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Dressed to Kill (1946 film)

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Dressed to Kill is a 1946 film about Sherlock Holmes investigating the murders of people who purchased music boxes.

Directed by Roy William Neill. Written by Frank Gruber.
Queen... of a Crime Cult!  (taglines)

Sherlock Holmes

  • Elementary, my dear fellow, one of the first principles in solving crime is never to disregard anything no matter how trivial.
  • The truth is only arrived at... by the pain staking process of eliminating the untrue.
  • However, it's a mistake to accept something that's true merely because it's obvious.

Colonel Cavanaugh

  • [to a handcuffed Holmes, who is hanging from a beam] You find yourself like Muhammad's coffin, Mr. Holmes, suspended between Heaven and Earth.


  • Mrs. Hilda Courtney: It's so fearfully awkward, having a dead body lying about. Don't you agree Mr. Holmes?


Commissioner of Scotland Yard: Before going further, Dr. Watson, I must inform you that this matter is not to be mentioned outside of this room.
Dr. John H Watson: [Indignantly] Of course not. Do I look like a man who'd gossip?
Sherlock Holmes: Let's not go into that now, old fellow, shall we?

Sherlock Holmes: [Holmes and Watson are in a pub to see Joe Cisto, a piano player. Holmes introduces Cisto to Watson] I want you to meet a friend of mine, Dr. Watson. Joe Cisto.
Joe Cisto: Oh, well, any friend of Mr. Holmes is a friend of mine.
Dr. John H Watson: How are you, Joe?
Joe Cisto: He did me a good turn once that I'll never forget.
Sherlock Holmes: Yes, I cleared Joe of a most unpleasant charge.
Joe Cisto: Murder no less.
Dr. John H Watson: Oh, really?
Sherlock Holmes: By proving to the satisfaction of the police that he was busy at the time blowing open someone's safe.

Colonel Cavanaugh: By this time Mr. Holmes has exchanged his violin for a harp.
Mrs. Hilda Courtney: Oh, well, we're assuming Heaven is his destination.

Dr. John H Watson: I say, Holmes?
Sherlock Holmes: What?
Dr. John H Watson: It's morning.
Sherlock Holmes: Allow me to congratulate you on a brilliant bit of deduction.

Dr. John H Watson: Holmes! You all right?
Sherlock Holmes: Perfectly! Thank you, old fellow, but I think this gentleman on the floor requires some medical attention. We must see he looks his best, you know, when he's hanged.

Inspector Hopkins: I still don't understand how you solved it, Mr. Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes: It's entirely due to Doctor Watson. He gave me the clue when he mentioned Doctor Samuel Johnson.
Inspector Hopkins: Well, congratulations, Doctor.
Dr. John H Watson: Oh, thank you, Inspector. I don't think I could have done it entirely without Mr. Holmes' help, you know.


  • Queen... of a Crime Cult!


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