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Blend of crap +‎ CAPTCHA




  1. (humorous, derogatory, vulgar) CAPTCHA.
    • 2008 October 20, rf, “CAPTCHA (verification code) and session”, in comp.lang.php[1] (Usenet):
      Once again CRAPTCHA's have nothing specifically to do with this. They merely
      make almost (and sometimes not) visible one more piece of data (after userid
      and password) that must be entered into the "login" form.
      Hang on, I just re-read your posts with a different slant, the key being
      "without filling the form".
      You arrive at a form (with or without a CRAPTCHA).
    • 2008 October 20, rf, “CAPTCHA (verification code) and session”, in comp.lang.php[2] (Usenet):
      And what was it with that distracting side issue with CRAPTCHAs?
    • 2020 April 22, The Real Bev, “Online shopping is getting more and more annoying”, in comp.misc[3] (Usenet):
      Curiously enough, firefox doesn't even see that many captchas exist. I
      hit LOGIN (or whatever) and nothing happens. If I do the same thing in
      chrome I get the usual craptcha process, which eventually works.