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 mezgls (8) on Latvian Wikipedia



Perhaps originally an adjective (“knotty”) with an extra l (there are dialectal forms without l, like mezgs “knotty”, as well as older parallel forms with a, like its Lithuanian cognate), from an earlier Proto-Baltic verb *mezg-ti “to braid, to tie in a knot” (cf. its still extant iterative form mežģīt), from Proto-Indo-European *mezg- (to knit, to tie, to bind), from which perhaps also mest “to throw” (q.v.). Cognates include Lithuanian mãzgas, dialectal mẽzgas, Old High German māsca, Old English max, mǣscr (loop, stitch), Old Norse mǫskvi (loop, stitch).[1]


  • IPA(key): [mæzɡls]
  • Audio:(file)



mezgls m (1st declension)

  1. knot (looping in a string, wire, thread or similar material, that ties or binds things together)
    sasiet mezglāto tie together in (= with) a knot, to tie a knot
    raisīt, atraisīt mezgluto tighten, to loosen a knot
    kaklasaites mezgls(neck)tie knot
    Līdumu māte, lai nesajuktu bēgļu gaitās pavadīto dienu skaits, bija iesākusi siet aukliņā mezglusmother Līdums, in order not to feel the number of days passed as fugitives, had began to tie knots in a string
  2. (figuratively) knot (difficulty, hardship; difficult situation)
    dzīve sametušies grūti atraisāmā mezglālife had warped itself into a knot that was difficult to loosen
  3. (biology, anatomy) node, nodule (a thickening of some tissue, usually round or oval; a place where many fibrous elements come together)
    vairogdziedzera mezglithyroid nodules
    hemoroīdu mezglihemorrhoid nodules
    limfātisks mezglsgland (lit. lymphatic nodule)
    nervu mezglsganglion (lit. nerve nodule)
    kukurūzas stiebra mezglicorn stalk nodes
    labāk varēs izcirst sakņu mezglusit will be easier to cut the (tree) root nodes (= tight bunch of roots twisted together)
  4. (engineering) a set of pieces or parts that forms an element in a larger engine
    motors bija gudri organizēts un uzticams detaļu un mezglu kopumsthe motor was a well-organized and reliable set of parts and sub-assemblies/units
  5. (construction) a point where various elements meet; a part that links or connects various elements or parts
    spāru mezglsrafter junction, node
    torņus ceļ no baļķiem, šķautņiem un dēļiem... konstrukcijas savieno mezglos ar bultām un naglāmtowers are built with logs, edges, and boards... the construction is united in junctions/nodes with bolts and nails
  6. junction, center, hub (crossing point for different roads, streets, routes; point from which something is controled, directed)
    svarīgs ielu mezglsan important road junction
    dzelzceļa mezglsrailway junction (= station which connects various lines)
    sakaru mezglscommunication hub, center
    transporta mezgls'transportation hub, center
    lidojumu vadīšanas apstākļi lielos aviācijas mezglos ir ļoti sarežģītithe conditions for orienting flights in large aviation hubs are very difficult
  7. center, nucleus (a place where a certain group of objects — e.g., buildings, machinery, equipment, etc. — is concentrated)
    svarīgs rūpniecības mezglsa heavy industrial center
    sanitārais mezglssanitary center, sanitary facility (containing a toilet, a shower and a bathtub)
    rūpniecības mezglā iekļaujas savstarpēji saistīti dažādu nozaru uzņēmumiin the industrial center are located many interrelated companies of different sectors
  8. (nautical) knot (unit of speed equivalent to one nautical mile, or 1852 meters, per hour)
    Zelta Raga līcī ieradies jaunais ledlauzis “Admirālis Makarovs”... tā dīzeļģeneratoru jauda ir vairāk nekā 40 tūkstoši zirgspēku, ātrums sasniedz 20 mezglusthe new icebreaker “Admiral Markov” arrived at Zelta Raga (Golden Horn) bay... the power of its diesel generator was more than 40 thousand HPs, its speed reaches 20 knots



Derived terms



  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “mezgls”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN