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Low-level Python wrapper around the COMET RPC interface on Fanuc R-30iB(+) controllers (V8+)


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This is a low-level Python wrapper around the JSON-RPC interface offered by the COMET extension of FANUC's web server on R-30iB and R-30iB+ controllers (ie: V8 and up, although older than V9 has a (very) limited interface). COMET is used by iRProgrammer and a couple of other web-based UIs offered by FANUC on their more recent controller series.

See Requirements for some more information on required options.

NOTE: this is only meant as an example of using COMET's RPC interface. There is no official documentation on this interface, and it's likely not intended to be used by anything other than FANUC's own products. Use with caution.

Proper integration of a FANUC controller with an external application or workcell should be done using either the PCDK, RMI (R912), OPC-UA, a fieldbus or similar technology. The scripts and functionality provided here are only a convenience and are only intended to be used in academic and laboratory settings. They allow incidental external access to a controller without needing to use any additional hardware. Do not use this on production systems or in contexts where any kind of determinism is required. The author recommends using PCDK, RMI, OPC-UA and/or any of the supported fieldbuses in those cases.


  1. Status
  2. Requirements
  3. Compatibility
  4. Installation
  5. Example usage
  6. Supported RPCs
  7. Limitations / Known issues
  8. Performance
  9. Security
  10. Related projects
  11. Bugs, feature requests, etc
  12. FAQ
  13. Disclaimer


This package is a work-in-progress. As there is no documentation on COMET, it's been implemented based on information learned from observing iRProgrammer and related web-based UIs.

Expect frequent breakage and missing functionality.

See also the FAQ.


Requirements are a little unclear at this moment, but it appears COMET is installed on all controllers with the base Web Server (HTTP) option and at least V8 of the system software (see notes about Compatibility below). Interestingly, even though COMET is primarily used by iRProgrammer, option J767 does not appear to be a requirement for it to be installed.

The main other requirement is a functioning networking setup. Make sure you can ping the controller and the controller's website shows up when opening in a browser. Configuration of HTTP Authentication is not needed, as COMET RPCs do not appear to be affected by it (see Security for some more discussion).



Compatibility has only been tested with R-30iB+ controllers running V9.30 and V9.40 of the system software. It's possible R-30iB with V8.x supports the COMET RPC interface as well, but this has not been tested.

Operating Systems

The library has been written for Python version 3. No specific OS dependencies are known, meaning all platforms with a Python 3 interpreter should be supported. Only Windows 10, Ubuntu Bionic and Focal have been extensively tested however.



As the COMET RPC interface is part of the controller's web server, no installation nor setup on the FANUC side should be necessary.


It's recommended to use a virtual Python 3 environment and install the package in it. The author has primarily used Python 3.8, but other versions are expected to work, though they are not actively tested.

Future versions may be released to PyPi.

Example (installs comet_rpc 0.2.4; be sure to update the URL to download the desired version):

python3 -m venv $HOME/venv_comet_rpc
source $HOME/venv_comet_rpc/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -U wheel setuptools
pip install

Example usage

The current version of this package does not come with any example scripts. The subsection below is expected to be sufficient to clarify basic usage of the RPC interface.


This resets the controller, sets the override to 100% and finally reads the DO[1] IO port and retrieves its comment:

from comet_rpc import (

# IP address or hostname of the R-30iB(+) controller
server = "..."

exec_kcl(server, "reset")
vmip_writeva(server, "*SYSTEM*", "$MCR.$GENOVERRIDE", value=100)
dout1_val = iovalrd(server, IoType.DigitalOut, index=1).value
dout1_cmt = iogetpn(server, IoType.DigitalOut, index=1).value

Note the lack of error detection and handling to keep the example brief.

Supported RPCs

The following table shows an overview of known RPCs, whether they are currently supported by comet_rpc (column Supp.?) and which version of COMET appears to support them ("appears", as this information is based on experiments, there is no public, authoritative source of truth available).

The last two columns of the table clarify the minimum version of system software that supports a particular RPC. An entry in the 8.x column implies an RPC is supported starting with version 8.x. Use the value in the cell to determine the minor version number.

For RPCs with no information in those columns this information hasn't been determined yet.

Click to expand
Name Description Supp.? 8.x 9.x
CHGOVRD Change override Y .40+
CKTRKPRG Check linetrack attributes N .40+
CPKCL Execute KCL command Y .30+
DPEWRITE_STR Retrieve error code description Y .10+
DPREAD Read element from dictionary Y .30+
ERPOST Post an error to the log N .10+
GET_RAW_FILE Get raw byte contents of file Y .10+
GTFILIST Get list of files in directory Y .40+
GTMCRLST Get list of macros Y .10+
GTPIDLST Get list of posregs in TP program Y .40+
IOASGLOG Update IO configuration Y .40+
IOCKSIM Check simulated status of IO port Y .30+
IODEFPN Set/update comment on IO port Y .10+
IODRYRUN Treat all IO as-if simulated N .40+
IOGETASG Retrieve IO configuration Y .40+
IOGETHDB Retrieve the "HW database" Y .40+
IOGETPN Retrieve comment on IO port Y .10+
IOGTALL Read IO ports, batch-wise Y .30+
IOSIM Set IO port to simulated Y .30+
IOUNSIM Clear simulated state of IO port Y .30+
IOVALRD Read IO port Y .30+
IOVALSET Write to IO port Y .30+
IOWETRUN Stop treating all IO as simulated N .40+
MMCHGTYP Change the type of a program N .10+
MMCREMN Create a TP program N .10+
MMDELPOS Remove a position from a program N .10+
MMDELPRG Delete a program N .10+
MMGETATR Read program attribute N .10+
MMGETTYP Read 'program type' (TP, PC, etc) Y .10+
MMRENPRG Rename a program N .10+
MMSETATR Write program attribute N .10+
MNCHGREP Convert position representation N .10+
MNCPYPRG Copy a program N .10+
PASTELIN Duplicate/move lines in a TP prog Y .40+
PGABORT Abort all/a specific program(s) Y .10+
POSREGVALRD Read a position register Y .10+
RECPOS Teach position (in program) N .10+
REGVALRD Read a register (int/real) Y .10+
REMARKLIN (Un)remark lines in a TP prog Y .40/P43+
RPRINTF Print to the controllers conslog Y .10+
RUN_TASK Start a program on the controller N .30+
SCDELETE Delete line from program N .10+
SCEDIT Add/replace line to/in program N .10+
SCGETPOS Get position from program N .40+
SCSETPOS Update position in program N .10+
SKIP_LINE Change active line in paused prog N .40+
TXCHGPRG Open (and make active) a TP prog Y .10+
TXLSTPRG_FC List programs (specific types) N .10+
TXML_CURANG Return current joint angles Y .10+
TXML_CURPOS Return current TCP pose (XYZWPR) Y .10+
TXSETLIN Open TP prog at specific line Y .10+
VMIP_READVA Read a (system) variable Y .10+
VMIP_WRITEVA Write to a (system) variable Y .30+
XMLCOPY Copy an XML file to another N .30+

Total supported RPCs: 32 of 85.


Some observations based on the above table:

  1. IO R/W seems to be officialy supported from V8.30
  2. R/W of IO configuration requires at least V9.40
  3. writing to (system) variables requires at least V8.30, but
  4. reading (system) variables requires at least V9.10
  5. monitoring of (system) variables requires at least V8.10
  6. position and int/real register R/W requires at least V9.10
  7. CRUD of TP programs requires at least V9.10
  8. interaction with DCS requires at least V9.40
  9. starting a program (not via IO) requires at least V9.30

Limitations / Known issues

The following limitations and known issues exist:

  • COMET (and/or FANUC's web server) seems to return response documents with a Content-type: text/html header. Because of this, comet_rpc just assumes it receives JSON, even if the content-type header states otherwise.
  • COMET sometimes returns malformed response documents. comet_rpc tries to detect this and either fixes those responses before parsing and validation, or mimics iRProgrammer's behaviour (which is to ignore). This makes some actual errors hard to detect. A better way to deal with this is being investigated.
  • Only a subset of the RPCs exposed by COMET is supported by this library. Future updates may add support for more RPCs.
  • No version checking is implemented (ie: comet_rpc will not prevent invoking an RPC on a V8 controller which requires V9)
  • Reading and writing (system) variables (vmip_readva and vmip_writeva) returns and takes str representations of those variables instead of more specific types as their values. This is partly due to the way COMET expects and returns those values and partly due to limited insight into which types are used by FANUC for those values. Future updates may improve on this.


Even though this library should not be used when performance is a concern, some preliminary figures are presented in this section.

See the following table for an indication of expected RPC performance:

Platform SW version RPC avg ms/call
RG V9.30P/26 IOVALRD ~8
RG V9.30P/26 VMIP_READVA ~14
R-30iB+ V9.30P/?? IOVALRD ~18

Note: this is without connection reuse, as it's unclear whether COMET supports this for regular RPC invocations.


COMET does not appear to be affected by the settings configured under Host Comm, section HTTP Authentication.

No authentication challenges have been observed so far, although that does not mean they are not used.

Some RPCs do appear to require a valid connection id argument, and starting up such a session will lock-out the physical teach pendant with a very clear message shown to operators (stating a "remote pendant" is in use). comet_rpc does not currently support any RPCs requiring a connection id, nor does it lock-out the physical pendant.

Users concerned about potential undesired and uncontrolled access to the web server and COMET could look into configuring the host blocklist part of the FANUC Server Access Control feature. It's unclear at this point whether any fine-grained control is possible (ie: allow reads, deny all writes), but blocking unknown hosts from interacting with COMET would be a first step to making it harder to abuse the JSON-RPC interface.

Refer to section 2.5 FANUC SERVER ACCESS CONTROL (FSAC) of the FANUC Robot series - Ethernet Function - Operator's Manual (document B-82974EN for the R-30iA, R-30iB and R-30iB+) for more information.

Related projects

For a similar library which doesn't use COMET (and is compatible with older controllers), see gavanderhoorn/dominh.

Bugs, feature requests, etc

Please use the GitHub issue tracker.


What's the status of COMET?

It's likely only intended to be used by FANUC internally in their products. There is no public documentation which mentions it, which implies it's not a public interface.

Should this be used in production?

Apart from the fact that comet_rpc is a work-in-progress at the moment, it makes use of a (most likely) private interface. This means FANUC has no obligation to maintain compatibility and they are free to change COMET in any way they see necessary without regards for users of this Python library.

Both of these facts make use in production deployments problematic.

See also the NOTE in the Overview section, and Status.

This is far from production-ready code

Yes, I agree. See also the NOTE in the Overview section.

Why did you not use Go/Rust/Java/Kotlin/Swift/anything but Python?

Time and application requirements: target framework supported Python, so writing comet_rpc in Python made sense.

Should this not be async?

Perhaps. All implemented RPCs so far are executed in a blocking manner on the FANUC side though, with none of the streaming or event-based ones supported (PMON_START_MON et al.). Future versions may change the default to async while offering a blocking version of the API for bw compatibility.

Does this use Karel?

No. COMET is an extension to / integrated with the embedded web server running on R-30iB(+) controllers and is a native binary. It does not use Karel, nor is it run in the Karel VM.

Performance is not as good as it could be

Compared to the PCDK: certainly, but if you need a more performant solution, ask FANUC for a PCDK license or use a fieldbus. If you have ideas on how to improve performance, post an issue on the tracker.

Can I submit feature/enhancement requests?

Of course! I can't guarantee I'll have time to work on them though.

Would you take pull requests which add new features?

Most certainly. As long as new features (or enhancements of existing functionality) pass CI and are reasonably implemented, they will be merged.

What's the relation to Dominh?

gavanderhoorn/dominh is/was an experiment to see whether an RPC library for FANUC controllers could be created with as few required options on the controller as possible. Because of this, it uses methods which are perhaps not the most efficient (such as Karel programs, KCL and .stm pages), but at least work on as many controllers as possible.

comet_rpc is different: it's a low-level library which directly interfaces with an RPC interface implemented by FANUC, used by some of their web based UIs for CRX robots, iRProgrammer and remote iPendants. There is no use of Karel, nor KCL. The only functionality supported is what is offered by COMET and known from looking at iRProgrammer.

Technically, Dominh and comet_rpc could be used at the same time.

It's also likely Dominh will optionally use comet_rpc in the future to make some operations more efficient.


The author of this software is not affiliated with FANUC Corporation in any way. All trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners, and company, product and service names mentioned in this readme or appearing in source code or other artefacts in this repository are used for identification purposes only. Use of these names does not imply endorsement by FANUC Corporation.


Low-level Python wrapper around the COMET RPC interface on Fanuc R-30iB(+) controllers (V8+)






