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An t-Slòbhac

O Uicipeid
(Air ath-sheòladh o Slovakia)
An t-Slòbhac
stàit neo-eisimeileach, Poblachd, landlocked country, dùthaich, successor state
Pàirt deEastern Europe, Central Europe, Aonadh Eòrpach, European Economic Area Deasaich
Cur air cois1 dhen Fhaoilleach 1993 Deasaich
Ainm oifigeilSlovenská republika Deasaich
Ainm dùthchasachSlovenská republika Deasaich
Ainm goiridSlovensko Deasaich
Cànan oifigeilSlòbhacais Deasaich
LaoidhNad Tatrou sa blýska Deasaich
Cultureculture of Slovakia Deasaich
MottoTravel in Slovakia - Good idea, Teithiwch Slofacia - Syniad gwych! Deasaich
Mòr-roinnAn Roinn-Eòrpa Deasaich
DùthaichAn t-Slòbhac Deasaich
Prìomh-bhaileBratislava Deasaich
Sgìre riaghaltais ionadail Deasaich
Roinn-tìdeUTC+01:00, UTC+02:00 Deasaich
Suidheachadh cruinn-eòlaisCentral Europe Deasaich
Domhan-leud is -fhad49°0′0″N 20°0′0″E Deasaich
Coordinates of geographic center48°40′0″N 19°30′0″E Deasaich
Coordinates of easternmost point49°5′15″N 22°33′32″E Deasaich
Coordinates of northernmost point49°37′12″N 19°28′12″E Deasaich
Coordinates of southernmost point47°44′2″N 18°17′18″E Deasaich
Coordinates of westernmost point48°22′50″N 16°50′1″E Deasaich
Puing as àirdeGerlachovský štít Deasaich
Lowest pointBodrog Deasaich
Basic form of governmentparliamentary republic Deasaich
Oifis aig ceann-stàiteCeann-suidhe na Slòbhaice Deasaich
Ceannard na stàitePeter Pellegrini Deasaich
Oifis aig ceann an riaghaltaisPrime Minister of Slovakia Deasaich
Ceannard an riaghaltaisRobert Fico Deasaich
Executive bodyGovernment of Slovakia Deasaich
Legislative bodyNational Council of the Slovak Republic Deasaich
Central bankNational Bank of Slovakia Deasaich
Public holidayNollaig Deasaich
CurrencyEuro Deasaich
Crìoch còmhla riA' Phòlainn, An Ucràin, An Ungair, An Ostair, An t-Seic Deasaich
Coextensive withSlovakia Deasaich
Driving sideright Deasaich
Electrical plug typeEuroplug, Type E Deasaich
Na bha roimheCzech and Slovak Federal Republic, Slovak Republic Deasaich
Na bh’ann roimheCzech and Slovak Federal Republic, Slovak Republic Deasaich
Làrach-lìnhttps://www.slovakia.com/ Deasaich
HashtagSlovakia Deasaich
Top-level Internet domain.sk Deasaich
Bratachflag of Slovakia Deasaich
Gearradh-armcoat of arms of Slovakia Deasaich
Geography of topicgeography of Slovakia Deasaich
Feartfree country Deasaich
History of topichistory of Slovakia Deasaich
Köppen climate classificationwarm-summer humid continental climate Deasaich
Railway traffic sideright, left Deasaich
Open data portalOpen Data Portal Slovakia Deasaich
Economy of topiceconomy of Slovakia Deasaich
Demographics of topicdemographics of Slovakia Deasaich
Mobile country code231 Deasaich
Country calling code+421 Deasaich
Trunk prefix0 Deasaich
Emergency phone number112, 150, 155, 158 Deasaich
GS1 country code858 Deasaich
Licence plate codeSK Deasaich
Maritime identification digits267 Deasaich
Caractar Unicode🇸🇰 Deasaich
Category for honorary citizens of entityCategory:Honorary citizens from Slovakia Deasaich
Category for mapsCategory:Maps of Slovakia Deasaich

Is e dùthaich anns an Roinn-Eòrpa an Ear a tha anns An t-Slòbhac[1] neo Slobhaigia [2] neo Slobhagia[3] (Slòbhacais: Slovensko, ainm fada: Slovenská republika, Poblachd na Slòbhaic). Tha crìochan aige leis an t-Seic, an Ostair, a' Phòlainn, an Ùcrain agus an Ungair. Chaidh an dùthaich a stèidheachadh ann an 1993 nuair a bhris An t-Seic-Slòbhac as a chèile. Ann an 2009 ghabh an dùthaich ri NATO.[4] Tha Bratislava na phrìomh-bhaile.


[deasaich | deasaich an tùs]
  1. Am Faclair Beag
  2. Dùthchannan aig SMO
  3. Atlas Sgoile Oxford le Stòrlann Nàiseanta, Oxford University Press (2010)
  4. NATO

Ceanglaichean a-mach

[deasaich | deasaich an tùs]
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