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Stephen Buoro

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Stephen Buoro (born 1993) is a Nigerian writer known for his distinctive voice and narrative style in contemporary African literature. He gained recognition with his debut novel, The Five Sorrowful Mysteries of Andy Africa, published in 2023 by Bloomsbury.



The Five Sorrowful Mysteries of Andy Africa (2023)

  • I’m a Homo habilis”; “the pig and ape that I am”; “Is she not afraid I might stain her, my colour jump onto her like in those monster horror films?
  • White like chalk. So white, unlike Father McMahon, who our evil sun has turned to a red man.
  • The x of the equation is that there’s a blonde here in Kontagora, a platinum blonde if I’ll believe Isaiah.
  • Marilyn Monroe who has never had mosquitoes sing in her ears and suck her blood, leaving red swellings as they fly away. A Princess Diana who has never woken up at midnight with hunger. A Taylor Swift who has never experienced a blackout.
  • ...whites are so rich that they can wipe their anuses with money.
  • Her handwriting, tbh, is like the prints of a hen digging for food, i.e. barely legible.
  • ..writes as clearly and sweetly as Hillary Clinton.
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