Low Rhenish

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Low Rhenish

  1. in, of or relating to the dialect(s) of the Lower Rhine region (Niederrheinisch)
    • 1893, Maria Stuart. Ein Trauerspiel von Friedrich Schiller. Edited (with Introduction, English Notes, Genealogical Tables, etc.) by Karl Breul. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press, Cambridge: At the University Press, p. 211 (books.google.com):
      1462. o'hnlängst, in modern prose unlängst or kürzlich, vor kurzem. The ohn- in this and other archaic compounds (e.g. ohngeachtet, 'not considering') has nothing to do with ohne, 'without,' M.H.G. âne, but stands for older on-, which is a Low Rhenish form instead of the usual un-.
    • Wiesław Awedyk, Traditional historical linguistics and historical sociolinguistics, in: 1999, Ernst Håkon Jahr (ed.), Language Change: Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics (series: Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 114), p. 37ff., here p. 39:
      In his analysis of the Low Rhenish dialect Wahlenberg noticed that the final p in kip 'pannier' was not shifted to f, because there was another word kif 'quarrel' in that dialect (cf. [..]).
    • Suzan Folkerts, Reading the Scriptures During the Early Reformation. Continuities in the Production and Use of Printed Dutch Bibles, in: 2020, J. Marius J. Lange van Ravenswaay, Herman J. Selderhuis (eds.), Renaissance und Bibelhumanismus (series: Refo500 Academic Studies [R5AS] vol. 65), p. 159ff., here p. 166:
      The Cologne Bible of about 1478/1479 contained both the Old and New Testament and was published in wo versions, the first in a Low Saxon and the other in a Low Rhenish dialect.

