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🍚 dumi babel example (support assets、unitTest)

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dumi babel exapple (base father2)

babel 方式踩的坑

babel 方式是文件到文件的编译,不会做额外的处理

  • 不要在组件中使用 cssModules,否则,构建产物也会保持 cssModules 的引用方式(形如:import Styles from 'style/index.css
  • 需要生成 d.ts 文件,需要引入静态资源,看 PR临时方案
  • 如果需要 umd 产物,不要像 antd 那样 css 和 js 分离开发,因为 umd 使用的是 rollup 打包,分离开发下 css 没有依赖关系,不会被打包


  • base antd
  • babel
  • build esm、cjs、umd
  • support import assets: css、image、...
  • supprot d.ts
  • support unitTest(@testing-library/react)


support import assets && supprot d.ts

为了支持 babel 方式下,引入静态资源,并生成 d.ts 声明文件,提了 PR,但 father2 目前官方没时间处理,我这里进行了 hack 处理。


增加 npm 命令 "hack": "node scripts/hack-depend.js",对 node_modules 下的依赖进行 hack 处理:

  • typings.d.ts 文件中声明非 js/ts 模块:
declare module '*.css';
declare module '*.less';
declare module '*.png';
declare module '*.jpg';
declare module '*.gif';
  • package.json 添加脚本命令:
"scripts" : {

  "postinstall": "node scripts/hack-depend.js"
  • scripts/hack-depend.js 脚本:
 * 重写依赖模块(读取文件查找替换)

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const sep = path.posix.sep;

const hacks = [
    // ,官方没时间处理 PR,这里进行 hack 处理
    name: 'father-build',
    path: '../node_modules/father-build/lib/babel.js',
    hack: data => {
      // console.log(data)
      return data
    function getTsconfigCompilerOptions(path) {
      const config = parseTsconfig(path);
      return config ? config.compilerOptions : undefined;

    function getTSConfig() {
      const tsconfigPath = (0, _path.join)(cwd, 'tsconfig.json');
      const templateTsconfigPath = (0, _path.join)(__dirname, '../template/tsconfig.json');

      if ((0, _fs.existsSync)(tsconfigPath)) {
        return getTsconfigCompilerOptions(tsconfigPath) || {};

      if (rootPath && (0, _fs.existsSync)((0, _path.join)(rootPath, 'tsconfig.json'))) {
        return getTsconfigCompilerOptions((0, _path.join)(rootPath, 'tsconfig.json')) || {};

      return getTsconfigCompilerOptions(templateTsconfigPath) || {};
    function getTsconfigCompilerOptions(path) {
      const config = parseTsconfig(path);
      return config ? config.compilerOptions : undefined;

    function getTsconfigInclude(path) {
      const config = parseTsconfig(path);
      const includesPath = config ? config.include || [] : [];
      return includesPath;

    function getTSConfig() {
      const tsconfigPath = (0, _path.join)(cwd, 'tsconfig.json');
      const templateTsconfigPath = (0, _path.join)(__dirname, '../template/tsconfig.json');

      if ((0, _fs.existsSync)(tsconfigPath)) {
        return getTsconfigCompilerOptions(tsconfigPath) || {};

      if (rootPath && (0, _fs.existsSync)((0, _path.join)(rootPath, 'tsconfig.json'))) {
        return getTsconfigCompilerOptions((0, _path.join)(rootPath, 'tsconfig.json')) || {};

      return getTsconfigCompilerOptions(templateTsconfigPath) || {};

    function getTSMatch() {
      const tsconfigPath = join(cwd, 'tsconfig.json');
      const templateTsconfigPath = join(__dirname, '../template/tsconfig.json');
      if (existsSync(tsconfigPath)) {
        return getTsconfigInclude(tsconfigPath) || [];
      if (rootPath && existsSync(join(rootPath, 'tsconfig.json'))) {
        return getTsconfigInclude(join(rootPath, 'tsconfig.json')) || [];
      return getTsconfigInclude(templateTsconfigPath) || [];
          `&& !path.endsWith('.d.ts');`,
          `&& (path.endsWith('typings.d.ts') || path.endsWith('index.d.ts') || !path.endsWith('.d.ts'));`,
          `[(0, _path.join)(srcPath, '**/*'),`,
          `[(0, _path.join)(srcPath, '../typings.d.ts'),(0, _path.join)(srcPath, '../index.d.ts'),(0, _path.join)(srcPath, '../typings/index.d.ts'),(0, _path.join)(srcPath, '**/*'),`,

const run = () => {
  for (const item of hacks) {
    const finalPath = path.resolve(__dirname, item.path.replace(/\//g, sep));
    fs.readFile(finalPath, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
      if (err) {
        throw err;
      // console.log('=====data=====')
      // console.log(data.indexOf(`&& !path.endsWith('.d.ts');`))
      // console.log(typeof data)
      // console.log(String(data))
      // console.log('=====data=====')

      const fixed = item.hack(data);
      fixed &&
        fs.writeFile(finalPath, fixed, err => {
          if (err) {
            throw err;
          console.log('hack success');


发包后,在 umi 项目中使用 lean 组件库

在 tsx 中使用

import React from 'react';
import { Foo, Button } from 'lean';

export default () => {
  return (
      <Foo title="demo" />
      <Button btnType="primary">primary</Button>

Getting Started

Install dependencies,

$ npm i

Hack dependencies,

$ npm run hack

Start the dev server,

$ npm start

Build documentation,

$ npm run docs:build

Build library via father-build,

$ npm run build

Test Components,

# test all components
$ npm run test
# test all components with coverage
$ npm run test:coverage
# test one component Foo
$ npx umi-test src/Foo/index.test.tsx