in the house of God, and to advance in wisdom and grace as they do in age.
The Child Jesus in the Temple and at Nazareth.
17. Why did Jesus Christ make choice of a poor and humble life?
1. That He might suffer for us from the very beginning of His life; and 2. To teach us that we ought not to love and seek the vain goods of this world.
Application. Give thanks to God with your whole heart for having taken the form of a servant, and become a poor child for the love of you; especially when you hear the Angelus-bell ring in the morning, at noon, and at night. Resolve also to perform all your actions in the manner you know Jesus did His. If you do this, you will be sure to please God, whether you be rich or poor. (Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, or Christmas day.)
The Fourth Article.
'Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. '
(See Short Hist, of Revealed Rel., 25, 26.)
1. What does the Fourth Article of the Creed teach us?
It teaches us that Jesus Christ suffered for us, died on the cross, and was laid in the grave.
2. Did Christ really die?
Yes; His soul was truly separated from His body.
3. Why did Christ will to be buried?
In order that His death might be the more undeniable, and His resurrection the more glorious and credible.
4. Did Christ suffer as God or as man?
Christ suffered as man—that is, according to His human nature.
5. Was Christ compelled to suffer death?