Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

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Why Choose Mechanical Engineering?

The Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering offers a program of graduate study leading to a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (M.S.). The M.S. program is broad in scope and emphasizes portable concepts in the design and analysis of complex physical systems using modeling, synthesis, and optimization techniques, and bridges interdisciplinary engineering areas such as controls, robotics, electronics, and communications.


Graduate students have access to a wide range of modern facilities including classrooms, laboratories and computer systems, interconnected by local and wide area communication networks. Computational facilities include numerous Sun, DEC, and Silicon Graphics fileservers and workstations; X-windowing terminals; and personal computers. Access is also available to the Ohio Super-computer via the Ohio Academic and Research Network (OARNET).


Research in mechanical engineering spans several exciting areas. There is a large program in design optimization addressing large structures, die shapes, flight trajectories, and other applications. Work is also being done in structural dynamics areas including vehicle suspensions and turbine blades. Mechanical design studies include the characterization of carbon-carbon composites. Fluid dynamics research is being conducted both experimentally and via computer computation (CFD). Projects include the study of flows in turbine engines and reciprocating compressors. There is also a large thermal science program in the analysis and application of heat pipes and related devices.

Research at Wright State is not limited to the laboratory facilities on campus. Several industrial companies, laboratories, and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base are involved in joint research efforts with the university and have unique facilities that are available for faculty and graduate research.


The Dayton Area Graduate Studies Institute provides collaboration opportunities through the graduate engineering courses, faculty, and research resources of the Air Force Institute of Technology, the University of Dayton, The Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati.

Success Stories


Academics and Curriculum

View the Master of Science in Engineering, Major in Mechanical Engineering program information and degree requirements in the Academic Catalog.



To be considered for admission to the MSE in Mechanical Engineering program, students must first satisfy basic admission requirements of the Graduate School. For regular degree status, this includes having a bachelor's degree in engineering or a related area with an overall undergraduate grade point average of at least 2.7 (on a 4.0 scale) or an overall undergraduate grade point average of at least 2.5 with an average of 3.0 or better for the last 60 semester hours (90 quarter hours) earned toward the undergraduate degree. Additional information on graduate admissions can be found in the Graduate Policies and Procedures Manual.

The Mechanical Engineering graduate program requires students from non-ABET accredited undergraduate programs to submit general GRE test scores. Please visit for additional information on accreditation. International students must also have a TOEFL score of at least 79(IBT)/ 213(CBT)/ 550(PBT). These scores should be sent to the Wright State International Admissions office (244 Student Union, Wright State University, Dayton OH 45435).

While the criteria listed above offer general guidelines, program admission decisions are based on complete application information including overall academic performance and standardized test scores where applicable. Personal statements and letters of recommendation are not required, but applicants are welcome to include them. Application tracking is done through the Graduate School's website, rather than at the department level. If you are unsure whether you meet the requirements listed above, you must apply for the program before your credentials can be reviewed; i.e., the department cannot advise prospective students whether to apply.

How to Apply

Graduate students should apply for admission through Wright State's Graduate School.

Graduate Assistantships

The College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) offers you and other graduate students a worthwhile financial aid option in the form of graduate assistantships. All academic departments in CECS hire hourly graders, teaching assistants, and recitation teachers. Individual researchers hire graduate students for graduate research assistant positions that typically include both a stipend and tuition remission. All positions are available on a competitive basis. Please indicate your interest in one of these positions at the time of your application.

Take the Next Step

Finding the right college means finding the right fit. See all that the College of Engineering and Computer Science has to offer by visiting campus.