«The technical skills of Adrià are tremendous. Besides being an astonishing programmer and analyst, he's always up-to-date with the latest GIS technologies. In every project of mine, even a brief discussion with him has brought new ideas and helped to polish details you never thought of. You also learn a lot only by looking at his code, and he is also a very good teacher for newly recruited programmers. When managing projects, Adrià combines good relationship with clients and excellent technical level, what makes him a reference for solving any problem the client may have.»
Acerca de
Adrià has more than fifteen years of experience working in the Open Data and Civic Tech…
LOOK 👀 Lex du Plessis and Ian Ward with Living Lakes Canada's GIS and Database Manager, Maggie Finkle-Aucoin (lower right photo) at the 2024…
LOOK 👀 Lex du Plessis and Ian Ward with Living Lakes Canada's GIS and Database Manager, Maggie Finkle-Aucoin (lower right photo) at the 2024…
Recomendado por Adrià Mercader
🐛🕸️ It started as an inside joke: ‘Why don’t we have a #Halloween party with the tech we DON'T want?’ We could talk about bugs, bad code, closed…
🐛🕸️ It started as an inside joke: ‘Why don’t we have a #Halloween party with the tech we DON'T want?’ We could talk about bugs, bad code, closed…
Recomendado por Adrià Mercader
We’ve just released ckanext-dcat v2.0.0 with full support for DCAT-AP v3 and integration with ckanext-scheming. This update makes it easier for…
We’ve just released ckanext-dcat v2.0.0 with full support for DCAT-AP v3 and integration with ckanext-scheming. This update makes it easier for…
Recomendado por Adrià Mercader
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Competencia bilingüe o nativa
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All my recent dreams for DuckDB came true with version 1.1. The GeoParquet support is awesome. DuckDB was already my go to tool for working with…
All my recent dreams for DuckDB came true with version 1.1. The GeoParquet support is awesome. DuckDB was already my go to tool for working with…
Recomendado por Adrià Mercader
I had a really nice chat with Allison Pike. I highly recommend her Once a Maintainer series, lots of insights from Open Source Maintainers
I had a really nice chat with Allison Pike. I highly recommend her Once a Maintainer series, lots of insights from Open Source Maintainers
Compartido por Adrià Mercader
This is a great opportunity for Portuguese-speaking people wanting to improve their #CKAN skills, solid contents and delivered by the two of the best…
This is a great opportunity for Portuguese-speaking people wanting to improve their #CKAN skills, solid contents and delivered by the two of the best…
Compartido por Adrià Mercader
😍 A day that was, in many ways, in the making since 2013. Democracy Club has just delivered our best election day ever. Record number of searches,…
😍 A day that was, in many ways, in the making since 2013. Democracy Club has just delivered our best election day ever. Record number of searches,…
Recomendado por Adrià Mercader
Bij de Commissie Digitale Zaken van de Tweede Kamer mocht ik onze visie op digitale infrastructuur en economie uiteenzetten. Ik beargumenteerde…
Bij de Commissie Digitale Zaken van de Tweede Kamer mocht ik onze visie op digitale infrastructuur en economie uiteenzetten. Ik beargumenteerde…
Recomendado por Adrià Mercader
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