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Ruleset Checking Tool

Ruleset Checking Tool for ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019 Appendix G

This package provides a reference implementation of a Ruleset Checking Tool (RCT) in support of ASHRAE Standard 229P. The RCT is not intended to be a normative part of the proposed standard, so use with Std 229P is optional. This RCT implementation is specific to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019 Appendix G and does not support any other rulesets. Final release of this package is dependent upon acceptance and publication of ASHRAE Standard 229P.

Install it from PyPI

pip install ruleset-checking-tool


from rct229.web_application import run_project_evaluation as run
from rct229.utils.file import deserialize_rpd_file

user_rpd_path = "../examples/chicago_demo/user_model.json"
proposed_rpd_path = "../examples/chicago_demo/proposed_model.json"
baseline_rpd_path = "../examples/chicago_demo/baseline_model.json"

user_rpd = None
proposed_rpd = None
baseline_rpd = None
    user_rpd = deserialize_rpd_file(user_rpd_path)
    print(f"{user_rpd_path} is not a valid JSON file")

    proposed_rpd = deserialize_rpd_file(proposed_rpd_path)
    print(f"{proposed_rpd_path} is not a valid JSON file")
    baseline_rpd = deserialize_rpd_file(baseline_rpd_path)
    print(f"{baseline_rpd_path} is not a valid JSON file")

run([user_rpd, proposed_rpd, baseline_rpd], "ashrae9012019", ["ASHRAE9012019DetailReport"], saving_dir="./")

You can also call evaluation functions from its command line tool. Example is given below:

rct229 evaluate -rs ashrae9012019 -f examples\chicago_demo\baseline_model.json -f examples\chicago_demo\proposed_model.json -f examples\chicago_demo\user_model.json -r ASHRAE9012019DetailReport

About ASHRAE 229P

See details in the wiki.

Developing the RCT


The following provides some useful commands as you get started developing the RCT package.

This package is developed using Poetry to manage packages during the build process. First, follow the instruction from poetry to install the package. Any new dependencies that are added to the package must be included in the pyproject.toml. The package is currently being developed for Python 3.10. This version of Python must be installed on your machine for Poetry to work properly.

Now tests can be run by first installing dependencies and then running pytest.

  1. poetry install
  2. poetry run pytest
    • To see a coverage report, use poetry run pytest --cov
    • To have pytest watch for file changes, use poetry run ptw

You can also package with poetry to test the CLI tool. 2. poetry run rct229 test

Run with example ASHRAE 90.1 2019 RPDs.

  1. poetry run rct229 evaluate -rs ashrae9012019 -f examples\chicago_demo\baseline_model.json -f examples\chicago_demo\proposed_model.json -f examples\chicago_demo\user_model.json -r ASHRAE9012019_DETAIL

Developer Notes

Branch and Pull Request naming convention:

The branch or PR name should have the form:


CODE is one of the following:

  • RCT: for generic, high-level changes to the ruleset checking tool. Examples include updates to, and the schema files
  • RDS: for changes related to the RDS files
  • RS: for changes to the ruleset code (the actual rules)
  • RT: for changes to the rule test engine

INIITIALS refers to the initials of the owner of the branch or PR.

Commit procedure:

Before committing changes you should run the following commands from the ruleset-checking-tool directory.

  1. poetry run isort . to sort imports according to PEP8
  2. poetry run black . to otherwise format code according to PEP8
  3. poetry run pytest --cov to run all unit tests for functions.
  4. poetry run rct229 test to run rule definition tests.
    1. use -rs ashrae9012019 to run all 90.1 2019 rule definition tests.

Mocking functions for pytests:


  • To profile a file: poetry run pyinstrument --renderer=html path_to_file
  • To profile the RCT command line: poetry run pyinstrument --renderer=html rct229/ evaluate examples/proposed_model.rmd examples/baseline_model.rmd examples/proposed_model.rmd
  • Note: Aborting the run with Ctrl C will cause the profiler to output the profile up to the abort.
  • For detailed info on pyinstrument:

Disclaimer Notice

This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the United States Department of Energy, nor Battelle, nor any of their employees, nor any jurisdiction or organization that has cooperated in the development of these materials, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness or any information, apparatus, product, software, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or Battelle Memorial Institute. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

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