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Last active June 24, 2024 22:54
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My ultimate Makefile for Golang Projects
DOCKER_REGISTRY?= #if set it should finished by /
EXPORT_RESULT?=false # for CI please set EXPORT_RESULT to true
GREEN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 2)
YELLOW := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 3)
WHITE := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 7)
CYAN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 6)
RESET := $(shell tput -Txterm sgr0)
.PHONY: all test build vendor
all: help
## Build:
build: ## Build your project and put the output binary in out/bin/
mkdir -p out/bin
GO111MODULE=on $(GOCMD) build -mod vendor -o out/bin/$(BINARY_NAME) .
clean: ## Remove build related file
rm -fr ./bin
rm -fr ./out
rm -f ./junit-report.xml checkstyle-report.xml ./coverage.xml ./profile.cov yamllint-checkstyle.xml
vendor: ## Copy of all packages needed to support builds and tests in the vendor directory
$(GOCMD) mod vendor
watch: ## Run the code with cosmtrek/air to have automatic reload on changes
$(eval PACKAGE_NAME=$(shell head -n 1 go.mod | cut -d ' ' -f2))
docker run -it --rm -w /go/src/$(PACKAGE_NAME) -v $(shell pwd):/go/src/$(PACKAGE_NAME) -p $(SERVICE_PORT):$(SERVICE_PORT) cosmtrek/air
## Test:
test: ## Run the tests of the project
ifeq ($(EXPORT_RESULT), true)
GO111MODULE=off go get -u
$(eval OUTPUT_OPTIONS = | tee /dev/tty | go-junit-report -set-exit-code > junit-report.xml)
$(GOTEST) -v -race ./... $(OUTPUT_OPTIONS)
coverage: ## Run the tests of the project and export the coverage
$(GOTEST) -cover -covermode=count -coverprofile=profile.cov ./...
$(GOCMD) tool cover -func profile.cov
ifeq ($(EXPORT_RESULT), true)
GO111MODULE=off go get -u
GO111MODULE=off go get -u
gocov convert profile.cov | gocov-xml > coverage.xml
## Lint:
lint: lint-go lint-dockerfile lint-yaml ## Run all available linters
lint-dockerfile: ## Lint your Dockerfile
# If dockerfile is present we lint it.
ifeq ($(shell test -e ./Dockerfile && echo -n yes),yes)
$(eval CONFIG_OPTION = $(shell [ -e $(shell pwd)/.hadolint.yaml ] && echo "-v $(shell pwd)/.hadolint.yaml:/root/.config/hadolint.yaml" || echo "" ))
$(eval OUTPUT_OPTIONS = $(shell [ "${EXPORT_RESULT}" == "true" ] && echo "--format checkstyle" || echo "" ))
$(eval OUTPUT_FILE = $(shell [ "${EXPORT_RESULT}" == "true" ] && echo "| tee /dev/tty > checkstyle-report.xml" || echo "" ))
docker run --rm -i $(CONFIG_OPTION) hadolint/hadolint hadolint $(OUTPUT_OPTIONS) - < ./Dockerfile $(OUTPUT_FILE)
lint-go: ## Use golintci-lint on your project
$(eval OUTPUT_OPTIONS = $(shell [ "${EXPORT_RESULT}" == "true" ] && echo "--out-format checkstyle ./... | tee /dev/tty > checkstyle-report.xml" || echo "" ))
docker run --rm -v $(shell pwd):/app -w /app golangci/golangci-lint:latest-alpine golangci-lint run --deadline=65s $(OUTPUT_OPTIONS)
lint-yaml: ## Use yamllint on the yaml file of your projects
ifeq ($(EXPORT_RESULT), true)
GO111MODULE=off go get -u
$(eval OUTPUT_OPTIONS = | tee /dev/tty | yamllint-checkstyle > yamllint-checkstyle.xml)
docker run --rm -it -v $(shell pwd):/data cytopia/yamllint -f parsable $(shell git ls-files '*.yml' '*.yaml') $(OUTPUT_OPTIONS)
## Docker:
docker-build: ## Use the dockerfile to build the container
docker build --rm --tag $(BINARY_NAME) .
docker-release: ## Release the container with tag latest and version
# Push the docker images
docker push $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)$(BINARY_NAME):latest
## Help:
help: ## Show this help.
@echo ''
@echo 'Usage:'
@echo ' ${YELLOW}make${RESET} ${GREEN}<target>${RESET}'
@echo ''
@echo 'Targets:'
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} { \
if (/^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##.*$$/) {printf " ${YELLOW}%-20s${GREEN}%s${RESET}\n", $$1, $$2} \
else if (/^## .*$$/) {printf " ${CYAN}%s${RESET}\n", substr($$1,4)} \
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Before using this makefile please edit the BINARY_NAME variable

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Associate medium article to explain the content of the makefile is available here:

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I suggest this line to make dynamic help:

help: ## Show this help.
	@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {printf "${YELLOW}%-16s${GREEN}%s${RESET}\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)

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I suggest this line to make dynamic help:

help: ## Show this help.
	@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {printf "${YELLOW}%-16s${GREEN}%s${RESET}\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)

Good catch @nstrappazzonc, I've updated the gist with your recommandation.

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Revision 6 rework the help function to support categories if needed.

The new output of the help will looks like:

❯ make help

  make <target>

    build               Build your project and put the output binary in out/bin/
    clean               Remove build related file
    vendor              Copy of all packages needed to support builds and tests in the vendor directory
    watch               Run the code with cosmtrek/air to have automatic reload on changes
    test                Run the tests of the project
    coverage            Run the tests of the project and export the coverage
    lint                Run all available linters
    lint-dockerfile     Lint your Dockerfile
    lint-go             Use golintci-lint on your project
    lint-yaml           Use yamllint on the yaml file of your projects
    docker-build        Use the dockerfile to build the container
    docker-release      Release the container with tag latest and version
    help                Show this help.

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Hey @thomaspoignant. Where does ${CYAN} is coming from?

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mowtschan commented May 12, 2021

@tsologub I guess it's missing :-), just add that line after the line #11:

CYAN  := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 6)

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@ mowtschan good catch, I've forgotten to add the variable.
@tsologub I've updated the gist.

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you can make the version dynamic with:

VERSION	?= $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty --match=v* 2> /dev/null || cat $(PWD)/.version 2> /dev/null || echo v0)

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snoby commented Aug 8, 2021

So why is my project asking me to manually crate go mod init?
Do you manually create this and check it into your source control? Why not have a target in the Makefile to build this?

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So why is my project asking me to manually crate go mod init?
Do you manually create this and check it into your source control? Why not have a target in the Makefile to build this?

@snoby I did not put it in the makefile because this is a one time thing but you can consider to add it yes.

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