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Ón Vicipéid, an chiclipéid shaor.

This is the documentation of Module:Wikidades in English.

This module fetches formatted data from Wikidata. It works in local language and it has options for internationalization.

Wondering what does Wikidades mean? See wikt:en:dada#Catalan.


[athraigh foinse]

Basic function:

  • claim: returns the value (or values) of a statement or a qualifier formatted with parameters or using a default format depending on the data type.

Other functions:

Other utility functions: getSiteLink, lang, numStatements, validProperty, formatNum.

Function claim

[athraigh foinse]

Returns the value (or values) of a statement or a qualifier formatted with parameters or using a default format depending on the data type. By default, it refers to the Wikidata item (Qid) associated to the current page.

Full syntax:

{{#invoke:Wikidades|claim|item= |lang= |property= |qualifier= |value= |list= |tablesort= |formatting= |separator= |conjunction= |editicon= |showerrors= |default= }}

Additional syntax for table format:

{{#invoke:Wikidades|claim|item= |lang= |property= |qualifier= |qualifier2= |...|qualifierx= |formatting=table |tablesort= |sorting= |rowformat= |rowsubformat1= |...|rowsubformatx= |colformat0= |...|colformatx= |case0= |...|casex= |separator= |conjunction= |editicon= |showerrors= |default= |references= }}

General parameters

[athraigh foinse]
  • item= (optional) Specifies an item (Qid) other than the associated to current page. Use it with moderation as arbitrary access to Wikidata is expensive. It can be defined in the parent frame of the template. Alias from.
  • lang= (optional) Indicates the code of a given language. It can be defined in the parent frame of the template. By default, it uses the local language of the wiki. If there is no label in this language then it tries in the fall back languages ​​defined in MediaWiki. On the debug console type =mw.dumpObject(mw.language.getFallbacksFor(mw.getContentLanguage():getCode())) to see the fallback languages of your wiki. If the label has not been found in the preferred language, it adds the language code and a label icon to translate it on Wikidata. Edit the value on Wikidata to translate it on Wikidata.
  • property= (required) Property id of the statement (Pid). It is possible to define alternative properties with any separator, for example "P17 or P131", and it gets the first one found. It also accepts a minuscule p, but it is not recommended. It also accepts the property label, for example "property=country" is equivalent to "property=P17" for Tír (P17).
  • qualifier= (optional) Qualifier (Pid) of a property value.
  • value= (optional) Value preferred to Wikidata one. It can be an optional parameter in a template with format {{{parameter|}}}, so if it exists then it takes the value of the parameter, if it is void then it gets the value of Wikidata.
    • value=NONE With this special value, it returns a void string. This allows to set a parameter that does not fetch anything from Wikidata, or to show only values provided in the template with {{{parameter|NONE}}}. It is equivalent to wiki syntax: {{#ifeq:{{{parameter|}}}|NONE|<!-- do nothing -->}}.
  • list= (optional):
    • list=true (default) shows a list of all preferred and normal values (see separator and conjuction below). It never fetches deprecated values.
    • list=false or list=no shows only one value, the best ranked (preferred or normal) or the oldest of those with the best rank.
    • list=bestrank shows a list of the best ranked values. It is equivalent to list=true if all values have the same rank. It is equivalent to list=false if only one value is best ranked. Definition list=firstrank is an alias.
    • list=lang for monolingual values, shows values corresponding to the language of the lang parameter. See parameters lang and formatting for monolingualtext.
    • list=notlang for monolingual values, it does not show values corresponding to the language of the lang parameter.
    • list=<number> Sets the maximum number of values to be returned. Setting it to list=1 is equal to list=false. Setting it to list=0 is equal to list=true.
    • tablesort=0 (optional) sorts the list in ascending order. By default, sorting is by rank (preferred, normal), and by order in Wikidata.
  • separator= (optional) Separator to use in lists or tables. For lists the default is MediaWiki:Comma-separator (in English a comma and a blank space ',%nbsp;'). For tables the default is a line break <br />. In some specials cases, a <br /> may not work if it is included with strip markers. The alternative is to use the mark of a line feed control character: separator=LF.
  • conjunction= (optional) Conjunction to use as a separator between the last two elements of a list. By default it is equal to 'separator' if it is defined, otherwise it is MediaWiki:And plus MediaWiki:Word-separator (in English ' and '). For tables the default is a line break <br />.
  • itemgender= (optional) Item where to check Gnéas nó inscne (P21) for using the feminine form if necessary. By default it is item. It is used in combination with case=gender.
  • editicon= (optional) Definition of the pencil icon Edit the value on Wikidata to show and edit the statement fetched from Wikitada (planned to pop-up an editing interace by mw:Wikidata Bridge). Value of editicion is get from invoke call, or from parent frame of the template, or by default from definition of value addpencil in Module:Wikidades/i18n as wiki setting.
    • editicon=true: show the icon. It will not be necessary if this is the default value of the wiki.
    • editicon=false or editicon=no: do not show the icon.
    • editicon=right: show the icon and align it to the right.
  • showerrors= (optional) With any value, typically 'yes', it shows error messages, if any. By default it shows the 'default' parameter.
  • default= (optional) Text to show for any error if 'showerrors' parameter is not defined.
  • sandbox= (opcional) With any value, typically 'yes', it redirects the invokes to Module:Wikidades/sandbox. The title of the subpage is retrived from MediaWiki:Sandboxlink-subpage-name, "sandbox" in English, check it in the wiki language if necessary. This parameter can be used as parent from a template. It makes no sense used directly in an invoke or require for testing purpouses. To be used only in preview or temporaly as the sandbox module sould not have any permanent link.

Parameters for formatting

[athraigh foinse]

formatting= (optional). Options for formatting depending on the data value and type:

Data value entity:

  • formatting=raw Wikidata id (Qid or Pid) of the value.
  • formatting=label Label of the value in local language, its fall backs or as raw.
  • formatting=sitelink Title of the local site page, not linked. If there is no local page then it returns the format raw preffixed with interwiki link "d:".
  • formatting=internallink Internal link whenever possibe: 1) to local wiki page (sitelink), 2) red link to the label if it does not exist as sitelink in another Wikidata item, 3) to Wikidata as last option.
  • formatting=pattern Format using a pattern with $1 as a parameter to replace. It can include templates or parser functions with a non expanded format: {{((}}template{{!}}$1{{))}} or {{((}}template{{!}}parameter name{{=}}$1{{))}}, or alike.
The default format is a piped link with link target as sitelink and link label as label. A link to Wikidata is formatted with light blue color different than the internal blue link.
  • formatting=ucfirst Variant of the default piped link with uppercase in first letter of label. In a list, it is used only for the first value.
  • formatting=ucinternallink Both "ucfirst" and "internallink".

Data value string:

  • formatting=pattern Format using a pattern with $1 as a parameter to replace, for example: formatting=[http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/$1 $1]. For identifiers statements with an autogenerated link, the pattern can be found in the talk page of the property. It can include templates or parser functions with a non expanded format (see above for entity).
Type URL:
  • formatting=weblink Format as external link with the website as label: [http://www.example.com example.com], [http://example.com/en/page example.com…].
Type external-id:
  • formatting=externalid Format as external link with the URL pattern from Formatter URL (P1630) in entity Pid of property.
Type math formula:
Returns the content wrapped with tag <math> that generates an image of the formua. See mw:Extension:Math and examples in Foirmle (P2534).
Type musical notation
Returns the content wrapped with tag <score> that generates an image of the score. See mw:Extension:Score and examples in Musical motif (P6686). Format options:
  • formatting=sound (optional) Adds the attribute sound="1" to the tag embeding an audio player after the score image.

Data value quantity:

By default it show the quantity.
  • formatting=unit Shows the quantity and the unit. It can show plural units if it is defined at Module:Wikidades/Units.
  • formatting=unitcode Shows the quantity and the code or abbreviation of the unit defined in Siombail (P5061). It can be changed locally at Module:Wikidades/Units. If not found it shows the unit name.
  • formatting=duration Shows a duration quantity broken into human-readable units: millennia, centuries, decades, years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. For example 123456 seconds: 1 day, 10 hours, 17 minutes and 36 seconds. Previously it tries to convert the unit to seconds (using convert=Q11574), otherwise it assumes the quantity is expressed in seconds.
    • formatting=durationhms Shows the duration abbreviated in hours, minutes and seconds. For example 12345 seconds: 3h 25m 45s. Format of local abbreviations can be defined at Module:Wikidades/i18n in table "hms".
    • formatting=durationh:m:s Show the duration hms simplified, as in 3:25:45, or minutes and seconds as in 01:23 or 45:00.
  • formatting=raw Shows the quantity without any language format, that is with decimal point and no thousand separators. It is the appropriate format for numerical calculations. See also the function formatNum for applying the format to the final result according to language definitions.
  • formatting=pattern Format using a pattern with $1 as a parameter to replace.
  • convert=Qid (optional) Convert the quantity to the unit requested by its Qid. Conversions are made according to factors indicated in Qid for properties Conversion to SI unit (P2370) or Conversion to standard unit (P2442), except for temperatures defined with conversion formulas between ºC, ºF and ºK. For example, a value of "74 inch" with convert=Q174728 (ceintiméadar (Q174728)) gives "188 centimeters" according to the conversion "2.54 centimeter" indicated in orlach (Q218593). It is rounded keeping the default precision of the original value according to the number of significant figures. It can be combined with formatting=unitcode. It can also be used with formatting=table, see below.
  • convert=default (optional) Convertion of units defined in table convert_default at Module:Wikidades/Units.
  • convert=default2 (optional) Variant that shows two values: the converted quantity and the original quantity in brackets.
  • convert=M Converts to millions, rounding with no decimals, if the quantity is greater than 100,000,000. Adds M before the unit name or code, for example Meuro, M$.

Data value monolingual (monolingualtext):

  • formatting=language Returns the language code of a monolingual value, for example used in Ainm oifigiúil (P1448).
  • formatting=text Returns the text wrapped in a span with lang attribute, if it's different from the local language: <span lang="xx">foreign text</span>.
  • formatting=pattern Format using a pattern with $language and $text as parameters to be replaced, for exemple "formatting=($language) $text".
  • list=lang Shows the values corresponding to the defined language or the default language. See lang parameter above.
  • list=notlang Does not show the values corresponding to the defined language or the default language. For example, it may be useful for Ainm sa teanga dhúchais (P1559) avoiding redundancy in wiki local language.

Data value coordinates (globecoordinate):

  • formatting=latitude Returns the latitude in decimal format.
  • formatting=longitude Returns the longitude in decimal format.
  • formatting=globe (default) Returns the globe parameter recognized by Template:Coord. It is requested for coordinates of globes other than Earth.
  • formatting=$lat...$lon...$globe Format using a pattern with $lat, $lon and optionally $globe as parameters to be replaced. It can include templates with non expanded format, i.ex. {{((}}coord{{!}}$lat{{!}}$lon{{))}}.
  • formatting=dimension Returns the dimension in meters equivalent to dim parameter of GeoHack.

Data value datetime (labeled time):

By default it uses the format defined Module:Wikidades/i18n, in datetime table, depending on the precision. Optionally, for precision of day:
Adds the calendar when it may be ambiguous: if the date is before 1582-10-15 and it is set to Gregorian, or if it is later than 1582-10-04 and it is set to Julian. See en:Adoption of the Gregorian calendar for further reading.

Parameters of table with propiety and qualifiers

[athraigh foinse]
property qualifier1 qualifier2 etc.
values 1st statement $0 $1 $2, etc.
2nd, etc. $0 $1 $2, etc.

formatting=table A statement with qualifiers is considered as a table of values shown at right. You can define the format of the rows and each column in the table. Separators for rows by default are line breaks (see separator and conjunction above). If you really want the output in a wikitable you can use separator=</tr><tr> and the corresponding opening and closing tags before and after the invoke. Specific parameters for this format:


  • qualifier1 ... qualifierx= Qualifiers with consecutive numbers without any limitation. General parameter qualifier is an alias for qualifier1.
    • qualifierx = Pid1 OR Pid2 Alternatives values for a qualifier, without limitation of successive ORs. It takes the first one found. A tyical example is Am (P585) OR Am tosaigh (P580).
    • qualifierx = Pid1/Pid2 From the entity value of property Pid1 it gets the parent value Pid2. This allows to obtain additional data in the table even though defined in a parent element. For example, to get railway lines with its icon: qualifier=P81/P154. It can be combined with the OR option taking priority the OR.
    • qualifierx = /Pid Equivalent to previous one but without Pid1, it gets another propiety of same entity. This allows to obtain values defined either in a qualifier or in a property.
  • colformat0 ... colformatx= Format to apply to each column, using 0 for the property and 1-x for every qualifier. It accepts the same syntax as formatting for each data type. See above #Parameters for formatting.
  • case0 ... casex= Grammatical case to apply to each column. Parameter case, without numbering, applies to all values. See above #General parameters.
  • convert0 ... convertx= Conversion of units to apply to each column. See above #Parameters for formatting, data type quantity.
  • whitelist0 ... whitelistx= List raw values, usually Qids, in a column to show the statement, with any separator.
  • blacklist0 ... blacklistx= List raw values, usually Qids, in a column to do not show the statement, with any separator. If a whitelist is used in a column and a blacklist in another column then results may be inexpected (vegeu un see a comment, in Catalan).
  • selectvalue1 ... selectvaluex= List raw values, usually Qids, in a column to show its value.
  • ignorevalue1 ... ignorevaluex= List raw values, usually Qids, in a column to do not show its value.


  • rowformat= Format of the rows of values for property and qualifiers. The property uses the placeholder $0 and the qualifiers $1 to $x. By default it is rowformat=$0 ($1, ... $x). You can include list tags * or # and also templates or parser functions not expanded: {{((}}template{{!}}unnamed parameter{{!}}name{{=}}named parameter{{))}}. If used with parameter "references" (see above) you must include the placeholder $R0 for references.
  • rowsubformat1 ... rowsubformatx= Previous format to apply to $1-$x defined in rowformat, only if there is any value. For example "rowformat=$0 $1" and "rowsubformat1=($1)" gives "$0 ($1)" or "$0" if $1 is void, avoiding empty parenthesis. A rowsubformat may have several variables $1-$x. Note that substitutions are made consecutively in numeric order, so it may include a posterior $x but not an anterior one as it has been already handled.
  • tablesort= with values 0 to x, it sorts the table per property (0) or per qualifier (1 to x). Sorting is in ascending order alphabetically, numerically or by date. It accepts multiple sorting keys with any separator, i.e. tablesort=0/2/1. By default it sorts the property by rank (preferred, normal), and by order in Wikidata.
  • sorting=-1 sorts in descending order. With any other value, or by default, it sorts in ascending order. If tablesort is used with multiple keys, the sorting order is applied to all the keys.
  • list=false shows only the first row of the table, according to the order indicated or by default.

Function getLabel

[athraigh foinse]

Returns the label of an item.

  • 1= (first positional parameter, required) Wikitada id of the item (Qid or Pid). Alias: item, from.
  • lang= (optional) Language code, as in function claim. See above #General parameters.
  • itemgender= (optional) Qid to determine the gender form to use for the label, as in function claim. See above #General parameters.
  • linked= (optional) With any value, except 'no', it returns the label linked either to sitelink page or to Wikidata.
  • label= (optional) Shows this label instead of one fetched from Wikidata. It makes sense if used with linked=yes.
  • editicon= (optional) allows to remove the pencil edit icon, as in function claim. See above #General parameters.

Function getParentValues

[athraigh foinse]

Returns recursively values of a property labeled with a parent value.

  • item= (optional) Specifies an item (Qid) other than the associated to current page. Use it with moderation as arbitrary access to Wikidata is expensive.
  • property= (optional) Property id of the statement (Pid). By default it is Lonnaithe sa limistéar riaracháin (P131). Supports a list of alternative values ​​with any separator.
  • label= (optional) Parent property id to use as label. By defaut it is Sampla de (P31).
  • upto= (optional) Last iteration to fetch, if previously there is not any 'property' not found. Possible values:
    • upto=label: last 'label' to fetch, for example "upto=country".
    • upto=quantity: maximum number of iterations. By default it is 10 as a protection, large enough for commons cases.
  • uptolabelid= (optional) Alternative to upto=label using Qid instead.
  • uptovalueid= (optional) Alternative to uptolabelid using Qid of values instead of labels. It supports multiple values ​​with any separator. Alias uptolinkid provisionally for backwards compatibility.
  • labelshow= (optional) White list of labels to show with a slash as a separator.
  • showlabelid= (optional) Alternative to labelshow using Qid instead.
  • include_self=true (optional) Includes current page on the output list.
  • sorting=-1 (optional) Sorts the list of paired values in descending order.
  • last_only=true (optional) Only shows the last value fetched. For example with uptolinkid=Qid and last_only=true it will show the value correspondig to label Qid.
  • formatting= (optional) Format for the property value. By default it is a piped link to local page or Wikidata (see above formatting for data value entity).
  • valuetext= (optional) Property to use as link label with 'property' value as link target.
  • labelformat= (optional) Format for the label. By default it is "label" (see above formatting for data value entity).
  • rowformat= (optional) Output format for each pair of values, with placeholder $0 for the label and $1 for the value. By default it is "rowformat=$0 = $1", for example "country = [[France]]"
  • separator= (optional) Separator for each pair of label-value, by default <br />.
  • cascade=true (optional) Output with indentation. It may be useful if rowformat only uses $1.

Note: labels can be fixed for needs of an infobox in Module:Wikidades/labels. For example, in Catalan "Municipi del Brasil" is modified to "Municipi" removing the determiner introduced by a preposition.

Function linkWithParentLabel

[athraigh foinse]

Creates a link with the label of a parent property.

It accepts most parameters of function claim, except "formatting" that uses the default "internallink". Additionally:

  • parent= the parent property id to use as a link label. It accepts alternative values with any separator, as it does the parameter "property" of function claim.

Function yearsOld

[athraigh foinse]

Returns the age of a person calculating the completed years between birth date and death date or current date. If both dates do not have presicion of day then it show a range of years, maximum a decade.

The syntax is: {{#invoke:Wikidades|yearsOld|formatting= |item= }}. Parameters item and formatting are optionals. By default it show the quantity.

  • formatting=unit (optional) Gets the unit from table i18n["years-old"] at Module:Wikidades/i18n for singular or plural, in addition to paucal used in Slavic languages as Russian. See parser function PLURAL at mw:Help:Magic words#Localization.
  • formatting=pattern (optional) Format using a pattern with $1 as a placeholder for the quantity. A common use case is " ($1 years old)". It does not evaluate the expression in singular, plural or paucal amb fetches the unit from (Q24564698). As an alternative you can define a global pattern in table i18n["years-old"] that allows the parameter $1.

Function editAtWikidata

[athraigh foinse]

Returns the pencil icon to edit a declaration on Wikidata.

Ssyntax: {{#invoke:Wikidades|editAtWikidata|<value>|item= |property= |lang= |editicon= }}

  • 1 (opcional), first unnamed parameter. If it exists it will not show any icon. For example if a parameter is informed locally then it has not been fetched from Wikidata and the icon is not needed.
  • property=Pid (required). Id of the property to link with anchor. It does not check the Pid, other anchors can be used, for example property=identifiers to link to the identifiers section.
  • item=Qid (optional). Id of the item. It will not be necessary if it is the same as the associated page.
  • lang=code (optional). Language code. Opening the link to Wikidata will display the page in this language. By default it uses the local wiki language for the main article space or the user language defined in the preferences for other namespaces.
  • editicon=<right/true> (optional). With value right it aligns to the right. Value true only makes sense if the wiki is set with ["addpencil"]=false at Module:Wikidades/i18n.

See above #General parameters for more reading about these parameters.

Utility functions

[athraigh foinse]
  • getSiteLink Returns the title of local page for a given item. Syntax:
    Without any parameter it return the current page. With a Qid it returns the local page linked in the Qid item. It returns a void string if there is no local page linked. A second parameter with the wiki code it return the page linked for this wiki (enwiki, frwiki,... cawiktionary, etc.)
  • lang Returns the language code as managed by function claim. See #General parameters above. Syntax:
    Parameter lang is optional.
  • numStatements Returns the number of statements of a multivalue property considering only best ranked values. It allows the decide how to handle long lists. With a second unnamed parameter it counts the number of values of a qualifier. Syntax:
    {{#invoke:Wikidades|numStatements|<Pid>|item={{{item|}}} }}
    {{#invoke:Wikidades|numStatements|<Pid>|<Qual_id>|item={{{item|}}} }}
    Example: {{#invoke:Wikidades|numStatements|P47|item=Q1861}} → 6
    For more complex queries, for example with list=true for preferred and normal ranking or with filters as whitelist, it can be used with the same syntax as function claim, without positional parameters.
  • validProperty Returns "void" if the property is not found, or it has only statements with values "no value" or "some value" or with deprecated rank. Syntax:
    It can be used as an alternative to #property. It accepts the same parameter used by this parser function: from is a alias for item.
  • formatNum Formats a quantity according to language definitions. It is equivalent to magic word formatnum with the option to specify a language other than the wiki default. Syntax:
    First requested parameter is the number to format. Second optional parameter is the language code (see parameter lang of function claim).
  • getTAValue Old function retrieving values of Terminologia Anatomica 98 ID (P1323). Removed and replaced with a simple call {{#invoke:Wikidades | claim | property=P1323 | formatting=externalid | separator=<br />}}.

Wikidata redirects

[athraigh foinse]

A Wikidata element can be a redirect to another element, often as a result of a merge. The values ​​of a property can be provisionally a redirect, usually fixed by bot after a week. The treatment of redirects is as follows:

  • Function claim
    • With formatting=raw it returns the target of the redirect.
    • With parameters whitelist or blacklist, if the list of values ​​includes any redirect, it considers both the redirected Qid and the target Qid.
  • Function getLabel
    • It follows the redirected Qid to fetch the label from the target Qid.

All redirected Qids should be fixed in templates. There is a tracking in place to find them at Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Track/wikidata/redirect.

The provisional tracking Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Track/wikidata/redirect identifies redirected Qid to be fixed in templates.

Resolving redirects is pending of phab:T157868. Current technical solution may be expensive if there is no label in local language nor in fall back languages. It is recommanded to check the provisional tracking Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Track/wikidata/label and add missing labels.

Using from another module

[athraigh foinse]

All functions (claim, getLabel, getParentValues, linkWithParentLabel, yearsOld, lang) can be used from other modules via require with the same parameters provided in a table, for example:

require("Module:Wikidades").claim{item="Q...", property="P...", ...}
require("Module:Wikidades").getLabel({"Q...", ['lang']="en"})

Function claim can return a second value depending of parameter query that may be used on infobox modules for specific treatment. With query=untranslated it returns nil or true for values not translated in requested language. With query=num it returns the number of statements as function numStatements does.

Parameters that accept "true" or "false" values can be defined as boolean type.


[athraigh foinse]

See also

[athraigh foinse]

-- version 20220818 from master @cawiki

local p = {}

-- Initialization of variables --------------------

local i18n = {						-- internationalisation at [[Module:Wikidata/i18n]]
	["errors"] = {
		["property-not-found"] = "Maoin gan aimsiú.",
		["qualifier-not-found"] = "Cáilitheoir gan aimsiú.",
	["datetime"] = {
		-- $1 is a placeholder for the actual number
		["beforenow"] = "$1 RCh",	-- how to format negative numbers for precisions 0 to 5
		["afternow"] = "$1 IC",		-- how to format positive numbers for precisions 0 to 5
		["bc"] = '$1 "RCh"',		-- how print negative years
		["ad"] = "$1",				-- how print 1st century AD dates
		[0] = "$1 billiún bliain",	-- precision: billion years
		[1] = "$100 milliún bliain",	-- precision: hundred million years
		[2] = "$10 milliún bliain",	-- precision: ten million years
		[3] = "$1 milliún bliain",	-- precision: million years
		[4] = "$100000 bliain",		-- precision: hundred thousand years; thousand separators added afterwards
		[5] = "$10000 bliain",		-- precision: ten thousand years; thousand separators added afterwards
		[6] = "$1 míle bliain",		-- precision: millennium
		[7] = "$1 aois",			-- precision: century
		[8] = "$1í",				-- precision: decade
		-- the following use the format of #time parser function
		[9] = "Y",					-- precision: year, 
		[10] = "F Y",				-- precision: month
		[11] = "j F Y",				-- precision: day
		["hms"] = {["uair"] = "h", ["nóiméad"] = "m", ["soicind"] = "s"},	-- duration: xh xm xs
	["years-old"] = {
		["singular"] = "blian d'aois",	-- year old, as in {{PLURAL:$1|singular|plural}}
		["plural"] = "bliana d'aois",	-- years old
		["paucal"] = "",			-- for languages with 3 plural forms as in {{PLURAL:$1|singular|paucal|plural}}

	-- two values for most languages, up to six values for some languages
	-- see documentation of PLURAL magic word in your language, examples:
	-- ["years-old"] = {"singular", "paucal", "plural"} in Russian and other Slavic languages
	-- ["years-old"] = {"zero", "one", "two", "few 3-10", "many 11-99", "other 100-102"} in Arabic
	["cite"] = {					-- cite parameters
		["title"] = "title",
		["author"] = "author",
		["date"] = "date",
		["pages"] = "pages",
		["language"] = "language",
		-- cite web parameters
		["url"] = "url",
		["website"] = "website",
		["access-date"] = "access-date",
		["archive-url"] = "archive-url",
		["archive-date"] = "archive-date",
		["publisher"] = "publisher",
		["quote"] = "quote",
		-- cite journal parameters
		["work"] = "work",
		["issue"] = "issue",
		["issn"] = "issn",
		["doi"] = "doi"
	-- default local wiki settings
	["addpencil"] = false, -- adds a pencil icon linked to Wikidata statement, planned to overwrite by Wikidata Bridge
	["categorylabels"] = "", -- Category:Pages with Wikidata labels not translated (void for no local category)
	["categoryprop"] = "", -- Category:Pages using Wikidata property $1 (void for no local category)
	["categoryref"] = "", -- Category:Pages with references from Wikidata (void for no local category)
	["addfallback"] = {}, -- additional fallback language codes
	["suppressids"] = {}, -- list of Qid values to suppress
	["qidlabels"] = true -- show labels as Qid if no fallback translation is available

local cases = {} -- functions for local grammatical cases defined at [[Module:Wikidata/i18n]]

local required = ... -- variadic arguments from require function
local wiki = 
	langcode = mw.language.getContentLanguage().code,
	module_title = required or mw.getCurrentFrame():getTitle()

local untranslated -- used in infobox modules: nil or true
local _ -- variable for unused returned values, avoiding globals

-- Module local functions --------------------------------------------

-- Credit to http://stackoverflow.com/a/1283608/2644759, cc-by-sa 3.0
local function tableMerge(t1, t2)
	for k, v in pairs(t2) do
		if type(v) == "table" then
			if type(t1[k] or false) == "table" then
				tableMerge(t1[k] or {}, t2[k] or {})
				t1[k] = v
			t1[k] = v
	return t1

local function loadI18n(lang)
	local exist, res = pcall(require, wiki.module_title .. "/i18n")
	if exist and next(res) ~= nil then
		tableMerge(i18n, res.i18n)
		cases = res.cases
	if lang ~= wiki.langcode then
		exist, res = pcall(require, wiki.module_title .. "/i18n/" .. lang)
		if exist and next(res) ~= nil then
			tableMerge(i18n, res.i18n)
			tableMerge(cases, res.cases)
	i18n.suppress = {}
	for _, id in ipairs(i18n.suppressids) do
		i18n.suppress[id] = true

-- Table of language codes: requested or default and its fallbacks
local function findLang(langcode)
	if mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag(langcode or '') == false then
		local cframe = mw.getCurrentFrame()
		local pframe = cframe:getParent()
		langcode = pframe and pframe.args.lang
		if mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag(langcode or '') == false then
			if not mw.title.getCurrentTitle().isContentPage then
				langcode = cframe:preprocess('{{int:lang}}')
			if mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag(langcode or '') == false then
				langcode = wiki.langcode
	local languages = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(langcode)
	table.insert(languages, 1, langcode)
	if langcode == wiki.langcode then
		for _, l in ipairs(i18n.addfallback) do
			table.insert(languages, l)
	return languages

-- Argument is 'set' when it exists (not nil) or when it is not an empty string.
local function isSet(var)
	return not (var == nil or (type(var) == 'string' and mw.text.trim(var) == ''))

-- Set local case to a label
local function case(localcase, label, ...)
	if not isSet(label) then return label end
	if type(localcase) == "function" then
		return localcase(label)
	elseif localcase == "smallcaps" then
		return '<span style="font-variant: small-caps;">' .. label .. '</span>'
	elseif cases[localcase] then
		return cases[localcase](label, ...)
	return label

-- get safely a serialized snak
local function getSnak(statement, snaks)
	local ret = statement
	for i, v in ipairs(snaks) do
		if not ret then return end
		ret = ret[v]
	return ret

-- mw.wikibase.getLabelWithLang or getLabelByLang with a table of languages
local function getLabelByLangs(id, languages)
	local label
	local lang
	for _, l in ipairs(languages) do
		if l == wiki.langcode then
			-- using getLabelWithLang when possible instead of getLabelByLang
			label, l = mw.wikibase.getLabelWithLang(id)
			label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(id, l)
		if label then
			lang = l
	return label, lang

-- getBestStatements if bestrank=true, else getAllStatements with no deprecated
local function getStatements(entityId, property, bestrank)
	local claims = {}
	if not (entityId and mw.ustring.match(property, "^P%d+$")) then return claims end
	if bestrank then
		claims = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(entityId, property)
		local allclaims = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements(entityId, property)
		for _, c in ipairs(allclaims) do
			if c.rank ~= "deprecated" then
				table.insert(claims, c)
	return claims

-- Is gender femenine? true or false
local function feminineGender(id)
	local claims = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(id or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage(),'P21')
	local gender_id = getSnak(claims, {1, "mainsnak", "datavalue", "value", "id"})
	if gender_id == "Q6581072" or gender_id == "Q1052281" or gender_id == "Q43445" then -- female, transgender female, female organism
		return true
	return false

-- Fetch female form of label
local function feminineForm(id, lang)
	local feminine_claims = getStatements(id, 'P2521')
	for _, feminine_claim in ipairs(feminine_claims) do
		if getSnak(feminine_claim, {'mainsnak', 'datavalue', 'value', 'language'}) == lang then
			return feminine_claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text

-- Add an icon for no label in requested language
local function addLabelIcon(label_id, lang, uselang, icon)
	local ret_lang, ret_icon = '', ''
	if icon then
		if lang and lang ~= uselang and lang ~= 'mul' then
			ret_lang = " <sup>(" .. lang .. ")</sup>"
		if label_id and (lang == nil or (lang ~= uselang and lang ~= 'mul')) then
			local namespace = ''
			if string.sub(label_id, 1, 1) == 'P' then
				namespace = 'Property:'
			ret_icon = " [[File:Noun Project label icon 1116097 cc mirror.svg|10px|baseline|"
				.. mw.message.new('Translate-taction-translate'):inLanguage(uselang):plain()
				.. "|link=https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/" .. namespace .. label_id .. "?uselang=" .. uselang .. "]]"
			untranslated = true
		if isSet(i18n.categorylabels) and lang ~= uselang and lang ~= 'mul' and uselang == wiki.langcode then
			ret_icon = ret_icon .. '[[' .. i18n.categorylabels .. (lang and ']]' or '/Q]]')
	return ret_lang .. ret_icon

-- editicon values: true/false (no=false), right, void defaults to i18n.addpencil
-- labelicon only by parameter
local function setIcons(arg, parg)
	local val = arg == nil and parg or arg
	local edit_icon, label_icon
	if not isSet(val) then
		edit_icon, label_icon = i18n.addpencil, true
	elseif val == false or val == "false" or val == "no" then
		edit_icon, label_icon = false, false
		edit_icon, label_icon = val, true
	return edit_icon, label_icon

-- Add an icon for editing a statement with requirements for Wikidata Bridge
local function addEditIcon(parameters)
	local ret = ''
	if parameters.editicon and parameters.id and parameters.property then
		local icon_style = parameters.editicon == "right" and ' style="float: right;"' or ''
		ret = ' <span class="penicon" data-bridge-edit-flow="single-best-value"' .. icon_style .. '>'
			.. "[[File:Arbcom ru editing.svg|10px|baseline|"
			.. string.gsub(mw.message.new('Wikibase-client-data-bridge-bailout-suggestion-go-to-repo-button'):inLanguage(parameters.lang[1]):plain(), '{{WBREPONAME}}', 'Wikidata')
			.. "|link=https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/" .. parameters.id .. "?uselang=" .. parameters.lang[1] .. "#" .. parameters.property .. "]]"
			.. "</span>"
		if isSet(i18n.categoryprop) then
			ret = ret .. "[[" .. string.gsub(i18n.categoryprop, '$1', parameters.property) .. "]]"
	return ret
-- add edit icon to the last element of a table
local function addEditIconTable(thetable, parameters)
	if #thetable == 0 or parameters.editicon == false then
		return thetable
	local last_element = thetable[#thetable]
	local the_icon = addEditIcon(parameters)
	-- add it before last html closing tags
	local tags = ''
	local rev_element = string.reverse(last_element)
	for tag in string.gmatch(rev_element, '(>%l+/<)') do
		if string.match(rev_element, '^' .. tags .. tag) then
			tags = tags .. tag
	local last_tags = string.reverse(tags)
	local offset = string.find(last_element, last_tags .. '$')
	if offset then
		thetable[#thetable] = string.sub(last_element, 1, offset - 1) .. the_icon .. last_tags
		thetable[#thetable] = last_element .. the_icon
	return thetable

-- Escape Lua captures
local function captureEscapes(text)
	return mw.ustring.gsub(text, "(%%%d)", "%%%1")

-- expandTemplate or callParserFunction
local function expandBraces(text, formatting)
	if text == nil or formatting == nil then return text end
	-- only expand braces if provided in argument, not included in value as in Q1164668
	if mw.ustring.find(formatting, '{{', 1, true) == nil then return text end
	if type(text) ~= "string" then
		text = tostring(text)
	for braces in mw.ustring.gmatch(text, "{{(.-)}}") do
		local parts = mw.text.split(braces, "|")
		local title_part = parts[1]
		local parameters = {}
		for i = 2, #parts do
			local subparts = mw.ustring.find(parts[i], "=")
			if subparts then
				local param_name = mw.ustring.sub(parts[i], 1, subparts - 1)
				local param_value = mw.ustring.sub(parts[i], subparts + 1, -1)
				-- reconstruct broken links by parts
				if i < #parts and mw.ustring.find(param_value, "[[", 1, true) and not mw.ustring.find(param_value, "]]", 1, true) then
					parameters[param_name] = param_value
					local part_next = i + 1
					while parts[part_next] and mw.ustring.find(parts[part_next], "]]", 1, true) do
						parameters[param_name] = parameters[param_name] .. "|" .. parts[part_next]
						part_next = part_next + 1
					parameters[param_name] = param_value
			elseif not mw.ustring.find(parts[i], "]]", 1, true) then
				table.insert(parameters, parts[i])
		local braces_expanded
		if mw.ustring.find(title_part, ":")
			and mw.text.split(title_part, ":")[1] ~= mw.site.namespaces[10].name -- not a prefix Template:
			braces_expanded = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction{name=title_part, args=parameters}
			braces_expanded = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{title=title_part, args=parameters}
		braces = mw.ustring.gsub(braces, "([%^%$%(%)%%%.%[%]%*%+%-%?])", "%%%1") -- escape magic characters
		braces_expanded = captureEscapes(braces_expanded)
		text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "{{" .. braces .. "}}", braces_expanded)
	return text

-- format data type math
local function printDatatypeMath(data)
	return mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('#tag:math', data)

-- format data type musical-notation
local function printDatatypeMusical(data, formatting)
	local attr = {}
	if formatting == 'sound' then
		attr.sound = 1
	return mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag('score', data, attr)

-- format data type string
local function printDatatypeString(data, parameters)
	if mw.ustring.find((parameters.formatting or ''), '$1', 1, true) then -- formatting = a pattern
		return expandBraces(mw.ustring.gsub(parameters.formatting, '$1', {['$1'] = data}), parameters.formatting)
	elseif parameters.case then
		return case(parameters.case, data, parameters.lang[1], feminineGender(parameters.id))
	local data_number = string.match(data, "^%d+")
	if data_number then -- sort key by initial number and remaining string
		local sortkey = string.format("%019d", data_number * 1000)
		return data, sortkey .. string.sub(data, #data_number + 1)
	return data

-- format data type tabular-data
local function printDatatypeTabular(data, parameters)
	local icon
	if parameters.formatting == 'raw' then
		icon = "no-icon"
		data = string.gsub(data, '^Data:', '') -- remove prefix, i.e. see Module:Tabular data
	return printDatatypeString(data, parameters), icon

-- format data type url
local function printDatatypeUrl(data, parameters)
	if parameters.formatting == 'weblink' then
		local label_parts = mw.text.split(string.gsub(data, '/$', ''), '/')
		local label = string.gsub(label_parts[3], '^www%.', '')
		if #label_parts > 3 then
			label = label .. '…'
		return '[' .. data .. ' ' .. label .. ']'
	return printDatatypeString(data, parameters)

-- format data type external-id
local function printDatatypeExternal(data, parameters)
	if parameters.formatting == 'externalid' then
		local p_stat = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(parameters.property, 'P1630') -- formatter URL
		local p_link_pattern = getSnak(p_stat, {1, "mainsnak", "datavalue", "value"})
		if p_link_pattern then
			local p_link = mw.ustring.gsub(p_link_pattern, '$1', {['$1'] = data})
			return '[' .. p_link .. ' ' .. data .. ']'
	return printDatatypeString(data, parameters)

-- format data type commonsMedia and geo-shape
local function printDatatypeMedia(data, parameters)
	local icon
	if not string.find((parameters.formatting or ''), '$1', 1, true) then
		icon = "no-icon"
		if not string.find(data, '^Data:') then
			data = mw.uri.encode(data, 'PATH') -- encode special characters in filename
	return printDatatypeString(data, parameters), icon

-- format data type globe-coordinate
local function printDatatypeCoordinate(data, formatting)
	local function globes(globe_id)
		local globes = {['Q3134']='callisto',['Q596']='ceres',['Q15040']='dione',['Q2']='earth',['Q3303']='enceladus',
		return globes[globe_id]
	local function roundPrecision(num, prec)
		if prec == nil or prec <= 0 then return num end
		local sig = 10^math.floor(math.log10(prec)+.5) -- significant figure from sexagesimal precision: 0.00123 -> 0.001
		return math.floor(num / sig + 0.5) * sig
	local precision = data.precision
	local latitude = roundPrecision(data.latitude, precision)
	local longitude = roundPrecision(data.longitude, precision)
	if formatting and string.find(formatting, '$lat', 1, true) and string.find(formatting, '$lon', 1, true) then
		local ret = mw.ustring.gsub(formatting, '$l[ao][tn]', {['$lat'] = latitude, ['$lon'] = longitude})
		if string.find(formatting, '$globe', 1, true) then
			local myglobe = 'earth'
			if isSet(data.globe) then
				local globenum = mw.text.split(data.globe, 'entity/')[2] -- http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2
				myglobe = globes(globenum) or 'earth'
			ret = mw.ustring.gsub(ret, '$globe', myglobe)
		return expandBraces(ret, formatting)
	elseif formatting == 'latitude' then
		return latitude, "no-icon"
	elseif formatting == 'longitude' then
		return longitude, "no-icon"
	elseif formatting == 'dimension' then
		return data.dimension, "no-icon"
	else --default formatting='globe'
		if isSet(data.globe) == false or data.globe == 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2' then
			return 'earth', "no-icon"
			local globenum = mw.text.split(data.globe, 'entity/')[2]
			return globes(globenum) or globenum, "no-icon"

-- Local functions for data value quantity
local function unitSymbol(id, lang) -- get unit symbol or code
	local unit_symbol = ''
	if lang == wiki.langcode and pcall(require, "Module:Wikidata/Units") then
		unit_symbol = require("Module:Wikidata/Units").getUnit(0, '', id, true)
	if unit_symbol == '' then
		-- fetch it
		local claims = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(id, 'P5061')
		if #claims > 0 then
			local langclaims = {}
			table.insert(lang, 'mul') -- multilingual as last try
			for _, snak in ipairs(claims) do
				local snak_language = getSnak(snak, {"mainsnak", "datavalue", "value", "language"})
				if snak_language and not langclaims[snak_language] then -- just the first one by language
					langclaims[snak_language] = snak.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text
			for _, l in ipairs(lang) do
				if langclaims[l] then
					return langclaims[l]
	return unit_symbol

local function getUnit(amount, id, parameters) -- get unit symbol or name
	local suffix = ''
	if string.sub(parameters.formatting or '', 1, 8) == "unitcode" then
		-- get unit symbol
		local unit_symbol = unitSymbol(id, parameters.lang)
		if isSet(unit_symbol) then
			if string.sub(parameters.formatting or '', -6) == "linked" then
				suffix = "[[" .. (mw.wikibase.getSitelink(id) or "d:" .. id) .. "|" .. unit_symbol .. "]]"
				suffix = unit_symbol
	if suffix == '' then -- formatting=unit, or formatting=unitcode not found
		-- get unit label
		local unit_label, lang = getLabelByLangs(id, parameters.lang)
		if lang == wiki.langcode and pcall(require, "Module:Wikidata/Units") then
			suffix = require("Module:Wikidata/Units").getUnit(amount, unit_label, id, false)
			if string.sub(parameters.formatting or '', -6) == "linked" then
				suffix = "[[" .. (mw.wikibase.getSitelink(id) or "d:" .. id) .. "|" .. suffix .. "]]"
			suffix = (unit_label or id) .. addLabelIcon(id, lang, parameters.lang[1], parameters.labelicon)
	if suffix ~= '' then
		suffix = ' ' .. suffix
	return suffix

local function roundDefPrecision(in_num, factor)
	-- rounds out_num with significant figures of in_num (default precision)
	local out_num = in_num * factor
	if factor/60 == math.floor(factor/60) or out_num == 0 then -- sexagesimal integer or avoiding NaN
		return out_num
	-- first, count digits after decimal mark, handling cases like '12.345e6'
	local exponent, prec
	local integer, dot, decimals, expstr = in_num:match('^(%d*)(%.?)(%d*)(.*)')
	local e = expstr:sub(1, 1)
	if e == 'e' or e == 'E' then
		exponent = tonumber(expstr:sub(2))
	if dot == '' then
		prec = -integer:match('0*$'):len()
		prec = #decimals
	if exponent then
		-- So '1230' and '1.23e3' both give prec = -1, and '0.00123' and '1.23e-3' give 5.
		prec = prec - exponent
	-- significant figures
	local in_bracket = 10^-prec -- -1 -> 10, 5 -> 0.00001
	local out_bracket = in_bracket * out_num / in_num
	out_bracket = 10^math.floor(math.log10(out_bracket)+.5) -- 1230 -> 1000, 0.00123 -> 0.001
	-- round it (credit to Luc Bloom from http://lua-users.org/wiki/SimpleRound)
	return math.floor(out_num/out_bracket + (out_num >=0 and 1 or -1) * 0.5) * out_bracket

-- format data type quantity
local function printDatatypeQuantity(data, parameters)
	local amount = data.amount
	amount = mw.ustring.gsub(amount, "%+", "")
	local suffix = ""
	local conv_amount, conv_suffix
	if string.sub(parameters.formatting or '', 1, 4) == "unit" or string.sub(parameters.formatting or '', 1, 8) == "duration" or parameters.convert then
		local unit_id = data.unit
		unit_id = mw.ustring.sub(unit_id, mw.ustring.find(unit_id, "Q"), -1)
		if string.sub(unit_id, 1, 1) == "Q" then
			suffix = getUnit(amount, unit_id, parameters)
			local convert_to
			if parameters.convert == "default" or parameters.convert == "default2" then
				local exist, units = pcall(require, "Module:Wikidata/Units")
				if exist and units.convert_default and next(units.convert_default) ~= nil then
					convert_to = units.convert_default[unit_id]
			elseif string.sub(parameters.convert or '', 1, 1) == "Q" then
				convert_to = parameters.convert
			elseif string.sub(parameters.formatting or '', 1, 8) == "duration" then
				convert_to = 'Q11574' -- seconds
			if convert_to and convert_to ~= unit_id then
				-- convert units
				local conv_temp = { -- formulae for temperatures ºC, ºF, ªK: [from] = {[to] = 'formula'}
					['Q25267'] = {['Q42289'] = '$1*1.8+32', ['Q11597'] = '$1+273.15'},
					['Q42289'] = {['Q25267'] = '($1-32)/1.8', ['Q11597'] = '($1+459.67)*5/9'},
					['Q11597'] = {['Q25267'] = '$1-273.15', ['Q42289'] = '($1-273.15)*1.8000+32.00'}
				if conv_temp[unit_id] and conv_temp[unit_id][convert_to] then
					local amount_f = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('#expr', mw.ustring.gsub(conv_temp[unit_id][convert_to], "$1", amount))
					conv_amount = math.floor(tonumber(amount_f) + 0.5)
					local conversions = getStatements(unit_id, 'P2442') -- conversion to standard unit
					table.insert(conversions, mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(unit_id, 'P2370')[1]) -- conversion to SI unit
					for _, conv in ipairs(conversions) do
						if conv.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then -- no somevalue nor novalue
							if conv.mainsnak.datavalue.value.unit == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/" .. convert_to then
								conv_amount = roundDefPrecision(amount, tonumber(conv.mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount))
				if conv_amount then
					conv_suffix = getUnit(conv_amount, convert_to, parameters)
			elseif parameters.convert == 'M' and tonumber(amount) > 10^8 then
				conv_amount = math.floor(amount/10^6 + 0.5)
				conv_suffix = ' M' .. string.sub(suffix, 2)
			if conv_amount and parameters.formatting == 'raw' then
				amount = conv_amount
				suffix = ""
				conv_amount = nil
	local lang_obj = mw.language.new(parameters.lang[1])
	local sortkey = string.format("%019d", tonumber(amount) * 1000)
	if string.sub(parameters.formatting or '', 1, 8) == "duration" then
		local sec = tonumber(conv_amount or amount)
		if parameters.formatting == 'duration' then
			return lang_obj:formatDuration(sec)
		elseif parameters.formatting == 'durationm:s' then
			local mm = math.floor(sec / 60)
			local ss = sec - (mm * 60)
			return string.format("%02d:%02d", mm, ss)
		else -- durationhms or durationh:m:s
			local intervals = {"hours", "minutes", "seconds"}
			local sec2table = lang_obj:getDurationIntervals(sec, intervals)
			sec2table["seconds"] = (sec2table["seconds"] or 0) + tonumber("." .. (tostring(sec):match("%.(%d+)") or "0")) -- add decimals
			local duration = ''
			for i, v in ipairs(intervals) do
				if parameters.formatting == 'durationh:m:s' then
					if i == 1 and sec2table[v] then
						duration = duration .. sec2table[v] .. ":"
					elseif i == 2 then
						duration = duration .. string.format("%02d", sec2table[v] or 0) .. ":"
					elseif i == 3 then
						local sec_str = tostring(lang_obj:formatNum(sec2table[v] or 0))
						duration = duration .. (sec2table[v] < 10 and "0" or "") .. sec_str
				elseif sec2table[v] then
					duration = duration .. lang_obj:formatNum(sec2table[v]) .. i18n.datetime.hms[v] .. (i < 3 and " " or "")
			return duration
	if parameters.case then
		amount = case(parameters.case, amount, parameters.lang[1], feminineGender(parameters.id))
	elseif parameters.formatting ~= 'raw' then
		if parameters.numformat then
			amount = lang_obj:formatNum(tonumber(string.format(parameters.numformat, amount)))
			amount = lang_obj:formatNum(tonumber(amount))
	if conv_amount then
		local conv_sortkey = string.format("%019d", conv_amount * 1000)
		conv_amount = lang_obj:formatNum(conv_amount)
		if parameters.convert == 'default2' then
			return conv_amount .. conv_suffix .. ' (' .. amount .. suffix .. ')', conv_sortkey
			return conv_amount .. conv_suffix, conv_sortkey
	elseif mw.ustring.find((parameters.formatting or ''), '$1', 1, true) then -- formatting with pattern
		amount = mw.ustring.gsub(parameters.formatting, '$1', {['$1'] = amount})
	return amount .. suffix, sortkey

-- format data type time
local function printDatatypeTime(data, parameters)
	-- Dates and times are stored in ISO 8601 format
	local timestamp = data.time
	local post_format
	local calendar_add = ""
	local precision = data.precision or 11
	if string.sub(timestamp, 1, 1) == '-' then
		post_format = i18n.datetime["bc"]
	elseif string.sub(timestamp, 2, 3) == '00' then
		post_format = i18n.datetime["ad"]
	elseif precision > 8 then
		-- calendar model
		local calendar_model = {["Q12138"] = "gregorian", ["Q1985727"] = "gregorian", ["Q11184"] = "julian", ["Q1985786"] = "julian"}
		local calendar_id = mw.text.split(data.calendarmodel, 'entity/')[2]
		if (timestamp < "+1582-10-15T00:00:00Z" and calendar_model[calendar_id] == "gregorian")
			or (timestamp > "+1582-10-04T00:00:00Z" and calendar_model[calendar_id] == "julian")
			calendar_add = " <sup>(" .. mw.message.new('Wikibase-time-calendar-' .. calendar_model[calendar_id]):inLanguage(parameters.lang[1]):plain() .. ")</sup>"
	local function formatTime(form, stamp)
		local pattern
		if type(form) == "function" then
			pattern = form(stamp)
			pattern = form
		stamp = tostring(stamp)
		if mw.ustring.find(pattern, "$1") then
			return mw.ustring.gsub(pattern, "$1", stamp)
		elseif string.sub(stamp, 1, 1) == '-' then -- formatDate() only supports years from 0
			stamp = '+' .. string.sub(stamp, 2)
		elseif string.sub(stamp, 1, 1) ~= '+' then -- not a valid timestamp, it is a number
			stamp = string.format("%04d", stamp)
		local ret = mw.language.new(parameters.lang[1]):formatDate(pattern, stamp)
		ret = string.gsub(ret, "^(%[?%[?)0+", "%1") -- suppress leading zeros
		ret = string.gsub(ret, "( %[?%[?)0+", "%1")
		return ret
	local function postFormat(t)
		if post_format and mw.ustring.find(post_format, "$1") then
			return mw.ustring.gsub(post_format, "$1", t)
		return t
	local intyear = tonumber(string.match(timestamp, "[+-](%d+)"))
	local ret = ""
	if precision <= 5 then -- precision is 10000 years or more
		local factor = 10 ^ ((5 - precision) + 4)
		local y2 = math.ceil(math.abs(intyear) / factor)
		local relative = formatTime(i18n.datetime[precision], y2)
		if post_format == i18n.datetime["bc"] then
			ret = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.beforenow, "$1", relative)
			ret = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.afternow, "$1", relative)
		local ret_number = string.match(ret, "%d+")
		if ret_number ~= nil then
			ret = mw.ustring.gsub(ret, ret_number, mw.language.new(parameters.lang[1]):formatNum(tonumber(ret_number)))
	elseif precision == 6 or precision == 7 then -- millennia or centuries
		local card = math.floor((intyear - 1) / 10^(9 - precision)) + 1
		ret = formatTime(i18n.datetime[precision], card)
		ret = postFormat(ret)
	elseif precision == 8 then -- decades
		local card = math.floor(math.abs(intyear) / 10) * 10
		ret = formatTime(i18n.datetime[8], card)
		ret = postFormat(ret)
	elseif intyear > 9999 then -- not a valid timestamp
	elseif precision == 9 or parameters.formatting == 'Y' then -- precision is year
		ret = formatTime(i18n.datetime[9], intyear)
		ret = postFormat(ret) .. calendar_add
	elseif precision == 10 then -- month
		ret = formatTime(i18n.datetime[10], timestamp .. " + 1 day") -- formatDate yyyy-mm-00 returns the previous month
		ret = postFormat(ret) .. calendar_add
	else -- precision 11, day
		ret = formatTime(parameters.formatting or i18n.datetime[11], timestamp)
		ret = postFormat(ret) .. calendar_add
	return ret, timestamp

-- format data value wikibase-entityid with data types wikibase-item or wikibase-property
local function printDatatypeEntity(data, parameters)
	local entity_id = data['id']
	if parameters.formatting == 'raw' then
		return entity_id, entity_id
	local entity_page = 'Special:EntityPage/' .. entity_id
	local label, lang = getLabelByLangs(entity_id, parameters.lang)
	local sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(entity_id)
	local parameter = parameters.formatting
	local labelcase = label or sitelink
	if parameters.gender == 'feminineform' then
		labelcase = feminineForm(entity_id, lang) or labelcase
	if parameters.case ~= 'gender' then
		labelcase = case(parameters.case, labelcase, lang, parameters.lang[1], entity_id, parameters.id)
	if labelcase == nil and i18n.qidlabels == false then
	local ret1, ret2
	if parameter == 'label' then
		ret1 = labelcase or entity_id
		ret2 = labelcase or entity_id
	elseif parameter == 'sitelink' then
		ret1 = (sitelink or 'd:' .. entity_page)
		ret2 = sitelink or entity_id
	elseif mw.ustring.find((parameter or ''), '$1', 1, true) then -- formatting = a pattern
		ret1 = mw.ustring.gsub(parameter, '$1', labelcase or entity_id)
		ret1 = expandBraces(ret1, parameter)
		ret2 = labelcase or entity_id
		if parameter == "ucfirst" or parameter == "ucinternallink" then
			if labelcase and lang then
				labelcase = mw.language.new(lang):ucfirst(labelcase)
			-- only first of a list, reset formatting for next ones
			if parameter == "ucinterlanllink" then
				parameters.formatting = 'internallink'
				parameters.formatting = nil -- default format
		if sitelink then
			ret1 = '[[' .. sitelink .. '|' .. labelcase .. ']]'
			ret2 = labelcase
		elseif label and string.match(parameter or '', 'internallink$') and not mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForTitle(label) then
			ret1 = '[[' .. label .. '|' .. labelcase .. ']]'
			ret2 = labelcase
			ret1 = '[[d:' .. entity_page .. '|<span style="color:#5f9cbb;">' .. (labelcase or entity_id) .. '</span>]]'
			ret2 = labelcase or entity_id
	return ret1 .. addLabelIcon(entity_id, lang, parameters.lang[1], parameters.labelicon), ret2

-- format data type wikibase-lexeme
local function printDatatypeLexeme(data, parameters)
	local entity_id = data['id']
	if parameters.formatting == 'raw' then
		return entity_id, entity_id
	local lemmas = mw.wikibase.getEntity(entity_id):getLemmas()
	if parameters.list == 'lang' and lemmas[1][2] ~= parameters.lang[1] then
	local ret = '[[d:Special:EntityPage/' .. entity_id .. '|<span style="color:#5f9cbb;">' .. lemmas[1][1] .. '</span>]]'
	if parameters.list ~= 'lang' or (parameters.list == 'lang' and lemmas[1][2] ~= wiki.langcode) then
		ret = ret .. " <sup>(" .. lemmas[1][2] .. ")</sup>"
	return ret, entity_id

-- format data type monolingualtext
local function printDatatypeMonolingual(data, parameters)
	-- data fields: language [string], text [string]
	if parameters.list == "lang" and data["language"] ~= parameters.lang[1] then
	elseif parameters.list == "notlang" and data["language"] == parameters.lang[1] then
	elseif parameters.formatting == "language" or parameters.formatting == "text" then
		return data[parameters.formatting]
	local result = data["text"]
	if data["language"] ~= wiki.langcode then
		result = mw.ustring.gsub('<span lang="$1">$2</span>', '$[12]', {["$1"]=data["language"], ["$2"]=data["text"]})
	if mw.ustring.find((parameters.formatting or ''), '$', 1, true) then
		-- output format defined with $text, $language
		result = mw.ustring.gsub(parameters.formatting, '$text', result)
		result = mw.ustring.gsub(result, '$language', data["language"])
	return result

local function getSnakValue(snak, parameters)
	if snak.snaktype == 'value' then -- see Special:ListDatatypes
		-- data value string
		if snak.datatype == "string" then
			return printDatatypeString(snak.datavalue.value, parameters)
		elseif snak.datatype == "commonsMedia" or snak.datatype == "geo-shape" then
			return printDatatypeMedia(snak.datavalue.value, parameters)
		elseif snak.datatype == "tabular-data" then
			return printDatatypeTabular(snak.datavalue.value, parameters)
		elseif snak.datatype == "url" then
			return printDatatypeUrl(snak.datavalue.value, parameters)
		elseif snak.datatype == "external-id" then
			return printDatatypeExternal(snak.datavalue.value, parameters)
		elseif snak.datatype == 'math' then
			return printDatatypeMath(snak.datavalue.value)
		elseif snak.datatype == 'musical-notation' then
			return printDatatypeMusical(snak.datavalue.value, parameters.formatting)
		-- data types other than string value
		elseif snak.datatype == 'wikibase-item' or snak.datatype == 'wikibase-property' then
			if i18n.suppress[snak.datavalue.value.id] then
			return printDatatypeEntity(snak.datavalue.value, parameters)
		elseif snak.datatype == 'wikibase-lexeme' then
			return printDatatypeLexeme(snak.datavalue.value, parameters)
		elseif snak.datatype == 'monolingualtext' then
			return printDatatypeMonolingual(snak.datavalue.value, parameters)
		elseif snak.datatype == "globe-coordinate" then
			return printDatatypeCoordinate(snak.datavalue.value, parameters.formatting)
		elseif snak.datatype == "quantity" then
			return printDatatypeQuantity(snak.datavalue.value, parameters)
		elseif snak.datatype == "time" then
			return printDatatypeTime(snak.datavalue.value, parameters)
	elseif snak.snaktype == 'novalue' then
		if parameters.formatting == 'raw' or parameters.shownovalue == false then return end
		return mw.message.new('Wikibase-snakview-snaktypeselector-novalue'):inLanguage(parameters.lang[1]):plain()
	elseif snak.snaktype == 'somevalue' then
		if parameters.formatting == 'raw' then return end
		return mw.message.new('Wikibase-snakview-snaktypeselector-somevalue'):inLanguage(parameters.lang[1]):plain()
	return mw.wikibase.renderSnak(snak)

local function printError(key)
	return '<span class="error">' .. i18n.errors[key] .. '</span>'

local function getQualifierSnak(claim, qualifierId, parameters)
	-- a "snak" is Wikidata terminology for a typed key/value pair
	-- a claim consists of a main snak holding the main information of this claim,
	-- as well as a list of attribute snaks and a list of references snaks
	if qualifierId then
		-- search the attribute snak with the given qualifier as key
		if claim.qualifiers then
			local qualifier = claim.qualifiers[qualifierId]
			if qualifier then
				if qualifier[1].datatype == "monolingualtext" then
					-- iterate over monolingualtext qualifiers to get local language
					for idx in pairs(qualifier) do
						if getSnak(qualifier[idx], {"datavalue", "value", "language"}) == parameters.lang[1] then
							return qualifier[idx]
				elseif parameters.list then
					return qualifier
					return qualifier[1]
		return nil, printError("qualifier-not-found")
		-- otherwise return the main snak
		return claim.mainsnak

local function getValueOfClaim(claim, qualifierId, parameters)
	local snak, error = getQualifierSnak(claim, qualifierId, parameters)
	if not snak then
		return nil, nil, error
	elseif snak[1] then -- a multi qualifier
		local result, sortkey = {}, {}
		local maxvals = tonumber(parameters.listmax)
		for idx in pairs(snak) do
			result[#result + 1], sortkey[#sortkey + 1] = getSnakValue(snak[idx], parameters)
			if maxvals and maxvals == #result then break end
		return mw.text.listToText(result, parameters.qseparator, parameters.qconjunction), sortkey[1]
	else -- a property or a qualifier
		return getSnakValue(snak, parameters)

local function getValueOfParentClaim(claim, qualifierId, parameters)
	local qids = mw.text.split(qualifierId, '/', true)
	local value, sortkey, valueraw = {}, {}, {}
	local parent_raw, value_text
	if qids[1] == parameters.property then
		parent_raw, _, _ = getValueOfClaim(claim, nil, {["formatting"]="raw", ["lang"]=parameters.lang})
		parent_raw, _, _ = getValueOfClaim(claim, qids[1], {["formatting"]="raw", ["lang"]=parameters.lang, ["list"]=true, ["qseparator"]='/', ["qconjunction"]='/'})
	if string.sub(parent_raw or '', 1, 1) == "Q" then -- protection for 'no value'
		local parent_qids = mw.text.split(parent_raw, '/', true)
		for idx, p_qid in ipairs(parent_qids) do
			local parent_claims = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(p_qid, qids[2])
			if parent_claims[1] then
				value[idx], sortkey[idx], _ = getValueOfClaim(parent_claims[1], nil, parameters)
				-- raw parent value needed for while/black lists, lang for avoiding an error on types other than entity
				valueraw[idx], _, _ = getValueOfClaim(parent_claims[1], nil, {["formatting"]="raw", ["lang"]=parameters.lang})
	if value[1] then
		value_text = mw.text.listToText(value, parameters.qseparator, parameters.qconjunction)
	return value_text, sortkey[1], valueraw[1]

-- see d:Help:Sources
local function getReferences(claim, parameters)
	if not (parameters.references or parameters.onlysourced) then
		return '', false
	local lang = parameters.lang
	local maxrefs = tonumber(parameters.references) or 1
	local notproperref = {
		["P143"] = true, -- imported from
		["P3452"] = true, -- inferred from
		["P887"] = true, -- based on heuristic
		["P4656"] = true -- Wikimedia import URL
	local result = {}
	-- traverse through all references
	for ref in pairs(claim.references or {}) do
		local refparts
		local refs = {}
		local validref = true
		local ref_id
		-- traverse through all parts of the current reference
		for snakkey, snakval in pairs(claim.references[ref].snaks or {}) do
			for partkey, _ in pairs(claim.references[ref].snaks[snakkey] or {}) do
				if notproperref[snakkey] then -- not a proper reference
					validref = false
			if validref then
				for snakidx = 1, #snakval do
					if snakidx > 1 then refparts = refparts .. ", " end
					if snakval[snakidx].datatype == 'external-id' then
						refparts = refparts or '' .. (getSnakValue(snakval[snakidx], {formatting='externalid', property=snakval[snakidx].property, lang=lang}) or '')
						refparts = refparts or '' .. (getSnakValue(snakval[snakidx], {lang=lang}) or '')
				refs[snakkey] = refparts
				refparts = nil
				if snakkey == "P248" then -- stated in
					ref_id = getSnak(snakval, {1, "datavalue", "value", "id"})
		-- fill missing values with parent item
		if ref_id then
			local function refParent(qid, pid, formatting)
				local snak = getSnak(mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(qid, pid), {1, "mainsnak"})
				return snak and getSnakValue(snak, {formatting=formatting, lang=lang})
			refs['P50'] = refs['P50'] or refParent(ref_id, 'P50', 'label') -- author
			refs['P407'] = refs['P407'] or refParent(ref_id, 'P407', 'label') -- language of work
			refs['P123'] = refs['P123'] or refParent(ref_id, 'P123', 'label') -- publisher
			refs['P577'] = refs['P577'] or refParent(ref_id, 'P577') -- date
			refs['P1433'] = refs['P1433'] or refParent(ref_id, 'P1433', 'label') -- published in
			refs['P304'] = refs['P304'] or refParent(ref_id, 'P304') -- page(s)
			refs['P433'] = refs['P433'] or refParent(ref_id, 'P433') -- issue
			refs['P236'] = refs['P236'] or refParent(ref_id, 'P236') -- ISSN
			refs['P356'] = refs['P356'] or refParent(ref_id, 'P356') -- DOI
		-- get title of local templates for citing references
		local template_web = mw.wikibase.getSitelink('Q5637226') or ""
		template_web = mw.text.split(template_web, ":")[2] -- split off namespace from front
		local template_journal = mw.wikibase.getSitelink('Q5624899') or ""
		template_journal = mw.text.split(template_journal, ":")[2]
		local citeParams = {}
		if refs['P854'] and (refs['P1476'] or refs['P248']) and template_web then
			-- if both "reference URL" and "title" (or "stated in") are present, then use cite web template
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['url']] = refs['P854']
			if refs['P248'] and refs['P1476'] == nil then
				citeParams[i18n['cite']['title']] = refs['P248']:match("^%[%[.-|(.-)%]%]")
				citeParams[i18n['cite']['title']] = refs['P1476']
				citeParams[i18n['cite']['website']] = refs['P248']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['author']] = refs['P50']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['language']] = refs['P407']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['publisher']] = refs['P123']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['date']] = refs['P577']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['pages']] = refs['P304']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['access-date']] = refs['P813']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['archive-url']] = refs['P1065']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['archive-date']] = refs['P2960']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['quote']] = refs['P1683']
			refparts = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{title=template_web, args=citeParams}
		elseif refs['P1433'] and (refs['P1476'] or refs['P248']) and template_journal then
			-- if both "published in" and "title" (or "stated in") are present, then use cite journal template
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['work']] = refs['P1433']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['title']] = refs['P1476'] or refs['P248']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['author']] = refs['P50']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['date']] = refs['P577']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['issue']] = refs['P433']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['pages']] = refs['P304']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['language']] = refs['P407']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['issn']] = refs['P236']
			citeParams[i18n['cite']['doi']] = refs['P356']
			refparts = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{title=template_journal, args=citeParams}
		elseif validref then
			-- raw ouput
			local snaksorder = claim.references[ref]["snaks-order"]
			local function indexed(a)
				for _, b in ipairs(snaksorder) do
					if b == a then return true end
				return false
			for k, _ in pairs(refs or {}) do
				if not indexed(k) then
					table.insert(snaksorder, k)
			local italics = "''"
			for _, k in ipairs(snaksorder) do
				if refs[k] then
					refparts = refparts and refparts .. " " or ""
					refparts = refparts .. mw.ustring.gsub(getLabelByLangs(k, lang), "^%l", mw.ustring.upper) .. ": "
					refparts = refparts .. italics .. refs[k] .. italics .. "."
					italics = ""
		if refparts then
			local ref_name = claim.references[ref].hash
			result[#result + 1] = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag("ref", refparts, {name=ref_name})
			if maxrefs and maxrefs == #result then break end
	if #result > 0 then
		if parameters.references then
			if isSet(i18n.categoryref) then
				result[#result + 1] = "[[" ..i18n.categoryref .. "]]"
			return table.concat(result), true
			return '', true
	return '', false

-- Set whitelist or blacklist values
local function setWhiteOrBlackList(num_qual, args)
	local lists = {['whitelist']={}, ['blacklist']={}, ['ignorevalue']={}, ['selectvalue']={}}
	for i = 0, num_qual do
		for k, _ in pairs(lists) do
			if isSet(args[k .. i]) then
				lists[k][tostring(i)] = {}
				local pattern = 'Q%d+'
				if string.sub(args[k .. i], 1, 1) ~= 'Q' then
					pattern = '[^%p%s]+'
				for q in string.gmatch(args[k .. i], pattern) do
					lists[k][tostring(i)][q] = true
	return lists['whitelist'], lists['blacklist'], lists['ignorevalue'], lists['selectvalue']

local function tableParameters(args, parameters, column)
	local column_params = mw.clone(parameters)
	column_params.formatting = args["colformat"..column]; if column_params.formatting == "" then column_params.formatting = nil end
	column_params.convert = args["convert" .. column]
	if args["case" .. column] then
		column_params.case = args["case" .. column]
	return column_params

local function getEntityId(args, pargs, unnamed)
	pargs = pargs or {}
	local id = args.item or args.from or (unnamed and mw.text.trim(args[1] or '') or nil)
	if not isSet(id) then
		id = pargs.item or pargs.from or (unnamed and mw.text.trim(pargs[1] or '') or nil)
	if isSet(id) then
		if string.find(id, ":") then -- remove prefix as Property:Pid
			id = mw.text.split(id, ":")[2]
		id = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
	return id

local function getArg(value, default, aliases)
	if type(value) == 'boolean' then return value
	elseif value == "false" or value == "no" then return false
	elseif value == "true" or value == "yes" then return true
	elseif value and aliases and aliases[value] then return aliases[value]
	elseif isSet(value) then return value
	elseif default then return default
	else return nil

-- Main function claim ---------------------------------------------
-- on debug console use: =p.claim{item="Q...", property="P...", ...}
function p.claim(frame)
	local args = frame.args or frame -- via invoke or require
	local pargs = frame.args and frame:getParent().args or {}
	local is_sandbox = isSet(pargs.sandbox)
	if not required and is_sandbox then
		return require(wiki.module_title .. "/" .. mw.message.new('Sandboxlink-subpage-name'):inLanguage(wiki.langcode):plain()).claim(frame)
	--If a value is already set, use it
	if isSet(args.value) then
		if args.value == 'NONE' then
			return args.value
	-- arguments
	local parameters = {}
	parameters.id = getEntityId(args, pargs)
	if parameters.id == nil then return end
	parameters.property = string.upper(args.property or "")
	local qualifierId = {}
	qualifierId[1] = getArg(string.upper(args.qualifier or args.qualifier1 or ""))
	local i = 2
	while isSet(args["qualifier" .. i]) do
		qualifierId[i] = string.upper(args["qualifier" .. i])
		i = i + 1
	parameters.formatting = getArg(args.formatting)
	parameters.convert = getArg(args.convert)
	parameters.numformat = getArg(args.numformat)
	parameters.case = args.case
	parameters.list = getArg(args.list, true, {firstrank='bestrank'})
	parameters.listmax = args.listmax
	parameters.listrank = getArg(args.listrank)
	if type(parameters.list) == "number" then -- backwards compatibility
		parameters.listmax = parameters.listmax or parameters.list
		parameters.list = true
	elseif parameters.list == "bestrank" then
		parameters.listrank = parameters.listrank or "bestrank"
		parameters.list = true
	parameters.shownovalue = getArg(args.shownovalue, true)
	parameters.separator = getArg(args.separator)
	parameters.conjunction = getArg(args.conjunction, parameters.separator)
	parameters.qseparator = getArg(args.qseparator, parameters.separator)
	parameters.qconjunction = getArg(args.qconjunction, parameters.conjunction)
	local sorting_col = args.tablesort
	local sorting_up = (args.sorting or "") ~= "-1"
	local rowformat = args.rowformat
	parameters.references = getArg(args.references, false)
	parameters.onlysourced = getArg(args.onlysourced, false)
	local showerrors = args.showerrors
	local default = args.default
	if default then showerrors = nil end
	parameters.lang = findLang(args.lang)
	if parameters.formatting == "raw" then
		parameters.editicon, parameters.labelicon = false, false
		parameters.editicon, parameters.labelicon = setIcons(args.editicon, pargs.editicon) -- needs loadI18n by findLand
	-- fetch property
	local claims = {}
	local bestrank = parameters.listrank == 'bestrank' and parameters.list ~= 'lang'
	for p in string.gmatch(parameters.property, 'P%d+') do
		claims = getStatements(parameters.id, p, bestrank)
		if #claims > 0 then
			parameters.property = p
	if #claims == 0 then
		local ret = showerrors and printError("property-not-found") or default
		return ret, args.query == 'num' and 0 or ''
	-- defaults for table
	local preformat, postformat = "", ""
	local whitelisted = false
	local whitelist, blacklist, ignorevalue, selectvalue = {}, {}, {}, {}
	if parameters.formatting == "table" then
		parameters.separator = parameters.separator or "<br />"
		parameters.conjunction = parameters.conjunction or "<br />"
		parameters.qseparator = getArg(args.qseparator, mw.message.new('Comma-separator'):inLanguage(parameters.lang[1]):plain())
		parameters.qconjunction = getArg(args.qconjunction, parameters.qseparator)
		if not rowformat then
			rowformat = "$0 ($1"
			i = 2
			while qualifierId[i] do
				rowformat = rowformat .. ", $" .. i
				i = i + 1
			rowformat = rowformat .. ")"
		elseif mw.ustring.find(rowformat, "^[*#]") then
			parameters.separator = "</li><li>"
			parameters.conjunction = "</li><li>"
			if mw.ustring.match(rowformat, "^[*#]") == "*" then
				preformat = "<ul><li>"
				postformat = "</li></ul>"
				preformat = "<ol><li>"
				postformat = "</li></ol>"
			rowformat = mw.ustring.gsub(rowformat, "^[*#] ?", "")
		-- set whitelist and blacklist values
		whitelist, blacklist, ignorevalue, selectvalue = setWhiteOrBlackList(#qualifierId, args)
		local next = next
		if next(whitelist) ~= nil then whitelisted = true end
	-- set feminine case if gender is requested
	local itemgender = args.itemgender
	local idgender
	if itemgender then
		if string.match(itemgender, "^P%d+$") then
			local snak_id = getSnak(mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(parameters.id, itemgender), {1, "mainsnak", "datavalue", "value", "id"})
			if snak_id then
				idgender = snak_id
		elseif string.match(itemgender, "^Q%d+$") then
			idgender = itemgender
	local gender_requested = false
	if parameters.case == "gender" or idgender then
		gender_requested = true
	elseif parameters.formatting == "table" then
		for i=0, #qualifierId do
			if args["case" .. i] and args["case" .. i] == "gender" then
				gender_requested = true
	if gender_requested then
		if feminineGender(idgender or parameters.id) then
			parameters.gender = "feminineform"
	-- get initial sort indices
	local sortindices = {}
	for idx in pairs(claims) do
		sortindices[#sortindices + 1] = idx
	-- sort by claim rank
	local comparator = function(a, b)
		local rankmap = { deprecated = 2, normal = 1, preferred = 0 }
		local ranka = rankmap[claims[a].rank or "normal"] .. string.format("%08d", a)
		local rankb = rankmap[claims[b].rank or "normal"] .. string.format("%08d", b)
		return ranka < rankb
	table.sort(sortindices, comparator)
	local result, result2, result_query
	local error
	if parameters.list or parameters.formatting == "table" then
		-- convert LF to line feed, <br /> may not work on some cases
		parameters.separator = parameters.separator == "LF" and "\010" or parameters.separator
		parameters.conjunction = parameters.conjunction == "LF" and "\010" or parameters.conjunction
		-- i18n separators
		parameters.separator = parameters.separator or mw.message.new('Comma-separator'):inLanguage(parameters.lang[1]):plain()
		parameters.conjunction = parameters.conjunction or (mw.message.new('And'):inLanguage(parameters.lang[1]):plain() .. mw.message.new('Word-separator'):inLanguage(parameters.lang[1]):plain())
		-- iterate over all elements and return their value (if existing)
		local value, valueq
		local sortkey, sortkeyq
		local values = {}
		local sortkeys = {}
		local refs = {}
		local rowlist = {} -- rows to list with whitelist or blacklist
		for idx in pairs(claims) do
			local claim = claims[sortindices[idx]]
			local reference = {}
			if not whitelisted then rowlist[idx] = true end
			if parameters.formatting == "table" then
				local params = tableParameters(args, parameters, "0")
				value, sortkey, error = getValueOfClaim(claim, nil, params)
				if value then
					values[#values + 1] = {}
					sortkeys[#sortkeys + 1] = {}
					refs[#refs + 1] = {}
					if whitelist["0"] or blacklist["0"] then
						local valueraw, _, _ = getValueOfClaim(claim, nil, {["formatting"]="raw", ["lang"]=params.lang})
						if whitelist["0"] and whitelist["0"][valueraw or ""] then
							rowlist[#values] = true
						elseif blacklist["0"] and blacklist["0"][valueraw or ""] then
							rowlist[#values] = false
					for i, qual in ipairs(qualifierId) do
						local j = tostring(i)
						params = tableParameters(args, parameters, j)
						local valueq, sortkeyq, valueraw
						if qual == parameters.property then -- hack for getting the property with another formatting, i.e. colformat1=raw
							valueq, sortkeyq, _ = getValueOfClaim(claim, nil, params)
							for q in mw.text.gsplit(qual, '%s*OR%s*') do
								if string.find(q, ".+/.+") then
									valueq, sortkeyq, valueraw = getValueOfParentClaim(claim, q, params)
								elseif string.find(q, "^/.+") then
									local claim2 = getStatements(parameters.id, string.sub(q, 2), bestrank)
									if #claim2 > 0 then
										-- only first value of a property as alternative to a qualifier
										-- multiple values may not be related to a given raw of the table
										valueq, sortkeyq, _ = getValueOfClaim(claim2[1], nil, params)
									valueq, sortkeyq, _ = getValueOfClaim(claim, q, params)
								if valueq then
									qual = q
						values[#values]["col" .. j] = valueq
						sortkeys[#sortkeys]["col" .. j] = sortkeyq or valueq
						if whitelist[j] or blacklist[j] or ignorevalue[j] or selectvalue[j] then
							valueq = valueraw or getValueOfClaim(claim, qual, {["formatting"]="raw", ["lang"]=params.lang})
							if whitelist[j] and whitelist[j][valueq or ""] then
								rowlist[#values] = true
							elseif blacklist[j] and blacklist[j][valueq or ""] then
								rowlist[#values] = false
							elseif ignorevalue[j] and ignorevalue[j][valueq or ""] then
								values[#values]["col" .. j] = nil
							elseif selectvalue[j] and not selectvalue[j][valueq or ""] then
								values[#values]["col" .. j] = nil
				value, sortkey, error = getValueOfClaim(claim, qualifierId[1], parameters)
				values[#values + 1] = {}
				sortkeys[#sortkeys + 1] = {}
				refs[#refs + 1] = {}
			if not value and showerrors then value = error end
			if value then
				if (parameters.references or parameters.onlysourced) and claim.references then
					reference = claim.references
				refs[#refs]["col0"] = reference
				values[#values]["col0"] = value
				sortkeys[#sortkeys]["col0"] = sortkey or value
		-- sort and format results
		sortindices = {}
		for idx in pairs(values) do
			sortindices[#sortindices + 1] = idx
		if sorting_col then
			local sorting_table = mw.text.split(sorting_col, '%D+')
			local comparator = function(a, b)
				local valuea, valueb
				local i = 1
				while valuea == valueb and i <= #sorting_table do
					valuea = sortkeys[a]["col" .. sorting_table[i]] or ''
					valueb = sortkeys[b]["col" .. sorting_table[i]] or ''
					i = i + 1
				if sorting_up then
					return valueb > valuea
				return valueb < valuea
			table.sort(sortindices, comparator)
		local maxvals = tonumber(parameters.listmax)
		result = {}
		for idx in pairs(values) do
			local valuerow = values[sortindices[idx]]
			local reference, valid_ref = getReferences({["references"] = refs[sortindices[idx]]["col0"]}, parameters)
			value = valuerow["col0"]
			if parameters.formatting == "table" then
				if not rowlist[sortindices[idx]] then
					value = nil
					local rowformatting = rowformat .. "$" -- fake end character added for easy gsub
					value = mw.ustring.gsub(rowformatting, "$0", {["$0"] = value})
					value = mw.ustring.gsub(value, "$R0", reference) -- add reference
					for i, _ in ipairs(qualifierId) do
						local valueq = valuerow["col" .. i]
						if args["rowsubformat" .. i] and isSet(valueq) then
							-- add fake end character $
							-- gsub $i not followed by a number so $1 doesn't match $10, $11...
							-- remove fake end character
							valueq = captureEscapes(valueq)
							valueq = mw.ustring.gsub(args["rowsubformat" .. i] .. "$", "$" .. i .. "(%D)", valueq .. "%1")
							valueq = string.sub(valueq, 1, -2)
							rowformatting = mw.ustring.gsub(rowformatting, "$" .. i .. "(%D)", args["rowsubformat" .. i] .. "%1")
						valueq = valueq and captureEscapes(valueq) or ''
						value = mw.ustring.gsub(value, "$" .. i .. "(%D)", valueq .. "%1")
					value = string.sub(value, 1, -2) -- remove fake end character
					value = expandBraces(value, rowformatting)
			elseif value then
				value = expandBraces(value, parameters.formatting)
				value = value .. reference
			if isSet(value) and (not parameters.onlysourced or (parameters.onlysourced and valid_ref)) then
				result[#result + 1] = value
				if not parameters.list or (maxvals and maxvals == #result) then
		if args.query == 'num' then
			result_query = #result
		if #result > 0 then
			if parameters.formatting == 'table' then
				result = addEditIconTable(result, parameters) -- in a table, add edit icon on last element
			result = preformat .. mw.text.listToText(result, parameters.separator, parameters.conjunction) .. postformat
			result = ''
		-- return first element
		local claim = claims[sortindices[1]]
		result, result2, error = getValueOfClaim(claim, qualifierId[1], parameters)
		if result then
			local ref, valid_ref = getReferences(claim, parameters)
			if parameters.onlysourced and valid_ref == false then
				result = nil
				result = result .. ref
		if args.query == 'num' then result_query = result and 1 or 0 end
	if isSet(result) then
		if not (parameters.formatting == 'table' or (result2 and result2 == 'no-icon')) then
			-- add edit icon, except table added previously and except explicit no-icon internal flag
			result = result .. addEditIcon(parameters)
		if showerrors then result = error else result = default end
	if args.query == 'untranslated' and required and not is_sandbox then
		result_query = untranslated
	return result, result_query or ''

-- Local functions for getParentValues -----------------------

local function uc_first(word)
	if word == nil then return end
	return mw.ustring.upper(mw.ustring.sub(word, 1, 1)) .. mw.ustring.sub(word, 2)

local function getPropertyValue(id, property, parameter, langs, labelicon, case)
	local snaks = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(id, property)
	local mysnak = getSnak(snaks, {1, "mainsnak"})
	if mysnak == nil then
	local entity_id
	local result = '-' -- default for 'no value'
	if mysnak.datavalue then
		entity_id = "Q" .. tostring(mysnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'])
		result, _ = getSnakValue(mysnak, {formatting=parameter, lang=langs, labelicon=labelicon, case=case})
	return entity_id, result

local function getParentObjects(id,
	local propertySups = mw.text.split(propertySupString, '[^P%d]')
	local maxloop = 10
	if upto_number then
		maxloop = tonumber(upto_number)
	elseif next(upto_label) or next(upto_value) then
		maxloop = 50
	local labels_filter = next(label_show)
	local result = {}
	local id_value = id
	for iter = 1, maxloop do
		local link, label, labelwicon, linktext, id_label
		for _, propertySup in pairs(propertySups) do 	
			local _id_value, _link = getPropertyValue(id_value, propertySup, prop_format, languages, labelicon1, grammatical_case)
			if _id_value and _link then id_value = _id_value; link = _link break end
		if not id_value or not link then break end
		if propertyLink then
			_, linktext = getPropertyValue(id_value, propertyLink, "label", languages)
			if linktext then
				link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "%[%[(.*)%|.+%]%]", "[[%1|" .. linktext .. "]]")
		id_label, label = getPropertyValue(id_value, propertyLabel, label_format, languages, false, "infoboxlabel")
		if labelicon0 then
			_, labelwicon = getPropertyValue(id_value, propertyLabel, label_format, languages, labelicon0, "infoboxlabel")
			labelwicon = label
		if labels_filter == nil or (label_show[id_label] or label_show[label]) then
			result[#result + 1] = {labelwicon, link}
			label_show[id_label or 'none'], label_show[label or 'none'] = nil, nil -- only first label found
		if upto_label[id_label] or upto_label[label] or upto_value[id_value] then
	if last_only then
		result = {result[#result]}
	if include_self then
		local label_self, link_self
		_, label_self = getPropertyValue(id, propertyLabel, label_format, languages, labelicon0, "infoboxlabel")
		link_self, _ = getLabelByLangs(id, languages)
		table.insert(result, 1, {label_self, link_self})
	return result

local function parentObjectsToString(result,
	local ret = {}
	local first = 1
	local last = #result
	local iter = 1
	if sorting == "-1" then first = #result; last = 1; iter = -1 end
	for i = first, last, iter do
		local rowtext = mw.ustring.gsub(rowformat, "$[01]", {["$0"] = result[i][1], ["$1"] = result[i][2]})
		ret[#ret + 1] = expandBraces(rowtext, rowformat)
	if cascade then
		local direction = mw.language.new(wiki.langcode):isRTL() and "right" or "left"
		local suffix = ""
		for i = 1, #ret do
			ret[i] = '<ul style="line-height:100%; margin-' .. direction .. ':0.45em; padding-' .. direction .. ':0;"><li>' .. ret[i]
			suffix = suffix .. '</li></ul>'
		ret[#ret] = ret[#ret] .. suffix
	return ret

-- Returns pairs of parent label and property value fetching a recursive tree
function p.getParentValues(frame)
	local args = frame.args or frame -- via invoke or require
	local pargs = frame.args and frame:getParent().args or {}
	if not required and isSet(pargs.sandbox) then
		return require(wiki.module_title .. "/" .. mw.message.new('Sandboxlink-subpage-name'):inLanguage(wiki.langcode):plain()).getParentValues(frame)
	local id = getEntityId(args, pargs)
	if id == nil then return end
	local languages = findLang(args.lang)
	local propertySup = getArg(args.property, "P131") --administrative entity
	local propertyLabel = getArg(args.label, "P31") --instance
	local propertyLink = getArg(args.valuetext)
	local property_format = getArg(args.formatting)
	local label_format = getArg(args.labelformat, "label")
	local upto_number = getArg(args.upto)
	local last_only = getArg(args.last_only, false)
	local editicon, labelicon = setIcons(args.editicon, pargs.editicon)
	local include_self = getArg(args.include_self, false)
	local case = getArg(args.case)
	local upto_label = {}
	for q in string.gmatch(args.uptolabelid or '', 'Q%d+') do
		upto_label[q] = true
	if type(upto_number) == 'string' then
		upto_label[uc_first(upto_number)] = true
		upto_number = nil
		require(wiki.module_title .. '/debug').track('upto') -- replace upto by uptolabelid
	local upto_value = {}
	for q in string.gmatch(args.uptovalueid or args.uptolinkid or '', 'Q%d+') do
		upto_value[q] = true
	local label_show = {}
	for q in string.gmatch(args.showlabelid or '', 'Q%d+') do
		label_show[q] = true
	for _, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(args.labelshow or '', "/")) do
		if v ~= '' then
			label_show[uc_first(v)] = true
			require(wiki.module_title .. '/debug').track('labelshow') -- replace labelshow by showlabelid
	local rowformat = args.rowformat; if not isSet(rowformat) then rowformat = "$0 = $1" end
	local labelicon0, labelicon1 = labelicon, labelicon
	if string.find(label_format, '{{.*$0.*}}') or (string.find(rowformat, '{{.*$0.*}}') and label_format ~= 'raw') then
		labelicon0 = false
	local result = getParentObjects(id,
	if #result == 0 then return end
	local separator = args.separator; if not isSet(separator) then separator = "<br />" end
	local sorting = args.sorting; if sorting == "" then sorting = nil end
	local cascade = (args.cascade == "true" or args.cascade == "yes")
	local ret = parentObjectsToString(result,
	ret = addEditIconTable(ret, {property=propertySup, editicon=editicon, id=id, lang=languages})
	return mw.text.listToText(ret, separator, separator)

-- Link with a parent label --------------------
function p.linkWithParentLabel(frame)
	local pargs = frame.args and frame:getParent().args or {}
	if not required and isSet(pargs.sandbox) then
		return require(wiki.module_title .. "/" .. mw.message.new('Sandboxlink-subpage-name'):inLanguage(wiki.langcode):plain()).linkWithParentLabel(frame)
	local args = {}
	if frame.args then
		for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do -- metatable
			args[k] = v
		args = frame -- via require
	if isSet(args.value) then
		return args.value
	-- get id value of property/qualifier
	local largs = mw.clone(args)
	largs.list = tonumber(args.list) and args.list or true
	largs.formatting = "raw"
	largs.separator = "/·/"
	largs.editicon = false
	local items_list, _ = p.claim(largs)
	if not isSet(items_list) then return end
	local items_table = mw.text.split(items_list, "/·/", true)
	-- get internal link of property/qualifier
	largs.formatting = "internallink"
	local link_list, _ = p.claim(largs)
	local link_table = mw.text.split(link_list, "/·/", true)
	-- get label of parent property
	local parent_claim = getSnak(getStatements(items_table[1], args.parent, true), {1, "mainsnak", "datatype"})
	if parent_claim == 'monolingualtext' then
		largs.formatting = nil
		largs.list = 'lang'
		largs.formatting = "label"
		largs.list = false
	largs.property = args.parent
	largs.qualifier = nil
	for i, v in ipairs(items_table) do
		largs.item = v
		local link_label, _ = p.claim(largs)
		if isSet(link_label) then
			link_table[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(link_table[i] or '', "%[%[(.*)%|.+%]%]", "[[%1|" .. link_label .. "]]")
	args.editicon, _ = setIcons(args.editicon, pargs.editicon)
	args.id = getEntityId(args, pargs)
	args.lang = findLang(args.lang)
	return mw.text.listToText(link_table) .. addEditIcon(args)

-- Calculate number of years old ----------------------------
function p.yearsOld(frame)
	if not required and frame.args and isSet(frame:getParent().args.sandbox) then
		return require(wiki.module_title .. "/" .. mw.message.new('Sandboxlink-subpage-name'):inLanguage(wiki.langcode):plain()).yearsOld(frame)
	local args = frame.args or frame -- via invoke or require
	local pargs = frame.args and frame:getParent().args or {}
	local id = getEntityId(args, pargs)
	if id == nil then return end
	local lang = mw.language.new('en')
	local function getBestValue(id, prop)
		return getSnak(mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(id, prop), {1, "mainsnak", "datavalue", "value"})
	local birth = getBestValue(id, 'P569')
	if type(birth) ~= 'table' or birth.time == nil or birth.precision == nil or birth.precision < 8 then
	local death = getBestValue(id, 'P570')
	if type(death) ~= 'table' or death.time == nil or death.precision == nil then
		death = {['time'] = lang:formatDate('c'), ['precision'] = 11} -- current date
	elseif death.precision < 8 then
	local dates = {}
	dates[1] = {['min'] = {}, ['max'] = {}, ['precision'] = birth.precision}
	dates[1].min.year = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(birth.time, "^[+-]?%d+"))
	dates[1].min.month = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(birth.time, "\-(%d%d)\-"))
	dates[1].min.day = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(birth.time, "\-(%d%d)T"))
	dates[1].max = mw.clone(dates[1].min)
	dates[2] = {['min'] = {}, ['max'] = {}, ['precision'] = death.precision}
	dates[2].min.year = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(death.time, "^[+-]?%d+"))
	dates[2].min.month = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(death.time, "\-(%d%d)\-"))
	dates[2].min.day = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(death.time, "\-(%d%d)T"))
	dates[2].max = mw.clone(dates[2].min)
	for i, d in ipairs(dates) do
		if d.precision == 10 then -- month
			d.min.day = 1
			local timestamp = string.format("%04d", tostring(math.abs(d.max.year)))
				.. string.format("%02d", tostring(d.max.month))
				.. "01"
			d.max.day = tonumber(lang:formatDate("j", timestamp .. " + 1 month - 1 day"))
		elseif d.precision < 10 then -- year or decade
			d.min.day = 1
			d.min.month = 1
			d.max.day = 31
			d.max.month = 12
			if d.precision == 8 then -- decade
				d.max.year = d.max.year + 9
	local function age(d1, d2)
		local years = d2.year - d1.year
		if d2.month < d1.month or (d2.month == d1.month and d2.day < d1.day) then
			years = years - 1
		if d2.year > 0 and d1.year < 0 then
			years = years - 1 -- no year 0
		return years
	local old_min = age(dates[1].max, dates[2].min)
	local old_max = age(dates[1].min, dates[2].max)
	local old, old_expr
	if old_min == 0 and old_max == 0 then
		old = "< 1"
		old_max = 1 -- expression in singular
	elseif old_min == old_max then
		old = old_min
		old = old_min .. "/" .. old_max
	if args.formatting == 'unit' then
		local langs = findLang(args.lang)
		local yo
		local yo_pl = {}
		if langs[1] == wiki.langcode then
			yo_pl = i18n["years-old"]
		if not isSet(yo_pl[2]) then
			local yo_label, _ = getLabelByLangs('Q24564698', langs)
			yo_pl = {yo_label, yo_label}
		yo = mw.language.new(langs[1]):plural(old_max, yo_pl)
		if mw.ustring.find(yo, '$1', 1, true) then
			old_expr = mw.ustring.gsub(yo, "$1", old)
			old_expr = old .. '&nbsp;' .. yo
	elseif args.formatting then
		old_expr = expandBraces(mw.ustring.gsub(args.formatting, '$1', old), args.formatting)
		old_expr = old
	return old_expr

-- Gets a label in a given language (content language by default) or its fallbacks, optionnally linked.
function p.getLabel(frame)
	local args = frame.args or frame -- via invoke or require
	local pargs = frame.args and frame:getParent().args or {}
	if not required and isSet(pargs.sandbox) then
		return require(wiki.module_title .. "/" .. mw.message.new('Sandboxlink-subpage-name'):inLanguage(wiki.langcode):plain()).getLabel(frame)
	local id = getEntityId(args, pargs, 1)
	if id == nil then return end
	local languages = findLang(args.lang)
	local labelicon = false
	if mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId(id) then
		_, labelicon = setIcons(args.editicon, pargs.editicon)
	local label_icon = ''
	local label, lang
	if args.label then
		label = args.label
		-- exceptions or labels fixed
		local exist, labels = pcall(require, wiki.module_title .. "/labels" .. (languages[1] == wiki.langcode and '' or '/' .. languages[1]))
		if exist and labels.infoboxLabelsFromId and next(labels.infoboxLabelsFromId) ~= nil then
			label = labels.infoboxLabelsFromId[id]
		if label == nil then
			label, lang = getLabelByLangs(id, languages)
			if label then
				if isSet(args.itemgender) and feminineGender(args.itemgender) then
					label = feminineForm(id, lang) or label
				label = mw.language.new(lang):ucfirst(mw.text.nowiki(label)) -- sanitize
				if args.case then
					label = case(args.case, label, lang)
			label_icon = addLabelIcon(id, lang, languages[1], labelicon)
	local linked = args.linked
	local ret2 = required and untranslated or ''
	if isSet(linked) and linked ~= "no" then
		local article = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(id) or ("d:Special:EntityPage/" .. id)
		return "[[" .. article .. "|" .. (label or id) .. "]]" .. label_icon, ret2
		return (label or id) .. label_icon, ret2

-- Utilities -----------------------------
-- See also module ../debug.

-- Copied from Module:Wikibase
function p.getSiteLink(frame)
	local args = frame.args or frame -- via invoke or require
	local pargs = frame.args and frame:getParent().args or {}
	local id = getEntityId(args, pargs, 1)
	if id == nil then return end
	return mw.wikibase.getSitelink(id, mw.text.trim(args[2] or ''))

-- Helper function for the default language code used
function p.lang(frame)
	local lang = frame and frame.args[1] -- nil via require
	return findLang(lang)[1]

-- Number of statements
function p.numStatements(frame)
	local args = frame.args or frame -- via invoke or require
	local pargs = frame.args and frame:getParent().args or {}
	local id = getEntityId(args, pargs)
	if id == nil then return 0 end
	local prop = mw.text.trim(args[1] or '')
	local num = {}
	if not isSet(prop) then
		local largs = {}
		for k, v in pairs(pargs) do
			largs[k] = v
		for k, v in pairs(args) do
			largs[k] = v
		largs.query = 'num'
		_, num = p.claim(largs)
		return num
	elseif args[2] then -- qualifier
		local qual = mw.text.trim(args[2])
		local values = p.claim{item=id, property=prop, qualifier=qual, formatting='raw', separator='/·/'}
		if values then
			num = mw.text.split(values, '/·/')
		num = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(id, prop)
	return #num

-- Returns true if property datavalue is found excluding novalue/somevalue
function p.validProperty(frame)
	local args = frame.args or frame -- via invoke or require
	local pargs = frame.args and frame:getParent().args or {}
	local item = getEntityId(args, pargs)
	if item == nil then return end
	local property = mw.text.trim(args[1])
	local prop_data = getSnak(mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(item, property), {1, "mainsnak", "datavalue"})
	return prop_data and true or nil

function p.editAtWikidata(frame)
	local args = frame.args or frame -- via invoke or require
	local pargs = frame.args and frame:getParent().args or {}
	local value = isSet(args[1])
	if value then return end
	local param = {}
	param.id = getEntityId(args, pargs)
	param.property = args.property
	param.lang = findLang(args.lang)
	param.editicon, _ = setIcons(args.editicon)
	return addEditIcon(param)

function p.formatNum(frame)
	local num = tonumber(mw.text.trim(frame.args[1]))
	local lang = findLang(mw.text.trim(frame.args[2]))
	return mw.language.new(lang[1]):formatNum(num)

return p