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Toy Story 3

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Toy Story 3 is a 2010 animated film. It is about the toys making their way to a daycare center while Andy is about to go to college, and is the third film of the Toy Story series.

Directed by Lee Unkrich. Produced by Darla K. Anderson. Screenplay by Michael Arndt. Story by John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich.


  • [sees Woody in pile of toys he will give away to Bonnie] Now Woody... he's been my pal as long as I can remember. He's brave, like a cowboy should be, and kind and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special is that he'll never give up on you. Ever. He'll be there for you, no matter what. You think you can take care of him for me? [Bonnie nods] Okay. [gives Woody to Bonnie, who smiles and hugs Woody]


[Woody intercepts One-Eyed Bart on the train]
Woody: [approaches One Eyed Bart and puts his boot on his face] You got a date with justice, One Eyed Bart.
Mr. Potato Head: Too bad, sheriff. I'm a married man.
Woody: [gasps and sees Mrs. Potato Head aka One Eyed Betty] One Eyed Betty?
Mrs. Potato Head: Hyah! HA! [starts swinging her purse at Woody]
Woody: [starts backing up to the end of the train then almost falls] Whoa!
Mrs. Potato Head: HYAH! [knocks Woody off]
Woody: [screams]
Mr. Potato Head: [laughs evilly then frowns]
Jessie: [riding Bullseye with Woody] I think you dropped something, mister!
Mr. Potato Head: Jessie?
Woody: Give it up, Bart! You've reached the end of the line!
Mr. Potato Head: I've always wanted to go out with a bang! [holds a switch to arm a bomb on the tracks]

[the toys are on their way to Sunnyside Daycare while Barbie is in tears]
Mrs. Potato Head: Oh, it's all right, Barbie. You'll be okay.
Barbie: Well, Molly and I have been growing apart for years, it's just... I can't believe she would THROW ME AWAY!
Mr. Potato Head: Welcome to the club, toots.
Woody: Okay, guys. We can make it back to Andy's, but we gotta move fast. We'll hide under the seats until we get back home.
Mr. Potato Head: Get it through your vinyl noggin, Woody! Andy doesn't want us anymore.
Woody: He was putting you IN THE ATTIC!!!
Jessie: He left us on the curb!
Buzz: All right, calm down! Both of you!
Woody: Okay. Fine. Fine. Just wait'll you see what daycare's like.
Rex: Why? What's it like?
Woody: Daycare is a sad, lonely place for washed up old toys who have no owners.
[Barbie wails]
Hamm: Quite the charmer, aren't ya?
Woody: Oh, you'll see. As soon as we get to day care, you'll be beggin' to go home!

[Lotso's gang hangs out inside a vending machine]
Ken: Hey, what do you guys think of the new recruits? Any keepers?
Stretch: Oh, please. Landfill? [laughs]
Ken: Cowgirl? Dinosaur?
Twitch: Toddler fodder.
Ken: What about that space guy? He could be useful.
Chunk: He ain't the sharpest knife in the place where they keep the knives.
Sparks: Neither are you, Chunk. [they all laugh again]
Twitch: You got a little keeper yourself, didn't ya, Ken?
Ken: Hey, lay off, Twitch. Barbie's different.
Stretch: Aww, Mr. Softy over here.
Chunk: What do you expect from a girl's toy?
Ken: I'm not a girl's toy! I'm not! Why do you guys keep saying that?
Twitch: Ah, all them toys are disposable. We'll be lucky if they last us a week.

Woody: Woah-woah, hey listen. If any of you guys ever get to Sunnyside Daycare, you tell them Woody made it home.
Dolly: You came from Sunnyside?!
Trixie: But, how did you escape?!
Woody: Well, it wasn't easy... what do you mean, escape?
Mr. Pricklepants: Sunnyside is a place of ruin and despair, ruled by an evil bear who smells of strawberries.
Woody: L-Lotso?!
Buttercup: The guy may seem plush and huggable on the outside, but inside, he's a monster.
Woody: Wha-how did you know that?
Mr. Pricklepants: Chuckles, he'll tell you.
[Chuckles explains his story about Lotso to Woody]
Chuckles: Yeah, I knew Lotso. He was a good toy, a friend. Me and him, we had the same kid: Daisy. I was there when Lotso got unwrapped. Daisy loved us all. But Lotso... Lotso was special. They did everything together. You've never seen a kid and a toy more in love. One day we took a drive. Hit a rest stop. Had a little playtime. After lunch, Daisy fell asleep. She never came back. Lotso wouldn't give up. It took forever but we finally made it back to Daisy's. But by then, it was too late. Something changed that day inside Lotso. Something snapped. [remembers flashback]
Lotso: She replaced us. Come on.
Chuckles: No! She only replaced you.
Lotso: [turns to Chuckles threateningly] SHE REPLACED ALL OF US!!! DIDN'T SHE?! [grabs Big Baby as he tries to get to the window] She don't love you no more! [rips off Big Baby's name tag and throws it] NOW, COME ON! [drags Big Baby out with him]
Chuckles: [narrates] We were lost. Cast off, unloved, unwanted. Then we found Sunnyside. But Lotso wasn't my friend anymore. [back to the present] He wasn't anyone's friend. He took over Sunnyside and rigged the whole system.
Woody: So how'd you get out?
Chuckles: I got broke. Bonnie found me, took me home. Other toys, they weren't so lucky. It ain't right what Lotso done. New toys, they don't stand a chance.
Woody: Look, my friends are in there.
Buttercup: You can't go back!
Mr. Prickleplants: Pretending now would be suicide!
Dolly: But what about your Andy?
Trixie: Isn't he leaving for college?

[the Chatter Telephone rings; Woody picks up his receiver]
Woody: Hello?
Chatter Telephone: You shouldn't have come back, cowboy. They've cracked down hard since you left – more guards, more patrols... You and your friends ain't ever gettin' out of here now.
Woody: I made it out once.
Telephone: You got lucky once. Want my advice? Keep your heads down. You'll survive.
Woody: Yeah, for how long?
Telephone: I've been here years; they'll never break me. There's only one way toys leave this place. [Both see the janitor dropping a broken toy train down the trash chute] Poor fella. Trash truck comes at dawn, then it's off to the dump.
Woody: Look, I appreciate your concern, old-timer, but we have a kid waiting for us. Now we're leaving. If you'd help us, one toy to another, I'd sure be grateful.
Telephone: [sighs] Well... if you're gonna get out, first things you're gonna get through is the doors. Locked every night, inside and out, keys are left on a hook in the office.
Woody: Got it. What else?
Telephone: Lotso has trucks patrolling all night long. Hallway, lobby, playground...
Woody: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but what about the wall?
Telephone: Eight feet high, cinder block – no way through it. You go over, or under.
Woody: That's it? It doesn't seem so bad.
Telephone: It's not. Your real problem's the Monkey. The Monkey's the eye in the sky. He sees everything... classrooms, hallways, even the playground. You can unlock doors, sneak past guards, climb the wall – but if you don't take out that Monkey, you ain't goin' nowhere. You wanna get outta here? GET RID OF THAT MONKEY!

Lotso: Well, well! Look who's back.
[Stretch finds Woody and his friends, while Twitch and Sparks hit a badly damaged Chatter Telephone from up the wall]
Chatter Telephone: I'm sorry, cowboy... [Woody gasps in horror] They broke me.
Lotso: What are you all doing? Running back to your kid? He don't want you no more.
Woody: That's a lie!
Lotso: Is it? Tell me this, sheriff. If your kid loves you so much, why is he leaving? You think you're special, cowboy? You're a piece of plastic, you were made to be thrown away! [hears beeping] Speak of the devil. [notices a garbage truck in the distance, as Jessie gasps in horror]
Lotso: Now, we need toys in our caterpillar room, and you need to avoid that truck. Say, why don't you come on back, join our family again?
Jessie: This isn't a family, it's a prison! You're a liar and a bully! And I rather rot in this dumpster than join any "family" of yours!
Barbie: Jessie's right! Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force!
Lotso: If that's what you want.
[Lotso and his gang are about to push Woody and his friends into the dumpster; all the while the garbage truck is halfway there]
Ken: Barbie, wait! Don't do this, Lotso!
Lotso: [turns to Ken threatingly] She's a Barbie doll, Ken! There's a hundred million, just like her!
Ken: Not to me, there's not. [Barbie gasps in relief]
Lotso: Fine! Then why don't you join them?! [picks up Ken and throws him into Andy's toys]
Barbie: Oh, Ken!
Ken: Everyone, listen! Sunnyside can be cool and groovy if we treated each other fair! It's Lotso! He's made us into a pyramid, and he put himself on top!
Lotso: Anyone concur with Ken? [the garbage truck gets closer] I didn't throw you away, your kid did! Ain't one kid ever loved a toy, really. Chew on that when you're at the dump! [turns away and starts to walk off]
Woody: Wait! What about Daisy?
Lotso: [stops with an angry look behind] I don't know what you're talkin' about.
Woody: Daisy? You used to do everything with her?
Lotso: Yeah. Then she threw us out.
Woody: No. She lost you!
Lotso: She replaced us!
Woody: She replaced YOU! And if you couldn't have her, then no one could! You lied to Big Baby, and you've been lyin' ever since! [holds up Big Baby's "Daisy" nametag]
Lotso: [sees the nametag and is stunned with anger] Where'd you get that?!
Woody: She loved you, Lotso.
Lotso: She never loved me!!
Woody: As much as any kid ever loved a toy. [tosses the tag across the dumpster; Big Baby picks it up]
Big Baby: Mama...
Lotso: [snatches the tag] What?! You want your mommy back?! She never loved you! DON'T BE SUCH A BABY!!! [crushes it with his cane, while Big Baby starts crying] Push them in! ALL OF THEM! [Stretch hesitantly starts to push Woody and his friends in the dumpster] This is what happens when you dummies try to think! [angrily jabs Big Baby with his cane, while Sparks and Twitch gasp in horror] WE'RE ALL JUST TRASH, WAITING TO BE THROWN AWAY! THAT'S ALL A TOY IS!!! [Big Baby suddenly lifts him up; his cane drops out of his paws] Hey! Stop it! Put me down, you idiot! [Big Baby throws him into the dumpster] No, no! Wait a minute! Big Baby, wait! [Big Baby slams the lid]
Rex: He's gone!
Mr. Potato Head: Holy cow!
[Big Baby blows a raspberry at Lotso]


Teaser Trailer

[the screen shows Disney and Pixar logos, the soldiers climb down]
Sarge: Groups ensembled, sir!
Woody: Good work, Sarge. All right, folks, let's go! We don't have much time.
Sarge: You heard it, man. Let's move some plastic!
[Bullseye rolls the ball by Woody]
Woody: Bullseye, looking good! Good work, fellas. Whoa! Hey! Impressive.
Rex: Oh, I can hardly wait!
Woody: Other way, Rex. Hey, Slinky. Go along! [catches the strap]
Mrs. Potato Head: Hurry up!
Mr. Potato Head: Yes, dear.
Mrs. Potato Head: My arms are getting tired.
Mr. Potato Head: Oh, great. I threw my back out. [to Hamm] Hey, what do you think you're doing?
Hamm: I'm supervising.
Woody: All right, keep it moving. Keep it moving!
Jessie: [bounces on a pogo stick] Look out, cowboy!
Woody: Whoa! Jessie!
Jessie: Yeehaw!
Woody: [sees the title card] Not too shabby, huh? Look at this! And you guys were worried! Didn't I tell you it look great, huh? [bumps Buzz] Buzz, where the heck have you been?
Buzz: Sorry, Woody. I'm gonna fall night working out little or something.
[they see the film's title]
Mr. Potato Head: Hey, wow!
Hamm: Wow, that's holy thespian! Look at that!
Buzz: All stuff, really. Your basic vacuform bolly carboned with a high gloss sealer to bring out the shine.
Hamm: Hey.
Woody: [scoffs] At least I was lit up.
[Buzz claps to the gang, then the lights turn on]
Woody: Well, that's just great. [gets electrocuted]
Buzz: Aw, come on, Woody. You do it.
Woody: All right, fine. [puts up June 18, 2010]
Buzz: There you go. Now that's impressive.
Woody: Yeah, I guess it does look pretty good.
Buzz: I wouldn't have done it any different myself. [opens the communicator, then the new text appears]
Woody: [off screen] I saw that!
[Buzz runs to Woody]

Encyclopedic article on Toy Story 3 on Wikipedia

  Films     Toy Story  (1995) · Toy Story 2  (1999) · Toy Story 3  (2010) · Toy Story 4  (2019)  
  Spin‑offs     Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins  (2000) · Lightyear  (2022)  
  Shorts     Toy Story Toons  (2011-12)  
  Television     Buzz Lightyear of Star Command  (2000–2001) · Toy Story of Terror!  (2013) · Toy Story That Time Forgot  (2014)  
  Musical     Toy Story: The Musical  (2008)  
  Characters     Sheriff Woody · Buzz Lightyear · Jessie