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icono de desambiguación Entradas similares:  havet
pronunciación falta agregar

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Contracción del verbo have y el pronombre it.
  • Ejemplo:

Although they ſemme us onely to affect,
’Tis their Content, not ours, they moſt reſpect :
They for their own ends cunningly can feigne,
And though they have’t by nature, yet they’ll ſtrain :
Snre if on earth, by wiles gain’d might be bliſſe,
Staight that I were a woman I would wiſh.
George Herbert. Witts Recreations. Página 302. Editorial: Humph. Blunden. 1640.

  • Ejemplo:

Yet ’cause the Rout will have’t perform’d by you,
And long to see done what they dare not Doe.
Rump. Página 400. Editorial: Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivy lane, and Henry Marsh at the Princes Armes in Chancery-lane. 1662.

  • Ejemplo:

Then other whiles for outer Soles they raiſe,
Such poor thin Hides by their unlawful ways,
Which they well know, for ſuch uſe are not fit,
Theſe Crafts they uſe more Money for to get,
Than lawful ways can compaſs them, or bring :
And thus we ſee Money’s the only thing
At which all Trades and Myſteries do look,
And are reſolv’d to have’t by Hook or Crook.
L. Menton. Money Masters All Things. Página 158. Editorial: Printed, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster. 1698.

Referencias y notas
