#HDT MLStone
A plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker which automatically detects the deck closest matching to your opponent's on HearthPwn (based on what cards they've played) so that you can see what they might play next.
##What it can do right now
At this time, it only downloads the latest decks from HearthPwn and detects the closest match (scanning the first six pages of "top decks").
##What it will do soon
In the future, the plan is to implement association mining on the decks, so instead of displaying the closest matching deck from HearthPwn it trains itself on HearthPwn's decks and, based on what your opponent has played so far, displays the top n cards they are likely to play in the future.
##Installing the plugin
Installation is really easy - just download Hearthstone Deck Tracker from their website HDT, and go to your %appdata% folder. Then place the .dll file located in the "debug" folder in the folder %appdata%/Roaming/HearthstoneDeckTracker/Plugins/ (the folder should contain folders named Backups, Logs, Plugins and Replays - put it in the plugins folder).
Enjoy the plugin, and let me know if there's any issues with it!