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See also: все, все-, BCE, and B.C.E.




  • IPA(key): [fsʲɵ]
  • Audio:(file)



всё (vsjon sg

  1. neuter nominative/accusative singular of весь (vesʹ)
    всё предложе́ниеvsjo predložénijethe whole sentence / the entire sentence



всё (vsjon sg

  1. neuter nominative/accusative singular of весь (vesʹ)
    Он меня́ет часть предложе́ния, но не всё.On menjájet častʹ predložénija, no ne vsjo.It changes part of the sentence, but not all of it.



всё (vsjon sg

  1. neuter nominative/accusative singular of весь (vesʹ)



всё (vsjon sg

  1. neuter nominative singular of весь (vesʹ)



всё (vsjon inan sg

  1. everything
    Они́ всё объясни́ли.Oní vsjo obʺjasníli.They explained everything.
  2. Used in certain situations where in English "it" or "things" would be used. Has the approximate meaning of "the situation".
    Synonym: де́ло (délo)
    Всё не так про́сто.Vsjo ne tak prósto.It isn't that simple. (literally, “Everything isn't that simple.”)
    Всё идёт не по пла́ну.Vsjo idjót ne po plánu.Things aren't going to plan. (literally, “Everything is going not according to plan.”)
    Всё норма́льно.Vsjo normálʹno.It's okay. (literally, “Everything is okay.”)
    У меня́ всё хорошо́.U menjá vsjo xorošó.I'm fine. (literally, “For me everything is (going) well.”)
  3. (in the genitive case) used after comparatives of adjectives or adverbs as one way to form the superlative
    Synonyms: (usually when talking about people) всех (vsex), (with adjectives or adverbs; placed in front) наибо́лее (naibóleje), (with adjectives; placed in front) са́мый (sámyj)
    интере́снее всего́interésneje vsevómost interesting (literally, “more interesting than everything”) (genitive case is one way to indicate an object of comparison)
    Лу́чше всего́ испо́льзовать компью́тер.Lúčše vsevó ispólʹzovatʹ kompʹjúter.It's best to use a computer. (literally, “Better than everything is to use a computer.”)



Derived terms




всё (vsjo)

  1. (colloquial) always, all the time, constantly
    Synonyms: всегда́ (vsegdá), всё вре́мя (vsjo vrémja), постоя́нно (postojánno)
    Он всё хоте́л верну́ться домо́й.On vsjo xotél vernútʹsja domój.He kept wanting to return home.
    Я всё хоте́л тебя́ спроси́ть...Ja vsjo xotél tebjá sprosítʹ...I've been wanting to ask you...
  2. (colloquial) still
    Synonyms: всё ещё (vsjo ješčó), до сих по́р (do six pór)
    Он всё тот же.On vsjo tot že.He's still the same guy.
    всё бо́льше и бо́льшеvsjo bólʹše i bólʹšemore and more
  3. (colloquial) only, merely, specifically, namely
    Synonyms: и́менно (ímenno), лишь (lišʹ), то́лько (tólʹko)
    Э́то всё ты́ винова́т!Éto vsjo tý vinovát!It's all your fault!
  4. (colloquial, predicative) that's it, done, enough
    Synonyms: дово́льно (dovólʹno), доста́точно (dostátočno), коне́ц (konéc), ко́нчено (kónčeno), хва́тит (xvátit)
    Вот и всё.Vot i vsjo.That's all / That's it.

Usage notes


See весь (vesʹ) for other adverb senses not limited to the neuter nominative/accusative singular form.

Derived terms




всё (vsjo)

  1. (colloquial) Used to express that one is fed up or has had enough; that's it
    Ну всё! Я ухожу́.Nu vsjo! Ja uxožú.That's it! I'm leaving.
  2. (colloquial) Used to express the completion/achievement of something or that something is enough/sufficient (and often also the desire to move on to something else); alright, okay
    Всё, по́нял.Vsjo, pónjal.Okay, got it.
    Всё, всё, всё, на сего́дня хва́тит.Vsjo, vsjo, vsjo, na sevódnja xvátit.Alright, alright, alright, that's enough for today.
    Всё, мне пора́ (идти́).Vsjo, mne porá (idtí).Alright, it's time for me to head off.


  • Armenian: ֆսյո (fsyo)
  • Georgian: ვსიო (vsio)