All great Peoples are conſervative; ſlow to believe in novelties; patient of much error in actualities; deeply and forever certain of the greatneſs that is in LAW, in Cuſtom once ſolemnly eſtabliſhed, and now long recogniſed as juſt and final.
Bulgarian беля (ſomething done amiſs, miſchief) and Old Norſe bǫl ( > Engliſh bale, baleful).
French baraque, Bulgarian барака, Sumerian bárag (abode in a temple, dais) and Akkadian parakku.
Old Norſe líta(“to ſee”), Gothic 𐍅𐌻𐌹𐍄𐍃(wlits, “appearance, looks”) nd Bulgarian гледам(gledam), Ruſsian глядеть(gljadetʹ), Serbo-Croatian гледати(gledati).
German Teil, Daniſh del and Bulgarian дял (part), Serbo-Croatian део.
Gothic 𐍅𐌿𐌻𐌰𐌽(wulan, “well up, boil over”), German wallen, Old Norse vella(“to wall over, boil”), Danish vælde(“gush”) on the one side, and Bulgarian вря(vrja, “to boil”) on the other.
Slovenian božati(“to caress”), Slovak bozkať(“to kiss”), Bulgarian буза(buza, “cheek”), Latin basio(“I kiss”) ( > French bisou, bise).