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Traking The Entire JavaScritpt Bootcamp ( Lessons - Challenges - Assignments ) From Elzero Web School

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JavaScript Bootcamp Content [188 Videos]

Stared Since 2022-5-15 And Finished On 2022-12-15

Introduction ↓

  • Watched -001- Introduction And What Is JavaScript ?
  • Watched -002- How To Study The Course ?
  • Watched -003- Setting Up Environment And Tools
  • Watched -004- Work With Chrome Developer Tools
  • Watched -005- Where To Put The Code ?
  • Watched -006- Comments And Bad Practices
  • Watched -007- Output To Screen
  • Watched -008- Console Methods And Styling And WebAPI
  • Watched -009- What Is ECMAScript ?

Data Types And Variables

  • Watched -010- Data Types And Typeof Operator
  • Watched -011- Variable Introduction
  • Watched -012- Identifiers Name Convention And Rules
  • Watched -013- Var, Let, Const Compare
  • Watched -014- String Syntax + Character Escape Sequences
  • Watched -015- Concatenations
  • Watched -016- Template Literals (Template Strings)
  • Watched -017- Variable And Concatenation Challenge
  • Watched -018- Arithmetic Operators
  • Watched -019- Unary Operators
  • Watched -020- Type Coercion
  • Watched -021- Assignment Operators
  • Watched -022- Operators Challenge

Numbers And Strings

  • Watched -023- Number
  • Watched -024- Number Methods
  • Watched -025- Math Object
  • Watched -026- Number Challenge
  • Watched -027- String Methods Part 1
  • Watched -028- String Methods Part 2
  • Watched -029- String Methods Part 3
  • Watched -030- Strings Challenge

Control Flow

  • Watched -031- Comparison Operators
  • Watched -032- Logical Operators
  • Watched -033- If Conditions
  • Watched -034- Nested If
  • Watched -035- Conditional (Ternary) Operator
  • Watched -036- Nullish Coalescing Operator And Logical Or
  • Watched -037- If Challenge
  • Watched -038- Switch Statement
  • Watched -039- Switch And If Challenges


  • Watched -040- Array Big Intro
  • Watched -041- Using Length With Array
  • Watched -042- Adding And Removing From Arrays
  • Watched -043- Searching Arrays
  • Watched -044- Sorting Arrays
  • Watched -045- Slicing Arrays
  • Watched -046- Joining Arrays And Elements
  • Watched -047- Arrays Challenges


  • Watched -048- Loop For And Concept Of Loop
  • Watched -049- Loop On Sequences
  • Watched -050- Nested Loop For
  • Watched -051- Loop Control - Break, Continue, Label
  • Watched -052- Loop For Advanced Examples
  • Watched -053- Create Products Elements
  • Watched -054- Loop While
  • Watched -055- Loop Do / While
  • Watched -056- Loop Challenges

Functions & Scope

  • Watched -057- Function Intro And Basic Usage
  • Watched -058- Function Advanced Example
  • Watched -059- Function Return Statement And Use Cases
  • Watched -060- Function Default Parameters
  • Watched -061- Function Rest Parameters
  • Watched -062- Ultimate Function
  • Watched -063- Random Arguments Function Challenge
  • Watched -064- Anonymous Function And Use Cases
  • Watched -065- Return Nested Function
  • Watched -066- Arrow Function
  • Watched -067- Scope Global And Local
  • Watched -068- Scope Block
  • Watched -069- Scope Lexical (Static)
  • Watched -070- Function Arrow Challenges

Higher Order Functions And Practice

  • Watched -071- Array Map
  • Watched -072- Array Map Practice
  • Watched -073- Array Filter
  • Watched -074- Array Filter Practice
  • Watched -075- Array Reduce
  • Watched -076- Array Reduce Practice
  • Watched -077- Array ForEach And Practice
  • Watched -078- Higher Order Functions Challenge


  • Watched -079- Object Intro
  • Watched -080- Accessing Object With Dot vs Bracket Notation
  • Watched -081- Nested Object and Advanced Examples
  • Watched -082- Create Object With New Keyword
  • Watched -083- This Keyword
  • Watched -084- Create Object With Create Method
  • Watched -085- Create Object With Assign Method

Document Object Model [DOM]

  • Watched -086- What Is DOM ? And Select Elements
  • Watched -087- Get / Set Elements Content And Attributes
  • Watched -088- Check Attributes And Examples
  • Watched -089- Create And Append Elements
  • Watched -090- Product With Heading And Paragraph
  • Watched -091- Deal With Childrens
  • Watched -092- Dom Events
  • Watched -093- Validate Form And Prevent Default
  • Watched -094- Events Simulation - Click, Focus, Blur
  • Watched -095- ClassList Object And Methods
  • Watched -096- CSS Styling And Stylesheets
  • Watched -097- Before, After, Prepend, Append, Remove
  • Watched -098- DOM Traversing
  • Watched -099- DOM Cloning
  • Watched -100- Add Event Listener And Event Target
  • Watched -101- DOM Challenge

Browser Object Model [BOM]

  • Watched -102- What Is BOM ?
  • Watched -103- Alert, Confirm, Prompt
  • Watched -104- setTimeout and clearTimeout Methods
  • Watched -105- setInterval and clearInterval Methods
  • Watched -106- Window Location Object
  • Watched -107- Window Open And Close
  • Watched -108- Window History Object
  • Watched -109- Scroll, ScrollTo, ScrollBy, Focus, Print, Stop
  • Watched -110- Scroll To Top Using ScrollY Practice
  • Watched -111- Local Storage
  • Watched -112- Local Storage Color Application
  • Watched -113- Session Storage And Use Cases
  • Watched -114- BOM Challenge


  • Watched -115- Destructuring Arrays Part 1
  • Watched -116- Destructuring Arrays Part 2
  • Watched -117- Destructuring Arrays Part 3 Swap Variables
  • Watched -118- Destructuring Object Part 1
  • Watched -119- Destructuring Object Part 2
  • Watched -120- Destructuring Function Parameters
  • Watched -121- Destructuring Mixed Content
  • Watched -122- Destructuring Challenge

More Methods And New Data Types

  • Watched -123- Set Data Type And Methods
  • Watched -124- Set vs WeakSet And Garbage Collector
  • Watched -125- Map Data Type vs Object Full Comparison
  • Watched -126- Map Methods
  • Watched -127- Map vs WeakMap
  • Watched -128- Array.from Method
  • Watched -129- Array.copyWithin Method
  • Watched -130- Array.some Method
  • Watched -131- Array.every Method
  • Watched -132- Spread Syntax And Use Cases
  • Watched -133- Set And Map Challenge

Regular Expressions

  • Watched -134- Intro And What Is Regular Expression ?
  • Watched -135- RegExp Modifiers
  • Watched -136- RegExp Ranges Part 1
  • Watched -137- RegExp Ranges Part 2
  • Watched -138- RegExp Character Classes Part 1
  • Watched -139- RegExp Character Classes Part 2
  • Watched -140- RegExp Quantifiers Part 1
  • Watched -141- RegExp Quantifiers Part 2
  • Watched -142- RegExp Quantifiers Part 3
  • Watched -143- Replace With The RegExp Pattern
  • Watched -144- Form Validation Practice
  • Watched -145- Test Your RegExp And Discussions
  • Watched -146- RegExp Challenge

Object Oriented Programming

  • Watched -147- Object Oriented Programming Introduction
  • Watched -148- Constructor Function Introduction
  • Watched -149- Constructor Function New Syntax
  • Watched -150- Constructor Function Deal With Properties & Methods
  • Watched -151- Constructor Function Update Properties & Built In Constructors
  • Watched -152- Class Static Properties And Methods
  • Watched -153- Class Inheritance
  • Watched -154- Class Encapsulation & Private Properties
  • Watched -155- Prototype Introduction
  • Watched -156- Add To Prototype Chain & Extend Constructors Features
  • Watched -157- Object Meta Data And Descriptor Part 1
  • Watched -158- Object Meta Data And Descriptor Part 2

Date, Time, Generators And Modules

  • Watched -159- Date And Time Introduction
  • Watched -160- Get Date And Time
  • Watched -161- Set Date And Time
  • Watched -162- Formatting Date And Time
  • Watched -163- Tracking Operations Time
  • Watched -164- Generators Function Introduction
  • Watched -165- Delegate Generators
  • Watched -166- Generate Infinite Numbers
  • Watched -167- Modules Import and Export
  • Watched -168- Named vs Default Export And Import All

Asynchronous Programming And JSON And AJAX

  • Watched -169- Introduction And What Is JSON ?
  • Watched -170- JSON Syntax And Compare With JavaScript
  • Watched -171- API Overview And Tools
  • Watched -172- Parse And Stringify
  • Watched -173- Asynchronous vs Synchronous Programming
  • Watched -174- CallStack, Web API
  • Watched -175- Event Loop, Callback Queue
  • Watched -176- What Is AJAX And Network Information
  • Watched -177- Request And Response From Real API
  • Watched -178- Loop On Data

Promises And API's And Training's

  • Watched -179- Callback Hell Or Pyramid Of Doom
  • Watched -180- Promise Intro And Syntax
  • Watched -181- Promise Then And Catch And Finally
  • Watched -182- Promise And XHR
  • Watched -183- Fetch API
  • Watched -184- Promise All And AllSettled And Race
  • Watched -185- Async And Trainings
  • Watched -186- Await
  • Watched -187- Try, Catch, Finally With Fetch
  • Watched -188- The End And Advices


Traking The Entire JavaScritpt Bootcamp ( Lessons - Challenges - Assignments ) From Elzero Web School







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