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Behaves like a browser storing local copies of retrieved pages, sending ETag values when available and respect 304 responses.

This project provides a memory cache provider and a redis cache provider. New providers can be added by implementing the Provider interface.

A custom http client can also be provided, it just needs to implement the HttpRequester interface, which requires nothing but a Do method.


Using the cache is as simple as:

req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
if err != nil {
resp, err := cache.Do(req)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()

data := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)

If the response has proper expiry headers, the cache will prevent extra http calls to be made.

If the response providers a proper ETag header, the cache will store the response and return it on subsequent requests and 304 responses will be properly dealt with.

Storing cached data

The cache can use any data store that implements the Provider interface.

type Provider interface {
	// Get returns the value for the given key. Should only return an error if the value could be checked for existence or if communication fails.
	// If the value is not found just return nil, nil.
	Get(ctx context.Context, key string) ([]byte, error)

	// Set sets the value for the given key. Should return an error if the value could not be set.
	Set(ctx context.Context, key string, value []byte, expiry time.Duration) error

Two providers are provided:

  • memoryprovider - stores data in memory
  • redisprovider - takes a redis connection and stores data in redis

Setting parameters to calls

By modifying the context, the behaviour of the cache can be modified.

  • WithIgnoreExpired - the cache will return expired parameters without trying to refresh them
  • WithIgnoreCache - ignores any return values from the cache. Http responses are still cached.
  • WithOnlyCached - returns only a cached value, if it exists. Returns an ErrCacheMiss error if the value is not cached.


The cache can make use of any struct that implements the Logger interface.

type Logger interface {
	Debug(msg string, params ...any)
	Info(msg string, params ...any)
	Error(msg string, params ...any)

The cache will try to extract the logger from the context using the LogExtractor parameter. If no logger is found, nothing will be logged.

The logger for package can be used as a drop-in for the interface.
