Flag of Morocco


Freedom at a Glance
Global Freedom
37 / 100
Partly Free
Internet Freedom
53 / 100
Partly Free

Morocco holds regular multiparty elections for Parliament and local bodies. Reforms in 2011 shifted some authority over government from the monarchy to the national legislature. Nevertheless, King Mohammed VI and his palace maintain full dominance through a combination of substantial formal powers, informal lines of influence in state and society, and ownership of crucial economic resources. Many civil liberties are constrained in practice.

Research & Recommendations


Partly Free
PR Political Rights 13 40
CL Civil Liberties 24 60
Last Year's Score & Status
37 100 Partly Free
Global freedom statuses are calculated on a weighted scale. See the methodology.


Morocco holds regular multiparty elections for Parliament and local bodies. Reforms in 2011 shifted some authority over government from the monarchy to the national legislature. Nevertheless, King Mohammed VI and his palace maintain full dominance through a combination of substantial formal powers, informal lines of influence in state and society, and ownership of crucial economic resources. Many civil liberties are constrained in practice.

Previous Reports: 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024
Freedom in the World 2024 Policy Recommendations


Partly Free
A Obstacles to Access 17 25
B Limits on Content 21 35
C Violations of User Rights 15 40
Last Year's Score & Status
51 100 Partly Free
Scores are based on a scale of 0 (least free) to 100 (most free). See the research methodology and report acknowledgements.


Internet freedom in Morocco remained tenuous during the coverage period. While internet access continues to expand overall, the government is believed to maintain sophisticated surveillance systems used to constrain online speech. The proliferation of progovernment outlets and state-sponsored propaganda drowns out critical voices online, while state-affiliated news sites publish false information about activists and journalists. Self-censorship around Western Sahara, the royal family, and religion remain pervasive, and numerous social media accounts are used to harass, defame, intimidate, and threaten activists who criticize the authorities.

Previous Reports: 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023
Freedom on the Net 2023 Policy Recommendations

News and Updates

Freedom House Perspectives

News Releases & Media Coverage

Freedom House

Morocco Tries to Block Report on Domestic Surveillance

Freedom House releaseed the following statement after Morocco’s Interior Ministry brought criminal charges against local activists for sharing a report by the UK-based NGO Privacy International on government surveillance in the country. 
May 11, 2015

Policy & Advocacy

Freedom House

India: Spyware Use Violates Supreme Court Privacy Ruling

Freedom House joined ten rights groups in calling on Indian authorities to investigate the government's alleged use of advanced spyware for political purposes and to establish proper oversight of government surveillance measures to protect privacy rights and other civil liberties.
August 27, 2021

Country Facts

Basic Facts

Global Freedom Score
/ 100
Partly Free
Internet Freedom Score
/ 100
Partly Free
Population: 37,460,000

Internet Facts

Partly Free
Networks Restricted
Social Media Blocked
Websites Blocked
Pro-government Commentators
Users Arrested

Election Facts

Past Election
Date of Election
September 8, 2021
Type of Election
Internet Penetration
Election Year
Vulnerability Index
/ 100

Transnational Repression

Not Tracked