for Mr Harry as I wad do for my ain; for, if Cuddie was found worthy to bear testimony in the Grassmarket"———
"And there's gude hope o't," said Alison, "unless you and he change your courses."
"And if," continued Mause, disregarding the interruption, " the bloody Doegs and the flattering Ziphites were to seek to insnare me with a proffer of his remission upon sinful compliances, I wad persevere, natheless, in lifting my testimony against popery, prelacy, antinomianism, erastianism, lapsarianism, sublapsarianism, and the sins and snares of the times—I wad cry as a woman in labour against the black indulgence, that has been a stumbling-block to professors—I wad uplift my voice as a powerful preacher."
"Hout tout, mither," cried Cuddie, interfering, and dragging her off forcibly, "dinna deave the gentlewoman wi' your testimony; ye hae preached eneugh for