Librera Reader is an e-book reader for Android devices; it supports the following formats: PDF, EPUB, EPUB3, MOBI, DjVu, FB2, TXT, RTF, AZW, AZW3, HTML, CBZ, CBR, DOC, DOCX, and OPDS Catalogs
FAQ: Read
Android Play Market Apps:
Application Fonts ( download to internal sd card, to [Downloads] folder) link
mesa-common-dev libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxi-dev pkg-config
You also need the Android NDK in version 20+ Please ensure to download it using android studio and add the NDK to your PATH.
Even if you do not plan to upload a version yourself you need a keystore with a certificate to build. The keystore needs to be in PKCS12 format. You can create a keystore in your actual directory using the following call (replace ALIAS by your alias, it is just a name):
keytool -genkey -v -storetype PKCS12 -keystore keystore.pkcs12 -alias ALIAS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Now edit or create the file ~/.gradle/ and set following values (replacing PASSWD by the password you typed while creating the keystore, ALIAS as before and using the path to your keystore):
To build with firebase support (all version but the ones for Fdroid) you need to get an authentication file for firebase services offered by google. Therefore please follow to create your own project. You need to register for the packages and com.foobnix.pdf.reader.a1. This way you will get a google-services.json file that you have to place in the app folder of the repository.
For this project only Analytics is used, so a spakling plan is all you need.
cd Builder
./ (Change the paths to mupdf and jniLibs folders)
./gradlew assembleLibrera
cd Builder
./gradlew assembleAlpha
If you wish to build for F-Droid (e.g. not using google services) you can run the build with
cd Builder
./gradlew assembleFdroid
F-Droid build does also not need a google-services.json
MuPDF - (AGPL License)
- ebookdroid
- djvulibre
- hpx
- junrar
- glide
- libmobi
- commons-compress
- eventbus
- greendao
- jsoup
- juniversalchardet
- commons-compress
- okhttp3
- okhttp-digest
- okio
- rtfparserkit
- java-mammoth
- zip4j
Librera is distributed under the GPL
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (GPL v.3).