Keptn V1 has reached end of life on December 22nd, 2023 and has been replaced.
This directory contains and refers to examples in order to explore the functionality of Keptn. Please visit for more information about Keptn.
Maintained examples are updated with every Keptn release to use the latest features, current guidelines and best practices, as well as to update command syntax, output, or changed prerequisites.
This example allows to demonstrate the Keptn tutorials.
You can find the source code of the carts microservice at
The following commands will set up a basic load generator for the carts microservice that generates traffic in all three stages:
- Basic (Background traffic)
kubectl apply -f
- More traffic
kubectl apply -f
- Faulty item in cart (generates cpu usage)
kubectl apply -f
This example allows to demonstrate the Self-healing with Feature Flags tutorials.
You can find the source of the unleash service at
This example is used for some of the Keptn tutorials.
More information about this simple node.js based example application can be found here: Simplenodeservice README
If you want to contribute, just create a PR on the master branch.
Please also see instructions on how to contribute.