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From Wikiquote

The neck is the part of the body on many vertebrates that connects the head with the torso. The neck supports the weight of the head and protects the nerves that carry sensory and motor information from the brain down to the rest of the body. In addition, the neck is highly flexible and allows the head to turn and flex in all directions.


  • Thy neck is like the tower of David builded for an armoury, whereon there hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men.
  • Hir necke like to an yvorie shining tower
    Where through with azure veynes sweete Nectar runnes,
    Or like the downe of Swannes where Senesse woons,
    Or like delight that doth it self devore.
  • Her necke like to a stately towre,
    Where Love himselfe imprisoned lies.
  • Even as delicious meat is to the tast,
    So was his necke in touching, and surpast
    The white of Pelops' shoulder.
  • Fair as an Ivory Column’s tow’ring Height,
    Her lofty Neck advances to the Sight.
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