Trigger a function on TestMatrix completion
Create a new function that triggers when a TestMatrix completes with the event handler
exports.sendEmailNotification = functions.testLab.testMatrix().onComplete((testMatrix) => {
// ...
Handle test states and outcomes
Each execution of your function is passed a TestMatrix
which includes the final state of the matrix and details to help understand problems.
exports.handleTestMatrixCompletion = functions.testLab.testMatrix().onComplete(testMatrix => {
const matrixId = testMatrix.testMatrixId;
switch (testMatrix.state) {
case 'FINISHED':
console.log(`TestMatrix ${matrixId} finished with outcome: ${testMatrix.outcomeSummary}`);
case 'INVALID':
console.log(`TestMatrix ${matrixId} was marked as invalid: ${testMatrix.invalidMatrixDetails}`);
console.log(`TestMatrix ${matrixId} completed with state ${testMatrix.state}`);
return null;
Access client details
Test matrices may be created from different sources or workflows. It is therefore often desirable to
create functions that perform different actions based on the source or other important context of
the test. To help with this, gcloud
allows you to pass arbitrary information when starting a test
that can be accessed later in your function. For example:
gcloud beta firebase test android run \
--app=path/to/app.apk \
--client-details testType=pr,link=
Example function:
exports.notifyOnPullRequestFailure = functions.testLab.testMatrix().onComplete(testMatrix => {
if (testMatrix.clientInfo.details['testType'] != 'pr') {
// Not a pull request
return null;
if (testMatrix.state == 'FINISHED' && testMatrix.outcomeSummary == 'SUCCESS') {
// No failure
return null;
const link = testMatrix.clientInfo.details['link'];
let message = `Test Lab validation for pull request ${link} failed. `;
if (!!testMatrix.resultStorage.resultsUrl) {
message += `Test results available at ${testMatrix.resultStorage.resultsUrl}. `;
// Send notification here ...