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Flutter implicit animations

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There are a few options with flutter when creating animations:

  • AnimationController
  • AnimatedWidget and other AnimatedX classes
  • Animations package

This solutions all solve a variety of problems and can solve certain use cases.

When building animations you want to do a piece of work every frame and animated it

The build method already does a great job of rendering the state synchronously and will cache widgets that have not changed.


This example aims to build animations in a game-like loop with a update, paint and start callback.

class SimpleExample extends StatefulWidget {
  const SimpleExample({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<SimpleExample> createState() => _SimpleExampleState();

class _SimpleExampleState extends AnimatedState<SimpleExample> {
  var x = 0.0;
  var y = 0.0;
  var z = 0.0;

  void update(Duration time) {
    final t = delta.inMilliseconds / 1000;
    x += t;
    y += t;
    z += t;

  Widget paint(BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) {
    return Material(
      child: Center(
        child: Container(
          width: 100,
          height: 100,
          transform: Matrix4.identity()
          child: const Text(
            'Hello World',
            style: TextStyle(
              fontSize: 30,
              fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

By only changing State to AnimatedState and the build method to paint method with constraints it is possible to draw every frame.

This also makes it possible to animate multiple things at once and update asynchronously.

Inline painter

There is also a helper class I use a lot to render a inline canvas.

  painter: InlinePainter(
    draw: (canvas, size) {
      final paint = Paint()
      ..color = cube.color = PaintingStyle.fill
      ..strokeWidth = 2;
      final rect = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
      canvas.drawRect(rect, paint);


import 'dart:math';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import '../widgets/animation.dart';
import '../widgets/inline_painter.dart';

class HomeScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  const HomeScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<HomeScreen> createState() => _HomeScreenState();

class _HomeScreenState extends AnimatedState<HomeScreen> {
  final List<Cube> cubes = <Cube>[];

  double x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0;
  Color color =;
  Offset offset =;

  void addCube(Size size) {
  final randomOffset = Offset(
    Random().nextDouble() * size.width,
    Random().nextDouble() * size.height,
  final randomDelta = Random().nextDouble() * 20;
  final randomDirection = Offset(
    Random().nextDouble() * 2 - 1,
    Random().nextDouble() * 2 - 1,
  final cube = Cube()
    ..offset = randomOffset = randomDelta
    ..direction = randomDirection;
  debugPrint('Cube added: $randomOffset');

  void start(Duration time) {
  final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;

  void update(Duration time) {
  for (final cube in cubes) {
    cube.update(time, constraints.biggest);

  Widget paint(BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) {
  return Scaffold(
    appBar: AppBar(
    title: const Text('Animation Example'),
    body: Stack(
    fit: StackFit.expand,
    children: [
      for (final cube in cubes)
        rect: cube.rect,
        child: CustomPaint(
        painter: InlinePainter(
          draw: (canvas, size) {
          final paint = Paint()
            ..color = cube.color
   = PaintingStyle.fill
            ..strokeWidth = 2;
          final rect = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
          canvas.drawRect(rect, paint);
    floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton.extended(
    onPressed: () => addCube(constraints.biggest),
    icon: const Icon(Icons.add),
    label: Text('Cubes: ${cubes.length}'),

class Cube {
  Color color =;
  Offset offset =;
  Size size = const Size(100, 100);
  double delta = 10;
  Offset direction = const Offset(0.1, 0.4);
  Rect get rect => offset & size;

  void update(Duration time, Size size) {
  // Move cube and change direction if out of bounds
  offset = offset + direction * delta;

  // Top
  if (offset.dy < 0) {
    direction = Offset(direction.dx, 1);
  // Bottom
  if (offset.dy > size.height) {
    direction = Offset(direction.dx, -1);
  // Left
  if (offset.dx < 0) {
    direction = Offset(1, direction.dy);
  // Right
  if (offset.dx > size.width) {
    direction = Offset(-1, direction.dy);

  // Change color
  color = Color.fromARGB(
    (offset.dx * 255 / size.width).round(),
    (offset.dy * 255 / size.height).round(),