Get Campaign Mno Metadata |
CampaignApi | getCampaignOperationStatus | GET /campaign/{campaignId}/operationStatus | Get My Campaign Operation Status |
CampaignApi | getCampaignOsrAttributes | GET /campaign/{campaignId}/osr/attributes | Get My Osr Campaign Attributes |
CampaignApi | getCampaignSharingStatus | GET /campaign/{campaignId}/sharing | Get Sharing Status |
CampaignApi | getCampaigns | GET /campaign | List Campaigns |
CampaignApi | getUsecaseQualification | GET /campaignBuilder/brand/{brandId}/usecase/{usecase} | Qualify By Usecase |
CampaignApi | postCampaign | POST /campaignBuilder | Submit Campaign |
CampaignApi | updateCampaign | PUT /campaign/{campaignId} | Update My Campaign |
CdrUsageReportsApi | getCDRUsageReportSync | GET /reports/cdr_usage_reports/sync | Generates and fetches CDR Usage Reports |
ChannelZonesApi | assignPhoneNumber | POST /channel_zones/{channel_zone_id}/channel_zone_phone_numbers | Assign a phone number to a channel zone |
ChannelZonesApi | getChannelZone | GET /channel_zones/{channel_zone_id} | Get a specific channel zone |
ChannelZonesApi | getChannelZones | GET /channel_zones | Get list of channel zones |
ChannelZonesApi | getPhoneNumbers | GET /channel_zones/{channel_zone_id}/channel_zone_phone_numbers | Get the list of phone numbers assigned to a channel zone |
ChannelZonesApi | patchChannelZone | PATCH /channel_zones/{channel_zone_id} | Patch a channel zone |
ChannelZonesApi | unassignPhoneNumber | DELETE /channel_zones/{channel_zone_id}/channel_zone_phone_numbers/{phone_number} | Unassign a phone number from a channel zone |
ChatApi | chatPublicChatCompletionsPost | POST /ai/chat/completions | Create a chat completion |
ChatApi | getModelsPublicModelsGet | GET /ai/models | Get available models |
ChatApi | postSummary | POST /ai/summarize | Summarize file content |
ClustersApi | computeNewClusterPublicTextClustersPost | POST /ai/clusters | Compute new clusters |
ClustersApi | deleteClusterByTaskIdPublicTextClustersTaskIdDelete | DELETE /ai/clusters/{task_id} | Delete a cluster |
ClustersApi | fetchClusterByTaskIdPublicTextClustersTaskIdGet | GET /ai/clusters/{task_id} | Fetch a cluster |
ClustersApi | fetchClusterImageByTaskIdPublicTextClustersTaskIdImageGet | GET /ai/clusters/{task_id}/graph | Fetch a cluster visualization |
ClustersApi | listAllRequestedClustersPublicTextClustersGet | GET /ai/clusters | List all clusters |
ConferenceCommandsApi | createConference | POST /conferences | Create conference |
ConferenceCommandsApi | holdConferenceParticipants | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/hold | Hold conference participants |
ConferenceCommandsApi | joinConference | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/join | Join a conference |
ConferenceCommandsApi | leaveConference | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/leave | Leave a conference |
ConferenceCommandsApi | listConferenceParticipants | GET /conferences/{conference_id}/participants | List conference participants |
ConferenceCommandsApi | listConferences | GET /conferences | List conferences |
ConferenceCommandsApi | muteConferenceParticipants | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/mute | Mute conference participants |
ConferenceCommandsApi | pauseConferenceRecording | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/record_pause | Conference recording pause |
ConferenceCommandsApi | playConferenceAudio | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/play | Play audio to conference participants |
ConferenceCommandsApi | resumeConferenceRecording | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/record_resume | Conference recording resume |
ConferenceCommandsApi | retrieveConference | GET /conferences/{id} | Retrieve a conference |
ConferenceCommandsApi | speakTextToConference | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/speak | Speak text to conference participants |
ConferenceCommandsApi | startConferenceRecording | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/record_start | Conference recording start |
ConferenceCommandsApi | stopConferenceAudio | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/stop | Stop audio being played on the conference |
ConferenceCommandsApi | stopConferenceRecording | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/record_stop | Conference recording stop |
ConferenceCommandsApi | unholdConferenceParticipants | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/unhold | Unhold conference participants |
ConferenceCommandsApi | unmuteConferenceParticipants | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/unmute | Unmute conference participants |
ConferenceCommandsApi | updateConference | POST /conferences/{id}/actions/update | Update conference participant |
ConnectionsApi | listConnections | GET /connections | List connections |
ConnectionsApi | retrieveConnection | GET /connections/{id} | Retrieve a connection |
CountryCoverageApi | retreiveCountryCoverage | GET /country_coverage | Get country coverage |
CountryCoverageApi | retreiveSpecificCountryCoverage | GET /country_coverage/countries/{country_code} | Get coverage for a specific country |
CoverageApi | listNetworkCoverage | GET /network_coverage | List network coverage locations |
CredentialConnectionsApi | checkRegistrationStatus | POST /credential_connections/{id}/actions/check_registration_status | Update a credential connection registration status |
CredentialConnectionsApi | createCredentialConnection | POST /credential_connections | Create a credential connection |
CredentialConnectionsApi | deleteCredentialConnection | DELETE /credential_connections/{id} | Delete a credential connection |
CredentialConnectionsApi | listCredentialConnections | GET /credential_connections | List credential connections |
CredentialConnectionsApi | retrieveCredentialConnection | GET /credential_connections/{id} | Retrieve a credential connection |
CredentialConnectionsApi | updateCredentialConnection | PATCH /credential_connections/{id} | Update a credential connection |
CredentialsApi | createTelephonyCredential | POST /telephony_credentials | Create a credential |
CredentialsApi | deleteTelephonyCredential | DELETE /telephony_credentials/{id} | Delete a credential |
CredentialsApi | findTelephonyCredentials | GET /telephony_credentials | List all credentials |
CredentialsApi | getTelephonyCredential | GET /telephony_credentials/{id} | Get a credential |
CredentialsApi | updateTelephonyCredential | PATCH /telephony_credentials/{id} | Update a credential |
CsvDownloadsApi | createCsvDownload | POST /phone_numbers/csv_downloads | Create a CSV download |
CsvDownloadsApi | getCsvDownload | GET /phone_numbers/csv_downloads/{id} | Retrieve a CSV download |
CsvDownloadsApi | listCsvDownloads | GET /phone_numbers/csv_downloads | List CSV downloads |
CustomerServiceRecordApi | createCustomerServiceRecord | POST /customer_service_records | Create a customer service record |
CustomerServiceRecordApi | getCustomerServiceRecord | GET /customer_service_records/{customer_service_record_id} | Get a customer service record |
CustomerServiceRecordApi | listCustomerServiceRecords | GET /customer_service_records | List customer service records |
CustomerServiceRecordApi | verifyPhoneNumberCoverage | POST /customer_service_records/phone_number_coverages | Verify CSR phone number coverage |
DataMigrationApi | createMigration | POST /storage/migrations | Create a Migration |
DataMigrationApi | createMigrationSource | POST /storage/migration_sources | Create a Migration Source |
DataMigrationApi | deleteMigrationSource | DELETE /storage/migration_sources/{id} | Delete a Migration Source |
DataMigrationApi | getMigration | GET /storage/migrations/{id} | Get a Migration |
DataMigrationApi | getMigrationSource | GET /storage/migration_sources/{id} | Get a Migration Source |
DataMigrationApi | listMigrationSourceCoverage | GET /storage/migration_source_coverage | List Migration Source coverage |
DataMigrationApi | listMigrationSources | GET /storage/migration_sources | List all Migration Sources |
DataMigrationApi | listMigrations | GET /storage/migrations | List all Migrations |
DataMigrationApi | stopMigration | POST /storage/migrations/{id}/actions/stop | Stop a Migration |
DebuggingApi | listCallEvents | GET /call_events | List call events |
DetailRecordsApi | searchDetailRecords | GET /detail_records | Search detail records |
DialogflowIntegrationApi | createDialogflowConnection | POST /dialogflow_connections/{connection_id} | Create a Dialogflow Connection |
DialogflowIntegrationApi | deleteDialogflowConnection | DELETE /dialogflow_connections/{connection_id} | Delete stored Dialogflow Connection |
DialogflowIntegrationApi | getDialogflowConnection | GET /dialogflow_connections/{connection_id} | Retrieve stored Dialogflow Connection |
DialogflowIntegrationApi | updateDialogflowConnection | PUT /dialogflow_connections/{connection_id} | Update stored Dialogflow Connection |
DocumentsApi | createDocument | POST /documents | Upload a document |
DocumentsApi | deleteDocument | DELETE /documents/{id} | Delete a document |
DocumentsApi | downloadDocument | GET /documents/{id}/download | Download a document |
DocumentsApi | listDocumentLinks | GET /document_links | List all document links |
DocumentsApi | listDocuments | GET /documents | List all documents |
DocumentsApi | retrieveDocument | GET /documents/{id} | Retrieve a document |
DocumentsApi | updateDocument | PATCH /documents/{id} | Update a document |
DynamicEmergencyAddressesApi | createDynamicEmergencyAddress | POST /dynamic_emergency_addresses | Create a dynamic emergency address. |
DynamicEmergencyAddressesApi | deleteDynamicEmergencyAddress | DELETE /dynamic_emergency_addresses/{id} | Delete a dynamic emergency address |
DynamicEmergencyAddressesApi | getDynamicEmergencyAddress | GET /dynamic_emergency_addresses/{id} | Get a dynamic emergency address |
DynamicEmergencyAddressesApi | listDynamicEmergencyAddresses | GET /dynamic_emergency_addresses | List dynamic emergency addresses |
DynamicEmergencyEndpointsApi | createDynamicEmergencyEndpoint | POST /dynamic_emergency_endpoints | Create a dynamic emergency endpoint. |
DynamicEmergencyEndpointsApi | deleteDynamicEmergencyEndpoint | DELETE /dynamic_emergency_endpoints/{id} | Delete a dynamic emergency endpoint |
DynamicEmergencyEndpointsApi | getDynamicEmergencyEndpoint | GET /dynamic_emergency_endpoints/{id} | Get a dynamic emergency endpoint |
DynamicEmergencyEndpointsApi | listDynamicEmergencyEndpoints | GET /dynamic_emergency_endpoints | List dynamic emergency endpoints |
EmbeddingsApi | embeddingBucketFilesPublicEmbeddingBucketsBucketNameDelete | DELETE /ai/embeddings/buckets/{bucket_name} | Disable AI for an Embedded Bucket |
EmbeddingsApi | getBucketName | GET /ai/embeddings/buckets/{bucket_name} | Get file-level embedding statuses for a bucket |
EmbeddingsApi | getEmbeddingBuckets | GET /ai/embeddings/buckets | List embedded buckets |
EmbeddingsApi | getEmbeddingTask | GET /ai/embeddings/{task_id} | Get an embedding task's status |
EmbeddingsApi | getTasksByStatus | GET /ai/embeddings | Get Tasks by Status |
EmbeddingsApi | postEmbedding | POST /ai/embeddings | Embed documents |
EmbeddingsApi | postEmbeddingSimilaritySearch | POST /ai/embeddings/similarity-search | Search for documents |
EnumApi | getEnumEndpoint | GET /enum/{endpoint} | Get Enum |
ExternalConnectionsApi | createExternalConnection | POST /external_connections | Creates an External Connection |
ExternalConnectionsApi | createExternalConnectionUpload | POST /external_connections/{id}/uploads | Creates an Upload request |
ExternalConnectionsApi | deleteExternalConnection | DELETE /external_connections/{id} | Deletes an External Connection |
ExternalConnectionsApi | deleteExternalConnectionLogMessage | DELETE /external_connections/log_messages/{id} | Dismiss a log message |
ExternalConnectionsApi | getExternalConnection | GET /external_connections/{id} | Retrieve an External Connection |
ExternalConnectionsApi | getExternalConnectionCivicAddress | GET /external_connections/{id}/civic_addresses/{address_id} | Retrieve a Civic Address |
ExternalConnectionsApi | getExternalConnectionLogMessage | GET /external_connections/log_messages/{id} | Retrieve a log message |
ExternalConnectionsApi | getExternalConnectionPhoneNumber | GET /external_connections/{id}/phone_numbers/{phone_number_id} | Retrieve a phone number |
ExternalConnectionsApi | getExternalConnectionRelease | GET /external_connections/{id}/releases/{release_id} | Retrieve a Release request |
ExternalConnectionsApi | getExternalConnectionUpload | GET /external_connections/{id}/uploads/{ticket_id} | Retrieve an Upload request |
ExternalConnectionsApi | getExternalConnectionUploadsStatus | GET /external_connections/{id}/uploads/status | Get the count of pending upload requests |
ExternalConnectionsApi | listCivicAddresses | GET /external_connections/{id}/civic_addresses | List all civic addresses and locations |
ExternalConnectionsApi | listExternalConnectionLogMessages | GET /external_connections/log_messages | List all log messages |
ExternalConnectionsApi | listExternalConnectionPhoneNumbers | GET /external_connections/{id}/phone_numbers | List all phone numbers |
ExternalConnectionsApi | listExternalConnectionReleases | GET /external_connections/{id}/releases | List all Releases |
ExternalConnectionsApi | listExternalConnectionUploads | GET /external_connections/{id}/uploads | List all Upload requests |
ExternalConnectionsApi | listExternalConnections | GET /external_connections | List all External Connections |
ExternalConnectionsApi | operatorConnectRefresh | POST /operator_connect/actions/refresh | Refresh Operator Connect integration |
ExternalConnectionsApi | refreshExternalConnectionUploads | POST /external_connections/{id}/uploads/refresh | Refresh the status of all Upload requests |
ExternalConnectionsApi | retryUpload | POST /external_connections/{id}/uploads/{ticket_id}/retry | Retry an Upload request |
ExternalConnectionsApi | updateExternalConnection | PATCH /external_connections/{id} | Update an External Connection |
ExternalConnectionsApi | updateExternalConnectionPhoneNumber | PATCH /external_connections/{id}/phone_numbers/{phone_number_id} | Update a phone number |
ExternalConnectionsApi | updateLocation | PATCH /external_connections/{id}/locations/{location_id} | Update a location's static emergency address |
FineTuningApi | cancelNewFinetuningjobPublicFinetuningPost | POST /ai/fine_tuning/jobs/{job_id}/cancel | Cancel a fine tuning job |
FineTuningApi | createNewFinetuningjobPublicFinetuningPost | POST /ai/fine_tuning/jobs | Create a fine tuning job |
FineTuningApi | getFinetuningjobPublicFinetuningGet | GET /ai/fine_tuning/jobs | List fine tuning jobs |
FineTuningApi | getFinetuningjobPublicFinetuningJobIdGet | GET /ai/fine_tuning/jobs/{job_id} | Get a fine tuning job |
FqdnConnectionsApi | createFqdnConnection | POST /fqdn_connections | Create an FQDN connection |
FqdnConnectionsApi | deleteFqdnConnection | DELETE /fqdn_connections/{id} | Delete an FQDN connection |
FqdnConnectionsApi | listFqdnConnections | GET /fqdn_connections | List FQDN connections |
FqdnConnectionsApi | retrieveFqdnConnection | GET /fqdn_connections/{id} | Retrieve an FQDN connection |
FqdnConnectionsApi | updateFqdnConnection | PATCH /fqdn_connections/{id} | Update an FQDN connection |
FqdnsApi | createFqdn | POST /fqdns | Create an FQDN |
FqdnsApi | deleteFqdn | DELETE /fqdns/{id} | Delete an FQDN |
FqdnsApi | listFqdns | GET /fqdns | List FQDNs |
FqdnsApi | retrieveFqdn | GET /fqdns/{id} | Retrieve an FQDN |
FqdnsApi | updateFqdn | PATCH /fqdns/{id} | Update an FQDN |
GlobalIpsApi | createGlobalIp | POST /global_ips | Create a Global IP |
GlobalIpsApi | createGlobalIpAssignment | POST /global_ip_assignments | Create a Global IP assignment |
GlobalIpsApi | createGlobalIpHealthCheck | POST /global_ip_health_checks | Create a Global IP health check |
GlobalIpsApi | deleteGlobalIp | DELETE /global_ips/{id} | Delete a Global IP |
GlobalIpsApi | deleteGlobalIpAssignment | DELETE /global_ip_assignments/{id} | Delete a Global IP assignment |
GlobalIpsApi | deleteGlobalIpHealthCheck | DELETE /global_ip_health_checks/{id} | Delete a Global IP health check |
GlobalIpsApi | getGlobalIp | GET /global_ips/{id} | Retrieve a Global IP |
GlobalIpsApi | getGlobalIpAssignment | GET /global_ip_assignments/{id} | Retrieve a Global IP |
GlobalIpsApi | getGlobalIpAssignmentHealth | GET /global_ip_assignment_health | Global IP Assignment Health Check Metrics |
GlobalIpsApi | getGlobalIpAssignmentUsage | GET /global_ip_assignments_usage | Global IP Assignment Usage Metrics |
GlobalIpsApi | getGlobalIpHealthCheck | GET /global_ip_health_checks/{id} | Retrieve a Global IP health check |
GlobalIpsApi | getGlobalIpLatency | GET /global_ip_latency | Global IP Latency Metrics |
GlobalIpsApi | getGlobalIpUsage | GET /global_ip_usage | Global IP Usage Metrics |
GlobalIpsApi | listGlobalIpAllowedPorts | GET /global_ip_allowed_ports | List all Global IP Allowed Ports |
GlobalIpsApi | listGlobalIpAssignments | GET /global_ip_assignments | List all Global IP assignments |
GlobalIpsApi | listGlobalIpHealthCheckTypes | GET /global_ip_health_check_types | List all Global IP Health check types |
GlobalIpsApi | listGlobalIpHealthChecks | GET /global_ip_health_checks | List all Global IP health checks |
GlobalIpsApi | listGlobalIpProtocols | GET /global_ip_protocols | List all Global IP Protocols |
GlobalIpsApi | listGlobalIps | GET /global_ips | List all Global IPs |
GlobalIpsApi | updateGlobalIpAssignment | PATCH /global_ip_assignments/{id} | Update a Global IP assignment |
InboundChannelsApi | listInboundChannels | GET /phone_numbers/inbound_channels | List your inbound channels |
InboundChannelsApi | updateOutboundChannels | PATCH /phone_numbers/inbound_channels | Update inbound channels |
IntegrationSecretsApi | createIntegrationSecret | POST /integration_secrets | Create a secret |
IntegrationSecretsApi | deleteIntegrationSecret | DELETE /integration_secrets/{id} | Delete an integration secret |
IntegrationSecretsApi | listIntegrationSecrets | GET /integration_secrets | List integration secrets |
InventoryLevelApi | createInventoryCoverage | GET /inventory_coverage | Create an inventory coverage request |
IpAddressesApi | createAccessIpAddress | POST /access_ip_address | Create new Access IP Address |
IpAddressesApi | deleteAccessIpAddress | DELETE /access_ip_address/{access_ip_address_id} | Delete access IP address |
IpAddressesApi | getAccessIpAddress | GET /access_ip_address/{access_ip_address_id} | Retrieve an access IP address |
IpAddressesApi | listAccessIpAddresses | GET /access_ip_address | List all Access IP Addresses |
IpConnectionsApi | createIpConnection | POST /ip_connections | Create an Ip connection |
IpConnectionsApi | deleteIpConnection | DELETE /ip_connections/{id} | Delete an Ip connection |
IpConnectionsApi | listIpConnections | GET /ip_connections | List Ip connections |
IpConnectionsApi | retrieveIpConnection | GET /ip_connections/{id} | Retrieve an Ip connection |
IpConnectionsApi | updateIpConnection | PATCH /ip_connections/{id} | Update an Ip connection |
IpRangesApi | accessIpRangesAccessIpRangeIdDelete | DELETE /access_ip_ranges/{access_ip_range_id} | Delete access IP ranges |
IpRangesApi | createAccessIPRange | POST /access_ip_ranges | Create new Access IP Range |
IpRangesApi | listAccessIpRanges | GET /access_ip_ranges | List all Access IP Ranges |
IpsApi | createIp | POST /ips | Create an Ip |
IpsApi | deleteIp | DELETE /ips/{id} | Delete an Ip |
IpsApi | listIps | GET /ips | List Ips |
IpsApi | retrieveIp | GET /ips/{id} | Retrieve an Ip |
IpsApi | updateIp | PATCH /ips/{id} | Update an Ip |
ManagedAccountsApi | createManagedAccount | POST /managed_accounts | Create a new managed account. |
ManagedAccountsApi | disableManagedAccount | POST /managed_accounts/{id}/actions/disable | Disables a managed account |
ManagedAccountsApi | enableManagedAccount | POST /managed_accounts/{id}/actions/enable | Enables a managed account |
ManagedAccountsApi | listAllocatableGlobalOutboundChannels | GET /managed_accounts/allocatable_global_outbound_channels | Display information about allocatable global outbound channels for the current user. |
ManagedAccountsApi | listManagedAccounts | GET /managed_accounts | Lists accounts managed by the current user. |
ManagedAccountsApi | retrieveManagedAccount | GET /managed_accounts/{id} | Retrieve a managed account |
ManagedAccountsApi | updateManagedAccount | PATCH /managed_accounts/{id} | Update a managed account |
ManagedAccountsApi | updateManagedAccountGlobalChannelLimit | PATCH /managed_accounts/{id}/update_global_channel_limit | Update the amount of allocatable global outbound channels allocated to a specific managed account. |
MdrDetailReportsApi | getPaginatedMdrs | GET /reports/mdrs | Fetch all Mdr records |
MdrUsageReportsApi | deleteUsageReport | DELETE /reports/mdr_usage_reports/{id} | Delete MDR Usage Report |
MdrUsageReportsApi | getMDRUsageReport | GET /reports/mdr_usage_reports/{id} | Retrieve messaging report |
MdrUsageReportsApi | getMDRUsageReportSync | GET /reports/mdr_usage_reports/sync | Generate and fetch MDR Usage Report |
MdrUsageReportsApi | getUsageReports | GET /reports/mdr_usage_reports | Fetch all Messaging usage reports |
MdrUsageReportsApi | submitUsageReport | POST /reports/mdr_usage_reports | Create MDR Usage Report |
MediaStorageApiApi | createMediaStorage | POST /media | Upload media |
MediaStorageApiApi | deleteMediaStorage | DELETE /media/{media_name} | Deletes stored media |
MediaStorageApiApi | downloadMedia | GET /media/{media_name}/download | Download stored media |
MediaStorageApiApi | getMediaStorage | GET /media/{media_name} | Retrieve stored media |
MediaStorageApiApi | listMediaStorage | GET /media | List uploaded media |
MediaStorageApiApi | updateMediaStorage | PUT /media/{media_name} | Update stored media |
MessagesApi | createGroupMmsMessage | POST /messages/group_mms | Send a group MMS message |
MessagesApi | createLongCodeMessage | POST /messages/long_code | Send a long code message |
MessagesApi | createNumberPoolMessage | POST /messages/number_pool | Send a message using number pool |
MessagesApi | createShortCodeMessage | POST /messages/short_code | Send a short code message |
MessagesApi | getMessage | GET /messages/{id} | Retrieve a message |
MessagesApi | sendMessage | POST /messages | Send a message |
MessagingHostedNumberApi | createMessagingHostedNumberOrder | POST /messaging_hosted_number_orders | Create a messaging hosted number order |
MessagingHostedNumberApi | deleteMessagingHostedNumber | DELETE /messaging_hosted_numbers/{id} | Delete a messaging hosted number |
MessagingHostedNumberApi | getMessagingHostedNumberOrder | GET /messaging_hosted_number_orders/{id} | Retrieve a messaging hosted number order |
MessagingHostedNumberApi | listMessagingHostedNumberOrders | GET /messaging_hosted_number_orders | List messaging hosted number orders |
MessagingHostedNumberApi | uploadMessagingHostedNumberOrderFile | POST /messaging_hosted_number_orders/{id}/actions/file_upload | Upload file required for a messaging hosted number order |
MessagingProfilesApi | createMessagingProfile | POST /messaging_profiles | Create a messaging profile |
MessagingProfilesApi | deleteMessagingProfile | DELETE /messaging_profiles/{id} | Delete a messaging profile |
MessagingProfilesApi | getMessagingProfileMetrics | GET /messaging_profiles/{id}/metrics | Retrieve messaging profile metrics |
MessagingProfilesApi | listMessagingProfiles | GET /messaging_profiles | List messaging profiles |
MessagingProfilesApi | listProfileMetrics | GET /messaging_profile_metrics | List messaging profile metrics |
MessagingProfilesApi | listProfilePhoneNumbers | GET /messaging_profiles/{id}/phone_numbers | List phone numbers associated with a messaging profile |
MessagingProfilesApi | listProfileShortCodes | GET /messaging_profiles/{id}/short_codes | List short codes associated with a messaging profile |
MessagingProfilesApi | retrieveMessagingProfile | GET /messaging_profiles/{id} | Retrieve a messaging profile |
MessagingProfilesApi | updateMessagingProfile | PATCH /messaging_profiles/{id} | Update a messaging profile |
MessagingTollfreeVerificationApi | deleteVerificationRequest | DELETE /messaging_tollfree/verification/requests/{id} | Delete Verification Request |
MessagingTollfreeVerificationApi | getVerificationRequest | GET /messaging_tollfree/verification/requests/{id} | Get Verification Request |
MessagingTollfreeVerificationApi | listVerificationRequests | GET /messaging_tollfree/verification/requests | List Verification Requests |
MessagingTollfreeVerificationApi | submitVerificationRequest | POST /messaging_tollfree/verification/requests | Submit Verification Request |
MessagingTollfreeVerificationApi | updateVerificationRequest | PATCH /messaging_tollfree/verification/requests/{id} | Update Verification Request |
MessagingUrlDomainsApi | listMessagingUrlDomains | GET /messaging_url_domains | List messaging URL domains |
MobileNetworkOperatorsApi | getMobileNetworkOperators | GET /mobile_network_operators | List mobile network operators |
NetworksApi | createDefaultGateway | POST /networks/{id}/default_gateway | Create Default Gateway. |
NetworksApi | createNetwork | POST /networks | Create a Network |
NetworksApi | deleteDefaultGateway | DELETE /networks/{id}/default_gateway | Delete Default Gateway. |
NetworksApi | deleteNetwork | DELETE /networks/{id} | Delete a Network |
NetworksApi | getDefaultGateway | GET /networks/{id}/default_gateway | Get Default Gateway status. |
NetworksApi | getNetwork | GET /networks/{id} | Retrieve a Network |
NetworksApi | listNetworkInterfaces | GET /networks/{id}/network_interfaces | List all Interfaces for a Network. |
NetworksApi | listNetworks | GET /networks | List all Networks |
NetworksApi | updateNetwork | PATCH /networks/{id} | Update a Network |
NotificationsApi | createNotificationChannels | POST /notification_channels | Create a notification channel |
NotificationsApi | createNotificationProfile | POST /notification_profiles | Create a notification profile |
NotificationsApi | createNotificationSetting | POST /notification_settings | Add a Notification Setting |
NotificationsApi | deleteNotificationChannel | DELETE /notification_channels/{id} | Delete a notification channel |
NotificationsApi | deleteNotificationProfile | DELETE /notification_profiles/{id} | Delete a notification profile |
NotificationsApi | deleteNotificationSetting | DELETE /notification_settings/{id} | Delete a notification setting |
NotificationsApi | findNotificationsEvents | GET /notification_events | List all Notifications Events |
NotificationsApi | findNotificationsEventsConditions | GET /notification_event_conditions | List all Notifications Events Conditions |
NotificationsApi | findNotificationsProfiles | GET /notification_profiles | List all Notifications Profiles |
NotificationsApi | getNotificationChannel | GET /notification_channels/{id} | Get a notification channel |
NotificationsApi | getNotificationProfile | GET /notification_profiles/{id} | Get a notification profile |
NotificationsApi | getNotificationSetting | GET /notification_settings/{id} | Get a notification setting |
NotificationsApi | listNotificationChannels | GET /notification_channels | List notification channels |
NotificationsApi | listNotificationSettings | GET /notification_settings | List notification settings |
NotificationsApi | updateNotificationChannel | PATCH /notification_channels/{id} | Update a notification channel |
NotificationsApi | updateNotificationProfile | PATCH /notification_profiles/{id} | Update a notification profile |
NumberConfigurationsApi | bulkUpdateMessagingSettingsOnPhoneNumbers | POST /messaging_numbers_bulk_updates | Update the messaging profile of multiple phone numbers |
NumberConfigurationsApi | getBulkUpdateMessagingSettingsOnPhoneNumbersStatus | GET /messaging_numbers_bulk_updates/{order_id} | Retrieve bulk update status |
NumberConfigurationsApi | getPhoneNumberMessagingSettings | GET /phone_numbers/{id}/messaging | Retrieve a phone number with messaging settings |
NumberConfigurationsApi | listPhoneNumbersWithMessagingSettings | GET /phone_numbers/messaging | List phone numbers with messaging settings |
NumberConfigurationsApi | updatePhoneNumberMessagingSettings | PATCH /phone_numbers/{id}/messaging | Update the messaging profile and/or messaging product of a phone number |
NumberLookupApi | lookupNumber | GET /number_lookup/{phone_number} | Lookup phone number data |
NumberPortoutApi | createPortoutReport | POST /portouts/reports | Create a port-out related report |
NumberPortoutApi | findPortoutComments | GET /portouts/{id}/comments | List all comments for a portout request |
NumberPortoutApi | findPortoutRequest | GET /portouts/{id} | Get a portout request |
NumberPortoutApi | getPortRequestSupportingDocuments | GET /portouts/{id}/supporting_documents | List supporting documents on a portout request |
NumberPortoutApi | getPortoutReport | GET /portouts/reports/{id} | Retrieve a report |
NumberPortoutApi | listPortoutEvents | GET /portouts/events | List all port-out events |
NumberPortoutApi | listPortoutRejections | GET /portouts/rejections/{portout_id} | List eligible port-out rejection codes for a specific order |
NumberPortoutApi | listPortoutReports | GET /portouts/reports | List port-out related reports |
NumberPortoutApi | listPortoutRequest | GET /portouts | List portout requests |
NumberPortoutApi | postPortRequestComment | POST /portouts/{id}/comments | Create a comment on a portout request |
NumberPortoutApi | postPortRequestSupportingDocuments | POST /portouts/{id}/supporting_documents | Create a list of supporting documents on a portout request |
NumberPortoutApi | republishPortoutEvent | POST /portouts/events/{id}/republish | Republish a port-out event |
NumberPortoutApi | showPortoutEvent | GET /portouts/events/{id} | Show a port-out event |
NumberPortoutApi | updatePortoutStatus | PATCH /portouts/{id}/{status} | Update Status |
NumbersFeaturesApi | postNumbersFeatures | POST /numbers_features | Retrieve the features for a list of numbers |
ObjectApi | deleteObject | DELETE /{bucketName}/{objectName} | DeleteObject |
ObjectApi | deleteObjects | POST /{bucketName} | DeleteObjects |
ObjectApi | getObject | GET /{bucketName}/{objectName} | GetObject |
ObjectApi | headObject | HEAD /{bucketName}/{objectName} | HeadObject |
ObjectApi | listObjects | GET /{bucketName} | ListObjectsV2 |
ObjectApi | putObject | PUT /{bucketName}/{objectName} | PutObject |
OtaUpdatesApi | getOtaUpdate | GET /ota_updates/{id} | Get OTA update |
OtaUpdatesApi | listOtaUpdates | GET /ota_updates | List OTA updates |
OutboundVoiceProfilesApi | createVoiceProfile | POST /outbound_voice_profiles | Create an outbound voice profile |
OutboundVoiceProfilesApi | deleteOutboundVoiceProfile | DELETE /outbound_voice_profiles/{id} | Delete an outbound voice profile |
OutboundVoiceProfilesApi | getOutboundVoiceProfile | GET /outbound_voice_profiles/{id} | Retrieve an outbound voice profile |
OutboundVoiceProfilesApi | listOutboundVoiceProfiles | GET /outbound_voice_profiles | Get all outbound voice profiles |
OutboundVoiceProfilesApi | updateOutboundVoiceProfile | PATCH /outbound_voice_profiles/{id} | Updates an existing outbound voice profile. |
PhoneNumberBlockOrdersApi | createNumberBlockOrder | POST /number_block_orders | Create a number block order |
PhoneNumberBlockOrdersApi | listNumberBlockOrders | GET /number_block_orders | List number block orders |
PhoneNumberBlockOrdersApi | retrieveNumberBlockOrder | GET /number_block_orders/{number_block_order_id} | Retrieve a number block order |
PhoneNumberBlocksBackgroundJobsApi | createPhoneNumberBlockDeletionJob | POST /phone_number_blocks/jobs/delete_phone_number_block | Deletes all numbers associated with a phone number block |
PhoneNumberBlocksBackgroundJobsApi | getPhoneNumberBlocksJob | GET /phone_number_blocks/jobs/{id} | Retrieves a phone number blocks job |
PhoneNumberBlocksBackgroundJobsApi | listPhoneNumberBlocksJobs | GET /phone_number_blocks/jobs | Lists the phone number blocks jobs |
PhoneNumberCampaignsApi | createPhoneNumberCampaign | POST /phone_number_campaigns | Create New Phone Number Campaign |
PhoneNumberCampaignsApi | deletePhoneNumberCampaign | DELETE /phone_number_campaigns/{phoneNumber} | Delete Phone Number Campaign |
PhoneNumberCampaignsApi | getAllPhoneNumberCampaigns | GET /phone_number_campaigns | Retrieve All Phone Number Campaigns |
PhoneNumberCampaignsApi | getSinglePhoneNumberCampaign | GET /phone_number_campaigns/{phoneNumber} | Get Single Phone Number Campaign |
PhoneNumberCampaignsApi | putPhoneNumberCampaign | PUT /phone_number_campaigns/{phoneNumber} | Create New Phone Number Campaign |
PhoneNumberConfigurationsApi | deletePhoneNumber | DELETE /phone_numbers/{id} | Delete a phone number |
PhoneNumberConfigurationsApi | enablePhoneNumberEmergency | POST /phone_numbers/{id}/actions/enable_emergency | Enable emergency for a phone number |
PhoneNumberConfigurationsApi | getPhoneNumberVoiceSettings | GET /phone_numbers/{id}/voice | Retrieve a phone number with voice settings |
PhoneNumberConfigurationsApi | listPhoneNumbers | GET /phone_numbers | List phone numbers |
PhoneNumberConfigurationsApi | listPhoneNumbersWithVoiceSettings | GET /phone_numbers/voice | List phone numbers with voice settings |
PhoneNumberConfigurationsApi | phoneNumberBundleStatusChange | PATCH /phone_numbers/{id}/actions/bundle_status_change | Change the bundle status for a phone number (set to being in a bundle or remove from a bundle) |
PhoneNumberConfigurationsApi | retrievePhoneNumber | GET /phone_numbers/{id} | Retrieve a phone number |
PhoneNumberConfigurationsApi | slimListPhoneNumbers | GET /phone_numbers/slim | Slim List phone numbers |
PhoneNumberConfigurationsApi | updatePhoneNumber | PATCH /phone_numbers/{id} | Update a phone number |
PhoneNumberConfigurationsApi | updatePhoneNumberVoiceSettings | PATCH /phone_numbers/{id}/voice | Update a phone number with voice settings |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | cancelSubNumberOrder | PATCH /sub_number_orders/{sub_number_order_id}/cancel | Cancel a sub number order |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | createComment | POST /comments | Create a comment |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | createNumberOrder | POST /number_orders | Create a number order |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | getNumberOrderPhoneNumber | GET /number_order_phone_numbers/{number_order_phone_number_id} | Retrieve a single phone number within a number order. |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | getSubNumberOrder | GET /sub_number_orders/{sub_number_order_id} | Retrieve a sub number order |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | listComments | GET /comments | Retrieve all comments |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | listNumberOrders | GET /number_orders | List number orders |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | listSubNumberOrders | GET /sub_number_orders | List sub number orders |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | markCommentRead | PATCH /comments/{id}/read | Mark a comment as read |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | retrieveComment | GET /comments/{id} | Retrieve a comment |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | retrieveNumberOrder | GET /number_orders/{number_order_id} | Retrieve a number order |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | retrieveOrderPhoneNumbers | GET /number_order_phone_numbers | Retrieve a list of phone numbers associated to orders |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | updateNumberOrder | PATCH /number_orders/{number_order_id} | Update a number order |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | updateNumberOrderPhoneNumber | PATCH /number_order_phone_numbers/{number_order_phone_number_id} | Update requirements for a single phone number within a number order. |
PhoneNumberOrdersApi | updateSubNumberOrder | PATCH /sub_number_orders/{sub_number_order_id} | Update a sub number order's requirements |
PhoneNumberPortingApi | postPortabilityCheck | POST /portability_checks | Run a portability check |
PhoneNumberReservationsApi | createNumberReservation | POST /number_reservations | Create a number reservation |
PhoneNumberReservationsApi | extendNumberReservationExpiryTime | POST /number_reservations/{number_reservation_id}/actions/extend | Extend a number reservation |
PhoneNumberReservationsApi | listNumberReservations | GET /number_reservations | List number reservations |
PhoneNumberReservationsApi | retrieveNumberReservation | GET /number_reservations/{number_reservation_id} | Retrieve a number reservation |
PhoneNumberSearchApi | listAvailablePhoneNumberBlocks | GET /available_phone_number_blocks | List available phone number blocks |
PhoneNumberSearchApi | listAvailablePhoneNumbers | GET /available_phone_numbers | List available phone numbers |
PortingOrdersApi | activatePortingOrder | POST /porting_orders/{id}/actions/activate | Activate every number in a porting order asynchronously. |
PortingOrdersApi | cancelPortingOrder | POST /porting_orders/{id}/actions/cancel | Cancel a porting order |
PortingOrdersApi | confirmPortingOrder | POST /porting_orders/{id}/actions/confirm | Submit a porting order. |
PortingOrdersApi | createAdditionalDocuments | POST /porting_orders/{id}/additional_documents | Create a list of additional documents |
PortingOrdersApi | createLoaConfiguration | POST /porting/loa_configurations | Create a LOA configuration |
PortingOrdersApi | createPhoneNumberConfigurations | POST /porting_orders/phone_number_configurations | Create a list of phone number configurations |
PortingOrdersApi | createPortingComment | POST /porting_orders/{id}/comments | Create a comment for a porting order |
PortingOrdersApi | createPortingOrder | POST /porting_orders | Create a porting order |
PortingOrdersApi | createPortingPhoneNumberBlock | POST /porting_orders/{porting_order_id}/phone_number_blocks | Create a phone number block |
PortingOrdersApi | createPortingPhoneNumberExtension | POST /porting_orders/{porting_order_id}/phone_number_extensions | Create a phone number extension |
PortingOrdersApi | createPortingReport | POST /porting/reports | Create a porting related report |
PortingOrdersApi | deleteAdditionalDocument | DELETE /porting_orders/{id}/additional_documents/{additional_document_id} | Delete an additional document |
PortingOrdersApi | deleteLoaConfiguration | DELETE /porting/loa_configurations/{id} | Delete a LOA configuration |
PortingOrdersApi | deletePortingOrder | DELETE /porting_orders/{id} | Delete a porting order |
PortingOrdersApi | deletePortingPhoneNumberBlock | DELETE /porting_orders/{porting_order_id}/phone_number_blocks/{id} | Delete a phone number block |
PortingOrdersApi | deletePortingPhoneNumberExtension | DELETE /porting_orders/{porting_order_id}/phone_number_extensions/{id} | Delete a phone number extension |
PortingOrdersApi | getLoaConfiguration | GET /porting/loa_configurations/{id} | Retrieve a LOA configuration |
PortingOrdersApi | getPortingOrder | GET /porting_orders/{id} | Retrieve a porting order |
PortingOrdersApi | getPortingOrderLoaTemplate | GET /porting_orders/{id}/loa_template | Download a porting order loa template |
PortingOrdersApi | getPortingOrderSubRequest | GET /porting_orders/{id}/sub_request | Retrieve the associated V1 sub_request_id and port_request_id |
PortingOrdersApi | getPortingOrdersActivationJob | GET /porting_orders/{id}/activation_jobs/{activationJobId} | Retrieve a porting activation job |
PortingOrdersApi | getPortingReport | GET /porting/reports/{id} | Retrieve a report |
PortingOrdersApi | listAdditionalDocuments | GET /porting_orders/{id}/additional_documents | List additional documents |
PortingOrdersApi | listAllowedFocWindows | GET /porting_orders/{id}/allowed_foc_windows | List allowed FOC dates |
PortingOrdersApi | listExceptionTypes | GET /porting_orders/exception_types | List all exception types |
PortingOrdersApi | listLoaConfigurations | GET /porting/loa_configurations | List LOA configurations |
PortingOrdersApi | listPhoneNumberConfigurations | GET /porting_orders/phone_number_configurations | List all phone number configurations |
PortingOrdersApi | listPortingEvents | GET /porting/events | List all porting events |
PortingOrdersApi | listPortingOrderActivationJobs | GET /porting_orders/{id}/activation_jobs | List all porting activation jobs |
PortingOrdersApi | listPortingOrderComments | GET /porting_orders/{id}/comments | List all comments of a porting order |
PortingOrdersApi | listPortingOrderRequirements | GET /porting_orders/{id}/requirements | List porting order requirements |
PortingOrdersApi | listPortingOrders | GET /porting_orders | List all porting orders |
PortingOrdersApi | listPortingPhoneNumberBlocks | GET /porting_orders/{porting_order_id}/phone_number_blocks | List all phone number blocks |
PortingOrdersApi | listPortingPhoneNumberExtensions | GET /porting_orders/{porting_order_id}/phone_number_extensions | List all phone number extensions |
PortingOrdersApi | listPortingPhoneNumbers | GET /porting_phone_numbers | List all porting phone numbers |
PortingOrdersApi | listPortingReports | GET /porting/reports | List porting related reports |
PortingOrdersApi | listVerificationCodes | GET /porting_orders/{id}/verification_codes | List verification codes |
PortingOrdersApi | previewLoaConfiguration | GET /porting/loa_configurations/{id}/preview | Preview a LOA configuration |
PortingOrdersApi | previewLoaConfigurationParams | POST /porting/loa_configuration/preview | Preview the LOA configuration parameters |
PortingOrdersApi | republishPortingEvent | POST /porting/events/{id}/republish | Republish a porting event |
PortingOrdersApi | sendPortingVerificationCodes | POST /porting_orders/{id}/verification_codes/send | Send the verification codes |
PortingOrdersApi | sharePortingOrder | POST /porting_orders/{id}/actions/share | Share a porting order |
PortingOrdersApi | showPortingEvent | GET /porting/events/{id} | Show a porting event |
PortingOrdersApi | updateLoaConfiguration | PATCH /porting/loa_configurations/{id} | Update a LOA configuration |
PortingOrdersApi | updatePortingOrder | PATCH /porting_orders/{id} | Edit a porting order |
PortingOrdersApi | updatePortingOrdersActivationJob | PATCH /porting_orders/{id}/activation_jobs/{activationJobId} | Update a porting activation job |
PortingOrdersApi | verifyPortingVerificationCodes | POST /porting_orders/{id}/verification_codes/verify | Verify the verification code for a list of phone numbers |
PresignedObjectUrlsApi | createPresignedObjectUrl | POST /storage/buckets/{bucketName}/{objectName}/presigned_url | Create Presigned Object URL |
PrivateWirelessGatewaysApi | createPrivateWirelessGateway | POST /private_wireless_gateways | Create a Private Wireless Gateway |
PrivateWirelessGatewaysApi | deleteWirelessGateway | DELETE /private_wireless_gateways/{id} | Delete a Private Wireless Gateway |
PrivateWirelessGatewaysApi | getPrivateWirelessGateway | GET /private_wireless_gateways/{id} | Get a Private Wireless Gateway |
PrivateWirelessGatewaysApi | getPrivateWirelessGateways | GET /private_wireless_gateways | Get all Private Wireless Gateways |
ProgrammableFaxApplicationsApi | createFaxApplication | POST /fax_applications | Creates a Fax Application |
ProgrammableFaxApplicationsApi | deleteFaxApplication | DELETE /fax_applications/{id} | Deletes a Fax Application |
ProgrammableFaxApplicationsApi | getFaxApplication | GET /fax_applications/{id} | Retrieve a Fax Application |
ProgrammableFaxApplicationsApi | listFaxApplications | GET /fax_applications | List all Fax Applications |
ProgrammableFaxApplicationsApi | updateFaxApplication | PATCH /fax_applications/{id} | Update a Fax Application |
ProgrammableFaxCommandsApi | cancelFax | POST /faxes/{id}/actions/cancel | Cancel a fax |
ProgrammableFaxCommandsApi | deleteFax | DELETE /faxes/{id} | Delete a fax |
ProgrammableFaxCommandsApi | listFaxes | GET /faxes | View a list of faxes |
ProgrammableFaxCommandsApi | refreshFax | POST /faxes/{id}/actions/refresh | Refresh a fax |
ProgrammableFaxCommandsApi | sendFax | POST /faxes | Send a fax |
ProgrammableFaxCommandsApi | viewFax | GET /faxes/{id} | View a fax |
PublicInternetGatewaysApi | createPublicInternetGateway | POST /public_internet_gateways | Create a Public Internet Gateway |
PublicInternetGatewaysApi | deletePublicInternetGateway | DELETE /public_internet_gateways/{id} | Delete a Public Internet Gateway |
PublicInternetGatewaysApi | getPublicInternetGateway | GET /public_internet_gateways/{id} | Retrieve a Public Internet Gateway |
PublicInternetGatewaysApi | listPublicInternetGateways | GET /public_internet_gateways | List all Public Internet Gateways |
PushCredentialsApi | createPushCredential | POST /mobile_push_credentials | Creates a new mobile push credential |
PushCredentialsApi | deletePushCredentialById | DELETE /mobile_push_credentials/{push_credential_id} | Deletes a mobile push credential |
PushCredentialsApi | getPushCredentialById | GET /mobile_push_credentials/{push_credential_id} | Retrieves a mobile push credential |
PushCredentialsApi | listPushCredentials | GET /mobile_push_credentials | List mobile push credentials |
QueueCommandsApi | createQueue | POST /queues | Create a queue |
QueueCommandsApi | deleteQueue | DELETE /queues/{queue_name} | Delete a queue |
QueueCommandsApi | listQueueCalls | GET /queues/{queue_name}/calls | Retrieve calls from a queue |
QueueCommandsApi | retrieveCallFromQueue | GET /queues/{queue_name}/calls/{call_control_id} | Retrieve a call from a queue |
QueueCommandsApi | retrieveCallQueue | GET /queues/{queue_name} | Retrieve a call queue |
QueueCommandsApi | updateQueueMaxSize | POST /queues/{queue_name} | Update queue max size |
RcsMessagingApi | messsagesRcsPost | POST /messsages/rcs | Send an RCS message |
RegionsApi | listRegions | GET /regions | List all Regions |
RegulatoryRequirementsApi | listRegulatoryRequirements | GET /regulatory_requirements | Retrieve regulatory requirements |
RegulatoryRequirementsApi | listRegulatoryRequirementsPhoneNumbers | GET /phone_numbers_regulatory_requirements | Retrieve regulatory requirements for a list of phone numbers |
ReportingApi | createWdrReport | POST /wireless/detail_records_reports | Create a Wireless Detail Records (WDRs) Report |
ReportingApi | deleteWdrReport | DELETE /wireless/detail_records_reports/{id} | Delete a Wireless Detail Record (WDR) Report |
ReportingApi | getWdrReport | GET /wireless/detail_records_reports/{id} | Get a Wireless Detail Record (WDR) Report |
ReportingApi | getWdrReports | GET /wireless/detail_records_reports | Get all Wireless Detail Records (WDRs) Reports |
ReportsApi | createBillingGroupReport | POST /ledger_billing_group_reports | Create a ledger billing group report |
ReportsApi | getBillingGroupReport | GET /ledger_billing_group_reports/{id} | Get a ledger billing group report |
RequirementGroupsApi | createRequirementGroup | POST /requirement_groups | Create a new requirement group |
RequirementGroupsApi | deleteRequirementGroup | DELETE /requirement_groups/{id} | Delete a requirement group by ID |
RequirementGroupsApi | getRequirementGroup | GET /requirement_groups/{id} | Get a single requirement group by ID |
RequirementGroupsApi | getRequirementGroups | GET /requirement_groups | List requirement groups |
RequirementGroupsApi | submitRequirementGroup | POST /requirement_groups/{id}/submit_for_approval | Submit a Requirement Group for Approval |
RequirementGroupsApi | updateNumberOrderPhoneNumberRequirementGroup | POST /number_order_phone_numbers/{id}/requirement_group | Update requirement group for a phone number order |
RequirementGroupsApi | updateRequirementGroup | PATCH /requirement_groups/{id} | Update requirement values in requirement group |
RequirementGroupsApi | updateSubNumberOrderRequirementGroup | POST /sub_number_orders/{id}/requirement_group | Update requirement group for a sub number order |
RequirementTypesApi | listRequirementTypes | GET /requirement_types | List all requirement types |
RequirementTypesApi | retrieveRequirementType | GET /requirement_types/{id} | Retrieve a requirement type |
RequirementsApi | listRequirements | GET /requirements | List all requirements |
RequirementsApi | retrieveDocumentRequirements | GET /requirements/{id} | Retrieve a document requirement |
RoomCompositionsApi | createRoomComposition | POST /room_compositions | Create a room composition. |
RoomCompositionsApi | deleteRoomComposition | DELETE /room_compositions/{room_composition_id} | Delete a room composition. |
RoomCompositionsApi | listRoomCompositions | GET /room_compositions | View a list of room compositions. |
RoomCompositionsApi | viewRoomComposition | GET /room_compositions/{room_composition_id} | View a room composition. |
RoomParticipantsApi | listRoomParticipants | GET /room_participants | View a list of room participants. |
RoomParticipantsApi | viewRoomParticipant | GET /room_participants/{room_participant_id} | View a room participant. |
RoomRecordingsApi | deleteRoomRecording | DELETE /room_recordings/{room_recording_id} | Delete a room recording. |
RoomRecordingsApi | deleteRoomRecordings | DELETE /room_recordings | Delete several room recordings in a bulk. |
RoomRecordingsApi | listRoomRecordings | GET /room_recordings | View a list of room recordings. |
RoomRecordingsApi | viewRoomRecording | GET /room_recordings/{room_recording_id} | View a room recording. |
RoomSessionsApi | endSession | POST /room_sessions/{room_session_id}/actions/end | End a room session. |
RoomSessionsApi | kickParticipantInSession | POST /room_sessions/{room_session_id}/actions/kick | Kick participants from a room session. |
RoomSessionsApi | listRoomSessions | GET /room_sessions | View a list of room sessions. |
RoomSessionsApi | muteParticipantInSession | POST /room_sessions/{room_session_id}/actions/mute | Mute participants in room session. |
RoomSessionsApi | retrieveListRoomParticipants | GET /room_sessions/{room_session_id}/participants | View a list of room participants. |
RoomSessionsApi | unmuteParticipantInSession | POST /room_sessions/{room_session_id}/actions/unmute | Unmute participants in room session. |
RoomSessionsApi | viewRoomSession | GET /room_sessions/{room_session_id} | View a room session. |
RoomsApi | createRoom | POST /rooms | Create a room. |
RoomsApi | deleteRoom | DELETE /rooms/{room_id} | Delete a room. |
RoomsApi | listRooms | GET /rooms | View a list of rooms. |
RoomsApi | retrieveListRoomSessions | GET /rooms/{room_id}/sessions | View a list of room sessions. |
RoomsApi | updateRoom | PATCH /rooms/{room_id} | Update a room. |
RoomsApi | viewRoom | GET /rooms/{room_id} | View a room. |
RoomsClientTokensApi | createRoomClientToken | POST /rooms/{room_id}/actions/generate_join_client_token | Create Client Token to join a room. |
RoomsClientTokensApi | refreshRoomClientToken | POST /rooms/{room_id}/actions/refresh_client_token | Refresh Client Token to join a room. |
SharedCampaignsApi | getPartnerCampaignSharingStatus | GET /partnerCampaign/{campaignId}/sharing | Get Sharing Status |
SharedCampaignsApi | getPartnerCampaignsSharedByUser | GET /partnerCampaign/sharedByMe | Get Partner Campaigns Shared By User |
SharedCampaignsApi | getSharedCampaign | GET /partner_campaigns/{campaignId} | Get Single Shared Campaign |
SharedCampaignsApi | getSharedCampaigns | GET /partner_campaigns | List Shared Campaigns |
SharedCampaignsApi | updateSharedCampaign | PATCH /partner_campaigns/{campaignId} | Update Single Shared Campaign |
ShortCodesApi | listShortCodes | GET /short_codes | List short codes |
ShortCodesApi | retrieveShortCode | GET /short_codes/{id} | Retrieve a short code |
ShortCodesApi | updateShortCode | PATCH /short_codes/{id} | Update short code |
SimCardActionsApi | getBulkSimCardAction | GET /bulk_sim_card_actions/{id} | Get bulk SIM card action details |
SimCardActionsApi | getSimCardAction | GET /sim_card_actions/{id} | Get SIM card action details |
SimCardActionsApi | listBulkSimCardActions | GET /bulk_sim_card_actions | List bulk SIM card actions |
SimCardActionsApi | listSimCardActions | GET /sim_card_actions | List SIM card actions |
SimCardGroupActionsApi | getSimCardGroupAction | GET /sim_card_group_actions/{id} | Get SIM card group action details |
SimCardGroupActionsApi | getSimCardGroupActions | GET /sim_card_group_actions | List SIM card group actions |
SimCardGroupsApi | createSimCardGroup | POST /sim_card_groups | Create a SIM card group |
SimCardGroupsApi | deleteSimCardGroup | DELETE /sim_card_groups/{id} | Delete a SIM card group |
SimCardGroupsApi | getAllSimCardGroups | GET /sim_card_groups | Get all SIM card groups |
SimCardGroupsApi | getSimCardGroup | GET /sim_card_groups/{id} | Get SIM card group |
SimCardGroupsApi | removeSimCardGroupPrivateWirelessGateway | POST /sim_card_groups/{id}/actions/remove_private_wireless_gateway | Request Private Wireless Gateway removal from SIM card group |
SimCardGroupsApi | setPrivateWirelessGatewayForSimCardGroup | POST /sim_card_groups/{id}/actions/set_private_wireless_gateway | Request Private Wireless Gateway assignment for SIM card group |
SimCardGroupsApi | updateSimCardGroup | PATCH /sim_card_groups/{id} | Update a SIM card group |
SimCardOrdersApi | createSimCardOrder | POST /sim_card_orders | Create a SIM card order |
SimCardOrdersApi | getSimCardOrder | GET /sim_card_orders/{id} | Get a single SIM card order |
SimCardOrdersApi | getSimCardOrders | GET /sim_card_orders | Get all SIM card orders |
SimCardOrdersApi | previewSimCardOrders | POST /sim_card_order_preview | Preview SIM card orders |
SimCardsApi | deleteSimCard | DELETE /sim_cards/{id} | Deletes a SIM card |
SimCardsApi | deleteSimCardDataUsageNotifications | DELETE /sim_card_data_usage_notifications/{id} | Delete SIM card data usage notifications |
SimCardsApi | disableSimCard | POST /sim_cards/{id}/actions/disable | Request a SIM card disable |
SimCardsApi | enableSimCard | POST /sim_cards/{id}/actions/enable | Request a SIM card enable |
SimCardsApi | getSimCard | GET /sim_cards/{id} | Get SIM card |
SimCardsApi | getSimCardActivationCode | GET /sim_cards/{id}/activation_code | Get activation code for an eSIM |
SimCardsApi | getSimCardDataUsageNotification | GET /sim_card_data_usage_notifications/{id} | Get a single SIM card data usage notification |
SimCardsApi | getSimCardDeviceDetails | GET /sim_cards/{id}/device_details | Get SIM card device details |
SimCardsApi | getSimCardPublicIp | GET /sim_cards/{id}/public_ip | Get SIM card public IP definition |
SimCardsApi | getSimCards | GET /sim_cards | Get all SIM cards |
SimCardsApi | getWirelessConnectivityLogs | GET /sim_cards/{id}/wireless_connectivity_logs | List wireless connectivity logs |
SimCardsApi | listDataUsageNotifications | GET /sim_card_data_usage_notifications | List SIM card data usage notifications |
SimCardsApi | patchSimCardDataUsageNotification | PATCH /sim_card_data_usage_notifications/{id} | Updates information for a SIM Card Data Usage Notification |
SimCardsApi | postSimCardDataUsageNotification | POST /sim_card_data_usage_notifications | Create a new SIM card data usage notification |
SimCardsApi | purchaseESim | POST /actions/purchase/esims | Purchase eSIMs |
SimCardsApi | registerSimCards | POST /actions/register/sim_cards | Register SIM cards |
SimCardsApi | removeSimCardPublicIp | POST /sim_cards/{id}/actions/remove_public_ip | Request removing a SIM card public IP |
SimCardsApi | setPublicIPsBulk | POST /sim_cards/actions/bulk_set_public_ips | Request bulk setting SIM card public IPs. |
SimCardsApi | setSimCardPublicIp | POST /sim_cards/{id}/actions/set_public_ip | Request setting a SIM card public IP |
SimCardsApi | setSimCardStandby | POST /sim_cards/{id}/actions/set_standby | Request setting a SIM card to standby |
SimCardsApi | updateSimCard | PATCH /sim_cards/{id} | Update a SIM card |
SimCardsApi | validateRegistrationCodes | POST /sim_cards/actions/validate_registration_codes | Validate SIM cards registration codes |
SiprecConnectorApi | createSiprecConnector | POST /siprec_connectors | Creates a siprec connector |
SiprecConnectorApi | deleteSiprecConnection | DELETE /siprec_connectors | Delete stored Siprec Connection |
SiprecConnectorApi | getSiprecConnection | GET /siprec_connectors | Retrieve stored Siprec Connection |
SiprecConnectorApi | updateSiprecConnector | PUT /siprec_connectors | Update stored SIPREC connector |
TeXmlApplicationsApi | createTexmlApplication | POST /texml_applications | Creates a TeXML Application |
TeXmlApplicationsApi | deleteTexmlApplication | DELETE /texml_applications/{id} | Deletes a TeXML Application |
TeXmlApplicationsApi | findTexmlApplications | GET /texml_applications | List all TeXML Applications |
TeXmlApplicationsApi | getTexmlApplication | GET /texml_applications/{id} | Retrieve a TeXML Application |
TeXmlApplicationsApi | updateTexmlApplication | PATCH /texml_applications/{id} | Update a TeXML Application |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | createTexmlSecret | POST /texml/secrets | Create a TeXML secret |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | deleteTeXMLCallRecording | DELETE /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Recordings/{recording_sid}.json | Delete recording resource |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | deleteTexmlConferenceParticipant | DELETE /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Conferences/{conference_sid}/Participants/{call_sid} | Delete a conference participant |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | dialTexmlConferenceParticipant | POST /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Conferences/{conference_sid}/Participants | Dial a new conference participant |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | fetchTeXMLCallRecordings | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Calls/{call_sid}/Recordings.json | Fetch recordings for a call |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | fetchTeXMLConferenceRecordings | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Conferences/{conference_sid}/Recordings.json | Fetch recordings for a conference |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | getTeXMLCallRecording | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Recordings/{recording_sid}.json | Fetch recording resource |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | getTeXMLCallRecordings | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Recordings.json | Fetch multiple recording resources |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | getTexmlCall | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Calls/{call_sid} | Fetch a call |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | getTexmlCalls | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Calls | Fetch multiple call resources |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | getTexmlConference | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Conferences/{conference_sid} | Fetch a conference resource |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | getTexmlConferenceParticipant | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Conferences/{conference_sid}/Participants/{call_sid} | Get conference participant resource |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | getTexmlConferenceParticipants | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Conferences/{conference_sid}/Participants | List conference participants |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | getTexmlConferenceRecordings | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Conferences/{conference_sid}/Recordings | List conference recordings |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | getTexmlConferences | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Conferences | List conference resources |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | initiateTexmlCall | POST /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Calls | Initiate an outbound call |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | initiateTexmlCallByApplicationId | POST /texml/calls/{application_id} | Initiate an outbound call |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | startTeXMLCallRecording | POST /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Calls/{call_sid}/Recordings.json | Request recording for a call |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | startTeXMLCallStreaming | POST /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Calls/{call_sid}/Streams.json | Start streaming media from a call. |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | startTeXMLSiprecSession | POST /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Calls/{call_sid}/Siprec.json | Request siprec session for a call |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | updateTeXMLCallRecording | POST /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Calls/{call_sid}/Recordings/{recording_sid}.json | Update recording on a call |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | updateTeXMLCallStreaming | POST /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Calls/{call_sid}/Streams/{streaming_sid}.json | Update streaming on a call |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | updateTeXMLSiprecSession | POST /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Calls/{call_sid}/Siprec/{siprec_sid}.json | Updates siprec session for a call |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | updateTexmlCall | POST /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Calls/{call_sid} | Update call |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | updateTexmlCallBySid | POST /texml/calls/{call_sid}/update | Update call |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | updateTexmlConference | POST /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Conferences/{conference_sid} | Update a conference resource |
TeXmlRestCommandsApi | updateTexmlConferenceParticipant | POST /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Conferences/{conference_sid}/Participants/{call_sid} | Update a conference participant |
TeXmlTwilioCompatibleRestCommandsApi | deleteTeXMLRecordingTranscription | DELETE /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Transcriptions/{recording_transcription_sid}.json | Delete a recording transcription |
TeXmlTwilioCompatibleRestCommandsApi | getTeXMLRecordingTranscription | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Transcriptions/{recording_transcription_sid}.json | Fetch a recording transcription resource |
TeXmlTwilioCompatibleRestCommandsApi | getTeXMLRecordingTranscriptions | GET /texml/Accounts/{account_sid}/Transcriptions.json | List recording transcriptions |
UsageReportsBetaApi | getUsageReport | GET /usage_reports | Get Telnyx product usage data (BETA) |
UsageReportsBetaApi | listUsageReportsOptions | GET /usage_reports/options | Get Usage Reports query options (BETA) |
UserAddressesApi | createUserAddress | POST /user_addresses | Creates a user address |
UserAddressesApi | findUserAddress | GET /user_addresses | List all user addresses |
UserAddressesApi | getUserAddress | GET /user_addresses/{id} | Retrieve a user address |
UserTagsApi | getUserTags | GET /user_tags | List User Tags |
VerifiedNumbersApi | createVerifiedNumber | POST /verified_numbers | Request phone number verification |
VerifiedNumbersApi | deleteVerifiedNumber | DELETE /verified_numbers/{phone_number} | Delete a verified number |
VerifiedNumbersApi | getVerifiedNumber | GET /verified_numbers/{phone_number} | Retrieve a verified number |
VerifiedNumbersApi | listVerifiedNumbers | GET /verified_numbers | List all Verified Numbers |
VerifiedNumbersApi | verifyVerificationCode | POST /verified_numbers/{phone_number}/actions/verify | Submit verification code |
VerifyApi | createFlashcallVerification | POST /verifications/flashcall | Trigger Flash call verification |
VerifyApi | createVerificationCall | POST /verifications/call | Trigger Call verification |
VerifyApi | createVerificationSms | POST /verifications/sms | Trigger SMS verification |
VerifyApi | createVerifyProfile | POST /verify_profiles | Create a Verify profile |
VerifyApi | deleteProfile | DELETE /verify_profiles/{verify_profile_id} | Delete Verify profile |
VerifyApi | getVerifyProfile | GET /verify_profiles/{verify_profile_id} | Retrieve Verify profile |
VerifyApi | listProfileMessageTemplates | GET /verify_profiles/templates | Retrieve Verify profile message templates |
VerifyApi | listProfiles | GET /verify_profiles | List all Verify profiles |
VerifyApi | listVerifications | GET /verifications/by_phone_number/{phone_number} | List verifications by phone number |
VerifyApi | retrieveVerification | GET /verifications/{verification_id} | Retrieve verification |
VerifyApi | updateVerifyProfile | PATCH /verify_profiles/{verify_profile_id} | Update Verify profile |
VerifyApi | verifyVerificationCodeById | POST /verifications/{verification_id}/actions/verify | Verify verification code by ID |
VerifyApi | verifyVerificationCodeByPhoneNumber | POST /verifications/by_phone_number/{phone_number}/actions/verify | Verify verification code by phone number |
VirtualCrossConnectsApi | createVirtualCrossConnect | POST /virtual_cross_connects | Create a Virtual Cross Connect |
VirtualCrossConnectsApi | deleteVirtualCrossConnect | DELETE /virtual_cross_connects/{id} | Delete a Virtual Cross Connect |
VirtualCrossConnectsApi | getVirtualCrossConnect | GET /virtual_cross_connects/{id} | Retrieve a Virtual Cross Connect |
VirtualCrossConnectsApi | listVirtualCrossConnectCoverage | GET /virtual_cross_connects_coverage | List Virtual Cross Connect Cloud Coverage |
VirtualCrossConnectsApi | listVirtualCrossConnects | GET /virtual_cross_connects | List all Virtual Cross Connects |
VirtualCrossConnectsApi | updateVirtualCrossConnect | PATCH /virtual_cross_connects/{id} | Update the Virtual Cross Connect |
VoicemailApi | createVoicemail | POST /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id}/voicemail | Create voicemail |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemail | GET /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id}/voicemail | Get voicemail |
VoicemailApi | updateVoicemail | PATCH /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id}/voicemail | Update voicemail |
WdrDetailReportsApi | getPaginatedWdrs | GET /reports/wdrs | Fetches all Wdr records |
WebhooksApi | getWebhookDeliveries | GET /webhook_deliveries | List webhook deliveries |
WebhooksApi | getWebhookDelivery | GET /webhook_deliveries/{id} | Find webhook_delivery details by ID |
WireGuardInterfacesApi | createWireguardInterface | POST /wireguard_interfaces | Create a WireGuard Interface |
WireGuardInterfacesApi | createWireguardPeer | POST /wireguard_peers | Create a WireGuard Peer |
WireGuardInterfacesApi | deleteWireguardInterface | DELETE /wireguard_interfaces/{id} | Delete a WireGuard Interface |
WireGuardInterfacesApi | deleteWireguardPeer | DELETE /wireguard_peers/{id} | Delete the WireGuard Peer |
WireGuardInterfacesApi | getWireguardInterface | GET /wireguard_interfaces/{id} | Retrieve a WireGuard Interfaces |
WireGuardInterfacesApi | getWireguardPeer | GET /wireguard_peers/{id} | Retrieve the WireGuard Peer |
WireGuardInterfacesApi | getWireguardPeerConfig | GET /wireguard_peers/{id}/config | Retrieve Wireguard config template for Peer |
WireGuardInterfacesApi | listWireguardInterfaces | GET /wireguard_interfaces | List all WireGuard Interfaces |
WireGuardInterfacesApi | listWireguardPeers | GET /wireguard_peers | List all WireGuard Peers |
WireGuardInterfacesApi | updateWireguardPeer | PATCH /wireguard_peers/{id} | Update the WireGuard Peer |
WirelessRegionsApi | wirelessRegionsGetAll | GET /wireless/regions | Get all wireless regions |
- AIAssistantStartRequest
- AIAssistantStartRequestAssistant
- AIAssistantStartRequestVoiceSettings
- AIAssistantStopRequest
- AcceptSuggestionsRequest
- AccessIPAddressListResponseSchema
- AccessIPAddressPOST
- AccessIPAddressResponseSchema
- AccessIPRangeListResponseSchema
- AccessIPRangePOST
- AccessIPRangeResponseSchema
- ActionsParticipantsRequest
- ActionsParticipantsRequestParticipants
- ActivatePortingOrder202Response
- ActiveCall
- ActiveCallsResponse
- Address
- AddressCreate
- AddressSuggestionResponse
- AddressSuggestionResponseData
- AdvancedOrderRequest
- AdvancedOrderResponse
- AdvancedOrderResponseData
- AltBusinessIdType
- AmdDetailRecord
- AnchorsiteOverride
- AnswerRequest
- AssignPhoneNumberRequest
- AssignProfileToCampaignRequest
- AssignProfileToCampaignResponse
- AssignmentTaskStatusResponse
- Assistant
- AssistantDeletedResponse
- AssistantsListData
- Attempt
- AudioTranscriptionResponse
- AudioTranscriptionResponseSegments
- AuditEventChangesInner
- AuditEventChangesInnerFrom
- AuditEventChangesInnerTo
- AuditLog
- AuditLogList
- AuthenticationProvider
- AuthenticationProviderCreate
- AuthenticationProviderSettings
- AutoRechargePref
- AutoRechargePrefRequest
- AutoRespConfigCreateSchema
- AutorespConfigResponseSchema
- AutorespConfigSchema
- AutorespConfigsResponseSchema
- AvailablePhoneNumber
- AvailablePhoneNumberBlock
- AvailablePhoneNumbersMetadata
- AvailableService
- AzureConfigurationData
- BackgroundTaskStatus
- BackgroundTasksQueryResponse
- BackgroundTasksQueryResponseData
- BillingGroup
- BrandBasic
- BrandFeedback
- BrandFeedbackCategory
- BrandIdentityStatus
- BrandOptionalAttributes
- BrandRecordSetCSP
- BrandRelationship
- BridgeRequest
- BucketAPIUsageResponse
- BucketIds
- BucketNotFoundError
- BucketOps
- BucketOpsTotal
- BucketUsage
- BulkMessagingSettingsUpdatePhoneNumbers
- BulkMessagingSettingsUpdatePhoneNumbersRequest
- BulkRoomRecordingsDeleteResponse
- BulkRoomRecordingsDeleteResponseData
- BulkSIMCardAction
- BulkSIMCardActionDetailed
- CSVDownloadResponse
- Call
- CallAIGatherEnded
- CallAIGatherEndedEvent
- CallAIGatherEndedPayload
- CallAIGatherPartialResults
- CallAIGatherPartialResultsEvent
- CallAIGatherPartialResultsPayload
- CallAIGatherToolCallEvent
- CallAIGatherToolCallEventData
- CallAIGatherToolCallEventDataPayload
- CallAIGatherToolCallEventDataPayloadToolCall
- CallAIGatherToolCallEventDataPayloadToolCallFunction
- CallAnswered
- CallAnsweredEvent
- CallAnsweredPayload
- CallBridged
- CallBridgedEvent
- CallBridgedPayload
- CallControlApplication
- CallControlApplicationInbound
- CallControlApplicationOutbound
- CallControlApplicationResponse
- CallControlCommandResponse
- CallControlCommandResult
- CallDtmfReceived
- CallDtmfReceivedEvent
- CallDtmfReceivedPayload
- CallEnqueued
- CallEnqueuedEvent
- CallEnqueuedPayload
- CallEvent
- CallForkStarted
- CallForkStartedEvent
- CallForkStartedPayload
- CallForkStopped
- CallForkStoppedEvent
- CallForwarding
- CallGatherEnded
- CallGatherEndedEvent
- CallGatherEndedPayload
- CallHangup
- CallHangupEvent
- CallHangupPayload
- CallInitiated
- CallInitiatedEvent
- CallInitiatedPayload
- CallLeftQueue
- CallLeftQueueEvent
- CallLeftQueuePayload
- CallMachineDetectionEnded
- CallMachineDetectionEndedEvent
- CallMachineDetectionEndedPayload
- CallMachineGreetingEnded
- CallMachineGreetingEndedEvent
- CallMachineGreetingEndedPayload
- CallMachinePremiumDetectionEnded
- CallMachinePremiumDetectionEndedEvent
- CallMachinePremiumDetectionEndedPayload
- CallMachinePremiumGreetingEnded
- CallMachinePremiumGreetingEndedEvent
- CallMachinePremiumGreetingEndedPayload
- CallPlaybackEnded
- CallPlaybackEndedEvent
- CallPlaybackEndedPayload
- CallPlaybackStarted
- CallPlaybackStartedEvent
- CallPlaybackStartedPayload
- CallRecording
- CallRecordingError
- CallRecordingErrorEvent
- CallRecordingErrorPayload
- CallRecordingSaved
- CallRecordingSavedEvent
- CallRecordingSavedPayload
- CallRecordingSavedPayloadPublicRecordingUrls
- CallRecordingSavedPayloadRecordingUrls
- CallReferCompleted
- CallReferCompletedEvent
- CallReferCompletedPayload
- CallReferFailed
- CallReferFailedEvent
- CallReferFailedPayload
- CallReferStarted
- CallReferStartedEvent
- CallReferStartedPayload
- CallRequest
- CallRequestAnsweringMachineDetectionConfig
- CallRequestConferenceConfig
- CallRequestTo
- CallResource
- CallResourceIndex
- CallSiprecFailed
- CallSiprecFailedEvent
- CallSiprecFailedPayload
- CallSiprecStarted
- CallSiprecStartedEvent
- CallSiprecStartedPayload
- CallSiprecStopped
- CallSiprecStoppedEvent
- CallSiprecStoppedPayload
- CallSpeakEnded
- CallSpeakEndedEvent
- CallSpeakEndedPayload
- CallSpeakStarted
- CallSpeakStartedEvent
- CallSpeakStartedPayload
- CallStreamingFailed
- CallStreamingFailedEvent
- CallStreamingFailedPayload
- CallStreamingFailedPayloadStreamParams
- CallStreamingStarted
- CallStreamingStartedEvent
- CallStreamingStartedPayload
- CallStreamingStopped
- CallStreamingStoppedEvent
- CallbackWebhookMeta
- CallerName
- CampaignCost
- CampaignDeletionResponse
- CampaignRecordSetCSP
- CampaignRequest
- CampaignSharingChain
- CampaignSharingStatus
- CampaignStatusUpdateEvent
- CancelPortingOrder200Response
- Carrier
- CdrGetSyncUsageReportResponse
- CdrUsageReportResponse
- ChatCompletionRequest
- ChatCompletionResponseFormatParam
- ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam
- ChatCompletionSystemMessageParamContent
- ChatCompletionToolParam
- CivicAddress
- ClientStateUpdateRequest
- CloudflareSyncStatus
- ClusterNode
- ClusteringRequestInfo
- ClusteringRequestInfoData
- ClusteringStatusResponse
- ClusteringStatusResponseData
- CnamListing
- Comment
- CompleteOTAUpdate
- CompleteOTAUpdateSettings
- Conference
- ConferenceCommandResponse
- ConferenceCommandResult
- ConferenceCreated
- ConferenceCreatedEvent
- ConferenceCreatedPayload
- ConferenceDetailRecord
- ConferenceEnded
- ConferenceEndedBy
- ConferenceEndedEvent
- ConferenceEndedPayload
- ConferenceFloorChangedEvent
- ConferenceFloorChangedEventPayload
- ConferenceHoldRequest
- ConferenceMuteRequest
- ConferenceParticipantDetailRecord
- ConferenceParticipantJoined
- ConferenceParticipantJoinedEvent
- ConferenceParticipantJoinedPayload
- ConferenceParticipantLeft
- ConferenceParticipantLeftEvent
- ConferenceParticipantPlaybackEnded
- ConferenceParticipantPlaybackEndedEvent
- ConferenceParticipantPlaybackStarted
- ConferenceParticipantPlaybackStartedEvent
- ConferenceParticipantPlaybackStartedPayload
- ConferenceParticipantSpeakEnded
- ConferenceParticipantSpeakEndedEvent
- ConferenceParticipantSpeakStarted
- ConferenceParticipantSpeakStartedEvent
- ConferenceParticipantSpeakStartedPayload
- ConferencePlayRequest
- ConferencePlaybackEnded
- ConferencePlaybackEndedEvent
- ConferencePlaybackStarted
- ConferencePlaybackStartedEvent
- ConferencePlaybackStartedPayload
- ConferenceRecordingResource
- ConferenceRecordingResourceIndex
- ConferenceRecordingSaved
- ConferenceRecordingSavedEvent
- ConferenceRecordingSavedPayload
- ConferenceResource
- ConferenceResourceIndex
- ConferenceResponse
- ConferenceSpeakEnded
- ConferenceSpeakEndedEvent
- ConferenceSpeakRequest
- ConferenceSpeakStarted
- ConferenceSpeakStartedEvent
- ConferenceSpeakStartedPayload
- ConferenceStopRequest
- ConferenceUnholdRequest
- ConferenceUnmuteRequest
- ConfirmPortingOrder200Response
- Connection
- ConnectionResponse
- ConnectionRtcpSettings
- ConsumedData
- CostInformation
- CountryCoverage
- CountryCoverageLocal
- CreateAdditionalDocuments201Response
- CreateAdditionalDocumentsRequest
- CreateAdditionalDocumentsRequestAdditionalDocumentsInner
- CreateAddress200Response
- CreateAndroidPushCredentialRequest
- CreateAssistantRequest
- CreateAuthenticationProvider200Response
- CreateBillingGroup200Response
- CreateBillingGroupReport200Response
- CreateBrand
- CreateBucketRequest
- CreateCallControlApplicationRequest
- CreateComment200Response
- CreateComment200ResponseData
- CreateConferenceRequest
- CreateCredentialConnectionRequest
- CreateCustomerServiceRecord201Response
- CreateCustomerServiceRecordRequest
- CreateDocument200Response
- CreateDocumentRequest
- CreateDocumentRequestOneOf
- CreateDocumentRequestOneOf1
- CreateDynamicEmergencyAddress201Response
- CreateDynamicEmergencyEndpoint201Response
- CreateExternalConnectionRequest
- CreateExternalConnectionUploadRequest
- CreateFaxApplicationRequest
- CreateFineTuningJobRequest
- CreateFineTuningJobRequestHyperparameters
- CreateFqdnConnectionRequest
- CreateFqdnRequest
- CreateGlobalIp202Response
- CreateGlobalIpAssignment202Response
- CreateGlobalIpHealthCheck202Response
- CreateGroupMMSMessageRequest
- CreateInboundIpRequest
- CreateIntegrationSecretRequest
- CreateInventoryCoverage200Response
- CreateIosPushCredentialRequest
- CreateIpConnectionRequest
- CreateIpRequest
- CreateLoaConfiguration201Response
- CreateLongCodeMessageRequest
- CreateManagedAccount200Response
- CreateManagedAccount422Response
- CreateManagedAccountRequest
- CreateMessageRequest
- CreateMessagingHostedNumberOrderRequest
- CreateMessagingProfileRequest
- CreateMigration200Response
- CreateMigrationSource200Response
- CreateNetwork200Response
- CreateNotificationChannels200Response
- CreateNotificationProfile200Response
- CreateNotificationSetting200Response
- CreateNumberBlockOrderRequest
- CreateNumberOrderRequest
- CreateNumberOrderRequestPhoneNumbersInner
- CreateNumberPoolMessageRequest
- CreateNumberReservationRequest
- CreateOutboundVoiceProfileRequest
- CreatePhoneNumberConfigurations201Response
- CreatePhoneNumberConfigurationsRequest
- CreatePhoneNumberConfigurationsRequestPhoneNumberConfigurationsInner
- CreatePortingComment201Response
- CreatePortingOrder
- CreatePortingOrder201Response
- CreatePortingOrderComment
- CreatePortingPhoneNumberBlock201Response
- CreatePortingPhoneNumberBlockRequest
- CreatePortingPhoneNumberBlockRequestActivationRangesInner
- CreatePortingPhoneNumberBlockRequestPhoneNumberRange
- CreatePortingPhoneNumberExtension201Response
- CreatePortingPhoneNumberExtensionRequest
- CreatePortingPhoneNumberExtensionRequestActivationRangesInner
- CreatePortingPhoneNumberExtensionRequestExtensionRange
- CreatePortingReport201Response
- CreatePortingReportRequest
- CreatePortingReportRequestParams
- CreatePortoutReport201Response
- CreatePortoutReportRequest
- CreatePortoutReportRequestParams
- CreatePrivateWirelessGateway202Response
- CreatePrivateWirelessGatewayRequest
- CreatePublicInternetGateway202Response
- CreatePushCredentialRequest
- CreateQueueRequest
- CreateRequirementGroupRequest
- CreateRequirementGroupRequestRegulatoryRequirementsInner
- CreateRoom201Response
- CreateRoomClientToken201Response
- CreateRoomClientToken201ResponseData
- CreateRoomClientTokenRequest
- CreateRoomComposition202Response
- CreateRoomCompositionRequest
- CreateRoomRequest
- CreateShortCodeMessageRequest
- CreateSimCardGroup200Response
- CreateSimCardOrder200Response
- CreateTeXMLSecretRequest
- CreateTeXMLSecretResult
- CreateTexmlApplicationRequest
- CreateUploadRequestResponse
- CreateUploadRequestResponse1
- CreateUserAddress200Response
- CreateVerificationRequestCall
- CreateVerificationRequestFlashcall
- CreateVerificationRequestSMS
- CreateVerificationResponse
- CreateVerifiedNumberRequest
- CreateVerifiedNumberResponse
- CreateVerifyProfileCallRequest
- CreateVerifyProfileFlashcallRequest
- CreateVerifyProfileRequest
- CreateVerifyProfileSMSRequest
- CreateVirtualCrossConnect200Response
- CreateWdrReport201Response
- CreateWireguardInterface202Response
- CreateWireguardPeer202Response
- CredentialConnection
- CredentialConnectionResponse
- CredentialInbound
- CredentialOutbound
- CredentialsResponse
- CsvDownload
- Cursor
- CursorPaginationMeta
- CustomSipHeader
- CustomStorageConfiguration
- CustomStorageConfigurationConfiguration
- CustomerServiceRecord
- CustomerServiceRecordAdditionalData
- CustomerServiceRecordPhoneNumberCoverage
- CustomerServiceRecordResult
- CustomerServiceRecordResultAddress
- CustomerServiceRecordResultAdmin
- CustomerServiceRecordStatusChangedEvent
- CustomerServiceRecordStatusChangedEventPayload
- CustomerServiceRecordsPostRequest
- DefaultGateway
- DeleteObjectsRequestInner
- DetailRecord
- DetailRecordsSearchResponse
- DialogflowConfig
- DialogflowConnection
- DialogflowConnectionResponse
- Direction
- DismissRequestWasSuccessful
- DocReqsRequirement
- DocReqsRequirementType
- DocReqsRequirementTypeAcceptanceCriteria
- DocServiceDocument
- DocServiceDocumentAllOfSize
- DocServiceDocumentLink
- DocServiceRecord
- DownlinkData
- DtmfType
- DynamicEmergencyAddress
- DynamicEmergencyEndpoint
- ESimPurchase
- ElevenLabsVoiceSettings
- EmbeddingBucketRequest
- EmbeddingMetadata
- EmbeddingResponse
- EmbeddingResponseData
- EmbeddingSimilaritySearchDocument
- EmbeddingSimilaritySearchRequest
- EmbeddingSimilaritySearchResponse
- EmbeddingsBucketFiles
- EmbeddingsBucketFilesData
- EmergencySettings
- EnableManagedAccountRequest
- EncryptedMedia
- EndSession200Response
- EndSession200ResponseData
- EnqueueRequest
- EntityType
- EnumListResponseInner
- Error
- ErrorResponse
- ErrorResponseErrorsInner
- ErrorResponseErrorsInnerMeta
- ErrorResponseErrorsInnerSource
- Errors
- ExportPortingOrdersCSVReport
- ExportPortingOrdersCSVReportFilters
- ExportPortoutsCSVReport
- ExportPortoutsCSVReportFilters
- ExternalConnection
- ExternalConnectionInbound
- ExternalConnectionOutbound
- ExternalConnectionPhoneNumber
- ExternalConnectionResponse
- ExternalSipConnection
- ExternalSipConnectionZoomOnly
- ExternalVetting
- ExternalWdrDetailRecordDto
- ExternalWdrGetDetailResponse
- FQDNConnectionResponse
- FQDNResponse
- Fax
- FaxApplication
- FaxApplicationInbound
- FaxApplicationResponse
- FaxDelivered
- FaxDeliveredPayload
- FaxFailed
- FaxFailedPayload
- FaxMediaProcessed
- FaxMediaProcessedPayload
- FaxQueued
- FaxQueuedPayload
- FaxSendingStarted
- FaxSendingStartedPayload
- Feature
- FindAddresses200Response
- FindAuthenticationProviders200Response
- FindNotificationsEvents200Response
- FindNotificationsEventsConditions200Response
- FindNotificationsProfiles200Response
- FindPortoutComments200Response
- FindPortoutRequest200Response
- FindUserAddress200Response
- FineTuningJob
- FineTuningJobHyperparameters
- FineTuningJobsListData
- ForbiddenError
- ForbiddenErrorAllOfMeta
- Fqdn
- FqdnConnection
- FqdnConnectionTransportProtocol
- FunctionDefinition
- GCSConfigurationData
- GatherRequest
- GatherUsingAIRequest
- GatherUsingAIRequestMessageHistoryInner
- GatherUsingAudioRequest
- GatherUsingSpeakRequest
- GatherUsingSpeakRequestVoiceSettings
- GcbChannelZone
- GcbPhoneNumber
- GenericError
- GetAllCivicAddressesResponse
- GetAllExternalConnectionsResponse
- GetAllFaxApplicationsResponse
- GetAllSimCardGroups200Response
- GetAllTelephonyCredentialResponse
- GetAllTexmlApplicationsResponse
- GetAutoRechargePrefs200Response
- GetBucketUsage200Response
- GetBulkSimCardAction200Response
- GetChannelZones200Response
- GetCivicAddressResponse
- GetCustomerServiceRecord201Response
- GetCustomerServiceRecord404Response
- GetDefaultGateway200Response
- GetEnumEndpoint200Response
- GetExternalConnectionPhoneNumberResponse
- GetFaxResponse
- GetGlobalIpAssignmentHealth200Response
- GetGlobalIpAssignmentUsage200Response
- GetGlobalIpLatency200Response
- GetGlobalIpUsage200Response
- GetLogMessageResponse
- GetMessage200Response
- GetMessage200ResponseData
- GetMobileNetworkOperators200Response
- GetOtaUpdate200Response
- GetPhoneNumbers200Response
- GetPortRequestSupportingDocuments201Response
- GetPortingOrder200Response
- GetPortingOrder200ResponseMeta
- GetPortingOrderSubRequest200Response
- GetPrivateWirelessGateway200Response
- GetPrivateWirelessGateways200Response
- GetRecordingTranscription200Response
- GetRecordingTranscriptions200Response
- GetRecordings200Response
- GetReleaseResponse
- GetSimCard200Response
- GetSimCardAction200Response
- GetSimCardActivationCode200Response
- GetSimCardDeviceDetails200Response
- GetSimCardGroupAction200Response
- GetSimCardGroupActions200Response
- GetSimCardOrders200Response
- GetSimCardPublicIp200Response
- GetSimCards200Response
- GetStorageAPIUsage200Response
- GetStorageSSLCertificates200Response
- GetSubRequestByPortingOrder
- GetUploadResponse
- GetUploadsStatusResponse
- GetUploadsStatusResponseData
- GetUserBalance200Response
- GetUserTags200Response
- GetUserTags200ResponseData
- GetVoicemail200Response
- GetWdrReports200Response
- GetWebhookDeliveries200Response
- GetWebhookDelivery200Response
- GetWirelessConnectivityLogs200Response
- GlobalIP
- GlobalIPAllowedPort
- GlobalIPHealthCheck
- GlobalIPProtocol
- GlobalIpAssignment
- GlobalIpAssignmentHealthMetric
- GlobalIpAssignmentHealthMetricGlobalIp
- GlobalIpAssignmentHealthMetricGlobalIpAssignment
- GlobalIpAssignmentHealthMetricGlobalIpAssignmentWireguardPeer
- GlobalIpAssignmentHealthMetricHealth
- GlobalIpAssignmentUpdate
- GlobalIpAssignmentUsageMetric
- GlobalIpAssignmentUsageMetricGlobalIp
- GlobalIpAssignmentUsageMetricGlobalIpAssignment
- GlobalIpAssignmentUsageMetricGlobalIpAssignmentWireguardPeer
- GlobalIpAssignmentUsageMetricReceived
- GlobalIpAssignmentUsageMetricTransmitted
- GlobalIpHealthCheckType
- GlobalIpLatencyMetric
- GlobalIpLatencyMetricMeanLatency
- GlobalIpLatencyMetricPercentileLatency
- GlobalIpLatencyMetricPercentileLatency0
- GlobalIpLatencyMetricPercentileLatency100
- GlobalIpLatencyMetricPercentileLatency25
- GlobalIpLatencyMetricPercentileLatency50
- GlobalIpLatencyMetricPercentileLatency75
- GlobalIpLatencyMetricPercentileLatency90
- GlobalIpLatencyMetricPercentileLatency99
- GlobalIpLatencyMetricProberLocation
- GlobalIpUsageMetric
- GlobalIpUsageMetricGlobalIp
- GoogleTranscriptionLanguage
- HTTPValidationError
- HangupRequest
- HostedNumber
- Http
- HttpRequest
- ImportExternalVetting
- InboundFqdn
- InboundIp
- InboundMessage
- InboundMessageEvent
- InboundMessagePayload
- InboundMessagePayloadCcInner
- InboundMessagePayloadFrom
- InboundMessagePayloadMediaInner
- InboundMessagePayloadToInner
- InitiateCallRequest
- InitiateCallResult
- IntegrationSecret
- IntegrationSecretCreatedResponse
- IntegrationSecretsListData
- InterfaceStatus
- InterruptionSettings
- InventoryCoverage
- InventoryCoverageMetadata
- Ip
- IpConnection
- IpConnectionResponse
- IpResponse
- JoinConferenceRequest
- LeaveConferenceRequest
- LeaveQueueRequest
- LedgerBillingGroupReport
- ListAdditionalDocuments200Response
- ListAdvancedOrderResponse
- ListAllocatableGlobalOutboundChannels200Response
- ListAllowedFocWindows200Response
- ListAvailablePhoneNumbersBlocksResponse
- ListAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse
- ListBillingGroups200Response
- ListBuckets200Response
- ListBuckets200ResponseBucketsInner
- ListBulkSIMCardActions200Response
- ListCSVDownloadsResponse
- ListCallControlApplicationsResponse
- ListCallEventsResponse
- ListComments200Response
- ListConferencesResponse
- ListConnectionsResponse
- ListCredentialConnectionsResponse
- ListCustomerServiceRecords200Response
- ListCustomerServiceRecords401Response
- ListCustomerServiceRecords403Response
- ListCustomerServiceRecords422Response
- ListCustomerServiceRecords500Response
- ListDataUsageNotifications200Response
- ListDocumentLinks200Response
- ListDocuments200Response
- ListDynamicEmergencyAddresses200Response
- ListDynamicEmergencyEndpoints200Response
- ListExceptionTypes200Response
- ListExternalConnectionPhoneNumbersResponse
- ListFQDNConnectionsResponse
- ListFQDNsResponse
- ListFaxesResponse
- ListGlobalIpAllowedPorts200Response
- ListGlobalIpAssignments200Response
- ListGlobalIpHealthCheckTypes200Response
- ListGlobalIpHealthChecks200Response
- ListGlobalIpProtocols200Response
- ListGlobalIps200Response
- ListInboundChannels200Response
- ListInboundChannels200ResponseData
- ListIpConnectionsResponse
- ListIpsResponse
- ListLoaConfigurations200Response
- ListLogMessagesResponse
- ListManagedAccounts200Response
- ListMessagingHostedNumberOrderResponse
- ListMessagingProfileMetricsResponse
- ListMessagingProfilePhoneNumbersResponse
- ListMessagingProfileShortCodesResponse
- ListMessagingProfileUrlDomainsResponse
- ListMessagingProfilesResponse
- ListMessagingSettingsResponse
- ListMigrationSourceCoverage200Response
- ListMigrationSources200Response
- ListMigrations200Response
- ListNetworkCoverage200Response
- ListNetworkInterfaces200Response
- ListNetworks200Response
- ListNotificationChannels200Response
- ListNotificationSettings200Response
- ListNumberBlockOrdersResponse
- ListNumberOrderPhoneNumbersResponse
- ListNumberOrdersResponse
- ListNumberReservationsResponse
- ListObjectsResponse
- ListObjectsResponseContentsInner
- ListOfMediaResourcesResponse
- ListOtaUpdates200Response
- ListOutboundVoiceProfilesResponse
- ListParticipantsResponse
- ListPhoneNumberBlocksBackgroundJobsResponse
- ListPhoneNumberConfigurations200Response
- ListPhoneNumbersBackgroundJobsResponse
- ListPhoneNumbersFilterCountryIsoAlpha2Parameter
- ListPhoneNumbersResponse
- ListPhoneNumbersResponse1
- ListPhoneNumbersWithVoiceSettingsResponse
- ListPortingEvents200Response
- ListPortingOrderActivationJobs200Response
- ListPortingOrderComments200Response
- ListPortingOrderRequirements200Response
- ListPortingOrders200Response
- ListPortingPhoneNumberBlocks200Response
- ListPortingPhoneNumberExtensions200Response
- ListPortingPhoneNumbers200Response
- ListPortingReports200Response
- ListPortoutEvents200Response
- ListPortoutRejections200Response
- ListPortoutReports200Response
- ListPortoutRequest200Response
- ListPublicInternetGateways200Response
- ListPushCredentialsResponse
- ListQueueCallsResponse
- ListRecordingTranscriptionsResponse
- ListRegions200Response
- ListRegulatoryRequirements200Response
- ListRegulatoryRequirementsPhoneNumbers200Response
- ListReleasesResponse
- ListRequirementTypes200Response
- ListRequirements200Response
- ListRoomCompositions200Response
- ListRoomParticipants200Response
- ListRoomRecordings200Response
- ListRoomSessions200Response
- ListRooms200Response
- ListShortCodesResponse
- ListSimCardActions200Response
- ListSubNumberOrdersResponse
- ListUploadsResponse
- ListVerificationCodes200Response
- ListVerificationsResponse
- ListVerifiedNumbersResponse
- ListVerifyProfileMessageTemplateResponse
- ListVerifyProfilesResponse
- ListVirtualCrossConnectCoverage200Response
- ListVirtualCrossConnects200Response
- ListWireguardInterfaces200Response
- ListWireguardPeers200Response
- Location
- Location1Inner
- LocationResponse
- LocationResponseData
- LogMessage
- LogMessageMeta
- LogMessageSource
- Loopcount
- ManagedAccount
- ManagedAccountBalance
- ManagedAccountMultiListing
- ManagedAccountsGlobalOutboundChannels
- MdrDeleteUsageReportsResponse
- MdrDetailResponse
- MdrGetDetailResponse
- MdrGetSyncUsageReportResponse
- MdrGetUsageReportsByIdResponse
- MdrGetUsageReportsResponse
- MdrPostUsageReportRequest
- MdrPostUsageReportsResponse
- MdrUsageRecord
- MdrUsageReportResponse
- MediaFeatures
- MediaResource
- MediaResourceResponse
- MediaStorageDetailRecord
- MessageDetailRecord
- MessageResponse
- MessagingFeatureSet
- MessagingHostedNumberOrder
- MessagingProfile
- MessagingProfileDetailedMetric
- MessagingProfileDetailedMetrics
- MessagingProfileHighLevelMetrics
- MessagingProfileHighLevelMetricsInbound
- MessagingProfileHighLevelMetricsOutbound
- MessagingProfileMessageTypeMetrics
- MessagingProfileResponse
- MessagingUrlDomain
- Meta
- Metadata
- MigrationParams
- MigrationSourceCoverageParams
- MigrationSourceParams
- MigrationSourceParamsProviderAuth
- MnoMetadata
- MnoMetadataItem
- MobileNetworkOperator
- MobileNetworkOperatorPreferencesResponse
- ModelInterface
- ModelMetadata
- ModelsResponse
- Network
- NetworkCoverage
- NetworkCoverageAvailableServicesInner
- NetworkCreate
- NetworkInterface
- NewBillingGroup
- NewLedgerBillingGroupReport
- NewParticipantResource
- NoiseSuppressionDirection
- NoiseSuppressionStart
- NoiseSuppressionStop
- NotFoundError
- NotificationChannel
- NotificationEvent
- NotificationEventCondition
- NotificationEventConditionParametersInner
- NotificationProfile
- NotificationSetting
- NotificationSettingParametersInner
- NumberBlockOrder
- NumberBlockOrderResponse
- NumberHealthMetrics
- NumberLookupRecord
- NumberLookupResponse
- NumberOrder
- NumberOrderBlockEvent
- NumberOrderPhoneNumber
- NumberOrderPhoneNumberRequirementGroupResponse
- NumberOrderPhoneNumberRequirementGroupResponseRegulatoryRequirementsInner
- NumberOrderPhoneNumberResponse
- NumberOrderResponse
- NumberOrderWithPhoneNumbers
- NumberPoolSettings
- NumberReservation
- NumberReservationResponse
- OperatorConnectRefreshResponse
- OperatorConnectRefreshResponse1
- OrderExternalVetting
- OutboundCallRecording
- OutboundFqdn
- OutboundIp
- OutboundMessage
- OutboundMessageEvent
- OutboundMessageEventMeta
- OutboundMessagePayload
- OutboundMessagePayloadCost
- OutboundMessagePayloadFrom
- OutboundMessagePayloadMediaInner
- OutboundMessagePayloadToInner
- OutboundVoiceProfile
- OutboundVoiceProfileResponse
- PWGAssignedResourcesSummary
- PaginatedVerificationRequestStatus
- PaginationData
- PaginationMeta
- PaginationMetaSimple
- Participant
- ParticipantConference
- ParticipantResource
- ParticipantResourceIndex
- PatchChannelZoneRequest
- PatchRoomRequest
- PauseConferenceRecordingRequest
- PauseRecordingRequest
- PhoneNumber
- PhoneNumberBlocksJob
- PhoneNumberBlocksJobDeletePhoneNumberBlock
- PhoneNumberBlocksJobDeletePhoneNumberBlockRequest
- PhoneNumberBlocksJobFailedOperation
- PhoneNumberBlocksJobSuccessfulOperation
- PhoneNumberBundleStatusChange
- PhoneNumberBundleStatusChangeRequest
- PhoneNumberCampaign
- PhoneNumberCampaignCreate
- PhoneNumberCampaignPaginated
- PhoneNumberDeletedDetailed
- PhoneNumberDetailed
- PhoneNumberEnableEmergency
- PhoneNumberEnableEmergencyRequest
- PhoneNumberResponse
- PhoneNumberResponse1
- PhoneNumberStatusResponsePaginated
- PhoneNumberWithMessagingSettings
- PhoneNumberWithMessagingSettingsFeatures
- PhoneNumberWithVoiceSettings
- PhoneNumbersEnableEmergency
- PhoneNumbersJob
- PhoneNumbersJobDeletePhoneNumbers
- PhoneNumbersJobDeletePhoneNumbersRequest
- PhoneNumbersJobFailedOperation
- PhoneNumbersJobPendingOperation
- PhoneNumbersJobPhoneNumber
- PhoneNumbersJobSuccessfulOperation
- PhoneNumbersJobUpdateEmergencySettingsRequest
- PhoneNumbersJobUpdatePhoneNumbers
- PhoneNumbersJobUpdatePhoneNumbersRequest
- PlayAudioUrlRequest
- PlaybackStopRequest
- PortOutSupportingDocument
- Portability
- PortabilityCheckDetails
- PortabilityStatus
- PortingAdditionalDocument
- PortingEvent
- PortingEventPayload
- PortingLOAConfiguration
- PortingLOAConfigurationAddress
- PortingLOAConfigurationContact
- PortingLOAConfigurationLogo
- PortingOrder
- PortingOrderActivationSettings
- PortingOrderActivationStatus
- PortingOrderDocuments
- PortingOrderEndUser
- PortingOrderEndUserAdmin
- PortingOrderEndUserLocation
- PortingOrderMessaging
- PortingOrderMisc
- PortingOrderPhoneNumberConfiguration
- PortingOrderRequirement
- PortingOrderRequirementDetail
- PortingOrderRequirementDetailRequirementType
- PortingOrderSharingToken
- PortingOrderStatus
- PortingOrderType
- PortingOrderUserFeedback
- PortingOrdersActivationJob
- PortingOrdersActivationJobActivationWindowsInner
- PortingOrdersAllowedFocWindow
- PortingOrdersComment
- PortingOrdersExceptionType
- PortingPhoneNumber
- PortingPhoneNumberBlock
- PortingPhoneNumberBlockActivationRangesInner
- PortingPhoneNumberBlockPhoneNumberRange
- PortingPhoneNumberConfiguration
- PortingPhoneNumberExtension
- PortingPhoneNumberExtensionActivationRangesInner
- PortingPhoneNumberExtensionExtensionRange
- PortingReport
- PortingVerificationCode
- PortoutComment
- PortoutDetails
- PortoutEvent
- PortoutEventPayload
- PortoutRejection
- PortoutReport
- PostNumbersFeatures200Response
- PostNumbersFeatures200ResponseDataInner
- PostNumbersFeaturesRequest
- PostPortRequestComment201Response
- PostPortRequestCommentRequest
- PostPortRequestSupportingDocumentsRequest
- PostPortRequestSupportingDocumentsRequestDocumentsInner
- PostPortabilityCheck201Response
- PostPortabilityCheckRequest
- PostSimCardDataUsageNotification201Response
- PostSimCardDataUsageNotificationRequest
- PostSimCardDataUsageNotificationRequestThreshold
- PresignedObjectUrl
- PresignedObjectUrlContent
- PresignedObjectUrlParams
- PreviewLoaConfigurationParamsRequest
- PreviewLoaConfigurationParamsRequestAddress
- PreviewLoaConfigurationParamsRequestContact
- PreviewLoaConfigurationParamsRequestLogo
- PreviewSimCardOrders202Response
- PreviewSimCardOrdersRequest
- PrivateWirelessGateway
- PrivateWirelessGatewayStatus
- ProfileAssignmentPhoneNumbers
- PublicInternetGateway
- PublicInternetGatewayCreate
- PublicInternetGatewayRead
- PublicTextClusteringRequest
- PurchaseESim202Response
- PushCredential
- PushCredentialResponse
- Quality
- Queue
- QueueCall
- QueueCallResponse
- QueueResponse
- RCSAction
- RCSAgentMessage
- RCSCardContent
- RCSCarouselCard
- RCSComposeAction
- RCSComposeRecordingMessage
- RCSComposeTextMessage
- RCSContentInfo
- RCSContentMessage
- RCSCreateCalendarEventAction
- RCSDialAction
- RCSEvent
- RCSFrom
- RCSLatLng
- RCSMedia
- RCSMessage
- RCSOpenUrlAction
- RCSReply
- RCSResponse
- RCSResponseData
- RCSRichCard
- RCSStandaloneCard
- RCSSuggestion
- RCSToItem
- RCSViewLocationAction
- Record
- RecordType
- RecordingResponse
- RecordingResponseData
- RecordingResponseDataDownloadUrls
- RecordingSource
- RecordingTrack
- RecordingTranscription
- RecursiveCluster
- ReferRequest
- RefreshFaxResponse
- RefreshRoomClientToken201Response
- RefreshRoomClientToken201ResponseData
- RefreshRoomClientTokenRequest
- Region
- RegionIn
- RegionInformation
- RegionOut
- RegionOutRegion
- RegistrationStatus
- RegistrationStatusResponse
- RegulatoryRequirement
- RegulatoryRequirements
- RegulatoryRequirementsPhoneNumbers
- RegulatoryRequirementsPhoneNumbersRegionInformationInner
- RegulatoryRequirementsPhoneNumbersRegulatoryRequirementsInner
- RegulatoryRequirementsPhoneNumbersRegulatoryRequirementsInnerAcceptanceCriteria
- RegulatoryRequirementsRegulatoryRequirementsInner
- RegulatoryRequirementsRegulatoryRequirementsInnerAcceptanceCriteria
- RejectRequest
- Release
- ReplacedLinkClick
- ReplacedLinkClickEvent
- RequirementGroup
- ReservedPhoneNumber
- ResourceNotFoundError
- ResourceNotFoundErrorAllOfMeta
- ResponseAssignMessagingProfileToCampaignPublicPhonenumberassignmentbyprofilePost
- ResponseSubmitCampaignPublicCampaignbuilderPost
- ResumeConferenceRecordingRequest
- ResumeRecordingRequest
- RetreiveCountryCoverage200Response
- RetreiveSpecificCountryCoverage200Response
- Retrieval
- RetrieveBulkUpdateMessagingSettingsResponse
- RetrieveCallStatusResponse
- RetrieveDocumentRequirements200Response
- RetrieveMessagingHostedNumberOrderResponse
- RetrieveMessagingHostedNumberResponse
- RetrieveMessagingProfileMetricsResponse
- RetrieveMessagingSettingsResponse
- RetrievePhoneNumberVoiceResponse
- RetrieveRequirementType200Response
- RetrieveVerificationResponse
- Room
- RoomComposition
- RoomParticipant
- RoomRecording
- RoomSession
- S3ConfigurationData
- SIMCard
- SIMCardAction
- SIMCardActionStatus
- SIMCardActionsSummary
- SIMCardActivationCode
- SIMCardCurrentDeviceLocation
- SIMCardDataLimit
- SIMCardDeviceDetails
- SIMCardGroup
- SIMCardGroupAction
- SIMCardGroupActionSettings
- SIMCardGroupCreate
- SIMCardGroupPatch
- SIMCardOrder
- SIMCardOrderCost
- SIMCardOrderOrderAddress
- SIMCardOrderPreview
- SIMCardOrderPreviewTotalCost
- SIMCardPublicIP
- SIMCardRegistration
- SIMCardRegistrationCodeValidation
- SIMCardRegistrationCodeValidations
- SIMCardStatus
- SSLCertificate
- SSLCertificateIssuedBy
- SSLCertificateIssuedTo
- SearchedSIMCardGroup
- SearchedSIMCardGroupDataLimit
- SendDTMFRequest
- SendFaxRequest
- SendFaxResponse
- SendPortingVerificationCodesRequest
- SendSIPInfoRequest
- ServicePlan
- SetPrivateWirelessGatewayForSimCardGroupRequest
- SetPublicIPsBulk202Response
- SetPublicIPsBulkRequest
- Settings
- SettingsDataErrorMessage
- SharePortingOrder201Response
- SharePortingOrderRequest
- SharedCampaign
- SharedCampaignRecordSet
- ShortCode
- ShortCodeResponse
- ShowPortingEvent200Response
- ShowPortoutEvent200Response
- SimCardDataUsageNotification
- SimCardOrderCreate
- SimCardUsageDetailRecord
- SimpleSIMCard
- SimpleSIMCardCurrentBillingPeriodConsumedData
- SimpleSIMCardDataLimit
- SimplifiedOTAUpdate
- SingleManagedAccountGlobalOutboundChannels
- SipHeader
- SiprecConnector
- SiprecConnectorResponse
- SlimPhoneNumberDetailed
- SoundModifications
- SpeakRequest
- StartConferenceRecordingRequest
- StartForkingRequest
- StartRecordingRequest
- StartSiprecRequest
- StartStreamingRequest
- StockExchange
- StopForkingRequest
- StopGatherRequest
- StopRecordingRequest
- StopSiprecRequest
- StopStreamingRequest
- StreamBidirectionalCodec
- StreamBidirectionalMode
- StreamBidirectionalSamplingRate
- StreamBidirectionalTargetLegs
- StreamStatus
- StreamTrack
- SubNumberOrder
- SubNumberOrderPhoneNumber
- SubNumberOrderPhoneNumberRegulatoryRequirementsInner
- SubNumberOrderRegulatoryRequirement
- SubNumberOrderRegulatoryRequirementWithValue
- SubNumberOrderRequirementGroupResponse
- SubNumberOrderRequirementGroupResponseData
- SubNumberOrderResponse
- SuccessfulResponseUponAcceptingCancelFaxCommand
- SummaryRequest
- SummaryResponse
- SummaryResponseData
- SupportedEmbeddingLoaders
- SupportedEmbeddingModels
- TFPhoneNumber
- TFVerificationRequest
- TFVerificationStatus
- TaskStatus
- TaskStatusResponse
- TaskStatusResponseData
- TeXMLRESTCommandResponse
- TelephonyCredential
- TelephonyCredentialCreateRequest
- TelephonyCredentialResponse
- TelephonyCredentialUpdateRequest
- TelnyxBrand
- TelnyxBrandWithCampaignsCount
- TelnyxCampaignCSP
- TelnyxCampaignWithAssignedCountCSP
- TelnyxDownstreamCampaign
- TelnyxDownstreamCampaignRecordSet
- TelnyxTranscriptionLanguage
- TelnyxVoiceSettings
- TexmlApplication
- TexmlApplicationInbound
- TexmlApplicationOutbound
- TexmlApplicationResponse
- TexmlBidirectionalStreamCodec
- TexmlBidirectionalStreamMode
- TexmlCreateCallRecordingResponseBody
- TexmlCreateCallStreamingResponseBody
- TexmlCreateSiprecSessionResponseBody
- TexmlGetCallRecordingResponseBody
- TexmlGetCallRecordingsResponseBody
- TexmlRecordingChannels
- TexmlRecordingStatus
- TexmlRecordingSubresourcesUris
- TexmlRecordingTranscription
- TexmlStatusCallbackMethod
- TexmlUpdateCallStreamingResponseBody
- TexmlUpdateSiprecSessionResponseBody
- TextAndImageArrayInner
- TextClusteringResponse
- TextClusteringResponseData
- TnReleaseEntry
- TnUploadEntry
- ToolsInner
- TrafficType
- Transcription
- TranscriptionConfig
- TranscriptionEvent
- TranscriptionPayload
- TranscriptionPayloadTranscriptionData
- TranscriptionStartRequest
- TranscriptionStartRequestLanguage
- TranscriptionStopRequest
- TransferCallRequest
- TwimlRecordingChannels
- UnauthorizedError
- UnauthorizedErrorAllOfMeta
- UnexpectedError
- UnexpectedErrorAllOfMeta
- UnprocessableEntityError
- UnprocessableEntityErrorAllOfMeta
- UnprocessableEntityErrorAllOfSource
- UpdateAssistantRequest
- UpdateAuthenticationProviderRequest
- UpdateBillingGroup
- UpdateBrand
- UpdateCallControlApplicationRequest
- UpdateCallRequest
- UpdateCampaignRequest
- UpdateCommandResult
- UpdateConferenceRequest
- UpdateCredentialConnectionRequest
- UpdateExternalConnectionPhoneNumberRequest
- UpdateExternalConnectionRequest
- UpdateFaxApplicationRequest
- UpdateFqdnConnectionRequest
- UpdateFqdnRequest
- UpdateIpConnectionRequest
- UpdateIpRequest
- UpdateLocationRequest
- UpdateManagedAccountGlobalChannelLimit200Response
- UpdateManagedAccountGlobalChannelLimitRequest
- UpdateManagedAccountRequest
- UpdateMediaRequest
- UpdateMessagingProfileRequest
- UpdateNumberOrderPhoneNumberRequest
- UpdateNumberOrderPhoneNumberRequirementGroup200Response
- UpdateNumberOrderPhoneNumberRequirementGroupRequest
- UpdateNumberOrderRequest
- UpdateOutboundChannels200Response
- UpdateOutboundChannels200ResponseData
- UpdateOutboundChannelsDefaultResponse
- UpdateOutboundChannelsDefaultResponseErrorsInner
- UpdateOutboundChannelsDefaultResponseErrorsInnerSource
- UpdateOutboundChannelsRequest
- UpdateOutboundVoiceProfileRequest
- UpdatePartnerCampaignRequest
- UpdatePhoneNumberMessagingSettingsRequest
- UpdatePhoneNumberRequest
- UpdatePhoneNumberVoiceSettingsRequest
- UpdatePortingOrder
- UpdatePortingOrder200Response
- UpdatePortingOrder200ResponseMeta
- UpdatePortingOrderActivationSettings
- UpdatePortingOrderMessaging
- UpdatePortingOrderRequirement
- UpdatePortingOrdersActivationJobRequest
- UpdatePortoutStatusRequest
- UpdateQueueMaxSizeRequest
- UpdateRegulatoryRequirement
- UpdateRequirementGroupRequest
- UpdateRequirementGroupRequestRegulatoryRequirementsInner
- UpdateShortCodeRequest
- UpdateSubNumberOrderRequest
- UpdateTexmlApplicationRequest
- UpdateVerifyProfileCallRequest
- UpdateVerifyProfileFlashcallRequest
- UpdateVerifyProfileRequest
- UpdateVerifyProfileSMSRequest
- UplinkData
- Upload
- UploadMediaRequest
- Url
- UrlShortenerSettings
- UsagePaymentMethod
- UsageReportsOptionsRecord
- UsageReportsOptionsResponse
- UsageReportsResponse
- UseCaseCategories
- UsecaseMetadata
- UserAddress
- UserAddressCreate
- UserBalance
- UserEmbeddedBuckets
- UserEmbeddedBucketsData
- UserRequirement
- ValidateAddress
- ValidateAddressActionResponse
- ValidateAddressRequest
- ValidateAddressResult
- ValidateRegistrationCodesRequest
- ValidationError
- Verification
- VerificationProfileRecordType
- VerificationRecordType
- VerificationRequestEgress
- VerificationRequestStatus
- VerificationStatus
- VerificationType
- VerifiedNumberRecordType
- VerifiedNumberResponse
- VerifiedNumberResponseDataWrapper
- VerifyDetailRecord
- VerifyPhoneNumberCoverage201Response
- VerifyPhoneNumberCoverageRequest
- VerifyPortingVerificationCodes200Response
- VerifyPortingVerificationCodesRequest
- VerifyPortingVerificationCodesRequestVerificationCodesInner
- VerifyProfileCallResponse
- VerifyProfileFlashcallResponse
- VerifyProfileMessageTemplateResponse
- VerifyProfileResponse
- VerifyProfileResponseDataWrapper
- VerifyProfileSMSResponse
- VerifyVerificationCodeRequest
- VerifyVerificationCodeRequestById
- VerifyVerificationCodeRequestByPhoneNumber
- VerifyVerificationCodeResponse
- VerifyVerificationCodeResponseData
- Vertical
- VideoRegion
- ViewRoomParticipant200Response
- ViewRoomRecording200Response
- ViewRoomSession200Response
- VirtualCrossConnect
- VirtualCrossConnectCombined
- VirtualCrossConnectCoverage
- VirtualCrossConnectCreate
- VirtualCrossConnectPatch
- VoicemailPrefResponse
- VoicemailRequest
- Volume
- WdrReport
- WdrReportRequest
- WebhookApiVersion
- WebhookDelivery
- WebhookDeliveryWebhook
- WebhookPortingOrderDeletedPayload
- WebhookPortingOrderMessagingChangedPayload
- WebhookPortingOrderMessagingChangedPayloadMessaging
- WebhookPortingOrderNewCommentPayload
- WebhookPortingOrderNewCommentPayloadComment
- WebhookPortingOrderSplitPayload
- WebhookPortingOrderSplitPayloadFrom
- WebhookPortingOrderSplitPayloadPortingPhoneNumbersInner
- WebhookPortingOrderSplitPayloadTo
- WebhookPortingOrderStatusChangedPayload
- WebhookPortoutFocDateChangedPayload
- WebhookPortoutNewCommentPayload
- WebhookPortoutStatusChangedPayload
- WhatsAppConversationDetailRecord
- WhatsAppDetailRecord
- WireguardInterface
- WireguardInterfaceCreate
- WireguardInterfaceRead
- WireguardPeer
- WireguardPeerCreate
- WireguardPeerPatch
- WirelessConnectivityLog
- WirelessCost
- WirelessRate
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP Bearer Token authentication
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.