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Star of the County Down

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Star of the County Down

Genre Musique irlandaise
Auteur Cathal McGarvey

Star of the County Down (litt. « Étoile du comté de Down ») est une ballade irlandaise. Les paroles ont été écrites par Cathal McGarvey, un poète irlandais du début du XXe siècle.

Partition et paroles

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\new Score {
 \new Staff {
 \new Voice = "one" \relative c' {
 \clef treble
 \key f \major
 \time 4/4
 \partial 8*2 a8( c) | d4 d d c8 d | f4 f g f8( g) | a4 g8( f) d4 d | c2. a8 c | d4 d d c8 d | f4 f g f8 g | a4 g8 f d4 c | d2. a'8 bes | c4 a a g8 f | g4 g a f8 g | a4 g8 f d4 d | c2. a8 c | d4 d d c8 d | f4 f g f8 g | a4 g8 f d4 c | d2. a'4 | c4 a a g8 f | g4 g g f8 g | a4 g8 f d4 d | c2. a8 c | d4 d d c8 d | f4 f g f8 g | a4 g8 f d4 d | c2.
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" {
 In __ Ban- bridge Town near the Coun- ty Down one __ mor- ning __ last Ju- ly, down a bóith- rín green came a sweet cai- lín, and she smiled as she passed me by. Oh, she looked so sweet from her two white feet, to the sheen of her nut- brown hair, sure the coa- xing elf, I’d to shake my- self, to make sure I was stan- ding there.

 From Bant- ry Bay up to Der- ry Quay, and from Gal- way to Dub- lin town, there's no maid I’ve seen like the sweet col- leen that I met in the Coun- ty Down.

Partition à une voix de la chanson, en mi mineur.
La musique de Star of the County Down.
Star of the county down

In a Banbridge town, near the County Down,
One morning last July,
Down a bóithrín green came a sweet cailín,
And she smiled as she passed me by
Oh, she looked so sweet from her two white feet,
To the sheen of her nut-brown hair,
Sure the coaxing elf, I’d to shake myself,
To make sure I was standing there.

Oh, from Bantry Bay up to Derry Quay,
And from Galway to Dublin town
No maid I’ve seen like the sweet colleen,
That I met in the County Down.

As she onward sped I shook my head
And I gazed with a feeling queer
‚And I said‘, says I, to a passer-by.
‚Who’s the maid with the nut-brown hair?‘
Oh, he smiled at me, and with pride says he,
‚That’s the gem of Ireland’s crown.
She’s young Rosie McCann, from the banks of the Bann
She’s the star of the County Down.‘


She’d a soft brown eye and a look so sly,
And a smile like the rose in June,
And you hung on each note from her lily-white throat,
As she lilted an Irish tune.
At the pattern dance you were held in trance
As she tripped through a reel or jig,
And when her eyes she’d roll, she’d coax upon my soul
A spud from a hungry pig.


I’ve travelled a bit, but never was hit,
Since my roving career began;
But fair and square I surrendered there
To the charm of young Rose McCann.
With a heart to let and no tenant yet
Did I meet within shawl or gown
But in she went and I asked no rent
From the star of the County Down.


At the harvest fair I’ll be surely there
And I’ll dress in my Sunday clothes,
And I’ll try sheep's eyes and deludhering lies
On the heart of the nut-brown Rose.
No pipe I’ll smoke, no horse I’ll yoke
Though my plough with rust turns brown
Till a smiling bride by my own fireside
Sits the Star of the County Down.


Auteur et composition

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L'auteur de Star of the County Down est Cathal McGarvey[2].

La musique sur laquelle ces paroles sont chantées est un traditionnel irlandais, utilisée comme support de nombreuses chansons ; la plus connue d'entre elles est My Love Nell. Néanmoins, c'est surtout Star of the County Down qui a rendu l'air célèbre[3].

À son tour, la musique de cette chanson a inspiré d'autres chants postérieurs, notamment de Loreena McKennitt[3].

Différentes versions

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Une des premières versions enregistrées de Star of the County Down est chantée par John McCormack. The Clancy Brothers, The Irish Rovers (en), Van Morrison et The Chieftains, The High Kings, The Pogues, Nathan Carter (en), Orthodox Celts, The Dubliners l'ont également interprétée[4],[3].

Notes et références

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  1. « Star of the County Down », sur The Claddagh (consulté le ).
  2. (en) Gael McGarvey, « Cathal McGarvey », sur McGarvey History (consulté le ).
  3. a b et c « Star of the County Down was recorded by several artists », sur Irish music daily (consulté le ).
  4. « The Star Of The County Down Song Lyrics And Guitar Chords », sur Irish folk songs (consulté le ).

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