Paper 2024/1381

Reality Check on Side-Channels: Lessons learnt from breaking AES on an ARM Cortex A processor

Shivam Bhasin, TL@NTU Singapore
Harishma Boyapally, TL@NTU Singapore
Dirmanto Jap, TL@NTU Singapore

AES implementation has been vastly analysed against side-channel attacks in the last two decades particularly targeting resource-constrained microcontrollers. Still, less research has been conducted on AES implementations on advanced hardware platforms. In this study, we examine the resilience of AES on an ARM Cortex A72 processor within the Raspberry Pi 4B model. Unlike their microcontroller counterparts, these platforms operate within the complex ecosystem of an operating system (OS), resulting in EM traces characterized by low signal-to-noise ratios and jitter. We discuss the inefficacy of traditional CPA attacks in the presence of noise, misalignment, and jitter (in trace and trigger signals). The interrupts and daemons cause these effects, resulting in context switch overheads leading to increased variability in execution times. Additionally, there are no fixed methods or set rules for pre-processing; the approach varies depending on the target device. Our experiments show that CPA is ineffective against masked and unmasked AES implementations on ARM Cortex A72. Therefore, we resort to deep learning-based side-channel analysis (DL-SCA) techniques, that do not require extensive data pre-processing and can effectively work with EM traces that have low signal-to-noise ratios. Using DL-SCA we could recover the AES secret key. Our experiments underscore the formidable challenge posed by breaking AES on ARM Cortex processors compared to conventional microcontroller-based implementations. Importantly, our findings extend beyond previous studies, marking the first successful attack on ARM Cortex A72 and demonstrating the efficacy of DL-SCA even when pre-processing techniques are varied and not standardized.

Available format(s)
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Publication info
AESComplex ProcessorsEM Side-channelDeep Learning based Side-ChannelRaspberry PiArm Cortex A72
Contact author(s)
sbhasin @ ntu edu sg
harishma boyapally @ ntu edu sg
djap @ ntu edu sg
2024-09-04: approved
2024-09-03: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Shivam Bhasin and Harishma Boyapally and Dirmanto Jap},
      title = {Reality Check on Side-Channels: Lessons learnt from breaking {AES} on an {ARM} Cortex A processor},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1381},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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